Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Heart palpitation remote assault commences. My heart is fluttering at abnormal rate and it's more like a type of "fibrulation" if I am using the correct term. It's being "increased" in rate but it's at a lower level than the sometimes extremely deadly scale that has been used against me in the past. It's still murder, espeically since the duration is continuous and has been ongoing for a very long time. I have been fighting off the equivalent of blood-thirsty vampire bats but they are just celebrities looking to get a huge promotion for their nasty careers by using tech to trick me into believing I am attracted to them while I'm drugged and in a deep sleep. Tech is further used to manipulate my brain in brain-mapping precision through this horrid interface of drugging, stress, torture and then an unwanted greedy nasty grasping violent parasite latching on to abuse me in terrorist mode, which is a murder mode. So I fight and fight. The heart palpitations have been going on for at least a few weeks but the endless vilence and hate and threats plus my internet constantly being turned off while I"m writing and I only began to write about it two days ago (or 3). Since then, it continues and continues but sometimes stops for a few hours. It's been turned on again. //More remote heart assault from remote tech/microchip interface. I can feel my heart under attack. The murder continues unabated as usual. I need to live in a safe home without torture and all this tech forcing extremely insidious terrorists around me, into me, at me, constantly.

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