Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Biden's Admin has sent, so far (and counting and more to come) $14 BILLION to Ukraine, not a NATO country and unaffiliated with the United States except through various globalization contracts for a few "elite" investors and political jockeying in that zone against Russia.

 "Biden visits Puerto Rico, announces $60 M in aid". ABC News. October 4, 2022.

Puerto Rico is a United States territory and will receive $60 Million for aid in the destruction of it's country after the last hurricane. The electric grid in Puerto Rica has gone through brown-outs and various aging deterioration that was left, just like the Jackson, Mississippi water systems, in disrepair but hanging on a thread of functionality. There was a piece on Democracy Now about this subject, which did not exactly meet the US headlines or even bylines as far as I could see from my limited all-free subscription prices and my hacked internet capabilities.
The prioritization of foreign entities as partners with US "elite" interests extends from the US Government to Whorewood cloaked fascist Nazi/mafia "liberals" (so similar to the politicians when they teleport me as well).
The "agenda" is an elitist v. enslaved impoverished population while will have no choice but to "service" the bigots in order to have more than corrugated tin roofs or homelessness if they aren't perfect subservient dumbed down minion bots serving the sleazy and rapacious dumbed down bots who control them, using technology to make anyone outside their marching order thump-thump four-square paradigm either submit or get horribly mistreated or murdered through various tools like suiciding, accidents, poisoning and just impoverished lack of opportunity to access.
Both Jackson, Mississippi and Puerto Rico citizens who are affected by deteriorating electric and water grid disfunction have made it known amply through their political advocates. In both cases, the breaking-down aged system are just patched up with a few band aids, which easily ripped off when hurricanes hit. In both cases, the determination to leave minority citizen areas in vulnerable infrastructure positions remained as policy and remains now. The $60 will just repatch up the already deteriorated systems which need complete overhauls, plus more money to repair the mess because people didn't have the money to build stronger edifices or have resources for protection as wealthier communities do have. The money being sent for Ukraine will build entirely new living and infrastructure needs for white (supremacist--in many or most cases of the people I have ever met of that ilk) living upgrades including the most modern electric and water supply systems. The money also is going towards advanced military upgrade warfare--to a country which the US only wants to use as a "wall" against Russian influence. I am neither pro or con to that issue but only the gross amounts of money being poured into a foreign country for polluting gas and oil production hegemony over Russia instead of the tax-paying American dependents or citizens who are actually helping to fund, through their taxes, these foreign investments so people who want oil Big Money can have another new mansion someplace in Europe or even in Ukraine--this is the trend I have seen in being exposed to the ultra wealthy who have no soul or compassion whatsoever, but are put up as icons representing these issues by a most corrupt system in America. The money is ample and the systems that are on the verge of breaking down all over the American dependent islands and States and vulnerable, under-represented communities remain victims of environmental poisoning and collapse.

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