Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Mind control: lecture about how to control "The Masses" by someone not inundated with mind control technology. Noam Chomsky on "The Hume Paradox". From industrial revolution to the digital revolution, mind control evolution encapsulated. Dare I add my own thoughts and risk more torture from the State/Mafia/Nazi/fascist/death squad/pornographic rape 'Me 2" culture USA+ fascist Nazi/Mafia international partner mind control apparatus, surveilling, hacking, stalking and monitoring my every thought, action, written and spoken word with resulting torture and punitive control for saying or thinking or doing the "wrong" thing, which is a negation of their hate crime corruption body politic along with body porno rape culture media politic body of lies and sleaze pretentiousness about being "free and equality-minded'??

 "Noam Chomsky--Hume's Paradox". Chomsky's Philosophy. June 30, 2016.

"When you get to the freer societies, there's a lot more concern about what people think. And that has been understood. That is part of the reason for the rise of the Public Relations industry in the United States. Public Relations industry is propaganda industry of Business, which was/is an American was created in the early part of the (20th) century, to try to, as they put it then, to control people's minds...anyone can understand that without having read Hume. They understood that without being able to control people's minds they would be in trouble. the business press it was written, 'The greatest problem facing industrialists is the rising political power of the masses. Realize the business press is very Marxist, super Marxist. All the values are inverted.  But they believe in class struggle, they talk about 'the masses' and 'beating down the masses'...In fact, business press reads like Maoist tracts, except all the values are inverted. They understood that you gotta control people's opinions because, as Hume put it, 'Power is in the hands of the governed, if they ever realize it'.


What more can I add to years of writing these posts about how the tremendous time, money and effort has been poured just into this prototype mind control teleportation/gang stalking/paralysis poisoning/isolation gang stalking terrorism and torture and mutilation and rape and violence and death threats contract out upon me just so a kind of template can be made for furthering the distortion of a two-sided dialogue in American society instead of a one-sided fascist Nazi/mafia control system based on the deceit that there are opposing factions in society. The mind control effort by the H-wood celebrities in partnership with politico, international mafia/Nazi "elite" fascists posing as Democrats of all races, ages and gender identities and the entire mix of my ranting diatribes for the past many years has detailed the extent to which people will go to not only participate in this huge effort to quell the potentiality of uprising against their sexist and racist genocidal hate culture of false political opposition. But also that this continuation of a very long policy of mind control--now very pronounced in media and entertainment news, YouTube commentary as "Progressive" but really operating with the fascists, rapists, Mafia and Nazis of all ranks of political and business culture.  


I struggle to write this post about mind control as the mind control technology is, through the due diligence of the military-industrial-university-backed and funded scientists who created all these forms of brain-mapping technology to blast my brain so I can't think clearly or write with the detail that would at least shadow seminally what Chomsky is elucidating in his lecture on how mind control is necessary to continue the military-political-fascist-Nazi-Mafia-Death Squad-entertainment complex mind control apparatus on a global level. Just so people are not self-empowered and obey and follow the instructions--as ALL the teleporting minions do to the point that NONE of them has an actual personality. They are like a formation of bot holograms repeating the same hate formulas that the last bigot fascist Liberal Radical Democrat followed alongside his fascist Nazi (so often Europ-a in origin) counterpart has instructed or also attacked upon me in their mutual quest for their greedful gain and promotional thrust and power grab and P-grab position on the Nazi/fascist/Mafia rungs of power for the ultimate c-ring phallus maypole dance of power tower phallic symbol they all revolve around, raping and hating and abusing and stealing and killing to get higher and higher.

"Night On Bald Mountain--Fantasia (1941) (Theatrical Cut)". Oliver Hayhoe. July 29, 2014.

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