Monday, October 2, 2023

These shelf-life expired celebrities have a new movie and album coming out so they "have to" torture me in teleportation to get their next free deal out of this. They have been going on for over a decade as well, mostly in the background but now taking turns with the other English goon squad, fully supported by the American goon squad puppets of the English Crown, Ltd criminal 4th Reich infiltration Imperialism pre-American Revolution cartel--.When will they be pried off attacking me, I wonder? I am not capable of imagining a point of light and meditating after I have been drugged up, they teleport me while I am in a deep sleep to hate and violence, they then begin for HOURS every morning attacking me and I try to be pleasant and make jokes as they ask me for ideas and information constantly, which this entire group is constantly stealing and using as their own concept. Then they attack my nervous system with their tech blasting at my body and brain in the rooms next to mine in this global terror operation, then I finally can't take it any longer as I rush at them violently to get them to stop insulting abusing asking me questions that they can steal while constantly calling me stupid a loser a bitch a whore and etc...then they go on and on until I am fighting to kill them, and then I turn on the laptop and my attention goes towards news about Nazi uprisings in America, which was exacerbated when this group of celebrity scumdum put Trump into power using this same system and terror technology. Every SINGLE day it goes on and on. Pelosi, AOC, Raskin, Harris, Graham, Cruz, Kinzinger, Trump, Klobuchar, RJK, Jr., West, and if I have forgotten any of the criminal politicians who have come to see, giggling, participating, threatening to kill me, patting the pig ape scumbag whores of whorewood on the back and then getting interviews from the media with MSNBNC anchors doing the same, reacting to my rage after years of that news reporting agency participating in this, a couple of them violently yelling and racist abuse, etc and I remain writing about it for yet another day of grey hairs trying to overtake my natural health and my body endlessly breaking down from suffocation from stress.//"Crazy-making"/drugging/torturing teleporting celebrity Nazi/Mafia bigots of all shapes and colors and nationalities, these hell-beings always enlisting more to assault me, always in repetition taking turns and coming back as they take turns-- attacking me for hours and hours daily, monthly, yearly non-stop travail and today it was yet another English push for infiltration and hegemony over American entertainment and politics. I tried to not sink into the abyss of their cavernous yawning hate mode, which they revel in and feed off, they are truly disgusting and malevolent and as they endlessly ask me for ideas for them to steal so they can appear original, they are constantly yelling every kind of "stupid" label at me and after deforming me for decades that they are "more beautiful" as they never stop the energy sucking hate destruction of my body and life via more mutilation and drugging and poisoning. Today, this morning it was yet another one returning now taking a lead role whereas his partner the scraggly ugly scumbag guitarist of his disgusting band which should have been shelved when it's expiration date came and went decades ago. my attempt at humor, trying to dispel the negativity until I just could not take any more after about 3-4 hours of this going on and on. Them yabbering as my body was inundated with nervous system remote electronic assault upon my brain and body as they poked and abused and it turned into me not being able to handle both the simultaneous attack of a group of shitty pigs who have mutilated and poisoned me and abused me with hundreds of t housands of Nazis assaulting me for them in the streets, while driving and in every capacity every business transaction every landlord every health care attempt to survive--and so sickened by them that finally I explode but mostly it's due to the drugging and the abuse and then the remote and microchip implant interface assaulting my subconscious and my nervous system--so I must vent, and hope that perhaps ONE FUCKING DAY someone will stop this but for the time being, I now am helping someone I don't want to help in any way by writing about how sick, fake, evil and Nazi he is and this is what "they" want every day, it gains them a promotion and for their shitty Nazi shit crap children as well. But I write hoping it will affect this do-nothing readership who so lavishes in glee that it's happening to me as you all allow them to continue--so I issue this warning, I help the rotten dinosaur get his filthy promotion and I warn you once more about English Nazi and Europigape fascist 4th Reich infiltration into America: I tried to be pleasant and not sink as usual into screaming and rushing at them trying to kill them. this is the state they force onto me every day and no matter what, after hours and hours and hours and hours of this tech with these shit dirty ugly sick psycho scumbags going at me, day after day for years and years and decades with this tech, and I can't stop them can't turn them off I can't turn away and not have to see or hear them. I remain ALONE in this torture chamber room. I write and they only get promotions so they never stop attacking me to the point of explosion. I fight to heal they keep poisoning me so I remain bloated and poisoned and drugged and sick and unable to move so they can just endless torture the "sitting duck" for their filthy dirty promotions. Policicians join in to get their own promotion and to prove to the Nazi fascists that they really don't mean what they are spewing about "Democracy" or "Equality" so they abuse, rape, beat and insult and join in laughing and glaring in hate at me and go off dancing with applause as they blather out more shit about how they are "fighting" against Trump, their partner in this hate contract out upon me. I try to be calm and stable but NO ONE could endure this and every day for hours and while sleeping as well and then endless attacks by the dirty minorities surrounding me who are so anxious to prove how hostile and foul and nasty they are to white Nazi bigotry who they adore.//so I try to be calm and I can't remain so with this endless barrage of hate and yelling and abuse and violence that your smiling cheery celebrities and politicians endlessly pour on me every single day for hours and hours with this teleportation. Today it was another piece of rotten shit who has a shit Nazi white supremacist Daughter--the mother had been married to the nazi of Fox News from Australia, another English colony replete with bigots who are extremely violent and nasty and thuggish. //Trying to make humor as they attack me and eventually I can't go on because my body is being assaulted by energy manipulation technologies while I am alone with no human contact and stuck paralyzed and unable to move and am just a target who can't even begin to turn around to get away from the pigs or turn them off it's in my inner ear nd then I see them. Finally I lose my temper from it all-- disgusting people and silly names I ascribe in an attempt to not take them too seriously. All are malevolent murdering bigots with histories of murder and death and Nazis and hate crimes all protected, all disguised, all put into lead positions for the 4th Reich media/entertainment political torture amptheatre: surrounding them: Dinosaur cock yuck rock donald duck maga: Terrorist hacking report: internet turned on and off remotely every 30 seconds. I've had to restart and restart and unplug the router and unplug the computer and restart non=-stop for 2 hours. Literally I have been running to clean the stinking filth and try to get the teleportation thug celebrity hate group to shut up after hours and hours of attacks in both deep sleep and waking teleportation state--with hate, me rushing at yet another expletive who has gotten their and their children's endless promotions from this contract--slowly murdering me after I have fought to get their partners who are now their cohorts and benefactors to stop directly murdering me with poisoning--so they all have continued. Rushing at me with hate, "why won't you do what we want" which is for me to give them anything they ask without question, MAGA style fascism which is NEVER stopped by any of the leading Democrats in both House and Senate who have rushed to get exemption from scrutiny from the fascist Nazis by demonstrating how violent and sexually and verbally abusive they are towards me--presidential candidate after candidate have also joined in. I remain fighting them ALONE as they attack and attack. I swear I will destroy them if possible, they continue to threaten my life, I continue to fight t he poison they all inserted via their proxy rapists after they raped and beat and tortured me for over a decade then had their goons rape and beat and mutilate my body while they were teleoporting me in a deep sleep state. Not a single politician will get involved and protect even the most basic of human rights and all join in and mock and laugh deride and threaten to kill me or watch, observe, try to get whatever they can and go away blathering the bs about "The American" people, which of course they have excluded me from participating in. The rest of American society has done the same which is why I have had to live in foreign countries now for a huge portion of my life and they are still coming after me after I spent years fighting murder via gang stalking poisoning and abuse and health care denied me even with Medicaid I was lied to perpetually. Now filthy dirty pig ape whore pieces of shit gather daily who all have millions and billions of dollars to assault me because their dirty nasty money can't be spent on the founding of their monopoly they have to torture me to get this contract in order to continue to NOT PAY a cent but instead get their and their shitty mediocre spawn filth shit children into free and endless lead roles while I see them every day as only ogre dumb scum meaningless mediocrities who fake and fake and fake and steal ideas. I remain again writing another post for the day.

**Just a little add-in. I am not sitting down while under the type of voice-to-skull combination with teleportation terrorism. I am busy walking around my room putting things away because I have to spend so much time cleaning things that are sprayed with disgusting substances. I must protect as much of my body as I can wrap around my body and put things away after cleaning. Usually I spend at least one hour just hand washing items which are routinely sprayed with stinking substances while I am sleeping. I then sit down and turn on the laptop to shut them up and out finally. They finally do because my brain is absorbed with being sucked into the internet void which replaces the hell cesspool that they are and force me into so they can dump it off on someone else. //

Today's repeat terrorist celebrity scumbag was Dick Swagger--the rock cock dino with his sinister partner who yells out that the fans are "star fuckers" with open sneering contempt, but when one of them isn't, as in me, he rushes at me with violence because I am trying to make light comedy out of the next pair of hateful and violent bigot Nazis, who of course are deadly violent like the rest of the English scum--the former "hippie" and cock rock satanic biker gang race-killing pushers who are inter-connected to Rupert Murdock and the Nazi media empire that has created MAGA. But the mystique of this 60's Cock n yuck band remains because of course they have always usurped and by now they are crusty infiltrators like the rest of the aged dino team even the younger ape pig yelling violent pieces of stinky cheese--the younger ones so fully indoctrinated into Nazism and fascism and violence. 

It was me yelling after a few more hours of another pair of crap coming at me with threats and hate and insults, and because it's been going on for hours and hours every day for years and years and years without a single day of pause; no holiday reprieve for me, nothing but endless violence from a group of pig ape shit who all have millions and millions and millions of dollars that they really don't deserve. A decade of these dumb scum mediocre creep stealing my ideas (meaning most and many of the crap scumbags sitting in the rows of chairs participating, which is a daily occurrence as I fight and argue and finally rush at them to shut them up because no matter what I do for meditation or resolve I can't turn in another direction and not see them. They are doing something to my brain so I can't NOT respond. Finally the limits are breached as I rush at them screaming I wish them death I try to punch them I scream I hope they are killed and to die and fucking go to hell. This is every single day and non-stop and it hasn't stopped for years. 
Meanwhile, they are constantly having my body poisoned and drugged then they make absolutely hateful sick remarks about how mutilated and deformed I am while comparing their plastic surgery glorified bodies which are manicured massaged given everything as they torture and abuse this, too, is a beauty enhancement hormone therapy for these parasite ape pieces of sick shit as they feed off this every single day and feel entitled and thus puffed up. 
They have also blocked all income as they claim I have "never done anything and what a loser" after they poisoned me so I could not move for OVER A DECADE.
and torture without end, repoisoning without end. 
But they all must go on and on to get this fucking contract which I swear they should never be handed, just as these lying posturing politicians allowed Trump to get into power and watched as I was tortured, raped and beaten, now some of these same pieces of shit have to have security detail on a 24/7 basis because of the ramifications of their inaction. They are still participating in this scheme and torture contract because they have come to abuse and antagonize and threaten me as well, thusly they are "safe" from the actual death squads but remain "fighting Trump" and "fascism" and "protecting Democracy" in public media photo-ops and news clips and podcasts.
thusly I remain writing and fighting alone.
Dick swagger is of course the rotten creepazoid from the Moss-covered rocks who claim they are like Muddy Water's rolling stone blues, which they co-opted, usurped so white dumb racist bigots can usurp the genre and make it a "white" controlled musical style with bigots like English Eric the Clap who has made absolute racist comments. And on and on. They come to violently threaten me every day ,when I wrote about one of the pieces of garbage who has been assaulting me through this system for FORTY YEARS the English come in their cock yuck parade with the Nazis fully endorsing the fake "alternative" movement, mostly English in this case, who come to help usher in the MAGA 4th Reich.
Still, not a single person has yet to intervene. 
I tell these rotten pig apes in all their rows that I am writing and putting out my ideas while screaming at them every day, hoping that what I disperse into the seeming void will at least plant down resistance that is REAL to this movement in some way. Maybe one day someone will hear what I am saying and see that my words have been authentic and correct for all these years. My prognostications have been correct not from some mystical fortune-telling talent on my part but because the ramifications of the actions on a larger scale taken as the template of the minute details of this terror upon me I realize will become more deadly and more obvious in societal context. 
When these types of assaults happen to the Nazi-type women and men, then people will become outraged. Probably my ideas will have been so completely stolen by then I will never be recognized, so I have to rely on that what I write will somehow not be shunned by everyone and the people threatened will hopefully actually carry out a defense and resistance for people "like me" and not just their Nazi white supremacy contagion contingent.

For now, you're all just doing NOTHING as these vile life and mind fuck fuckers/operatives continue to try to create a complete Nazi/Fascist/Mafia cartel monopoly larger than it already is. Fox News combined with Rolling Stone, can't anyone ever connect the dots of fascism with fake "alternative" cock yuck dinosaurs who are endlessly put into these monopoly decision-making and "art" decision cartel slots which they are just all one component playing various roles for the usurpation of society and politics in the endlessly encroaching 4th Reich Nazi fascist Plantation death squad society they are creating--with no resistance except for me. People are "fighting" Trump but leaving the rest of the rotting decay of the structure of society intact in it's blossoming of mold and fungus eating away at the integrity of society.
The internet has been turned off again. It was turned off while I was in the middle of the paragraph above. It's amazing that it lasted for more than 30 seconds on service.
The parasites who VICIOUSLY VIOLENTLY assault me go off giggling, laughing after emitting black energy, negativity, violence, hate that is abysmal like something that has arisen from a black cesspool of hate and violence and stupidity. They get lovers, they get huge promotions. They have glowing happy smiles afterwards as they are put into the limelight and handed awards for which they bow and have huge glowing grins. The energy they emit is literally from sucking life force out of me and a feeling of entitlement and power.

This is the MAGA 4th Reich version of power enabling and this technology has been handed out to millions of people around the world--or at least, in my case, it's used in combination with huge masses of terrorist "gang stalkers", the celebrities and politicians being only those who can posture and lie the most semi-convincingly. I was almost never convinced about any of them, as a non-consumer but I never thought I would be grilled and tortured for not loving mediocre scumbags who prove how worthless they are as human beings on a daily basis in this teleportation terror situation.
It's a feeding frenzy of celebrities who need to pump up their careers and energy levels after a life time of drug and alcohol and sex and power and money and consumer and shopping and violence and abuse addiction and many other varieties entailed therein--
they come at me like vampire bats from a cavern of darkness while I am teleported. They clasp and grab and abuse and rape and beat and threaten to kill and go off with huge smiles for cameras afterwards. They get movie and movie and movie deals and documentaries if they are the expired hippies and former alternative activists now consumed with still being relevant, and the monopoly of the 4th Reicn entails, as I yelled at the creepazoid this morning abusing me, they need the Hitler generation to continue to program the youth, as they did during the Hippie and other alternative eras so the diversion from expanding consciousness could be confined to drug and sex addiction, which these expletives are still consumed in as their main and primary focus even though they no longer consume drugs or alcohol their addiction still remains.
The teleportation is another way for an instant fix on hormone highs and power sensation plus the endless promotions that this Nazi organization is handing out like candy to the addicts, they go off with their psychopathic swagger and puffed up on power and violence--
as I fight endlessly to stop this, the government continues with the hateful disgusting politicians I think many people would not have voted for if given only a chance to put their candidates into power.

They remain for decades like the decadent and rotten celebrities holding hands in their power grip as they latch onto abusing me because for some reason, they claim, I am the "only one" but they are trying to get many more victims so more of the pig apes can not pretend the are "hipppie" or "alternative" any longer in the privacy of their torture dungeons. 

Actually, one of the celebrities had the equivalent of a dark "dungeon" type basement area where he teleported me, complete with something like a huge balboa snake (a huge python--but it was white, in a completely blackened cozy basement dungeon type private space). He was one of the most relaxed and unpretentious people who didn't grab and clutch like a brazen parasite feigning being aristocrat or happy cheery colorful bright--shining parasites who feed off this contract wearing pink and yellow and bright white---dark sinister hateful empty dark holes of violence, RACISM beyond belief as they ARE Nazis after all.

So still, I can't get this to be stopped.
Someone put a video of a man discussing a meditation technique. I can swear that there is something of a sticky double tape sensation with this "mind control" drug and technology interface where you "stick" to the abuse and user and can't not stop talking or participating. It is like your brain is a sieve and porous and you can't use actual defense mechanism barriers, they are obliterated.
I truly need some outside intervention to stop this. There are not techniques which are accessible, at least to me and I do meditate daily but my body is so injured from internal poisoning I feel the pain I am always numbing out in order to just function once I start meditating so I can't even do that without going into the actual physical sensation of hard poisons latched in a criss-cross labyrinth into my spine and all bones in oppositional direction simultaneously. I can't describe how excruciating it is. To try to focus under this physical pain is also another block. 
But they talk and I can't block it out. I respond immediately because this barrier of self protection is gone.
I can't turn away and not see them, my body is teleported and they force me to face them as my "prime" body is moving around. 
The poison in my body which is problematic for heavy meditation because of the agony of poison latched into my flesh where it's literally pulling it up all day, every moment where it's turned into an internal shell, embedded both into my spine, pulling my flesh upward while pulling down and then in all directions--every moment, all the time. This is what the same celebrity parasites ensured was constantly repoisoned into my body via insertions into my bladder with stinking sewage water to create deadly toxicity and then this liquid poison, which also has been put in my food along with fungus. Not once, not for the more than decade these same expletives have capitalized on and participated in this, but for much of my life by the "good" citizens of all countries I have gone in a network of death and assassination that is now emerging as an open threat to many people who do not lovingly bow with servitude to any "leader" who demands servitude. The situation will become far more deadly the longer entities like Congress, MSNBC and people reading this CONTINUE to do nothing about this and assume it's only a burgeoning problem that will never affect "you", and likewise that I "did something to deserve it".
they were involved with Depp from at least 2013 and have clung onto this contract ever since. They began to obtain documentaries about their half century career span, and have not stopped participating albeit behind all the scenes until the past year or so, and now they are resurfacing just in time for a new album and new movie and of course they must "defend" their English "brothers" who have likewise attacked me for 40 years--as if they are entitled and I have not only no rights but am completely tortured for writing in rage about this sick contract and techno-terror situation and the decades of them attacking me from behind these more violent rapist abusers and the poisoning gangs and the death squads. 
That America harbors, protects, welcomes in the country to ravage such foreigners while claiming they are "America First" is still amazingly sick to me. Of course, people like Depp claim that France is First. The pit crew are English adherents but also have French and Germans coming to torture and attack me. Tons of Americans join in. It's sick to see the MAGA crew coming to attack me when I say that America should not be overtaken by smiling crocodile Europ-a's who express great hate for America in front of me (meaning me of course but they hiss in hate at what America is at me, while they hug the Americans who harbor them in installing a fascist colonized slave plantation system---partnering with them. MTG is one of those, completely despicable yet it's pervasive).
So I have to sleep tonight. I read an article about Roger Waters and anti-Semitic remarks on Breitbart but no other news source or commentator has published a single sentence on this, so it was a hack. I reacted under drugging and this odious scumbag creep Waters and his ilk--who rushed to punch into my face to defend the pig ape bcause they are shit as well. Pit the pig filth parasite is there with shitalina the half English skank and a host of violent creeps coming at me as well--including the black Nazis from Compton and et al (LA aspiring Nazi aristorcrats straight outta Compton).
I have to sleep because I am very ill from detox as I ALWAYS am because they have not stopped for a single day poisoning and drugging me. I remain stagnant and stuck sitting in pain and sickness every single day, all day and all I can do is fight to clean the stinking filth they spray on everything via their proxy terrorist goons in the rooms around me. They go on getting movies and lead roles and then they steal my ideas. I become incensed and write about it on my blog, they torture me with relish because the US Government completely sides with them and joins in on the torture and behaves exactly like the dirty drug addict filth and whore brigage out of Whorewood.
So it will go on and on. All I can do is hope that some cataclysm will destroy them and I can survive away from them hopefully with their total demise and me living unscathed. At this point, I'm not a misanthropist but the only thing that will stop this death cult sick group is mass destruction. Luckily they are helping to cause this anyway so I am waiting for the rebound effect. Hope it will come soon. 
Otherwise, although I am the "victim" and the victim is supposed to be somehow guilty of some crime that has deserved the violence, so many assume especially when it comes to violence like this against women. Then, everyone "loves" the celebrity pieces of shit because they don't care about the crimes they commit and they also don't "believe" what I am writing about, nor do they care. I have to emphasize that I have been teleported to these worthless scum whore pieces of ignoramus shit for over a decade from the A-list whorewood group and I have lived in England, Holland, Germany, all across the US in many cities and States, I have lived in SE Asia around transplanted Europigape tyrants who behave like fascist Nazis in Paradise and the slaves have been surrounded in Thailand by genocide on all sides so they are absolutely enamored Stockholm syndrome willing participants in servitude, which they love. I see the viciousness of the Europigapes when they have willing accomplices like Thai police and they are   also murderous in their own Europigape countries but they are much more subdued and cloaked about it than in Thailand where there is almost no police restraint for their crimes unless they commit them in broad daylight and especially against Thai persons. Otherwise, it's a free-for-all here and in driving as well. 
I am once more sending a warning to any readers that this is a highly deadly situation and your wonderful celebrities are as repugnant as the worst of the politicians who want to cut all social programs and see people dying in the streets. They laugh and giggle at torture, dismemberment, rape and torture. They love high crimes and disdain mere misdemeanors. With their fascist Nazi accomplices from the 4th Reich Europigapeland they are absolutely psychopathically violent and murderous and will continue to be so when and if this contract out on me is ended or I am killed--they will need to find others to do this to. They are addicted to it as yet another egotistic high like cocaine and alcohol and sex and money--which is thrown at them constantly and has been for decades. The deterioration of any ethical or Constitutional Standards they may have at one time been educated on is absolutely shorn away from their most vile greed and selfish aspirations to be tyrannical rulers with mansions and plantations and willing obedient slaves of all colors (and children and lovers also fit into that category, which means they may have brown or black around them but they are fully into rape, torture and theft and violence and murder when aimed at people like me who do not worship Nazi overtake of America nor the bs that these filthy parasites really are, nor did I ever have a glossy dazed fan view of these scumbags--except for one who really relied on drugging and that only happened while I was finally being slowly poisoned to death. They all have kept up the murder attempts for all these years. 
that they are doing this makes no mark upon any of the politicians I have mentioned for all these years as they greedily scoop up all the media interviews and documentaries and parties and orgies and celebrity sex titillation as they make quid pro quo deals with the shit scumbags from Whorewood.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...