Saturday, October 8, 2022

Update: Barysknikov is just another fascist posing as a gentle humanitarian artist. With all the pampering from the fascist Nazi clique like the people who have raped and poisoned and disfigured me out of London and etc, he's just a hater who defected from a situation where he felt the $$$$ due to him was not forthcoming from the closed-in Iron Curtain. So much more $$$ to be obtained out of European and American and etc audiences. He's not just another abuser with the same "entitlement" racist agenda following orders. another bot. His dancing was extraordinary YEARS ago but now he's fizzled because he's so bloated with greed, narrow-minded contraction and that you can see on him and I have seen it. H e's a tricky basturd but otherwise he's just another hater who used to be a most extraordinary ballet dancer.

 I realize that in my last post, I had given yet another scumbag the benefit of the doubt when I kindly complimented this Nazi ipigape out of Russia about his dancing the "magic". Two days later my knee still hurts because he was yelling/barking orders at me constantly (it is happening in teleportation with ugly men, large and bulky but it's him ordering them to do it)---he included a clip of his modern dance with dumb whorren mirage the rotten piece of s*** out of London, a filth creep who has had her boyfriend rape me, he's had the group of blonde Nazi whores out of Whorewood assault me with death threats because after years of that parasitic fake "liberal" latching on with her boyfriend to assault, poison, mutilate, steal ideas (she has participated in that because she's just another mediocrity with pretentious affectations and a lot of $ poured into her infiltration of whorewood--much coveted by the fascists of Europigapeland and so she is instructing this former artist on how to block my speech while pig ape men yell orders at me, follow me around, women hit me from behind in shops (in teleportation skits) and it's all the same formula of attack that dumb whorren mirrage used months and months ago, with the entire crew of shithead pig ape filth from H-wood attacking me most viciously for her benefit. She is, as I wrote, closely aligned with the former monarch of England--and still working with the next administation of Imperialism with the wave of Europigapes crashing into America to help slide the greasy pig apes of America into a fascist dictatorship a la Hitler. The American neo-Nazis, so inspired by Nazi pig ape shit like these clebrities continue to cheer the filth and crap on.


I am under hypnosis and while in deep sleep, always drugged, always sick, always in isolation, always always under vicious attack by pig ape shit using this teleportation hell technology--with policians endlessly coming in to yell at me to just "submit" to fascism and totalitarian oppression without fighting back--I just got assaulted by a Democrat who wants to run for President--along with fascist Oprha and anti-Semitic Bloomberg, this next one blathering about Democracy endlessly and has attacked me previously after asking me for advice on how to avoid poisoning--then immediately afterwards insulting and attacking me. Joining in with the rapists and Nazis, this Jewish politician is very firmly in their pocket. And thus it all goes endlessly from one to the next.


I had wanted to assume that Baryshnikov had some genuine artistry beneath his very well-trained modernized and adapted to Capitalist society veneer but I find another replica of any scumbag who gets a hold of this tech and then strives to get another promotion by simply yelling at me or using this technology to stunt my vocal chords, which they do with the threat microchip, I am silenced I simply cannot speak and under hypnosis. I don't know the pig ape pieces of shit who are teleporting me either--and because I am not naturally "paranoid" I don't know to have my guard up with caution and reservation to listening to what these pieces of crap are yelling at me about what I should do. 


It all happens like a film edit: I am blacked/blanked out, I "wake up" in an unfamiliar situation, usually with groups of people "mobbing" me on all sides. They then push me, yell or tell me with yelling hate to do something. I cannot "hear" their hate in their voices until after about the 15th second of the attack, but by then I have already begun to "follow" what they are doing. They tell me that what I am doing will be for my benefit or that every situation is just a normal everyday thing or that it's a friendly environment. They lure you in with invitations and then attack you once the technology has blocked your speech (brain attack/microchip implant attack on vocal chords). In these situations, and especially while teleported, I literally can't speak. I think of the defense I want to do and it is literally wiped from my memory immediately and I remain silent in a blank state. They are coursing electricity through my brain to a level of a slight electrocution so I am just tabular rasa. The ugly men who teleported me last night are the types who I could compete against in a place like higher education, who are so happy to be able to poison and drug and  have me raped and silenced and taken out of society--to be a "sex alave" endless abuse and violence rape and hate victim with facsist Nazis of the wealthiest dispensing with these weapons for every greasebag wanna be fascist Nazi of America gladly joining in. The army is ever-expanding. The incentives, bonuses and awards are like an endless cornucopia. The blacks who are "fighting racism" are some of the most violent and outspoken advocates for white supremacist fascist Nazism. The Jews do not lag behind in that respect but they are not as openly violent towards me as the Blacks. Latinos are nasty and Asians are absolutely into the game--I mean in terms of a generalization. At the helm are people like Baryshnikov who I take as a representation of an image installed into the media of someone coming from an "oppressed" place who "escaped" by fighting autocracy by skipping a concert and defecting out of CCCP when the $$ and the fascist network handed him the scripts for him to follow, just like his good friend Dumd Whorren Mirrage. Her style of attack is exactly what she foists upon the rest of humanity at every intersection of opporunism possible--she eludes a charming display of bulls** of warmth and friendliness and concern about all the oppressed. Then she waits to see what vulnerabilities to attack and exploit, and when there is no one looking she goes for the nugget of the opportunity with the greed of any vulture possible. When you try to have a conversation all she has to say is repetitive blathering talk which is just like beehive jibberish about herself and her money and her power and she exudes this with an embellished greasy form of "grace" that people like B-kov also exhibit. If you do not have any interpersonal experience with them and only see the distorted lies that the fascist Nazi media, much bolstered by the unanimous fascist autocracy of the US government, then you will see that they really have nothing to say or have nothing but rapaciousness as the core. In short: it is a lie. I was wrong, but only for 2 days. I am getting a bit better at more quickly assessing the pieces of shit because it's been the exact same pattern for over a decade. And to add to that: in short, I am failing at being adept at discerning the shit tactics they all use. But why? I am not stupid in that respect as it's been a pattern of attack that I have had to confront for well over a decade, in fact all my life. The problem is that my BRAIN is being so disaffected by the technology I literally can't think clearly while I am under these forms of attack. I also can't speak because they are blocking my ability to speak. 

I realize that every post I write only draws more pig ape approval of their fellow pig apes in the form of applause, promotions and so the pieces of shit never stop for years or decades endlessly attacking me. The piece of shit Baryshnikov has ugly dirty whorren mirrage the creep behind him, and the tactic she uses was used against me and it's like this rotten ugly piece of parasitic filth from London is never gone with an endless line of blonde and facsist white supremacists coming to violently attack me, just like dirty black Nazi oprah did when I called her an aunt jemima for the YEARS she had already particpiated in rape and torture of me. Because Malcolm X has been mostly silenced by the black and white nazis who control all the issues in the media and in the press, the terms HE--Malcolm X--used to denote the sell-out the minority minion Nazi enabler like oprah and now the defector out of Russia--anything they have that can be used to exemplify their "victimization" in the endlessly decrepit formula of the poor underdog rising out of oppression to fight because they are black, or defected. All are defecation clinging to the Nazi empire which uses them--as symbols of how "great" and "fair" the US is and the Western alliance of post-fascist surging into Nazism right now alliance truly, in reality is but always cloaked by crap people like this who are still held in reverence because they grabbed opportunities to flaunt themselves as being heroic victims fighting against all evil. That is also the usual theme of these shitty movies coming out of Whorewood, now that they are using DGI to draw out inhuman qualities out of basically spoiled but muscle-bound actors.


So, the "help" that this barking orders bigot fascist with his entourage of Europigape fascist "liberals" like this rotten ugly woman who is being so honored by the entire group of pig shit that is attacking me--along with the spawn piece of shit from Depp--oh how they love these blonde women who beat, rape their fathers and boyfriends and partners rape and mutilate me--filthalina operated for the English in this capacity for almost a decade againstg me along with pig pitt--they have only received Oscars y ear after year ever since, mansions and politicians like disgusting and ugly Raskin who yelled at me for writing a post about how the pig spawn of Depp was absolutely lifted up by shit like German Nazi Lagerfeld because of her absolute violence towards me along with Depp the rapist beater in their quest to have that rotten ugly blonde filthbucket creep put into lead roles and modeling awards and etc--I was yelled at by Raskin, more of the creeps who teleport me for their endless promotions all completely into the fascist dictatorship but they all have "black" friends so that makes them appear not racist--(these are all for their public photo-op presentations, the mind programming stunts they all make in public with their black lovers or friends hanging off their arms in smiling hugging embraces). People like disgusting Oprah who has been further poured iwth billions of dollars. She has spent millions on other poor blacks, so I have heard. But the blacks are working to change the racist feeding frenzy eating devouring order by trying to join in with white supremacists in this Nazi push to eliminate the Jews. Jews like Raskin are so fully indoctrinated into this and I grew up with "Jew" exactly like him from the East Coast, and it could be the Midwest, the South or the West Coast it is all the same programming--

and that programming in it's blonda white male supremacy has also reached the well-funded and indoctrinated Baryshnikov--I just wanted to have some kind of actual artist around me instead of poseurs, parasites and fakes endlessly thrusting hate and rape  and my body being beaten, raped, mutilated, poisoned, attacked, hit by cars and when I try to defend myself they continue to attack me.


Last night B-kov the bot from Russia asked me why I wanted to kill dumb whorren mirrage--it was the first thought that came out of my head and he is "listening" to my thoughts and attacking me for them--so well adept that creep is with KGB tactics, what an agent he is of dictatorship and fascism and Nazism and Russian secret service tactics--operating with the other London infiltrator of America dumb mirrage the ugly skank blonde creep so tightly associated with the English Crown.

I told that pig that his pig friend had her pig boyfriend rape me and she attacked me for years and was absolutely thrilled with having the opportunity to push her entitlement in my face with at least 30 pieces of shit attacking me in teleportation for her--for months it went on because I called her a piece of shit instead of "Dame" but to me she is just a dumb whore and a mirage of fake pretentious concern for humanity dressed up with so much $$ and favoritism poured into every facsist whore with blonde or dyed blonde hair who represents this upcoming Nazi surge around the world. Fully embraced by so many of the "Jews" of America who are so endlessly obsequious towards these low and dirty pig apes. 

He patted me condescendingly on the shoulder when I said that, and last night it was an entire might of ugly men yelling orders at me in the type of "edit" situation where I "wake up" in some situation after having been in a black, sleep void. It is things like me backing up a huge fat car on a very dark road with no street lamps so I could not see behind me. I was told to back up the car (and this was after leaving some dirty and foul place in a house, messy, dirty, filthy and stupid nasty people attacking me in some way as I tried to leave and I got in this car and drove out onto this blackened road). A man who said he was someone I had known decades ago (it may have been him but I could only see a vague figure with the same color hair) he told me he would "help" me to back up. Thinking this was "helpful" in some way, I followed his first instruction. I could have done it myself but I though and was programmed into believing that this was a friendly help gesture. He began yelling orders at me. I could not think to say stop yelling, I could not talk, I was completely silenced as my ability to speak was blocked out. this is exactly the tactic that dumb whore mirage used on me months ago. I write about her, I had forgotten to add, that B-kov the bot included a clip of his White Nights movie back in the 80's (oh how he wants now to get contracts to play again, and me writing about him now may help him to achieve this, but it doesn't matter what I write, the pigs who join in on this terror operation all get instant promotions regardless of how I react). . Dumb whore mirage was there "crying" watching his modern dance take which was not something to cry over--his dancing back in Russia may have been, and the few years following his defection may have been, but he's now a "capitalist pig" operating for fascist Nazis coming from a totalitarian system in which he also was fully indoctrinated earlier--or he grasped this philosophy after he defected perhaps--the money, the power all he can accumulate here in the West--so much so many dumb Americans to exploit and create the same kind of brainwashing effect upon, as he did to me. If I had not been used to decades of other pig apes it would have taken me much longer to figure out what a sleazy and nasty creep he is beneath his tricky-dicky pretense by condescendingly patting my shoulder and then ordering OTHER people to do what he had forced upon me two days ago. i was tricked then, I am not now. He used the subliminals to attack me without justification. It was not the "rival" English DJ artist who was also following orders and attacking me simultaneously. I have never even written about him except to extol the music he made over a decade ago and the transition to thump thump culture and how originality and off-beat underground art and culture is inevitably turned into mainstream mediocrity and the sharp alternative themes are erased and turned into easy-listening and placating moral righteousness of fakeness.

But this trend is now extolling, subconsciously, fascism and genocidal murder death squads at this point.

most of you fully want these systems to increase and thrive absolutely. I write this because I hope to reach someone who is outside this system, and hopefully they have access to my writing. Hacked and distorted as it is, you can get the point easily.

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