Monday, October 30, 2023

Terrorist plant destruction on my patio. Another beautiful flowering plant is slowly dying. Every day they are killing one or more of the plants I must constantly replenish on my patio--costing me so much money over the past 6 months to replace and repurchase. I pay for seeds and they kill the seeds. I put in plants and the plants are slowly killed every day. Today another one has been dying slowly in one single spot on the patio. I am spraying anti-fungal on another gorgeous flowering vine that has grown for the past 6 months. They put a horrid fungus on it as I did everything I could to stop this destruction (rubbing alcohol, as they continued to spray fungus or it just kept growing but the fungus was put there by the terror group). This other plant, in a differnet spot where the trickles of poisoned water and spray are coming from the patio above where terrorists literally cut holes into my patio ceiling just at this spot so they have water trickling and sometimes pouring down from these multiple holes they drilled in the ceiling). The plant has dead and yellowed leaves now and there are almost no leaves left. It was growing and beautiful up to last week. Every week and every month I am spending at least $10 or more to buy more plants, and usually I pay something like $15 every month to pay for more plants an dmore and more and more. I live on less than subpoverty income and this is money I need for the soaring food costs. The pig apes continue to block my internet and thus all possibilities for earning money online. Please stop this destruction by these millionaire and billionaire f-tards who have stolen ceoncepts from me and made huge profit (millions) from all they have stolen and inflicted upon me, and they continue to do so non-stop every single moment they can (are "allowed") most of them who have stolen my ideas have participated in THE NON-STOP MURDER ATTEMPT upon me in so many facets of physical and every other kind of destruction. every single day.

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