Thursday, October 13, 2022

Please boycott Channel products. Channel, something I have never really been impressed with despite it's fame, is a major promotional source of funding and support for this terrorist teleportation fascist/Nazi/mafia ordeal I must undergo every single night while I am asleep, every time I am in my bathroom, mostly while I am relaxing in the shower and fighting to loosen up my muscles so at every vulnerable moment I am relaxed some hater attacks me so they can get more and more and more free deals--the parasites are a never-ending group of co-mutual partners in this hate crime and it is like a swarm of insects literally devouring me to death and abusing me to death, slowly, poisoning and mutilating and abusing me without end hours and hours every day---so Channel, obviously a Nazi and racist organization with tons of minority minions helping to serve as images for popular consumption and selling another Big Lie that this is not a racist institution selling off Nazi iconography (as it is, with minorities now being presented as minority Nazis and bigots--how many of them attack me, it's incalculable by now). Channel, specifically because this is now the third time this company has promoted someone who attacks me in teleportation with violence and utter hate right into my face, who is within a few months promoted as being the "face" for the upcoming fashion show season. These are ugly and sinister skanks, but violence plus plastic surgery plus a high on power sometimes makes people glow, and in addition the money pouring in to everyone attacking me makes them all extremely glowing with power and rewards for fascist performances in private so they can display their "lesbian" and whatever "feminist" and "anti-racist" K-rap they are selling off for the public, but really programming the public into fascist behavior which is transmitted in various subtle ways by their behavior, their fascist posturing and stances and body language and what they emit.//Channel, and many other French companies featuring fashion have been involved in promoting the Americans who threaten or physically attack me in teleportation. it is a fascist fashion terrorist promotional scheme, a feeding frenzy programming spree funded by some enormously wealthy source coming around and in and out of in Whorewood and bought and sold to France fashion houses. Or they are buying and selling the models who are fascist Nazi skanks. Either way, boycott Channel. I would suggest boycotting all the major fashion houses especially out of Europ-a-land and going with alternative sources who can also design and are not obviously fascists. I think this is the way both entertainment and fashion should go. This will help to diffuse the power cartels of fascism and it's fashion appendage.

 I urge people with all seriousness to boycott Channel--at least find a different French designer. This is a firm or industry that has very singularly promoted H-wood abusers who attack me with their rapist male friends and buddies--there was one who was put on a lead position for some fashion season or something--I didn't read too carefully I never do I just glance and see them getting promoted and the sickening to all this repels me so greatly I really don't read what the pieces of excretion of fascist hate are doing---

the second was a black Nazi whose parents can "do no wrong" even after having committed a felony for the Oscars--promoted of course by Karl Lagerfeld. No problem for whorewood.

The other one has been on the sidelines of attacking me for at least 8 years--I wrote about her a few months ago--this lesbian creep whose hate has brought much acclaim from the French fascist fashion 4th Reich promoters. The other one was the daughter of a rapist who beat and tortured me non-stop for 2 years and has since been labeled a domestic violence abuser/batterer but because of a trial that was badly mishandled by the woman who also helped him to rape and beat me, which she lost, he has been deemed a non-threatening wonderful guy once more and that the woman accusing him is that usual b-word liar.


But that's three vicious and ugly females who have been put into fashion fascist lead positions within a year of having organized or participated in violence towards me in this teleportation terrorism.


Boycott CHANNEL ==boycott these actors, I should write their names but this morning I woke up with a dead insect next to my pillow and stinking fish paste smeared on the pillow---the person responsible for ordering this then teleported me non-stop while I was in the shower (or used a form of technology that is used almost every time I take a shower; usually the creeps teleporting me are verbally extremely abusive. This man used a friendly creep approach to try to disarm me. I wonder how many huge deals this next one is getting for his violence towards me.

It never ends. One after the next. I am responsible for helping to have vicious fascists promoted for over 10 years and still it's just going on and on without any entity appearing to even begin to consider protecting me from this endless vicious onslaught.

But consider alternative forms of fashion instead of buying into fascist Nazi/Mafia-driven bs crap of Nazi iconography. People are so very much brainwashed into this paradigm. The latest "lives matter" scandal should have proven something about how much brainwashing is involved for promotional schemes within the media entertainment and fashion and pop music industry (it's all like a group orgy conglomerated hate group, at least the portion I have been exposed to which has endless international operatives).

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