Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Addition to my last post. I was completely under the influence of brain-altering technology interface with non-stop drugging, torture, stress, violece from sick parasitic celebrities and politicians and "civilians" of the 4th Reich. I "forgot" to add the essential points to my ranting diatribe about Farrakhan the English scumbag whore and his skank dirty wife and their ilk, the sick sleazy Europigpape fascist nazis who you all adore.

 Because I called dirty nasty Oprah and Aunt Jemima about 5 years ago, as that rotten sleazy ugly dirty filthy thing asked me for ideas and then tortured me, asked me what I meant, demanded an apology. I had known about her involvement with this non-stop rape and torture and poisoning murder and assault upon me, she was involved, stole a concept I had written about A Wrinkle in Time, which she starred in but she's exactly the opposite to whatever role she played. Her assault upon me lead to the assault by countless blacks who then claimed that I was the most virulent racist. They teamed up with fascist white trash celebriteis who are famous for their charitable "woke" roles and causes celebrity---who are fascists, make the most deadly commentary about concentration camps. That's all fine and good for the black Nazis who love their benefactors and "friends" as they are all good "friends". No problem with this injustice towards me. Aunt Oprah then sicced a host of other blacks, and now Farrakhan has come to defend Germans abusing me, saying they are "superior". This group has blocked my every attempt at having a career my body my health a home and they have even stolen my cat and they refuse to return her.

My point is that Farrakhan asked me, in the middle of a few days of hours and hours of verbal interrogation with the english filth rapist behind him, trying to pin this label on me with the only attribute he has in the public realm, "exposing" racism. Thusly, he went on and on. 

finally he asked me about my perspective of the Israeli-Hamas conflict/war. I tried to be jovial, I tried to make jokes, I said I didn't want to talk, and every day with this sick technology I can't stop talking. There is a "truth serum" effect and I also can't turn away, they are facing me no matter which direction I turn. These are rapists who have talked about Nazi death camps and me being killed and have mutilated my body. These are pig apes who have stolen my ideas non-stop for over a decade, as they took over the contract from other pieces of Europigape shit men who were poisoning me to death adn raping the poison into my body and would not stop after years I finally called them pigs, they had me beaten, thrown in jail for a visa overstay, deported me back to America where I was assaulted by an ENTIRE HOTEL which was designated as a terrorist attack situation surrounding me constantly. I was so drugged there I could not get out of bed. It was abuse non-stop for half a year, they broke my cats ribs they then stole her completely when I wrote two sentences to Johnny Depp in 2013 on his Facebook page. That began years of his r ape and torture along with Amber Heard, which almost lead to my murder until Trump took the toys away from Elon Musk who, when he worked in tandem with Heard, the murder attempts really began with cars hitting me. Then trump had cars hit me and I almost was killed, and then they tried to knock my teeth out. Meanwhile they were still stealing ideas and stealing ideas. Now they are trying to get an oscar for the ideas they stole from me this year again, and then by torturing me and threatening to kill me, they intend that this will lynch their academy award or golden globe (the former more likely as it's a complete Nazi-controlled mafia operation).


So, Farrakhan asked me about the Israel role, as he was ready to pounce on me for anything that disagreed with his venomous hate for Jews and pro-Muslim everything.

I TOLD him and this group of stupid shit who have tortured me after stealing ideas, disfigured mutilated and were poisoning me to death in a horrid way that I am still stuck not able to move

and they listened for a few moments as I said that this was an operation that was done in conjunction with Hamas and Israel and also the 4th Reich Nazi shit that is controlling them--the white supremacists. I have only been writing about English Imperialism and English Israelism for the past decade but they never read it or listen. I said that the Jews and Hamas were just being used as pawns and it was about control for the land. All was a construction of media terror circus and in the end, the elite on all sides are going to divide the land between themselves. I said that Hamas was using it's soldiers and didn't care about them.

I was tortured by Farrakhan for this after I said it. As usual they began to abuse adn torture me. More things were sprayed with stinking filth. My clothing was stinking sprayed my home was sprayed with stinking brown substances and filth and fungus. My body was mutilated. This goes on EVERY SINGLE DAY. and after years of these sick stupid shit holes making MILLIONS of dollars from the ideas they stole from me and also from this contract, they are sucking as much out of me as possible. 

Once I saw the video where the Hamas soldiers said that they were tricked by their leadership and just used, which is what I had said the crew of dumb scum teleported me this morning and asked me how I knew. I realized that the pieces of shit were once more sucking information out of me. The English sick fucking whore pig just got my life force energy by rape, as I responded because I was drugged and I am always drugged. He sucked out my beauty and love and youth and returned it by slapping my face and sexual violence and abuse and then torture. This is the contract. The sick fucking whores of this group watch this go on and hug and embrace the sick fucking pigs who do this, the women giggle. They all play "feminist" roles, and mostly from ideas I wrote and have written of because they are such rape enabler skank absolute shit people. They steal the ideas, and they steal the ideas. They go through daily torture sessions to extract ideas from me. They have never paid me a single penny they use my ideas to promote themselves and claim it's their idea and concept. Once I get angry ahout this sick situation, they torture me with all their weapons and pig apes who operate as proxy rapists and terrorists, the "normal" "good" citizens of the planet (of all political affiliations, races and ages and socioeconomic levels, basically most of the world that has survived all the Nazi genocidal culling of decency turning everything into corruption and rot.

I tried to not answer, I told them they were pigs. I wished them death. i kept trying to not say anything. The "truth serum" effect and this forced response out of me with this drugging and technology--I can't stop talking. I detest them in a way that is nausiating to just see them or have anything to do with peole like this--I mean pig apes like this.


Meanwhile, I am constantly surrounded by babies when I am out in public. The pieces of shit are trying to suck every single thing out of me. A baby now, the culmination of rape adn torture and hate which they feed off. They all go off in new love relatinships after this violence towards me. I remain stuck paralyzed needing health care needing to heal in peace as they are murdering me.


What came out earlier in my last post was an enraged and drugged up hysterical rant. I had to eat today and my food which I can't carry around with me is drugged. I must lug water to this room and I can't constantly drag heavy bottles because I spend a few weeks in this room due to my spine and body being too injured to do anything. 

So they tried to obtain information. I ekpt screaming at them in rage and called them pigs and shut the fuck up and on and on. Farrakhan then demanded an "apology" for finally losing my tempre after months of this fucking Nazi assaulting me verbally in defense of pig shit most racist Europgiape white males. 

What a sick and fucking farce they all are.

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