Thursday, October 12, 2023

Terrorist poisoning and sexual assault report from yet another sickening English pig ape partnering with the Australian, American, Brooklyn Mafia, et al scumbag group all taking turns. This creepazoid, who behaves with sexual abuse at me, instructed to do so, the English and their colonized apes from the Commonwealth are particularly prone to sleazy and violent sexual abuse in the protocols of their filthy Crown instructions--behaving like dumb scum sexual infantile morons which is "supposed" to mean some degradation implication upon me, when it's they who are the stupid and low scum, bitches, losers and filthy nothings but glorified for their part-time personality performances after much training and coaching to disguise their empty, blank meaninglessness.//He went on, as filthy shitpigpitalina have done and Ice Pube and the rest of the scumland gang, Deniro and pesce, on and on with this hate and terror technology that NO ONE will stop or take away from the psychopath scumbag group. They abuse berate for HOURS and hours as I fight to ignore them. I am busy going around my room cleaning the stinking filth they order perpetually put on my clothing. I try to breathe but my breathing literally is being CONTROLLED by the remote tech and microchip implant + drugging interface. Finally I lose my control as I rush to try to punch and strangle and kick them in any vulnerable area. This English pig ape has trained in Martial Arts, like the thug who punched his ugly squat beer fist alcoholic into my face while I was in the initial teleported state completely unaware of where I was, my vision black until they put me into a slight state of consciousness while teleported and in my prime state, deep asleep. The stupid sleazy ugly pig ape terrorist torture pieces of shit are going on and on. So this dirty filthy creep kept going on. I was exercising and fighting to concentrate 100% to not be paralyzed with all the hard poison latched into my body from the shit he was partnering with and in particular, his protogee and mentor who is aligned with the English Crown.

 The rotten, jabbering monkey moron actor, famous for a few roles, I would not say a bad actor, at least not a total imbicilic skank like so many of the actors there, but still a skank posturing as they all do as intellectual and elitist fashionable leaders of gentile society trending towards absolute aristocracy. In private, their sleazy and sickeningly disgusting behavior which is supposed to represent their "elitist" disdain for me only because I have not allowed them to endlessly suck my life out of me but have been fighting non-stop as the government fully supports their cause which they, too, are aligned. All the politicians who have joined are also partnered with a host of other politicians.


While this monkey jabber ape filth bucket was assaulting abusing groping yelling sexually insulting me, I was cooking because I had tried to exercise while he was grabbing at my body, making sexual remarks insulting how my body looks and going on and on and on and on until I finally could take it no longer, as the brain-manipulating tech took over my consciousness because he goes on as they all go on. Obviously they all get huge promotions and money for this mental mind screw. I began yelling at this bigot that he was partnering with the blonde ugly-mouthed hysterical stupid skank who Pit has helped to land into a prominent position in Whorewood along with Tarnatulaino--and what a dirty and stupid thing that rotten blonde bigot scumbag skank really is, and how stupid and immature and violent stupid dirty pig pitt becomes around this dumb skank. His immaturity and dumbness becomes so apparent and the training into fascist Nazism is so evident with his need to emulate these fascist dirt bags who are infiltrating the United States through the stupidity of the white trash like pig pitt really is behind all his bluster psychopathic swagger, just as shitfilthalina also is with her KKK Nazi bigot disgusting father, an incestuous relationship I suggest and what a rotten skank totally committed to appearing like a murderous elitist English royalty usurper. They are filthy and disgusting.

So while I was fighting to fend off the piece of shit who began assaulting me yesterday, just one day it takes for a scumbag like this to become absolutely violent and sleazy and stupid and disgusting, supposedly I am to be insulted but he was so annoying and rotten and  ugly and nasty and I could not turn away. It's the equivalent of being tied down in a chair, completely unable to move but  you have a twain body that is moving and responding--it is one of the worst psy-op torture apparatuses that is not pure physical torture.

So because I was trying to ignore this pestilence yapping away and grabbing at my body, as the blonde skank did her endless refrain of how much more "beautiful" she is than me, which is what all the blondish white supremacist pieces of ugly dirty plastic surgery modified shit do constantly--I have to yell that over a DECADE of being poisoned with paralyzing, bloating and hardening poison, then tortured and abused literally every single day as these parasites feed off both violence and then the promotions so they are addicted whores, then my body being plastered with damaging chemicals my hair made to fall out completely and etc--would make anyone not quite at their most beautiful appearance. All human contact absolutely gone. Everyone everywhere assaults me or avoids me, especially when the 4th Reich has total control over all the businesses like they are the mafia of the world, which they are.


So the shit filthy parasites who have been torturing me to steal ideas, then torturing me for expressing the ideas, then stealing the ideas and claiming that blond bigot white supremacists really have these concepts and in fact imbibe them and they ARE these bold and brave feminists fighting for "women" (my ideas)

then completely destroying my health to the point that it's murder as they ebb and flow with the poison and abuse, but still it's murder and destruction.

I had to yell this once again as the stupid ugly whores giggled or wer smug as the bigot pig ape Nazi piece of shit for their approval and for his piggish promotion sexually grabbed at me. Oh how Elon Musk, the English Commonwealth spokesperson for the burgeoning Nazi empire who has consistently been handed power although he is absolutely unethical and is more like a senile mechanic with immature womanizing propensities looking to implant microchips into anything that can be screwed or exploited. He told RFK to do the same thing, which that disgusting ape did (even though I had commended RFK in the absolutely futile fantasy that there is SOME politician who cares and is not the same mold fabric as the rest of the fascist life-screwing  homeless-making disgusting parasites upon the society that I have seen of all the fakes who "represent" in Congress who rush to attack and abuse me. Like Trump, RFK was instantly promoted and of course, welcomed as a "must" for the MAGA crowd, going as far as to say he would be a "balance" for Dems and Reps if he ran on the same ticket as Trump.


But it's the same system. This creepy dude from England knew so many things about me, which probably were relayed to him through the voice-to-skull technology as I doubt he can actually think of all these personal actions I have done due to the poisoning and how I must cope physically with trying to heal, as they keep on poisoning me. 

As I was cooking and he was yapping like a rotten AI insect pest sent to constantly try to suck under my skin as much of my life force and drain and destroy as much as possible

I opened a packet of powder coconut to add to my rice cooker, my only cooking apparatus in this makeshift torture chamber surveillance place where most of the room was altered to put panels on all sides of all the walls so the cooking area is gone completely.

I usually am much more careful, but he was at the height of his abuse and threats so was the bigot blonde scumbag parasite from Aus-land who has absolutely partnered with the shitpigpitfilthalina gang to torture, mutilate and slowly poison and abuse me to death, all going to the Oscars every single year. Now that this ugly stupid filth parasitic skank has partnered with her team to steal an idea I wrote of about that plastic doll which they made a movie out of, my anti-racist commentary and concept was turned into a global glorification of blonde Nazi culture of the 4th Reich, and as I wrote about this, the rotten skank came to try to participate and get her Oscar for her endless FIVE OR SIX years or longer of participating in this, culminating in a movie that worshipped the blonde Nazi image but appeared to be feminist--(I had written an anti-blonde Nazi commentary and put a corresponding feminist spin to the usual in my facebook posts which this team of shit have been stealing for years and years and over a decade and longer).


so, in the midst of me yelling into my own head to the pig yapping monkey ape from England, the rotten ugly huge-mouthed hysterical stupid skank that these pig men all love because it's violently conniving, a fascist Nazi who loves watching shit pig men sexually abuse and use me so they can feel more "beautiful" as they have me mutilated, poisoned

and anyway

the packet of coconut powder was like a hard brick--I had pulled it off the bag I have stored away in a huge bag next to the patio sliding doors becaues I can't use any of the huge cabinets lining the walls where the panels are opened from the other side. I have sealed these off completely and all contents inside are saturated with fungus and mold and stinking odors which never come out.

The coconut powder was in a metallic sealed bag, stiff and waterproof. I opened it while I was in the middle of about the 4th hour of yelling at this rotten pig from England, a white male of course but the same behavior was demonstrated by the "brown" MSNBC anchor from England just a few weeks ago, maybe one month ago. The list of frenetic violent scumbags taking turns abusing, punching into my face and insulting and sexually grabbing at me while I"m constantly under torture and attack by their shit minions in the rooms and in the cars and surrounding me in stores is unbelievable.

The packet came out, as I cut it open yelling into my brain to the pig on the other side of the planet using Elon Musk's satellites to beam this transmission of his disgusting yelling face, which I could not see clearly I could only see the black-eyed malevolence and greed and ugliness of this monster creep which turned into gyrating sexual rape gesturing and gesticulating at me--like Hassan had done, dirty, stupid and like the Europigape movies about Nazis sexually abusing prisoners from "Come and See", very similar to the murder scenes and the sexual abuse scenes of the Russian accounts of how disgusting and violent these types are when they feel that they can release their inner ape pig stupidity, which they have in abundance and show it every day in this teleportation hell.


the packet was saturated with fungus but I was so immersed in pushing this pig away in my "alter" state being teleported to him so I could "see" a thin membrane sort of vision of this ape assaulting me, while I was busy cooking and yelling into my mind but it was somehow trans-continentally transmitted to this ape because he had gone on, at that point, for over 2 hours or longer. 

So I didn't check this hard block of coconut powder. Also I had just gone through a few days of complete sickness from detox and today was the first day I tried to exercise--which is just basic very slow stretches which are excruciating. Just standing in a relatively correct body posture position and stretching I am sweating as if I were running a mile at sprint. 

If that rotten ape pig had not been constantly yelling and assaulting and sexually abusing me, I would have checked the contents, but I was going as fast as possible trying to not have a moment of silence or non-activity. I had been listening to the next world war in Israel and the commentary to that, so the pig had my internet turned off so there was just silence. My hands were very wet as I rushed to cook, and this packet I opened while yelling and moving in the silence they created so I could not shift my focus or attention to anything else--it plopped into the food. Everything else I could smell but I cut this over the boiling pot of food and could not handle the endless distraction of this piece of rotten shit pretentiously speaking in English aristocratic vocal tones because he's just a brainwashed puppet fixated with being as wealthy as possible in as much of an elitist position possible, which is what happened to shitalina and filthy shit pig pit-all had formerly been kind of unique, had some kind of fibrous vivacity--now just empty shells of greed, attempts to become like the Cannes billionaires who are using them to formulate the murder, skank sleaze and death factory of mind programming they are all now an integral component of partnering with politicians to use this contract out on me to get more promotions for the dark money crap from Congress-whorewood.


This English b-tard from the A$$-hole list of scum dumbbags of Whorewood has played a kind of "spiritual" martial arts "master" (using only the martial arts terminology) and in his movies fought to rescue the world from the dark forces of such hegemony and corrupt influence on politics (this movie partnered Church and State, but they always completely exempt the corroding and corrupt influence of Entertainment and News Media with politics which is the new church and state collusion for a filthocratic empire of violence and oppression and murder.)


I later checked all the other packets that I had so hastily pulled this poisoned packet out of. The bag had been ripped, I had not ripped it. The other packets were loose powder which means that throughout all the hate and violence and harassment while I appeared only to be in my room with a look of hate on my face as I was going in a furiously fast pace to try to outpace the hate and negativity by keeping busy and concentrating. I grabbed this packet and after going so quickly and rapidly I didn't even feel the packet I just cut it over the boiling pot of food and saw it was a compressed square, which is absolutely unnatural for this product. Screaming about wanting to kill this pig ape scumbag endlessly at that point, I could not think about whether the packet had been replaced, as it had, and poisoned. 


I put on a podcast by William Cooper, whose lectures from The Hour of the Time always shut these holes up finally. Because his lectures so cover the abuse and violence under which they all operate. This lecture was about The Columbine Shooting and killing. Cooper began to relate that America had gotten to this point of children being shot in schools (and realize that this lecture was aired in 1999)---because first most of the mass shooters have psychological problems and are being drugged by the psychological community, whom he believed was using mind control to use these people as pawns to shoot and kill for another agenda (to take guns away, gun control in other words so that eventually the State can have total control and kill unarmed citizens, as they are already doing to blacks at mere traffic stops under various pretexts of "following training/following orders Nazi style".


He then added that to the acceptance and apathy of Americans to this unbelievable spike in killings and violence by crazed shooters in America, is that Hollywood has desensitized the public to violence and so much "trash" comes out of that general cesspool training the population to not just accept mass shootings and death, but to be entertained by it, to love it (my add for the last sentence).

After I then yelled into the dark chasm of the rows of chairs, because my vision is either blocked through their tech or it's limited in that state, and as Cooper began to articulate this situation of how there can be mind programming to induce people, along with drugs like Riddlin or Prozac into a drugged-frenzy of violence. 

How far removed from the actual reality are those observations now that it's 20 years later and the problem has ballooned out? But still no more questioning of the scum from Whorewood and the endless murder movies, most and all of the pieces of rotten psychopathic crap sitting torturing me to death are all famous for their gun-slinging and violent movies which are beloved by Americans and the politicians who partner with Whorewood for this most violent contract out on me.


I can't afford to just throw away more food, and lose more money. Every month this group of billionaires and millionaire shit whore holes are having their filthy stupid minions destroy at least $20 worth of food and my property. I am forced to live on subpoverty income for many reasons, and none of them because I am some incompetent "loser" as this group of shit and scum all yell at me after they steal my ideas year after year, make millions off the ideas which they turn into more Nazi mind programming and more violence and hate disguised as sexual titillation.

This creep English f-er actually played Jesus in one film, and tried to appear "jewish".

Again, more British Israelism and genocide accompanying that belief system of Nazis being God's Chosen and the "master race"--

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...