Monday, October 23, 2023

All I did was click on a music video and I got raped by the creepazoid whose movie clip was pasted into the music video. It appeared on my music playlist selection for my exercise routine and it kept appearing for months until I finally clicked on the movie--not on the actor but on a different actor in the movie but it was really about the scene and had nothing to do with any of the actors but the joke about self-abnegation in working to pleasure the wealthy for their leisure. I got this filth English scum whore parasite and his dirty ugly filthy skank wife beating and raping me because they want the leisure of huge financial payments at the abuse and hate their partners out of London have profited off in unbelievable fashion for the past decade, with the pig gang of Whorewood going to the Oscars year after year. Along with his is one of the Commonwealth minions who raped and threatened to kill me four time and obtained 4 lead roles in movies during the Covid decrease in movies and movie starring roles. That is how much these filthy and ugly dirty apes are being promoted for violence and ultra violence and hate endlessly heaped upon me, every day and night by untold millions of people in the cumulative.//All I did was just take a peek at one of the scenes because it was funny, it was "cool" it was anti-yuppie aristocratic exploitation. This pig ape scumbag who played in this movie is all about the opposite, the exact opposite but he acts like all the hormone jock pig ape brigade I have seen taking Muay Thai training at the gyms here in Phuket who come here to pump up and exploit the eager Thai "girls" and assault me in tandem as all get some profit and hormone-derived high out of it as well. I only watched a movie and I was nearly murdered by the actors.

 He reminds me of these dirty, nasty English creeps I was assaulted by while I was extremely friendly and kindly towards these worthless thugs who are beefy jerky who appear like absolutely monotonous bots with programming and no personalities besides endless Imperialistic aspirations and a lot of violence and fighting and alcohol and exploitation which seems to be 2nd nature. When I finally understood what kind of sickness I was constantly dealing with, I avoided them like the plague they are, the infestation of my life that this group from England has been--most of my life, and now it's as deadly as it always was but I have a prototypical thug from some seemingly working class background, I guess, but considering how England operates, he must have been brought up in wealth because they don't really give working class much of an opportunity, and if they do, it won't last long. They must resort to moving to Whorewood so they can have a more lengthy attempt, and then they must promote English facsism and Europigapeland 4th Reich mentality in order to get a promotion. As this scumbag has not been in the public eye that I know of for years, he's desperately violent towards me with his dirty skank female partner (his wife? rotten dirty hateful ugly thing, blondish hair and lots of jewelry and violent and disgusting--an actor as well, trying for her skank promotion as well?).


He stuck his greasy vile penis in my last night again when I was extremely sick from yet another bout of detox as this detox never ends. The hard shell of poison latched onto my spine from hips to skull remains. Pieces break off as I detox with sickness that lasts from 1-2 days of infirmity--they increase the violence because I am so vulnerable, the parasites all of them do this. So while falling asleep, as my threat was constricted so I was woken up by this lack of oxygen and my nose and throat making a most hideous noise (more discrediting of me) in my deep healing sleep state, which is far more sunken into physical vulnerability due to the poisons and drugs that are coursing through my bloodstream from detox--toxic deadly poisons as this pig ape stuck his filthy dirty pig penis in my body and I responded in some sexual way--I could not control it. I find this pig ape scumbag actor detestable, ugly and evil. The word "evil" comes to my mind. His "spiritual" energy is extremely strong and I suggest that he is a "black magick" practitioner. He, like his partner from Canada I only alluded to above, are both martial arts flops who can perform the actions but are of the dark side of the Left Hand path to "power" which is subterfuge, endless lies, exploitation, and misuse of the art of martial arts for evil and sadistic purposes. Misuse of power and that is the hallmark of this teleportation terror operation I have borne witness to for so long.

He won't stop, as long as he can suck whatever out of me for his dirty cheap promotion. The English have appeared as vile and hateful and disgusting to me, towards me, in my opinion and by now it's detestable that this group is somehow considered some kind of "superior" by the likes of the black minority minion who shrieks constantly about people like him as his oppressor and is over-animated with hateful violent sadism to conjoin with a piece of shit like that to attack me, the designated hate object so he can pour racism upon me and threaten me if I respond in any way that appears like it conforms to any semblance of a racist remark in response to his racist antagonism and threats towards me. I must necessarily analyze the situation according to the hypocrisy of his stance in public versus the utter reality that I have written of and written of for so many years of what I term "minority minions" and 'Black Nazis".


Pit is now frothing and is ugly and has hate on his awful face now. His smug appearance has turned into a violent sneer with maggot robber and himself vying for a huge promotional position in Whorewood and the English are along with the Australian skank ugly creep who has been a violent appendage to pit encouraging utter violence and disfigurement of my body so they can all scream about how ugly I am compared to the plastic surgery shit whores who ordered so much poison to be injected into my body for so many years for this very purpose. 


I AM TRYING alone to NOT allow them to be handed this power and this contract. I also saw that blonde bigot from MAGA maggotry MTG, from Georgia today blathering in her yapping righteous falsity about how the Republican Party is being torn apart. That rotten skank creep who long fingernails dug into my vagina after I was sitting next to her after giving her a tarot reading to "help" that worthless rotten fascist Nazi putrid dirty thing that Americans love--but she is jabbering about how somehow, the Republican Party is now being torn apart (by other people, she would intimate). It's really her fault, and her ilk. What a disgusting skank and she is also fully aligned with the English bigots and Canadian rotten rapist/threatening murder fuck that Keanu Reeves is, with Maggot Robber this dirty stupid ugly thing and now Pit is now revealing his ugliness which has been obscured by his "famous" smug psychopathic grin for all these years. I watched clips of Thelma and Louise and realized how absolutely sick Gina Davis is in actually authenticating pit who is the epitome of a domestic violence rapist womanizing abuser--and he was chosen because she really can't tell the difference, and he was put as the "light" good guy in the film who "healed" her sexual itch. In reality, Davis was awed by Pit because he is a rapist and abuser and user, and in so choosing him for that role, as usual Whorewood portrays the very evil that it is supposedly using to represent the antidote to the violence and hate that they are portraying as something they are revealing and these heroic dumb skank actors have no clue whatsoever about domestic violence. That includes the partner, what's her name, I can't remember it now as my brain is under assault--she played in rocky horror picture show and otherwise is supposed to represent this feminist alternative icon involved in cheering politics on. Bah Humbug what a complete fraud but sounds good in front of a mic. All of them know what pit the pig shit has done to me, they still "'love" him for it, as do the other "women" who are "feminist" in Whorewood who "love" that violent rapist but when it comes to racist rape, they all cheer it on, especially if they can get a piece of the huge pie that pig shit pitt is counting on. His glaring at me in hate now is because he is a puppet of the English and he loves maggot robber who encourages him to more and more violence towards me. I got this absolute knowledge of it as they both giggled while attacking me because they've been "winning" Oscars for years due to this contract out on me, as the murder of me has increased my body is so completely destroyed from the poison while they have been giggling and laughing and going on red carpet non-stop ever since.


Of course, no one can get these fucking pieces of shit off me. The master-slave mentality that they pursue means that they are being absolutely encouraged to treat me with the most violent of slave oppression if possible. I consider them the rats, worthless subhuman trash and shit and filth and parasites. They only steal my ideas perpetually, make my body huge and I can't get this poison out of my body it has completely marred my body my body is absolutely covered with scars adn broken bones and mutilations these pigs have ordered upon me. For the years that this Australian skank has partnered with shit pig pitt the violence has increased almost exponentially. Now this English piece of rotten evil ugly shit with his ugly beady hateful eyes and glowering evil underneath all the acting roles of playing a benevolent martial arts style spiritual instructor, and an alternative against the shit that this pig is actually fully supporting the most vile of fascist exploitation of the wealthy over anyone they can rape and screw over (because it can't just be me they are going to do this to).

A vile and ugly group. No one can ever get this technology away from them, they continue like parasitic shit that they are. They are constantly trying to foist that label onto me, as if fighting to not be raped and mutilated has made me somehow awful. But the violence they have been constantly inflicting upon me has only engendered more pieces of shit to pour their filthy fucking videos on my  youtube channel, which I watch under extreme drugging so I can't stay away, I look at the carnage and damage this group has basically created due to their putting Trump into their endeavor for a power cartel and monopoly, combining politics with entertainment media.


I feel like another 10 years has been sucked out of my energy field and body by yet another black hole cesspool scumbag parasite who believes he and his ilk are somehow "superior" based on a rigged system of racism and exploitation. As usual he has his black and brown minions coming to abuse me for him, I have only seen this countless times, and I mean countless. He got one of the most proficient bs con artists of racist analysis in America to assault me and this was under hypnosis, while I could not turn away, while myb rain was under assault and I was faced with about a few rows of chairs of hostile pig apes observing as he threatened my life and abused and attacked me while I could not stop talking and defended my self, which lead to more persecution for saying anything related to the sheer fact that he is "black" and I am commenting on how he's partnering with absolute white supremacists in assaulting me, and has done so for years now--how long has it been?

And this creep just sucked my life force out of me with his ugly sick wife. I feel decades older from yet another crap parasite who is constantly sticking his filthy vile penis in me after I scream at him that he's disgusting. He goes on and on, and the promotions this rotten parasite is going to get is obviously as rewarding for this bigot creep as the rape with no consequences and only kudos and applause from the pigs who have all done the same thing to break my body my spirit my life to steal and rob my ideas and then torture me and call me all kinds of names afterwards. All now like a gathering storm of Nazi violence because I think Trump is urging them with incentives to increase the torture because he needs to exploit me once more for his fucking career. Being put into the President's office for, in part, his own non-stop near-death abuse of me was not enough for over 4 years. Like Graham the shit greasy ugly dirty old man who "me too" shitalina stripped for after he abused me, as she always strokes the men who rape me and giggles and yells abuse at me after stealing my ideas year after year, giggling and saying "no" to my endless demands and requests that they pay me at least SOMETING. the "slave" situation of me being raped and abused immediately afterward plus my ideas stolen by absolutely robotic bot-like scumbags who have no personality is astoundingly transparent in how rotten and mediocre they truly are. But no, shit like Marjorie Taylor Green comes to input her own participation in this same contract out on me by sticking her claw-like hands into my vagina and giggling as she shares a huge laugh with an English or Europigape scumbag she brought on to participate--because they are all showing me how they love this "system" of Europigape fascist Nazi infiltration into AMerica exactly so people like me can't compete and be beautiful--they must poison, they must mutilate, they have an entire globe of people discriminating against me so they can claim they are "superior" and all the black and brown and other minorities violently assisting in this as they love their "masters" and violently assault me.

So no one is going to get this filthy shit ugly English creep off me. He's so banal and rotten but somehow his dirty nasty energy creates a reaction out of me. He's so turned on by violent rape and abusive sex and so I feel this energy and after years of non-stop hate and beatings death threats from pigs like Reeves who said this while raping me--and I had done nothing to him whatsoever except to tell him to conserve water when he was first trying to rape me in a shower situation as I tried to not get involved and also told him not to waste water because where I actually lived (not where I was teleported to) there was a severe water shortage and people in Thailand were without water for quite a long time in the poorer areas. Everyone was concerned about the water crisis and this situation remains in Thailand in other aspects as well. this rotten foul waste product of wealthy with his endless rotten martial arts performances as an ultra violent personality could not handle this because I was admonishing him to conserve water, becauase according to these stupid pig apes who have constantly tortured me to obtain ideas from all my decades of having lived with a university professor and going to grad school while these pig apes have taken classes on how to pretend and feign that they have characteristics that they are trying to suffocate in me because only the fascist white supremacists are "supposed" to tell anyone else what to do, what to think or say, and any information that is of importance is supposed to only be credited to them. Since they are mediocrities and hateful banalities, they torture me to obtain ideas, steal the ideas, turn them into bullshit fascist Nazi iconography and imagery glorifying their worthless shit whore selves as the image of Nazi "superiority" (as Farrakhan the bs con calls them in relation to me, which means he plays the minion game and grovels to this group for his career success in shoveling out hate against Jews for the sake of the 4th Reich). 


I just want them off of me, with money they must be forced to pay me for the years of destroying my health to the point of me begging to not be killed constantly for about 6 years as they went on giggling and laughing and poisoning and raping and mutilating and then stealing idea after idea from me endlessly--so many ideas turned into tv shows, even The Handmaiden's Tale which I wrote of, which became a tv show about one year later and all interconnected to this group, of course,  out of England. 

My internet has been turned on and off so constantly it turns on for about 3 minutes as I write it's turned off . I have been turning my laptop and router on and off to try to reestablish the connection as they remotely turn it off once more.

I don't know if I can even publish this because I have been fighting to get internet connection which turns on for about 3 minutes after I spend 10 minutes turning everything off. The router only turns on and connection is restored only if I turn off this laptop and unplus it and  unplug the router. Then turn the router on and wait for the connection to be restored, which it is. I then turn on my laptop as the internet is on and I click on the browser, which is slowed down because they hack into this system constantly so the keyboard barely operates, the slowing down of browsers is also ubiquitous regardless of which computer I use the hacking follows me everywhere. I can't save this because they hack into this blog and delete my writing. They delete it even when I do publish, as they rewrite and partially delete.

This never ends. The poison they put in my body I can't get out. I am still being raped by some rotten ugly piece of Nazi shit with a group of black and feminist fuckers applauding and joining in so white pig ape rapist will promote these worthless, overpaid whores. I am actually a beautiful and loving person being turned into an endlessly abused sex torture victim they try to turn into a "slave" these English rotten pig scumbags who I detest and don't find this ugly actor from England attractive in any respect, whatsoever. He's never said or done anything that is beautiful or intelligent. All I do is provide dumb shit whores with ideas which they are paid in millions to produce with huge money pouring in for production, and then they go to the Oscars. The shit of pit is endlessly latched onto me because he and his maggot skank from Australia have been latched on giggling as they have poisoned and mutilated me and been laughing to both the bank and the Oscars for at least SIX YEARS. And by the way, I have been begging online for my life to stop this poisoning and torture for much longer than six years, but longer than a decade. This sick situation is still going on. As I wrote so many years ago, you f-ers reading this will severely regret not having stopped this group from obtaining these contracts one day when so much destruction has rained down due to the incompetence and stupidity and mediocrity of these power-grabbing rapist whore creeps who are being endlessly promoted for actions that are life-sucking murder operations. AS it has blossomed already in America, it's going to escalate into a far worse death cult unless you reading this actually begin to think about the ethics involved and your lack of any principles except for your selfish acquisition and how easy and free this all appears. The hate I have received from at least 200 celebrities and millions of shit scumbags who attack me in the streets and in all public places and in my home is unbelievable. 

I reacted to a sleazy and dirty pig fucker from England because his sexual energy was so high, and I have only hate surrounding me constantly and no one coming to even support me in any way, whatsoever for just standing up for my basic human rights and standing firm in the fact that these fucking pieces of shit have no right to do this to me. For this I am raped and tortured poisoned mutilated beaten robbed living in stinking filth. I hear only the absolute obverse from all of these fuckers in politics and in the media concerning their supposed stance regarding human rights. 


I have to add that when Farrakhan was lambasting and harassing abusing insulting and threatening me for hours, day after day, with this English rapist expletive behind him urging the black Nazi to assault me with the hate that he doesn't want to openly display but Farrakhan does it on his pulpit towards "jews" so often that it's natural and he's been so honored for it by white 4th Reich America.

I had written before f-khan began his endless assault and interrogation of me that I believe that the violence in Palestine was a form of genocide, I wrote that and the next day Farrakhan began psychologically torturing me trying to get me to say that I am really in favor of genocide that I hate blacks that I'm really a racist and he kept on and kept on for hours as I could ont stop answering his digsuting questions and defending myself, telling  him constantly that his is behaving like a racist and not me.


What will it take for anyone to get them off me and to have some kind of decency towards me as a human being?

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...