Sunday, October 2, 2022

Attacked by the "underground" fascist Nazi poseur playing thumpy House musick--creative but conformist and now stunted in growth with his blonde Nazi bigot spawn filth white trash partner whom I wrote of yesterday--I am using terms against the bigots who are attacking me out of racist grounds for their inevitable promotions. I don't usually call the people attacking me "trash" and of course John Waters has immoralized the term--artfully (he's a part of the huge organization attacking me as well, btw and does NOTHING to preserve human rights when his promotion stands in the way of his homo politoco movie posturing, like them all who are such renowned activists and promoters of equality for their particular group-for-profit in their non-profit organization tax-loop-hole side kicks for photo-ops).

 The disgusting skank whore trash creep--and I am now demonstrating perhaps my "weakness" using these terms. But a DECADE of attack and this filth spawned not just from Depp but her entire career obtained from his rape and torture of me with her vicious participation. I had clicked on a shitty English prick's music videos because I am being blocked from accessing archives in the WNYU early 2000's files--accessible to everyone else but me. My internet is blocked 100% of the time. I was blocked from accessing a show on early electronic music, and so I clicked on the "playlist" I had obtained from one of the shows I had managed to copy and paste onto a separate file source for retention and for exploration of the list of musicians/techno thumpsters. I got his video by accident on the little right-hand tab section--this thumpy jerk-off jerk who began his typical, protocol-laden attack on me. Endless videos of his nasty ugly face permeating my social media, his music and I clieked and was glad I got some of the early dubstep that I have been missing from all the years of all the archives blocked to me by this group of musick death forcing their mediocrity on me and stealing my ideas. This musician is extraordinary in mixing but that's about all he appears to be good for, in terms of my personal opinion and needs and what I like in other human beings. Acting on cue, he began physically assaulting and threatening me with the rotten skank sitting in the rows of chairs as this opportunist DJ began yelling and hitting me. I began hitting him back and now have had to delete all his music and think he's utter crap, like all of these pig apes attacking me.

I realize my writing in this tone makes me appear weak. Well, they have been attacking me in the utter weakness of the sickness they not only capitalized on due to poisoning but have continued the poisoning, and then including damaging my hair permanently so it's been falling out, I am bald in huge spots and there are my broken toes they had their nasty foul filthy minions break while I was drugged, asleep and comatose in the "MK Alter" comatose situation. They have poured poison in my food and living space while I had to shut all windows in desperate attempts to stop the break-ins of rapists who would damage and put fungus into my body while I was unconscious and could feel nothing, nor wake up to defend myself. I am still sick and sitting in a prone position watching the news and waiting for someone to appear who is not a fake putting out endless propagandized fodder about how they are fighting all the evils of a fascist and Nazi rape and murder culture. So far, in Congress and in the media I have found zero human being who are not fake and hypocritical. They will fight for their own little niche, but collectively. Otherwise, when I tell them I am being attacked for reasons that extend beyond racism, because I do not conform to their stereotypes and racist memes and therefore these scumbag bigots are trying to cram hate into my brain and body in order to force me into the cookie cutter cliches that support their claims of superiority. I now have my body entirely covered with scars and blemishes and broken bones and my hair is permanently damaged my body is racked with fractured vertebrae and poison hard into the cavities of my body as these foul parasites have not stopped endlessly attacking me for DECADES (in some cases).

I wrote of the injustice and the racism and so Depp's ugly skanky stupid whore daughter got this DJ to viciously attack me as she sat in a chair in the rows of the pig apes who have all taken turns getting their Oscars and lead roles for years and years in this collective attack upon me--so the bigots who fund and operate this can feel relieved that all are in goosestep formation and in line to carry-on their Nazi and fascist racist agenda. That was the point I had made about Lagerfeld yesterday, and so this DJ is fighting now to be included in the fashion music aspect of more shows and upgrades to his career, which I hope flounders and him too at this point. I wish death upon the shit spawn of Depp for years of her spitting on me, hitting me and getting approval from fascist Nazi shit like Karl Lagerfeld and the rest of this contagion that control the media industry. This nasty and dirty creep out of London--the DJ--jumped into the bandwagon within one day, has been pouring his music of thumpy thumpness--better than most but still he's a piece of crap and I have deleted all and never will listen unless he's in some compilation--and I am writing this to you pig ape creep because I know you are reading this--or will get the message. Piss off, to use your dirty English parlance.)

Wish the rest of the creeps would likewise go to hell, dying of course. I am at the stage of just endlessly praying for their deaths and hope they are destroyed. AT this point, I realize how ranting I sound and this could be taken as some form of threat or criminal borderline personality stuff, but it's now over ONE DECADE of piece of pig shit after pig filth coming after me, all obtaining huge promotions for years and they never stop. 


this dirty creep and his "millennial" culture has no meaning, they are effete and as empty as the electronic beats they play. I can only say that musicians who play instruments, lets say, the rapist father of the spawn I just mentioned the ugly plastic surgery parasite daughter--who stole ideas from me and then like all of them had me poisoned nad mutilated in return and has not stopped profiting off this--as the shit media industry keeps putting this shit into lead roles and endless promotions as they get more and more handed to them I get more and more pigs and ape whores attacking me because I am looking for some actual culture that has some depth, meaning or soul. They are so endlessly soulless and this DJ has even mentioned that the expectations for him to play House music records that are "soulless" has turned this opportunistic meaningless bot into a soulless parasite. Of course his ingrained English Imperialism and racism plays a huge, dominant factor. But the father of the spawn, Depp itself, plays music and repeats phrases that one can hear endlessly by the greasy cock rock musicians who are womanizing thieves of black blues riffs and songs. He's not a bot musician but as meaningless and empty as they are--as far as those who are attacking me like this cringy creep who I wish would just p-off and go skank the whore you are defending and then have your meaningless sick relationships with one another instead of having to drug and poison and teleport me in order to force your nasty rape games of using and abusing and discarding me so I can't even have a friendship with anyone much less a real and authentic love relationship.


But I write of this seeming weakness--myself, my experiences. This puts me in a more vulnerable positions and also --since for years I have been writing about all the violence and only more sick psycho scumbags jump and run and sprint into this circle of crap who surround me endlessly so they too can be handed free promotions and endless awards for their every day of attacking me, even on the sidelines, they get more and more awards, deals and money and boosts to their careers. I am referring to the child of the pig who raped me for over 2 years and beat and abused and had me hit by cars and nearly killed--Depp I mean. AS for the elctron bot "musician", he's someone else from London I hope I never have to hear his name or see his face or have any contact ever again. Dearly wish that for the pig spawn of Depp and you creeps reading this are going to continue to foist that piece of crap onto the public consciousness because you must promote every fascist bigot who postures and rapes and whores for your contractual and promotional demands and obligations. These meaningless and soulless pieces of shit I refer to are always happy and eager to oblige your every demand for hate crime action upon me--and of course, for others and the cycle is expanding like a hurricane in a global warming crisis.

I should remain "stoic" and not write about the racism they are pouring upon me. I have tried to reach out for so many years in these writings because in "normal" society there is literally NO ONE who will defend me and all claim I am "delusional" as they keep the silence and remain in the shadows participating in one way or another with this terror network. I have observed all the fakes in the media with their endless "victim" posturings, which are justified for the helpless who "have no voice" as they claim they are "representing" them by being paid to air their orchestrated scripts someone else handed them to loosely follow--day after day--in their podcasts and shows and movie and charity themes---

I have emulated their style by absolutely and honestly detailing the torture and abuse, hoping this would engender finally some kind of concern or support. Instead it has just gotten more of the fakes coming to attack me--all posturing almost daily in their YouTube and social media podcasts about how they are fighting every fascist trend possible and hate racism and sexism--EXCEPT when it happens to me and then they are thrilled and jump in and defend those I am writing about and then get promoted--as this jerky thumpy creep has just done in the latest teleportation hate promotional skit that the next pig ape in line has performed with the shit spawn of the pig who took the contract back in 2013 from the Italian pig ape who had gone after me for more than 20 years but was teleorting and raping and poisoning me to death--and after Depp his rotten piece of shit spawn daughter was an aspiring model, then got plastic surgery, then joined into the hate crimes against me, then got Karl Lagerfeld to put her into a lead position along with Willow Smith as the Smiths also attacked me alongside Depp and they, too, got their little minority minion black nazi spawn into high Europigape modeling lead role along with the shit that Depp spawned--who has now obtained lead roles for years and has been feeding off this violence towards me since she was around 13 years old--now an adult--and now this creep who is about 20 years younger than me is joining in with her as I wrote of the injustice and the racism of his fellow Europigapes and he's hitting, threatening and literally jumping on me to hit me while the filth trash spawn of Depp sits in the endless rows of chairs these pigs and whores have been sitting in from H-wood for all these years of the ever-expanding rows of pieces of shit from the entertainment and podcast and political Nazi/fascist party all--in this case--the "liberal" counterpart which is just a shadow flipside of the one -sided authoritarian fascist apparatus that has taken full control of all sides of every issue and media enterprise and political side as well. The list of politicians has likewise expanded in the last few recent years, apparently the "Democrats" who have threatened and attacked me are working with Trump and his group and that is no lie.

How I wish one day the evidence of this crime of teleportation and hate and rape towards me would be leaked somehow--by one of these greedy and sleazy filthbags who take the seconds of these meetings on how to brainwash and torture ENDLESSLY FOR YEARS someone who is sleeping, drugged up, not ever having done anything harmful to any single one of these pigs and their handlers except for try to compete, be happy and beautiful and that itself was a crime they deemed required a death sentence of endless rape and torture.

I have tried to use the formulas utilized for sympathy by the fakes in he media and in these politicized politically "correct" podcasts and it has only generated more parasites coming to extract whatever they can out of me and this contract.

It makes me appear weak. I have never associated myself with the Jewish diaspora or faith except when I was very drugged and repeated it a few times while I lived in Germany--when I knew there was ample US military to back me up. Otherwise, this group has endlessly been every tactic of racism and mind control suppression with the endless backing of the US Government; without these crooked politicians they would never have been able to get away with this for even one single day. But more creeps posturing as anti-racists with their "black" friends and more children of the pig ape pieces of shit who have tortured and raped and mutilated my body for years and years join in, almost daily there is another new one.


The formula doesn't apply to real victims, only the fakes in the media who make it appear "righteous" and entertaining and programmed and "safe" therefore. Those who are really suffering can't delineate the tortures and abuses because people begin to drool in sadistic delight and can't wait to join in on the fray of violence. That is, if the violence has been kept secret and covert, as it has been against me for all these many years.


so I hope this creep Nazi pig ape out of London screws the filth trash spawn of Depp and they have their mutual orgy and then inevitable defecation ending as these pigs usually all do. I just never want any intimate contact with shit like these people ever again but I am still being teleported and tortured with the same silence and writing about their violence only engenders more recruits to their cause.


I wait for the Midterm elections to route out some of the worst politicians so hopefully the rot of Democrats who want to retain the superficial structure of a "Democracy" instead of the Repug push to have killings in the streets and Nazi gang roaming with impunity but cloaked as righteous defenders of how "Great" America is for the pig apes like your celebrities and political advocates to lie, cheat and rape and steal and murder but cloaked in the Big lies of how hip and cool and anti-racist and sexist they all are (except when it comes to raping and abusing and using racist death language and hate and murder attempts and genocidal formulas of stealing all they can and torturing me for getting angry about it--for years, meaning they never stop stealing from me and destroying my home, body and life after making money off the ideas and things they have stolen. Forget about any kind of loving response but only mutilation and torture after they drug me into "loving" passive rape victim incoherency and physical paralysis and then abusing me and calling me names immediately afterwards--which is what these pig apes do endlessly and that has not stopped for decades as well).


But, I now appear weak. The haters want to come and poison, drug and rape me and then call me names after they elicit a "loving" response from me--or to just to have me poisoned to death afterwards as they go off with the bigot Nazi filth like the spawn of Depp and filthalina the foul wife of pig pitt who have me dessecrated and mutilated and maimed with balding patches covering most of my head with hair not growing back and crooked broken toes and skin sploched permanently with chemicals so I am completely worn down, broken down and then raped, abused and threatened and attacked without end, day after day with all my loving support dead and gone and stolen (even my cat they have taken all, they have even killed birds in the area facing my patio because I enjoyed watching them and calling out to them. They even killed huge lizards I watched on the hills. so I am just only surrounded by the shit that these pigs are with zero support or anything not of their filth and hate death culture cult that you all essentially worship because the bring such fantasy bullshit into your minds but the reality you surely cannot tolerate and are loathe to actually fight against all the injustice they claim they are fighting against). In short, the problem mostly is you reading this and not a few select pieces of shit you put on your fake shit pedestals as icons of your pleasure suffering death cult empire.

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