Friday, October 21, 2022

To the ghost of Frank-N-Furter on this Eve of the Hallowed: Will the trans community perhaps become an ally for targeted people (like myself)? So far the answer has been a resounding no, but now that the targeting is expanding to those who thought it was only me, because of course I must have done "something to deserve it". ------------------

 "The Rocky Horror Picture Show 'Sweet Transvestite'". Angelo De Lutiis. May 21, 2010.

Should be shown in theaters around the world--parties--world parties with people dressing like their favorite characters just like in the "old days" of 1978! This used to be a huge movie hit--it was a weekend party and people became obsessed with attending--across the US. What has happened since that there is outrage from the same generation that once flocked to these shows with Rocky Horror as the titillating mind controlled sex slave? seems they kept the sex slave part of the movie but have abandoned the trans-sexuality and cross-dressing part!

Time to reinvent this movie just in time for Halloween and you can even do it on your YouTube podcasts, for your local neighborhood police surveillance parties of gang stalking terrorism--before you go out and vote either for or against the hate.


A perfect Halloween costume to demonstrate what this formerly extremely popular movie icon as representing a perverted dearly beloved trans symbol--now seemingly out-of-favor in the mainstream population--bring him back for Halloween, dress up like Frank-N-Furter to protest the potentiality of homophobic hate if the Midterms turn into a scary tsunami for the upcoming red wave prohibitions--IF they win, that is. If not, dressing like him is still probably fun. I would do it, if I were able to (where can I even find a boa around here?)

"The GOP National Push For an Anti-Gay Law and The Attack on LGBTQ Existence". MSNBC. October 21, 2022.


This documentary briefly depicts how insanely popular going to the pilgrimage of weekend Rocky Horror events was--similar to a cult, back in the 70's, of course. When AIDS hit, I think the rage died down. It was, for a time, bisexuality and transgender, due in part to this film and it's effect, were  Extremely popular and universally approved of for a certain segment of the population in America. Not that they aren't now, but the movies like this were treks people undertook at movie theaters. Due to the lack of cable tv, that had an effect. People probably watch POSE without dressing up or down, in the privacy of their own homes (or perhaps not). Due to the attack upon me by one of the lead stars of Pose, I had blocked memory of that show out of my brain--until I had to think about the recent in history mainstream depictions of trans and cross-dressing media stuff. The viciousness of the actor towards me, as usual without me having done a single thing to any of these haters (in the endless concentric circles of hate from people who are only dredging up all their animosity and directing it towards me, without knowing me, transference of their own targeting but me as the object of dismissal due to some unjust cliche or stereotype. I had blocked these people out of my memory (the writer involved as well, even coming from the oppressed group I am supposed to "represent" which I have had almost nothing to do with my entire life--but he has, of course and hates coming from that place. Willingly playing the mind controlled slave for the H-wood 4th Reich crowd to which he has married into while attacking me for resisting the entire hate parade disguised as benevolent charity and freedom and peace and love and fighting against all evils of racism and sexism--et al (with Dark Money flowing like a black rainbow in the bleak and hazy skies flying over their plastic-coated heads, silhouetted against the bright lights).

"Rocky Horror Picture Show VH1 Behind The Music Documentary". July 2, 2021.


terrorist haters blocked/deleted/rewrote some of the above. I re-read it but am tired of fighting the hacking so it remains a bit discombobulated, not as bad as some of the past (endless) hacker discrediting attacks but nevertheless, when I began to write about the lead actor of Pose (one of them, playing the victimized target of both racism and of transphobia--the hacking got messy but you can follow the gist)--also the part about the writer of the show, or one of them, and that too was spotted with deletions and etc)

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