Tuesday, October 4, 2022

A tiny vignette on mind control encapsulated into a "strange experience" "documentary" about a mind control "cult". Sex, Lies and the College Cult (movie/documentary). I take this film more to be fiction encased with the "factual" representation and all the droll-sounding major newspaper reporters who cashed-in on making this documentary so avidly droning on about how odd this "cult" "was" (meaning it's an isolated experience and not ubiquitous). The lies about how widely operated and manufactured mind control sex trafficking and cultist programming permeates all societies I have ever lived in (around the planet many times) continues in this documentary that takes it's special status as telling "truth" about one isolated situation. I know this is a completely well-conceived operation that has an almost blue-print catalogue for programming handed out to those who operate the drugging, technology and protocols. In my last few college years (in Minneapolis) I experienced almost point-by-point the exact situation except that there was not "real" father but a "father figure", extremely intellectual personality that had a group of people half his age (I was probably the prime focus of the attack but it had become a "social group" which went out partying and this "father figure" would pay for group restaurant parties and spend $$ like he was swimming in it every day. He was obviously being well-funded somehow. Other members of this group included some white male associated with a Nazi organization but it was all cloaked and lied about. The situation never progressed to the stage of the video example below, probably because I had enough protection from my family to not have the need or belief system to want a father figure living with me to be trapped in this type of situation. The situation I am now forced into, however, is almost exactly the same with violence and threats abounding from men of ALL ages wanting to be my Big abuser controller mind programmer/rapist/pimp Daddy "father figure". Because I did not succumb to the programming to ever actually decide to put myself in such a situation it is now being "forced" upon me. Or they are trying to force an actual domestic violence type rape/pimping/barefoot and with baby discarded sex trafficking toy/victim instead of my years of grad school and a career and my own life which I could build for myself if not thwarted to this degree by actual violence and drugging and etc. I am only copying this video for the purpose of one day elaborating upon this theme, but for now hacking is making typing arduous and nearly impossible to get much out (can't type, keyboard is being endlessly blocked) my brain is always under attack so I can't think clearly while I must struggle to type. I am then abused, beaten, raped and threatened and assaulted physically both while in a comatose sleep state and teleported to more abuse simultaneously in both altered physical states from this same organization which funds and supports men like this "big daddy" figure in the documentary below. I know that this form of technocratic torture and covert sex trafficking via teleportation, microchip implant and organized terror/stalking/poisoning and all the ugly whistles that scream silently in the inner ears of the torture victims played like crystal flutes of slavery by the oppressors who want to reinstate virtual slavery that is a virtual reality organized technocratic "new order". '

"New Videos Show Alleged Sex Cult Victims Assaulted & Manipulated by Lawrence Ray". Law&Crime Network. March 31, 2022.


I would very much like to one day write about my experiences without the keyboard being hacked so I can't write, then my brain being blocked so I can't think clearly or complete my thoughts as my memory is being blocked and hindered along with cognitive functioning. Then the resulting torture for having written anything that would question or "threaten" the operation as documentaries like this "Sex, Lies and the College Cult" must be contained within a "unique" situation that only weirdos and vulnerable kiddies are sucked into; rather than entire families, organized political machinery, government funding, organized crime, pedophiles, rapists, racists and their minions all fully participating in these operations on a global scale. P.S. Please do not relegate the problem to a few middle-aged males, because women of all ages are thrilled to participate as torturing chauvinists alongside their male counterparts of torture and rape and abuse. Oh trust me, women "get off" on being rapist enablers and want to rape as well. Just to help add this because so often the problem is listed as a situation of males and not how women absolutely participate in the violence and intimidation and rape and torture. The documentary also details that this perpetrator's daughter was the one who allowed and welcomed her father into this sex trafficking cult dorm living situation in the first place. She helped to "groom" her "friends" by enthusiastically describing her father as a highly intelligent, but sadly victimized by evil enemies who wrongly accused him of crimes wherein he was imprisoned for a while (not sure how long) and post release had nowhere to go. Like a guru, he utilized personality improvement lectures (I had experienced all this K-rap myself in the same program in my college years, food was paid for and parties and the entire programming for me was almost exactly the same, but I deviated by not actually allowing the situation to get to this horrid point). The point I made above is that now this violence is being forced upon me endlessly by evil and nasty people who are famous for their output in the media---or politics---so they appear fresh and dainty for the public after their all-expense beautification treatments and this group pays and pays unlimited amounts to bolster their "good" torturing rapists and abusers who utilize this mind programming, sex trafficking systematic hate crime apparatus. Now I can't "get away" from "them" as they have a global financial blacklist apparatus in addition to a global drugging/poisoning apparatus plus a global mind control technology fence encompassing the planet like an electronic mind control fence (or perhaps just in the more densely populated countries--maybe in some remote country somewhere the problem is lessen or non-existent? Hopefully this is not an inescapable problem with a global electronic network that no one can ever escape from if they become targeted for technocratic slavery/enslavement.

It is not some random dude creep who just happens to independently discover a system for mind control along with all kinds of assistance and professional psychological mind programming tools at his/her immediate disposal.


I have to add that I was very seriously injured in the time period when this middle aged man who would pay for groups of students in college for meals at very nice restaurants; paid for parties, had sex with many of the women and used all the gang stalking mind control rhetoric with "trauma-based" ugly nasty stories about his "childhood trauma" as some of his repeat stories--all part of the "programming". He had a list of self-help stories to tell, all very similar to the programming above. After I graduated he appeared to me in cities I moved to, actually across the country. There was a very serious "accident" after I rejected yet another hateful user who used all the drugging and poisoning and mind control tech to program and exploit me--while this man was not far away in the background urging me to "love" this person who I actually had to get rid of. After I did that I was put into an "accident" that nearly killed me--a very long story about that because it lead to a huge change of life course for me out of the mainstream into the "underground" life existence which I have never once regretted doing so to me it was a "good" thin in the long run. This ability I have had to make a good out of an imposed "bad" situation has lead to my technological "imprisonment" with teleportation terror, rape and torture which would make the abuse above appear like a one-time horrid bit of violence instead of ongoing never-ending nightly rape, beatings, abuse, hate and insults with groups of A-list celebrities and politicians and for over a decade; after attempts to poison me to death; and after accidents intending to murder me by "accident".

It happened to me because I would not succumb to the programming. They force it on the target through these "covert" operations like teleportation, microchip implanting, mind control technology and drugging and poisoning and of course, endless gang stalking and blacklisting that keeps the target isolated and unfriended without solace, support or sanctuary anywhere around the planet for privacy or security. They force it even if the target is sleeping and teleported and unable to not respond to the violence--as happens every day in the teleportation I experience; regardless of the amount of self-esteem that target may have. Their goal is to crush and break the initial spirit and happiness and independence of the target and instill their agenda, which is absolutely nothing anyone would ever choose unless they were already abused into believing that this was their "natural" state. I think very few people are born to believe that they don't deserve anything but bs all their lives, it is inculcated by systems. America has been a country of supposed "freedom" at least in the mythology endlessly touted; America itself has now become a target of mind control programming complete with trauma-based mind control. However, people are still unable to disclose the private situations and thus the problem remains silenced and the people who try to disclose it are either labeled mentally ill or victims of a singular "cult". This is why the people "in power" are so loathe to relinquish this system, expose it or call it what it is; an ever-expanding systematic form of destruction of human life by those who want control and power over huge swaths of the population--and for other pretexts and reasons that amount to selfish need to exploit and use and steal and rape and rob and murder.

The documentary makes the entire problem appear like a one-time plot instead of the ever-expanding catastrophe-in-the-making that it truly is. If people believe that it is only a few random weirdos with "high IQ" capability to exploit, instead of an actual PROGRAM with instructions that people can follow like a recipe, then people will dismiss the reality and of course when people claim they are being mind controlled, the usual response is denial and accusations that the victim is mentally ill or delusional. Documentaries like this above are simply like a diversional tactic to make people relax their pensive alarm at the potential for technological violence that gets spun around in "conspiracy theory" circuits and circles. It is real, it is more than common at this point but it's still being advertised and sold as a unique sort of individual little weird cult situation instead of a GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED terror operation.


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