Friday, October 6, 2023

Complete attack by the next wave of terrorist politicians and celebrities. The celebrities in question have gone after me and this contract since 2013 or earlier but when they are offered a chance to be very threatening and violent, they are called forward. They are the LA "hood" celebrities who are absolute racist and sexist hateful violent threatening abusers. Worse than the white supremacists in their speech and threats and they are proud of it. They are of course applauded for it. Nothing deters them as they are emboldened. //Every post I put on my Facebook page or this blog is an ersatz "justification" to abuse and threaten me by one politician or celebrity after the next. I post songs with videos and write nothing about them, although many of them are following in the hate campaign against me and I post them as commentary but don't outright connect the celebrity/politician or the multitudes of them, by now, who are represented in the videos. In general I post about the situation but the violent threats at me are so disgusting and there is never any cessation or support for me that I onl ypost videos. The torture continues non-stop for HOURS every morning. The blacks are now violently threatening me along with Marjorie Taylor Greene. they are all expecting huge advancements for this demonstrative force of violence against me, sexual assault and death threats by MTG and death threats by the rappers (I can't write their names it's all too odious). MTG has a name that is hard to mock as there is nothing silly or offensive that I can find to rhyme with it, unfortunately. (I can think of absurd names, though but I would rather just not think about any of them. They never stop.

 I posted on Facebook an article about a Black English citizen and his Thai wife from Phuket who are leaving Phuket swearing, or the Black male swears, he will never return. The reason is undo racism and discrimination he has experienced at places in a very populated tourist area called Kata/Karon Beach. He has never been treated in this harsh racist, discriminatory manner, he claims. He's been a traveler here in Phuket since 2016 and married his Thai lover in 2020. 

I pasted this because I was treated in a most disgusting way at a "World Class" mall called Central Festival/Florista two days ago. In all the many years I have shopped at that store, I have NEVER had store employees grab my breasts and open my bags while I was paying for items as if I were shoplifting and they were inspecting without asking me to open the bags. I was at the other end of the cart. I wrote about this and was of course tortured abused threatened by those who are profiting off this global fascist racist bigotry movement. What's creepy is how the Black believe that they are welcomed in Europe due to warm welcoming smiles and friendship overtures. I know, as they always claim I am stupid, that this is a TACTIC to lower barriers and thresholds so when the sword comes down the victim will not have a ready support system or defense. In other words, while Russians may openly be racist and use sickeningly disgusting tactics, it's more concealed by the Europigapes but they are extremely racist anyway. 

The russian who has raped, beaten and tortured my cat then smiled warmly telling me to be grateful that he is "taking care of my cat" and implying that the Germans were guilty of my cat crying in fear and terror as they teleported me after i wrote a post about sex date rape drugging violence accusations that caused a stir in Germany and made world headlines--or maybe this, too, was a hack in my system and it never happened, as has happened often in the past as my internet is rife with the faces and fake posts about the line-up of celebrities waiting for me to die so they can capitalize on torturing me to death. The blacks make outright deadly genocidal Nazi statements to my face as the Germans watch on smiling or glowering in entitlement "rage" as I fight and fight with no support.

Odd that the Democrats have nearly put MAGA into power by voting en masse to oust McCarthy. That may even bring Trump back into power and thusly eliminating the threat of all  his indictments and trials. As I have written, the Democrats who have teleported me are in Trump's pocket and have sunk down into the crevice of his pants and are kissing upward to gain a bit of mobility and flex room within the burgeoning 4th Reich, as all these "liberal" celebrities are happily greasing the graft machine for a monopoly and power cartel which they are trying to cement. Why the heck it hinges around me succumbing to rapists and bigots and haters who I find deplorable to the maximum (almost) forcing me to claim that they, their personalities or lack thereof, their rape and mutilation and deformation of my body for all these many years and endless abuse and hate as I see them as undeveloped sick and deformed psychic parasites who devour life force through violence and torture--and I should have a "baby" with one of them although they severed part of my uterus out while I was drugged and unconscious. THey killed animals I was loving and taking care of after they stole my most cherished cat La Moux who they are still slowly killing and threatening to kill constantly while she is dying from old age waiting for me to love her again.. They are so abusive, hateful and sinister and ugly towards me I can't express how much I am convinced that I DESERVE MUCH BETTER THAN THIS and for this fascist Nazi sick government to continue to allow this kind of endless encroachment and violation of privacy and rape and torture and my ideas stolen my finances completely destroyed my health teetering on death from their poisoning and non-stop torture for longer than a decade every single day with so much violence it is murder and by a miracle I have survive but absolutely broken down physically and I need this to be stopped. It won't stop if I give in to their demands to provide them with some empire for them and their nasty partners and children after they have stolen my life and my opportunities and my money and my love an dmy cat and everything possible and are still being instructed to abuse me longer and more violently because I am fighting for my life to have my life not an enslaved endless misery from people I neither find intellectually, physically, morally or in any way desirable not artistically not their acting not their personalities not their friends and family--the only thing they have is the money they got from torturing me thus depriving me of earning a reasonable living after having studied for 6 years in grad school. 


I "forgot" to add that the extent of the discriminatory practice at the very beautiful Central Festival/Florida mall complex where I go from one Tops Market in one of the mall buildings, across the skyway to the next huge mall complex, down the elevator and then I must navigate the masses of stalking terrorists constantly walking into me and swaying into my pathway every few minutes or even seconds--hitting me as they pass with elbows--that has also happened, the latter of being bumped into like a body slam, in this past year as well and has never happened in the past. I was so discriminated against in the bank I use to exchange money at the bank counter with masses of Russians crowding the tiny bank outlet and hitting me with elbows as they pushed against me and past me while I was standing waiting in line--etc etc. But I tried to lodge complaints and the entire staff every single place was trained on attacking me, lying and they were not even doing a relative semblance of their jobs they were just attacking me and lying. There was no quality control whatsoever. I was surrounded by Russians as well, not exclusively but it was part of the faction.


I have to add that while I lived in Stuttgart, there were Jewish refugees from Russia who said that anti-Semitism was so bad that they fled to Germany to escape really nasty persecution. 

Can someone please get my cat away from these violent animal abusers and racists and rapists and beaters and haters? And me as well?


Today, in addition to hours this morning as the Black rapper from LA and Greene the sexual predator who wants legislation denying sexual freedom for LGBTQ+ but has assaulted me but I guess it was as a predatory power-grab and nothing like a sexual thing--?? (wtf?)


Together they spent at least 2-3 hours abusing, insulting and threatening me while I was putting my sleep clothing away. The entire 2 hours of me cleaning clothing by hand in the sink--and then while I was in the shower relaxing of course the abuse from Ice C was violent and really abusive. His lexicon of violence and hate towards me has included physical, sexual, and genocidal Nazi slurs at me just like JayZ and Beyonce have done and all have obtained cheers, applause and promotions. Never daunted, they go on.

I have to mention that at least a decade ago I posted videos of Ice C with his song "No Vaseline". One year later the movie about the bio of NWA came out. No surprise that he's been a part of this terror racist crew since that era and I suspect my posting about him and hew "crew" brought him and his son that fame from that movie. Undaunted once more, with no thanks to me for the years of his profit, he joins in with the people who make open racist memes and hate sentences. They never target black people they target "Jews". They are desperate to force a racist label on me because I have had almost no contact with "Jews" have never been a part of the diaspora and don't follow that religion. As far as I have always been concerned, I AM AN AMERICAN and I identified myself as such. But they are excluding me from being an American and putting me into a category of extreme racist derision and thus justifing a racist hate crime towards me. They constantly superimpose racist cliches and stereotypes on me. They can only think in boxes can categories. 

I truly wish someone would stop this and get them all off me and reparations for the years of totture, mutilation and slow murder and theft of my ideas from which they all obtained a lot of money and awards and gave nothing but murder and torture in return stealing what I could barely afford to pay for--on a routine almost daily basis they have their minions breaking and destroying my property, my health and my finances are blocked and I ask this world to have some kind of decency, once again. That this is never stopped and more and more and more and more politicians come to abuse, insult, threaten to kill me, watch as I get raped and poisoned and beaten, and just go along and see what they can profit out of it.

But this is just hours and hours of this going on while I am not ale to block them out. I am trying meditation techniques but they go on and on and on and on as the pestilence that they truly are, the parasitic leeches that they are.

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