Not that anyone is going to get any of them off of me. Once a parasitic piece of crap joins in with this group, they never leave and they are always there partnering and awaiting this huge contract when some pig can "break" me as this piece of shit yapped at me when I was trying to fight him off, before he raped me with violence pinning me down and using extreme drugging to add to the process for his filthy promotion, and the pig apes and the mafia goonery of Brooklyn with their creepy movies and mafia tv shows which I never watched except for maybe one movie and the others I saw because they were so highly touted as being the "best", obviously a rigged Nazi/Mafia credential from the rigged 4th Reich promotional celluloid brain plastering of filth to grease the way for people to love watching violence and using slang street jargon in their everyday life because vocabulary is effete at this point. I am constantly being told by dumb shit pig pitt that I am stupid and when I use any word beyond a one-syllable he says I am trying to be pretentious and really that I am quite stupid and just faking it.
The drugging and the brain attacks blocking parts of my higher critical functioning in my brain also blocks my thoughts and access to intricate concepts and vocabulary and concentration and focus to the degree that I can't calculate two easy numbers and am stuck, and when I do get a correct number my brain "sticks" to a completely incorrect number and I can't get out of the brain "groove".
Right now the hacking is as usual very bad. I am fighting to get letters and words out. That means this post will be hacked and rewritten and discrediting.
When I wrote that there were blood clots or red marks on my chest and on my left shoulder, I mean these are completely concentric red dots that appear in a perfect formation. There are two with slashes and cuts on my chest and one on my shoulder. The marks and slashes and gashes on my body are all due to nightly slashing and cutting into my body with adjoining permanently staining tattoo-like poisons injected in the same spot so all the marks and eruptions on my skin from endless poisoning remains completely visible. Like all the other attacks, this has been ongoing for most of my life, but since the celebrity Nazi skanks and their orders for the Nazi white pig apes who operate as the terrorists using the brown and black and minority apes to assault me for them, but organizing it all, under instruction of the shit from Whorewood--so the women so fixated with their daily botox and injection beauty treatments with all their plastic surgery and every kind of money so they can eat healthy--have had my body slashed nightly for over a decade, smeared with deadly damaging chemicals, poisons and bloating mind control drugs injected into myu bladder, fungus smeared into my hair every day while I was so drugged I could not move--and the list is endless. Severing out part of my uterus, literally, then stealing money out of my purse and then having the food I can't afford to buy drugged from supermarket terror agents posing as employees of every store, and every store allows this to happen.
When I say that Israel is a terrorist State I am not siding with Hamas but with the reality of how disgusting the U.S. Government is in funding this obviously antisemitic contract out on me, which my family happily engaged in and profited off all my life.
What is happening in Israel has been pre-planned not just by Hamas terrorists but also by the U.S. Government and probably the very corrupt and fascistically-oriented Netanyahu, who has been in power over Israel until he is a ripe corrupt banana Republic dictator and the Israelis were protesting him to the degree that military personnel were refusing to work because Netanyahu was creating a dictatorship with limiting powers by the Supreme Court. The U .S. media except for Democracy Now, the mainstream operators that I know of, never published this information but I heard about it and saw interviews on Democracy Now. The very graphic killing of babies being decapitated was a shock value exercise in power and propaganda to rally Israelis into a trauma-based mind control exercise in consolidation of power and collusion of the U.S. military and all it's Blackwater contracts from the Iraq War greased on over to Israel for a permanent basis of operation and politician corruption (from U.S. Congress). Otherwise the bigots of Congress could give a damn about Jewish women being raped, beaten and tortured as demonstrated by the hate and violence I have been inflicted by these greasy filthy pig apes from the Republicans and the Democrats who are all going to get another huge helping of graft for their participation. My endless fight to not be "enslaved" raped and abused and exploited has resulted in death threats from the shit of congress like Pelosi operating with the dirty foul bigot Shitnegger from Austria, the bigot body builder. The Jewish Nazis like Raskin joined in giggling with Germanic-last name Kinzinger who said he was offended that I would criticize Germany. He is dumb and blank as hell and proves how land-locked out of Illinois rural redneck country he truly is--as I know the terrain. Although he has lived in major cities and been around the world, he still does not know which end of the corncob pipe to blow smoke out of when it comes to racism and antisemitism as he's thoroughly indoctrinated in a most hateful Nazi contingent that does come out of Illinois and the Chicago area, just in his hood. Backed with "should know better" Raskin, laughing at the mutilation and poisoning and torture and rape the celebrities they partnered with to assault me, and then AOC coming at me with glaring hate just after her MET Gala appearance, and etc etc etc.\
So when these filthy pieces of shit are moaning about the plight of the ISRAELI Jews whom they don't even know, who are being raped and mutilated and then cut into pieces and babies decapitated, they are just full of you know what (what? even worse than bullshit).
The murder of Jews was PLANNED by the U.S. government to get the rage and approval for this military operation in the Middle East with fascist Banana Republic Netanyahu, which many Israelis are absolutely not in favor of, before the Hamas attack that is.
So when I see this huge demonstration of concern for raped women of Israel and butchered babies, and the justiposition of their giggly hate and glaring looks of murder and death threats and laughers as the celebrity pile of rotten Nazi shit has been poisoning mutilating torturing and raping me carte blanche with U.S. Government funding albeit from "Dark Money" sources, I can't describe the same ennui I have every day hearing these same blathering bs operators describe their concern for "black women" and "the American people" and "fighting for Democracy" and etc it's all such a crock pile.
Obviously they are into mass killing and genocide and are working fervently for Europigape fascist Nazism as each and every greasy and dirty politician then gets more mansions and easy life in Europigapeland as their "reward" for selling America into an absolutely tyrannical fascist Nazi dictatorship with so many pieces of shit like this English rotten fucking old man younger than me in years, coming in with brutality and rape and hate to assault and get promoted into Whorewood with pitshitalina the pigs and the crap from Whorewood who get endless red carpet modeling appearances at Paris Fashion Week and luxury apartments and mansions in Europigapeland for their participation in this hate contract, with their shitty dirty children in tow as the nepo-refuse that cling to this contract being programmed in fascist Nazism so they are absolutely trained by the Europigape fascists in how to brutalize and are much more violent than the stupid and rotten parents who were put into lead mainstream appearances for their sleazy but "American" performances DECADES ago. Now the ONLY thing they can identify with is Europigape culture and fashion and being as aristocratically fascist Nazi as possible behind all the worn-out chestnuts that they endless pump out of their holes as part of the 80's and 90's "alternative" media that they and the Clintons represented. now it's all about ultra wealth attainment and being as fascist Nazi Europigapeland as possible for them all. The little bit of posturing about being "politically correct" is being lambasted by the "Alt-Right" which firmly operates alongside them when the cameras are not flashing so they recant their protestations as quickly as possible.
So when the utter bloody murder is televised and babies are decapitated understand that the operation being forced upon me is embedded into the overall architecture of this terrorist group, aka the 4th Reich.
They don't care whatsoever about "jews" and even Jews don't care about Jews.
I still have no support, I am sick from endless drugging and violence. I am trying to not allow this group of shit to get more and more power but no one is supporting me or helping me. The pigs are being supported now by a huge contingent of mafia out of the thuggery of utter murder and violence partnering with deniro, the Gottis and et al, ever increasing because they want this contract so much. Over a decade of people raping and brutalizing me is not enough they are adding extremely sexist rapist dirty nasty ugly men all the time and fascist Nazi Barbie of the Klaus Barbie progeny all the time--
it's been non-stop violent English coming to punch into my face and now this disgusting old man younger than me coming to rape and beat and abuse and laugh--but when I am asleep, pinned down, drugged to the max with technology supplied by both Elon Musk and the U.S. Government so these filthy rotten pieces of crap can inflict their misery and hate and abuse and racism upon as many as possible when they get more and more and more people embedded with microchips and etc.
They are working hard to achieve this. But for the time-being, this contract out on me entails I must somehow be "broken" and all I do is fight ALONE with zero support because of this antisemitism that abounds in America up to the zenith of the power structure of the castrated rotten bigot old men and the rotten degenerate women of Congress and their Dark Money sources. The few who do discuss "Dark Money" all the time have their pet peeves like climate crisis but the racism is so embedded in them that me being raped and tortured poisoned courtesy of the United States and mafia connected with organized criminal gangs of New York interconnected to mafia out of Europigapeland where they are brutally murderous and genocidal towards Jews, have been and never lost that mentality despite Europigapeland having been infiltrated by the U.S. Military to stop the 3rd Reich. Now intent on the divide-and-conquer strategy of internal division and strife and programming with mansions for the sleazy and greedy dumb skanks of Whorewood, where a deliberate process of culling out authentic actors and installing absolute fascist bigots who only follow orders being put in place of the former ethical actors and personalities of that programming entity called Hollywood. Not that it was probably not racist during the 3rd Reich like the rest of America.