Wednesday, October 5, 2022

The food chain feeding frenzy: It is dangerous for me to continue to write, but I am under "mind control" in order to extract my writing. The conundrum is further compounded by how the terrorists (celebrities of H-wood and politicians in congress of both parties, famous in Progressive and Right-wing extremist circles all operating as one unit attacking me with the same agenda and the same Methodology.

 They have absolutely no compunction in further torturing me for descrying their "favorite" symbols of "radical liberalism" in the media as entertainment factors selling the "alternative" while fully supplicating themselves to the fascist and Nazi/mafia agenda of "One power to rule them all" Eye of Sauron effect. I could write with more academic flavor but the flavor is stale and I am spicing it up with other entertainment clips (if you could call Tolkien's Lord of the Rings as entertainment and not a moral play drama allegory about Nazification of the planet and impending one-world system of technological control abounding in "evil" forces devouring and subjugating as a constant).


That I have in the same one week experienced men of black and white skin color absolutely defending women who are the rape and violent enablers of the white rape male supremacist cliche that they are fully a part of is amazing. Both this morning in teleportation and just two days ago I said in this defensive violent and anger mode (I believe the people controlling the mind control and teleportation technology are forcing my brainwaves into this lowered state of cognitive rage and hate instead of calm and deliberate analysis--so necessary to deal with these irrational hate parasites attacking me--as they use any and all excuses mostly the most insanely stupid to attack me, most of it incorrect, absurd and irrelevant and not really anything I am actually "guilty" of in any way. From the music I listen to which is otherwise considered artistic, but they claim it's bad taste and only because I listen to it and then they continue to insult me. The point is just to insult me in everything I do unless it is as mediocre as they deem their underlings non-threatening to them will do for the sake of conformity and safety. Thump, thump marching orders and etc.


But TWO OF THESE outspoken advocates of "liberal" rights--both from "minority" (minion) groups who are supposed to "represent" have shrugged and softly smiled in between snarls of hate and insults and threats at me (in teleportation) while I fought with them and the women they adore or are defending because they represent the female rape enabling for men like them to present as their allies in their "war" on racism or injustice (as I wrote, all absolutely operating in alliances with the most fascist and oppressive players in the field of threat that now looms over America and the planet in all it's inter-lacing intersections of power and control). 


They shrug callously when I say that these women have capitalized on me being raped by their white supremacist men (from Europe or Europhiles fully incorporated into an international fascist/mafia global alliance working for a mind control and financial and every other facet of takeover of all media, operations and government. I say this from having been a target and having to move around the USA and then the planet for years and have found this first-hand in my face in a DECADE of teleportation experiences with people of higher and higher influence in American and world politics/media. Thus, this is not a conspiracy theory, in no way, shape or form. I just don't have the evidence to back it up, as this is so secretive that "everyone" knows but remains silent and keeps me suppressed in order to retain even the slightest semblance of revelation openly about how they continue to exert their control, even if they are on lower ranks of the system. 


It happened again today that I wrote about a female who has obtained a decade of career advancement by her father and then her own participation in brutality towards me in all these various means of covert torture/rape, theft (of course she has stolen ideas from me and concepts and used them to sell a fake altruistic persona about her greedy and basically programmed into entitlement stance on how she is entitled--with full Europi-a fascist and mafia support and absolutely endless money poured into her plastic surgery Nazification appearance, along with the rest of them. The "opposition" is attacking me for writing about their endless concealed fascism and Nazification and their crimes, which they elaborate upon when they can use it to project themselves as being fully into fighting against all evils of the planet especially when it comes to racism or sexism. They shrug in front of the sitting rows of the celebrities and those in the background who fund and monitor them all to make sure, damn sure, they are conforming to the "agenda" of absolute deadly violence heaped upon anyone who won't easily accept the lies they project and want independence of thought and action, outside of their control or system.


Again and again in the same week I have been yelling--in teleportation-0-at men, or making statements using every kind of analysis at my disposal while in this state, mostly unconscious and not being able to cloak my words in politically correct subtleties--which these haters also exploit to torture me even more for saying such honest blatancies while in the state they force me into--while for years all I have done is shout to leave me alone and stop doing this, finally. 

It is amazing, and they defend these women with absolute hate directed at me. The blondish Nazi women who have been handed titles about how they conform to the most Nazi iconography and thus are showered with awards for the plastic surgery alterations in their facial structures, eye color and hair color and body shape which they are paid in millions to work into these shapes--handed every thing possible for their appearance and they shower me with mutilation and blemishes and then the "liberal" and other fascist men laugh and mock how bad I look in comparison to these women showered with money for every day daily additions to their appearance while I am poisoned, cut into, damaged permanently by the mechanical arms and the minions poisoning my food and body and home so I breathe, eat and am forced into filth, poverty and sickness while they mark up my body with chemicals and destruction to my health and beauty. 
The rigged "beauty contest" while I am also in a state of enraged defense with my "back against the wall" also helps the smirking and smiling bigots to sit back glaring in hate and telling these men who adore these women and rape and beat and abuse me--but it's not necessarily out of "love" for these women as they are, but for what they DO for these rapist abuser men. The "minorities" are some of the most violent in this respect of insulting but the actual violence is done by the more silent white supremacists who just have armies of these minions at their disposal who are themselves of such low self-hating loathing that they eagerly await an opportunity to unleash the hate that hate brought upon them, ordered upon others, by the haters.


Having to deal with this very issue twice just in the last four days, I sit here thinking about somethings I heard on another "liberal" podcast detailing power structure, written by Sociologist C. Wright Mills and power/society and control. This podcast just popped up after I wrote my last few posts today and essentially echoed many of the disjointed, mind control blocked phrases that I had written, despite whatever the terrorist hackers had done to dilute my writings but their inevitable deletion hacking interventions and rewrites of my words--deleting grammar, deleting parts of sentences and then pasting the rest together, etc etc ad nausium.


They hail these woman who support their hate towards women who don't play the "sexualized goddess" role, which essentially is a very short-term enterprise of "worshipping" a woman until she is disposable, or receives youth-enhancing plastic surgery well into her senior citizen years (some of the celebrities have done very well at this; but I have been put into the position of not being able to afford the healthy food I need to just heal from all the poisoning and abuse they shower upon me every single day without exception. They also keep using mind control to try to extract more ideas from me and then torture me for writing about what sickness they are towards me and in general).

I wrote of the women who perform the cheerleader roles for the male rapist promotional schemes. They are indispensable to the rape culture status quo and thus are highly coveted and cherished. The blonde women in particular because they exemplify a huge market for minorities to fund their investment schemes in making everyone have to conform to their standards of beauty--as part of a racist scheme to control people through self-abnegation and/or loathing because these images of these women are so constantly thrust into people's faces as the one and ultimate concept of what is to be honored and respected. Thus the "righteous" minority advocates (one is "jewish" the other is "black") have defended these women who uphold their own unprincipled assimilation into white supremacy facsist/nazi/mafia political or media participation as icons in their own programmed "right". One of the major events of this hate crime upon me is for these plastic surgery endless beauty-treatment celebrity Nazi women to have all these men shout into my face that these women are so much more beautiful than me, and my claims and the reality that they have violently assaulted me when I finally reacted to their participation of rape and torture upon me; all of them have stolen ideas from me, all these women, all sat back smirking or helping as the bigots yelled racial slurs into my face; all got lead roles in movies shortly thereafter and endlessly afterwards to this very moment; all coveted and when I write of their sickness And crimes I am assaulted and mostly by the "darker" minority men who absolutely love these women to the point of abject slave worship and "hate" upon me like the most violent of slavers possible, of course dumping their misery upon me and feeling lightened after the burden of so much kneeling in abject worship to violent controllers who so carefully have used mind control of torture, murder and rape and abuse upon them and their mothers and females in order to get these men to assault women of their "kind" because of this very well-established mind control trick of assimilating the victims into the victimizer culture.


So I am endlessly beset with men who yell hate and insults at me because I write posts about Nazi culture, have defended myself while they are attacking me in their "victimized" minority status in order to get promotions for more blathering clown acts about how they are "fighting" racism and sexism for more political leverage and especially in the entertainment and media (even YouTube) o-sphere-o-rama circus.


It is revolting, and it's gone on for years and years. It seems like everyone on the planet only respects and loves Nazi women who party and dance while their vicious men and enslaved minority minions do their violent dirty work for them, and these women are doing the dirty work for their white rapist racist men, but because they are collateral beneficiaries of the huge outpouring of money and promotions, they are almost considered to be at the actual power level of the white males who sit back watching the entire feeding frenzy for a bit of power that they throw into the general feeding frenzy pool.


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