I am at the point of detox where it is too painful to try to stretch or do more than sit in stagnated exhaustion every day. I have changed my diet slightly so every morning there is poison coming out of my body (do I need to be more explicit?) but it contains poisons that have been embedded through the hard poison that has latched onto my flesh and bone for at least 2-3 decades. Mind control poison and hardening/bloating/stiffening poison. There is a huge "block" of hard poison embedded into my left side, and it sticks up from under my skin. It is literally "glued" or cemented into the left side of my spine, and there is another much lower ridge on the other side of my spine. I can pound both with my fist as hard as I can and I feel nothing but hear a dull echo from the thudding on this hard, solid piece of poison that was once invisible, clear and odorless poison inserted into my food every single day by terrorists who were my lovers/friends/family/waitors/cooks/terrorists breaking into my living space to poison my food. After maybe 4 months of trying to do basic stretches and exercises with the "voice-to-skull" technology, a dance instructor (of high fame and repute, worth the title unlike most of the actor celebrities), is giving me pointers that my years of studying ballet and modern dance never produced--I never got the basic training and in fact was lied to about body posture and also in "rehab" classes my Medicaid paid for. I believe the wrong information on how to stand and hold body weight was intentional, as well. Regardless, the poison acts literally like a python and as I detox to lower "layers" of the stinking foul, now black poison which is perpetually coming out, as some of it has been in my body all the 50+ years of my life--it is now pulling on my rib cage, and pulling in opposite directions in my lower thoracic region. It's like having ropes pulling my spine in every direction except straight, for any movement I make--literally "ripping" my spine apart so I can't exert anything but the slightest of pressure on it at this point. I can't exercise, so the torture of endless teleportation, the undoubted continuation of drugging, and I'm not sure if they are still poisoning me with bloating/hardening poison, and the stinking sewage/fungus liquids are no longer being inserted into my bladder through my vagina--that prime area of mental and sexual violence that these expletives are constantly aiming at in order to penetrate into destroying and enslaving me. I am very indiscrete at this point because my years of writing about rape just seem to flow through the consciousness of all human beings reading my posts as if it's the norm, which to most it is as rape culture abounds much more clearly in the wealthy than one may otherwise assume. I am trying, without trying to "turn on" the sadists, to explain how vile and putrid and disgusting these "people" you all cheer on as your leaders are. This is what the politicians for the past decade who have partaken of this situation all approve of. This is what they are paying Elon Musk to further in his technocratic push for "freedom".
As I just wrote, since there was a slight shift from Pelosi finally being put down from that dias, as the Republicans took power, some of the very vile stinking sewage insertions have stopped. That is a first. I wrote that Trump is nicer than Biden, but I am always besieged by hopes and illusions when I write of which personality may or may not be somewhat decent. Trump was and is absolutely indecent.
The first politician who has been involved who is slightly negative (or more) but not like a dumb and sleazy nasty attacker is Kevin McCarthy. He at least sits back and assess the situation and doesn't make sick or stupid hate skits, which is almost a first for all politicians involved, including really sick and violent Krapola who is as vicious in her black woman "fight" against racism as the white supremacists have been towards her--people like her and Oprah have assimilated the racism and just vent it onto a convenient scapegoat category, which is me in this case. The violence with which they approach me resembles a fascist PLantation slave driver, as far as I have heard of them in all the stories I obtained because I was educated in what you would call a "anti-racist" educational backdrop, where we studied the history of slavery and people like Martin Luther King, Jr. As I was indoctrinated into the evils of slavery, I tried to be open to fighting against racism. I was assaulted by blacks while I was trying to not be racist. The whites who were blonde and made the n-word jokes were beloved by the same blacks in my "black neighborhood" school I was bussed to because it had a much higher degree of independent education than my white neighborhood grade school (I was taught Shakespeare by age 9 and 10, reading Beowulf and George Bernard Shaw at age 10--in a class for advanced reading. This is college material for some students in normal class. I got violin lessons from a European man who studied alongside Isac Stern in a conservatory--at this school nestled in the black neighborhood of Urbana, Illinois, operating as an "experimental" research-in-educationa lab for the University of Illinois). But I was attacked by blacks and they did so for the whites who called them the n-word openly. The racism was so open back in 1975 and the same hierarchical structure of racism still applies in the H-wood situation and that of course carries off into the political spectrum (The Squad members, some of them, the whites backing them like Warren, the blacks attacking me and saying they are "fighting so black girls can have chances" meaning them as black girls--and pushing me down in their hierarchical hate category into the "role" that they claim they are fighting against--when it comes to them). All of them wearing absolute glam and glitz ostentatious jewelry and fashion the longer they remain in Congress as supposed "leaders" of resistance to racism. Obviously a lot of money is being handed to them by the desperate of their allotted geographic representation to continue the "hope" that they represent, but an even more huge amount of money is being covertly poured into them by the fascist Nazi bigots of the 4th Reich in order to further the aim of a psychological war of feigning concern about fighting racism while those representatives are plied with money and movie and tv show deals, operating alongside the H-wood 4th Reich pretenders as well. Stealing the ideas I wrote and deleting what I wrote and claiming my ideas as their own--some of them, mostly the actors. The other actors who are some of the most anti-Semitic like the "Italian-American" actors in Brooklyn are endlessly playing heroes saving "Jews" against Nazis in holocaust type dramas for tv. The Germans who have physically assaulted and raped me play "Jews" in movies fighting against Nazis--
But I am at this stage of healing whereby I remain nearly paralyzed once more and can't get this stress of the nighttime subliminals I know they are pounding into my brain while I am in a black, deep unconscious hypnotic state. The teleportation skits which are done while I am forced into a different sleep but brainwave activity so the "skits' can be registered in my brain, while my body literally is split in two in some quantum entanglement situation, and I see and experience albeit in a very unclear and foggy visual and dumbed down sensational effect of my body--but I am in two places at once as in both places my body is being sliced, hit, raped, abused, I am threatened with death now that I am, after years of Krapola profiting with her daughter and husband off this contract forced upon me, becoming Vice President for using hypnosis and mind control while I'm in the deep state for me to repeat that I want her to be president. I was nearly delirious with need for Trump to be gone after his deadly violence upon me. He had fungus inserted into my right ear and now my hearing is much reduced as as result. I had given him a tarot reading and told him that I "saw" that he would lose the election. He had fungus inserted into my ear for at least a month or two after that, and it could have been deadly. Etc. I can't really compare Biden and Trump any longer, because under Biden a German man who was raping and slapping me in a most disgusting pornographic way, pounding poison as deeply as possible into my body and not stopping as I continued to say no, while so drugged I could barely function--they had most of my hair chemically destroyed so it fell out and will not grow back after more than a year and a half of me fighting using every single thing to get it to grow (not using Rogaine as I heard that must be used forever because if you stop your hair will fall out). I need to have my hair regrow so it's permanent. It won't grow, I am trying every day. That was the result of screaming in rage after a month to get off me to this pig scum from Germany--Biden and his team then had my money cut off, and then my hair permanently mostly chemically destroyed so the huge bald patch remains covering most of my scalp and head--and they did other disgusting things. That was over a year ago, but fully into the Biden bigot 4th Reich and Krapola has just come at me with multiple death threats because I wrote about Nazi punks in San Francisco and wrote that she is a huge part of the racist problem and the result has shown up now in how desperate the people are in that city and how degraded and destroyed it now is. The racist politics of having a few "token" blacks as symbols for the Nazis to hold up in their "Democrat" Party caucus meetings is only a mere facade.
So I am stuck semi-paralyzed and fighting to get enough poison out so I can begin to exercise and not succumb to the stress of being drugged and tortured with subliminals of death, hate and violence literally repeated into my sleeping brain while I can't do anything to protect myself. This situation of me being a perpetual rape and torture victim is so tantalizing to almost ALL the politicians involved, they appear utterly turned on by it, the celebrities are viciously attacking me and have zero humanity or compassion about it all.
So I am ranting. If I were able to exercise and get out of this room so I could go somewhere and have my focus on at least defending myself against people in the 3D dimension of waking as opposed to the 5th Dimension of being teleported while in a deep sleep state, drugged up, not able to see what or who is coming at me as they all come at me suddenly upon "waking" in the sleep teleported state--\
After having gotten up from the laptop, some minutes later as the ideas rushed back into my immediate consciousness because so much is being suppressed by the brain-altering tech blocking memory and cognitive function as I fight hacking disruptions by the terrorist hackers:
Hakeem Jeffries also has been recently involved in this terror attack instigated by officials from this next administration. His input has been very benign, until the death threats from Krapola. Perhaps the black caucus as usual overrides the concern to actually fight against racism in all forms, and not just when it comes to themselves and their need to get higher resprentation in media and business exploits.
Perhaps the seeming lull in outright disgusting violence has something to do with Jeffries, I am unsure. Only that once Pelousi left that position and it was replaced by a younger Brooklynite, and the Republican Party Speaker came with the Maga rep MTG--sexually assaulting me as she did--but in the last few months some of the more disgusting assaults have been stopped. Both the leaders of both Parties (McCarthy and Jeffries) are calm and kind of stoic personalities which is an absolute boon to the political process.
Unlike Pelousi who has a virtual stake in California graft and grifing, the Brooklyn Jeffries is perhaps not as personally involved in partaking of the California celebrity scam that is the death-Nazi-squad that California-based Krapola is personally indebted to from the years of them putting her into power as the Attorney General and her creating yet another false image of "equal opportunity" as a "black" woman. With her "Jewish" hubby as well, they appear very martini-cocktail Democrat clinking to their grift in the California wasteland overlooking the homeless tents they helped to create--urinating as a metaphor over anyone they can as part of their racist indoctrination. The people "like me" and those who are slated to become the oppressed and destitute N-word throng of destroyed as the "elite" black and brown reps claim they are "fighting so black girls can have a chance".
oddly, what the daughter of the Obama's put into media has produced is part of a tv show series about a psychopathic or psychotic black female obsessed with the black female (dyed blonde) pop singer gyrator who has endlessly been thrust into the limelight--who has spoken in hate at me in front of the German who raped and assaulted me--anti-semitic words proving her affinity for fascist Nazism as the black Nazi promoter she and her "rapper" hubby are-as well as the rest of the team assaulting me, with Krapola part of the California exploitation team. But this tv show that Obama's daughter helped write is putting the black but dyed blonde singer into a "Queen" fictitional state, which so many of the blacks aspiring to rise up in the Nazi hierarchy all claim that they are--and then, the black woman oppressed just kills off anyone who upsets her or makes any derogatory comment about the black female singer--which is EXACTLY how these violent and sadistic sleazy people of the black portion of the white supremacy movement behave with these technologies of teleportation, torture, mind control and "punishment" for saying or THINKING anything adverse to the utter crap they crank out perpetually--which the public loves. I have never loved any of their stuff and they keep asking me if I do--I always say no, they ask me why, in the teleported and sleep state, and they torture me for what I have said. They keep torturing me now to obtain these reactions out of me and never stop but threaten me with death to stop. They then continue to poison and abuse and drug me in order to obtain these reactions. What Krapola did was so extremely violent towards me, so symptomatic of the oppressed turning viciously upon another group or person who hasn't spent their lives, as these all have, groveling symobolicly and then being paid to live as symbols of ostentatious wealth for their roles of supporting white supremacy and Nazi 4th Reich cultural indoctrination and exclusion. The exclusion process is akin to sending people to concentration camps but instead of shipping them off as the Nazis had to do, they just force them into homeless camps in the streets to be constantly harassed by the police who shovel off their belongins so the little they obtain is thrown away and they have no chance to ever get out, for many that is the case. It's a system that Krapola has helped to create in San Francisco and her violent towards me for writing anything adverse to her is like the script that Obama's daughter wrote about a similar black female ("girl") killing anyone who offends her. This is the "black" "empowerment" system that these psychopath celebrities and leaders are avowing and defending. Not saying that is what Jeffries is. I don't know if he approved of this attack upon me with all the death threats, but I do know that the English Imperialists relying on the philosophy that John Lennon actually helped to create for the anti-Vietnam war (don't force white boys to fight, just keep the poor and blacks fighting for whitey boy so they can smoke some pot and go off on porn sex vacays in Thailand once everyone has fought for bigot white boy to not have to fight in Vietnam).
//This last part, and all of this post in fact, as since and was very hacked and partially deleted and re-strung together. I am re-reading this post after one hour, because I know how much damage the hackers produce to my every post which is written correctly. I don't have the stamina to spend hours constantly backspacing and rewriting so I leave the posts in the hacked, discrediting state. This post is no exception. I was writing that THE BEATLES AND THE ROLLING STONES, to be more precise, backed what John Lennon sold off as an anti-Vietnam War platform for their identities in the subculture and Hippie movement. In decades of being "knighted" and living in some space like Knightsbridge, London (exclusive, very near to Harrods, etc) they are fully incorporated into the reverse psychology sphere that I am trying to write about in these posts.
Very foggy, my brain is under attack, the hackers create the rest of the damage. My last sentence about these "men" was partially deleted. what I wrote about them in my last post earlier today was also mostly deleted when I was writing about their hypocrisy. I didn't even get to the Rolling Stones (Jagger/and that other uncooth one who physically assaulted me in a murderous threatening way for saying that I don't want to support them in this contract because I want America to remain solid in it's sovereignty--independence from Imperialism I implied but only used the word sovereignty. He tried to crush my head in a car door--in one of those stop-and-start editing process the actors use for their livelihoods and now they use it on me as a terror tactic).
One of the good friends of Keith Richards, the celebrity who began this entire celebrity onslaught upon me, back in 2013 when I wrote TWO SENTENCES on Facebook to him about how I enjoyed his movies. I was raped, he had my cat tortured and then stolen when I began endlessly to write and say no to being teleported and raped. He wouldn't stop for another 2 years until I began trying to castrate him. He just re-appeared two days ago, just in time to get his skanky rotten daughter probably another rung up on the hierarchy for his violence towards me, or his film about being an aristocrat royal is coming out and he needs bolstering for his product. They keep coming back. I am screaming and trying to kill them, and they keep coming back. They keep asking me in the hypnosis "truth serum" state whether I "want" them and demanding that I produce a baby with him, or another one. All I have said and screamed and fought for and against is to get them all off me. They keep asking me and demanding.
This putrid disgusting scum greasebag actor not only had my cat tortured and then stolen within two weeks of me writing two sentences complimenting him on his acting, as almost a first for me to write anything on any social media to a celebrity. I have never been involved in celebrity worship. In exchange for stealing my cat, he got his rotten creep daughter immersed in promotions by Nazi Lagerfeld at al. They haven't stopped having me beaten and tortured and they tried to kill me years ago and they still keep being handed this tech by the creep team of celebrities and politicians to torture and abuse me in this sleep state, whenever they need or want a boost for their shitty movies and tv shows and to get promotions for more extremely lucrative deals. They come at least 4 times a year, while pig pitt and shitalina are attacking me the rest of the 361 days of the year, but shifting the focus to other scumbags and politicians to take the lead role. Thusly the torturers never tire and it's a non-stop never-ending rotation aimed at destroying me in every way possible. The pigs after stealing the last animal I had as any semblance of a loving family, giggling as they did it while I cried to return her--then maiming poisoning putting fungus in my every orifice and laughing about it. their claims that the Europigape nazi bitches whom they spawned their shit children with are so much more "beautiful" and that has been the endless refrain throughout all these years of violence and mutilation towards me. Under these same men who are still attacking me, they also severed out part of my uterus which came out of my body, with an absolute slash mark of a surgeons precision knife, into the shower while I was taking a shower. My body has not been able to function on a hormonal level since, the aging process and skin deterioration plus non-stop torture, hate and abuse has resulted in quickening of the aging process. They keep insulting how I look compared to the bigot Nazi women who laugh and giggle and order these pig men to beat and rape me as they are in audience, as shitalina has done for years on-end without ever stopping and giggling and hugging the men who perform this deed for her to enjoy watching. My ideas she has stolen all these years about domestic violence and rape culture and feminism, which I studied in college and also in grad school (studying for Criminal Justice and then being confronted by an ENTIRE US Government fully immersed in the most heinous of criminal activity and laughing about the ease to which they get away with all their stealing and robbery and rape and violence and murder and war and etc).
So they never stop this pig scum from attacking me with his disgusting ugly daughter and French whore creep wife and their French Nazi contingent handing these pig apes mansions and deals and party invites into perpetua for helping them to infiltrate and take-over the dumb scum like this actor who is such a deranged and bedraggled scumbag rapist, along with The Rolling Stones who are his buddies in this situation, with an entire coterie of Engish fascists waiting behind them to also partake of this empire they all envision out of endless and perpetual torture of me until I break and do what all the pig apes like Bloomberg and Krapola have done willingly with huge, subservient smiles and they have been rewarded and now are thoroughly brainwashed into exerting violence upon me for fighting against this system which they now "love" like Stockholm Syndrome slaves.