Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Precious animals are starting to die due to global warming impact(s)--where is any conservationist group to defend Thailand? Where is stinky tunaberg to come and hiss about how hateful America is and it's environmental plunder but now with the Euro-p-a plunder of SE Asia for it's endless months of paid-for vacation to live in a plantation paradise of endless construction and deforestation so they can feel like royalty while in Thailand?


"Monkeys pillaging homes in Ayutthaya due to floods". Thaiger. October 18, 2022.


Where are you stinky Greta? The construction for more greasy greedy pig apes out of your continent to come and exploit is endlessly continuing and there is no protestation here about how much land is being cemented over--how many animals are dying, how much flooding there is due expressly to climate change. Where is anyone? I am continuously torture for writing my posts so I have to ask you do-nothing f-ers out there reading this to stop supporting these disgusting group which needs a Nazi/Mafia global plantation master-slave planet for their endless luxury death paradigm.
rotten Greta (stinky tuna berg) was right alongside the criminal terrorist H-wood celebrities attacking me for no justification other than she was hoping to get an activist award from a German (Nazi) organization, which of course promptly handed her the award a few weeks (like two) after having attacked me in the usual terror teleportation circle which remains the same at the core but with a never-ending peripheral flux of opportunism.
What about the celebrity rape culture bigot 4th Reich terrorists who prance around with their "activism" in huge parades in Los Angeles as the cameras flash, while they spout all kinds of bs about how they are "fighting" climate change and/or denial. These who do that are those who have been handed mansions here in Phuket for their active and never-ending, ongoing terrorism in teleportation and the gang stalking violence/murder operation that is endlessly forced upon me. They have been handed businesses and mansions and etc by the Nazi/Mafia and fascist 4th Reich which has their own huge sprawling mansions overlooking the vast Andaman Sea--having taken up the entire coast with their luxury crap. There is no end to the devastation of the land here in Phuket. The most beautiful area remaining on the island is slated to be completely bulldozed to make way for a convention center so Phuket can host a variety of "global market", "World Class" events. That is the area near the airport called Thalang. It is so peaceful, beautiful and bucolic, one of the last areas that has of course endless tracts of housing and endless construction, but there are wide open spaces which MUST be covered with cement for $-making opportunities so more fat, ugly old men on their pensions can come and marry a servile Thai girl his grand daughter's age who will cook, clean and "let him cheat" at the girly bars (yes, this is a stereotype but I've heard about it and seen it and not only from nasty hateful rotten old white pigape Europigape men, but the younger ones absolutely emulate this and are more violent about their usurpation than the older, more sedate pig apes, their fathers or grandfathers or their equivalent as images to imitate).
No one, there is no protest going on. What there has been has been quashed by the fascist Europigape-controlled powers that be--can't go into more details as they created a no protest zone here in this country for years under a type of Martial Law. No protests whatsoever. the pig apes from Whorewood gravitate here to fully enjoy what they are trying covertly to create in America, but taken over by Europigapes, their friends they welcome in with open arms and legs who call Americans "stupid" but of course not those greedy and sleazy stupid pig apes of Whorewood--they only tell me I'm "stupid" after they steal ideas from me because they can only follow orders and can't think outside their well-padded boxes---. They are well-welcomed here in Phuket as the ravaging bulldozers and the greedy whore-mongering plantation owners and the subservient slaves all welcome them in and attack me for every post to the contrary of their most disgusting system. They will only stop once they have plundered and destroyed all. They are truly locusts.
I know this propensity towards piggish locust predatory devouring of every single thing they can rape and steal and murder and destroy if they want to have it and eliminate all competition because they have gotten to the point of almost literally abusing me to death, endlessly for years I have been literally fighting for my life as they poison and torture me in order to get more deals, more promotions, more ideas to plunder out of me. The more I fight for my life and fight to get them off me the more vicious they are, and more of these ape whores latch onto the contract with violence and hate and insults to push me down so they can also get free mansion in Thailand, deals, promotions and they never stop--they can never stop--it's such an endless nightmare. All of you remain silent about this and you too are part of the huge enormity of this deadly surge in locust pig ape vulturism/racism/fascism/mafia/nazi/4th reich full bs posturing pig ape whorewood problem that no one will expose or even recognize as being seriously adverse to the survival of the planet in their pushing of this agenda through their shitty fashion fascist movie hate and violence propaganda. Working of course with politicians of the same exact ilk who do the same bs posturings and also get their mansions here in Phuket as it's being slowly eradicated until it will become another Los Angeles with filth, homeless, crime, poverty, destruction of nature, etc and these pigs will just move on to the next place with all the money they have accrued from all the theft and plunder and all the hand-outs by their Dark Money promoters who want endless fascist Nazi plantations.
To hell with drowning monkeys, they need more blow jobs more orgies more luxury more fashion shows more lead roles in movies they need more political power-ups they need and need with greed and greed.
And the "reason", I mean excuse that nasty Greta used, without having to verbally express it, was because I wrote on my facebook page that all the pigs and apes and dumb scum out of Whorewood have stolen for all these years, this page, was that Phuket is being destroyed by development by the fascist 4th Reich for it's plantation pleasure investment portfolios. She jumped at the chance, just like all the shitty foul and violent "millennials" who are so uncool as I have seen them at this point,that I find that the problem is not the older people it's the younger people who have been trained endlessly in 4th Reich mode and mentality to believe they truly are entitled to every thing possible for them to just violently steal and take if they can. They lack any true humanitarian principle, that I have seen because this generation has been handed technologies and comforts that the planet has probably never seen in this mass production capacity--and thus the planet is dying from all the death it is causing. But dirty stinky Greta--jumped to attack me and I had written a post just about this issue, the so many Northern Europigapes come to Phuket to get their massages and almost free sex and cleaning maids--and bowing males who hand over their daughters for mutual investment opportunities so their lands can be plundered by the old men, the THais, get a bit of the money for once instead of working 12 hour days, and the women as well.
But to continue: Greta attacked me and within a few weeks got her German award and has been somewhat muted in her worldwide anti-American rants about our pollution but not her country, and never has she nor anyone I know of actually gone on a ranting crusade about the water park that was built covering huge swaths of beach land, which has all been devoured by pleasure vacation hotels and mansions only for white Europigape and Western investment pleasure palaces--with attendant slaves and such low cost for so many things it's like all is essentially for free here for the highly strong Europigape currencies (or it has been that way). Their banking inequity strategies for "developing" countries and the plunder these pig apes Nazis obtained from their initial investment derived from all the millions killed in the Holocaust--and they are just on their 4th Reich vacation master-slave retirement/orgy vacation/family relaxation weeks and months of coagulating in Thailand and looking for Thai women to marry to invest in--due to Thai laws they can't just waltz in and buy property they have to have a Thai partner and many just marry these women--so the business arrangements look like something you would NEVER see in Europigapeland of white males with minority females--which is not exactly welcomed in bigot fascist racist Europigapeland.
But now, after Greta--her damned country has turned proto-fascist in their new recruitment of their former Nazi allegiances that they hid for over 60 years post WWII.
And what I had said was as usual correct about yet another one. She has not come here to protest this land grab encroachment, her Nazified country and her neighboring countries continue the fascist Nazi expansion into places in SE Asia. The rain this past week has been worse than I recall ever seeing because there was a cyclone that lasted and is still pulsing rain and rain--in a system that I think I have never seen in THailand all my years of living here. I just wrote a few days ago about the Russians at this bank, the one bank that allows a cash advance as all the gang stalking businesses here will openly discriminate me a la Jim Crow style discrimination to my face--not openly expressing a racial distinction but it's open enough, always white bigot pig apes are standing in the vicinity listening and watching with smug smiles as their dumb minority minions do the nasty work for them at these Thai-owned businesses. All loving their masters like the slaves that they are, but deny as they are all "in love" with one another when they get "married".
So the monkeys are dying. So what? We have our vacation mansion, the pig apes from whorewood can fly here on their private jets, get slaves to suck and clean and serve them just like the slaves they have in LA and in the rest of the world--all the "developing country minions" that they condescendingly welcome with warm smiles, and sometimes have sex with on the odd occasion that their divorce settlements have not finalized and they are in an interim sleaze vacation time frame.
No concern for the dying animals. They enjoy killing my animals I love when I fight against their endless murder of me and enslavement, with politicians, senators and congress people coming in to threaten me alongside them (or participate in--btw 5 of them are now in top consideration for US President in the 2024 elections--according to USA Today--or, I saved the article, maybe it was The HIll but I think it was more of a media rag style journalism).
My brain and mental cognition and functioning is discombobulated while I fight to get past the hacking--I "forgot" to add so many points to the above, as just using the keyboard is so fraught with blocks even that would stop anyone from fluid retention of ideas--but the mind control tech blasting my brain simultaneously makes writing nearly impossible without "forgetting" maybe 1/3 of what I was originally going to write, and then adding stuff I never thought of, in language I really would not otherwise use (especially when on a mind-controlled rant state):
I wrote a post a few days ago, maybe 6, about Russians ordered to surround me at a bank so I had to wait 45 minutes in order to finally reach a teller window to withdraw my money. This was at 2:45 pm, when banking traffic is already slowed down, but they had the entire building packed--this is not "high season" for PHuket either--but I wrote about the endless construction going on , after being pushed into by nasty Russians,m who are just like the nasty stalkers from every country but because a teleporting terrorist is out of Russia I was made specifically aware as almost all of them had their maroon Russian passports on the tables as they sat with slow-moving bank employees or their costumed agents ever-so-slowly "helping" them to open bank accounts--to fill a few lines of papers to open an account, and etc while they took up every chair; none of them wore masks and all were packed elbow-to-wlbow in this tiny, stuffed room in t his bank---
Construction, construction resuming from the endless onslaught of the island that I have witnessed for the 11+ years I have mostly spent my time in isolation as pig ape f-er after scumbag had me poisoned and then they teleported and tortured, abused and raped adn beat and robbed ideas out of me and blocked my body, home and life from my own experience--then calling me names about how incompetent I supposedly am, and then blocking health care while they were mutilating, torture and poisoning me every day and night--for over a decade without one single day of it being stopped--not a SINGLE DAY and it's still ongoing.
I wrote about this destruction and the greed and the Nazi/mafia mentality so they tortured me again and again--the two new terrorists have been going at me specifically while I am in the shower cleaning off the filth that they are also ordering being sprayed on my clothing while I sleep--my apron is sprayed every day so it stinks--abuse and really yelling violent nastiness from the pair of them--this morning spent over TWO HOURS cleaning the area under my sink, which I keep tied up with metal hooks and strings so they can't destroy my body with mechanical arms, mostly while I sit in this chair in front of the computer because I am in too much pain to move most of the time from their hardening poisoning as my body is also huge and deformed and I can't move, mostly all day. I had to bend and bend and clean what was stinking fungus water with brown goo everywhere poured into this sealed in area--which I had to untie with the many layers of rubber padding stuffed into the one-inch cabinet door cracks that the terrorists created to insert these mechanical arms into the room from the flimsy "wall" area between my sink and theirs on the other side of this nearly non-existent "wall" separating my room from theirs (the same thing on the other side). As I have been writing of for years and gotten no response or help regarding.
I have had to cover and seal the entire room on all sides and the floors and I can't quite get the ceilings completely covered
This under sink area was saturated with half an inch of stinking water just dormant on the bottom of this cabinet, which I had covered with colorful paper, a design and it was made to look like a kind of aquarium with fish stickers and etc--very pretty when I made it. They pour brown fungus water on it continuously when I leave this room. they made it the worst it has ever been, and upon order of the Senator from S. Carolina and this Russian and the English--all have names, but they really are nameless to me by now as they are so nasty and sick I can't think of them as people any longer. Just more Nazi bigots filled with hate and negativity who can't stand to see me have a chance to compete against them or their filthy skank women of the NazI partnership who want to obtain any position women are allotted by the pig men who trample upon anything they possibly can outside of their pig ape system for their mutual power cartel.
Last night, in the shower, it was dark, they kept the hot water off at first--and they began yelling at me, the English and the rest of the haters were sitting in their rows--the pig pit goon squad with filthalina trying to impress the Russian dancer--and etc, the same bs every time. Always the feminist skank whores who torture me, steal the ideas I write of about domestic violence and feminism who then become "ambassadors" representing abused women for political entities and get endless support for the violence their rapist husbands and men once or twice inflict upon them, a huge catastrophe for the public as they shower the bigot whore skanks with love and support--I write aboutg YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS of being raped and tortured nighly and the pieces of shit get promoted for it. They too steal ideas and shower violence upon me non-stop as the same filthy pig ape women who claim they are feminists who get abused by the same men who they cheer on who rape and beat me in front of them--filthalina and the rest, et al.
So i was screaming in the most violent rage I have ever had--because it's me fighting one fucking pig scumbag after the next, year after year. While I was cleaning the stinking filth poured into this cabinet, the creep from Russia was reclining in this teleportation, very vague ability to "see" this person like a mirage but outlined and almost clear, while "seeing" the actual surroundings in my room, and no matter which direction I turn, they are still in my vision and in my inner ear as I finally just lose it. They smile and laugh and continue.
Meanwhile the rain has not stopped for DAYS on end, literally it's raining day and night and there has been very serious flooding very far away in Australia-=-and the situation is very dire now with this endless pig culture and the destruction they are causing to the planet, which I have been writing of since Trump began his assault upon me in 2016--where I wrote about the threat to the planet that this new fascist trend would bring, and I was tortured and tortured and maimed and raped and m utilated for YEARS by them
and now it's politicians from the Democrat and Republican Parties coming to torture me because they saw what success Trump had with teleporting me and getting promoted into presidential positions--so the creeps are now coming at me in droves from all walks of life, in teleportation it's the people who have monopolized their fields for so long and are considered great and are given everything as they continue to torture me to get more while blocking even the most tiny thing like me having ;my cat returned--and torturing my cat and me is just fun for them. As was killing all the animals I loved which I took in. Thej pigs now teleporting me, while I rant about the political significance of how much destruction just to the environment their collusion with this group is bringing, has brought, they increase the attacks because they want also like the pig pit goon gang to get awards, deals, promotions--Graham the cracker gave pit the pig so many awards that within one month pig pit was handed a mansion and a cosmetic line--within a few weeks and graham took over this conreact and the hate and yelling abuse has gone on unabated. Democrat Raskin joined in, and on and on it goes, without end. Now the rain is pouring down endlessly as it has done for days without pause because of the environmental destruction this group organizing the social engineering for fascist programming must continue it's onward onslaught of rape of the environment because raping people like me, and everything possible, is part of the same poor construction of their plan to supposedly be "superior".
I am writing this once more to try to appeal to you blank, mindless followers who join in with the most stupidity and say and do nothing to stop it or them or help me or nature or the planet. You can protest in large groups for publicity or social approval but you really are helping the real kernel of the problem expand as it devours the planet=--in this situation I endlessly write of concerning me and these most incompetent scumbags you all call your leaders and politicians--every single one of them I have written of in my blog and on this page for all these years.


**NB: after having STRUGGLED endlessly to type this out, I feel so sick and almost nauseous and dizzy due to the attack on my brain from the "mind control" technology. I am absolutely sick from it---like I've been poisoned with some horrid drug---all due to the technology. I could not pound out words without endless struggle with the keyboard almost completely blocked. My head and brain feel like it's all being crushed (slightly, but noticeably) inward as I fight to think. It is hard to see clearly and I am dizzy. That is the outward manifestation of how much technology is being blasted into my brain to stop me from adequately writing about all this sickness. You all keep allowing them to go on. I don't allow them to do any of this I cannot protect myself against this technology, and if no one ever does anything what do you do-nothings out there think they will increase as these insatiable greedy sleazy scumbags want more and more and more and more people to fuck over and screw over (to death)?

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...