Monday, May 20, 2024

Can't MSNBC EVER STOP PROMOTING RATSKIN the foul and ugly dirty crap scum who is violently assaulting me in teleportation for the sake of Nazi approval. (I don't use a question mark because this is a statement and not a rhetorical question). //No wonder he is "friends' with Michael Cohen, the former slave doormat of Trump & co of the 4th Reich. Promoted as Cohen used to be by the 4th Reich, this foul and absolutely violent shit parasite upon me Rat-skin is violently assaulting me and making absolutely murderous violent comments about violence towards me and then ON THE SAME DAY he is interviewed by dirty MSNBC and all the other "anti-Trump" media outlets which are hacked into my YouTube channel constantly and because my videos are put on autoplay the hackers insert the filth of the creeps who are in line taking turns attacking me. Dirty foul Ratskin ;has been promoted into nonstop media coverage for the years he began with Nazi Kinzinger to laugh with the pig ape shit from Whorewood and mock my body as they continue to do and this dirty grease filth lying Jewish Idiot savant as I realize he truly is--is just violence t me--the Jewish self-hating pig ape Nazi most sickening and ugly and dirty. All the shit teleporting me is essentially the same sick filth and crap. They all behave like angels for the media with their pronouncements about their concern for humanity, justice and equity and etc etc. //I truly hope that this ugly greasy Jewish Nazi is somehow destroyed by a Nazi MAGA MUCK scumbag and it would be proper as the ironic justice of what this creep really has brought on even with his ersatz performances about "Democracy" for all these years of obtaining media exposure by participating in this crime against me. This dirty filth scum is so antithetical against every legal right and Constitutional Right possible when it comes to the endless slow torture and poisoning contract to death of me for his greasy filth promotion along with dirty ugly ape MTG and the rest of that shit---the dirty filth from the January 6 Select Committee-three of the fuckers of that tiny panel have personally come to mock, abuse, and the worst is the Jew the filthy self-hating Jew the pathe4tically sick Jew and like all the other Jewish Nazis they are glorified. Netanyahu comes with an English Nazi bigot who is his "handler" and the reason why Netanyahu is so reminiscent of Nazi behavior is because he is controlled by white supremacist Nazis and like dirty ugly sleazy Ratskin has to prove even more that he is more violent towards me, more oppressive and like Netanyhu and the other sick filth from California on that disgusting panel of blathering bs--(not all, there are a few that were the most calm, more centered the never came to attack me i.e. the man from Mississippi--I can't remember his name exactly--Bernie? My brain is under attack, the hacking into the keyboard is making every word a near impossibility just to fight to type is taking up 30 minutes of endless retyping--literally the attacks just to write make this impossible to get out

I can't describe now how much interference the hacking is producing on my ability to get past the attacks on my brain to get anything out coherently.

Raskin no one can get off me. He is so indispensible because he uses every kind of violent and sexual abuse subliminal statement while I am in my room endlessly struggling and suffering from poisoning which he saw. laughed about, mocked my body being huge, deformed and he is still doing that. While I am brushing my hair which has been doused with fungus and mold every day and night for about 4 years in this hate torture chamber--by the filth shit pig pit shitalina the openly racist bigot shit from Whorewood with dirty stupid ugly Rat-skin laughing like the Jewish Nazi slave that he is about theiir violence towards me.

This filthy dirty ugly stupid sick psychopath shit hole then asked me, "Do you think my son was killed because he is Jewish" and I said "undoubtedly" and that began now years of his violence aimed at me. The sleazy dirty fuck I personally believe HAD HIS SON SUICIDED as a sacrifice for promotion. How do I say something that "paranoid perhaps crazy probably delusional and conspiracy theory wacko nutjob?" because my family has done it to me. I know the Jewish Nazi fuckers, in particular from the East Coast but it doesn't matter. Netanyahu did the same thing to me repeatedly and as I finally began to fight back to STOP SEXUALLY HARASSING ME ALMOST TO THE POINT OF RAPE and abuse and asking me to read tarot for him and insulting me beforehan;d while I was absolutely sick and exhausted from shitting poison out every day non-stop for years (most day, actually the poison just remains hard and stuck and the drugs are embedded into the hard poison so I just remain a huge solid frozen disabled square shape of hard poisons and injections of silicone that are huge under my skin to appear as cysts and a broken toe my spine is fractured from violence exerted against me while drugged up and in a comatose teleported sleep state

but my family has tried to sell me off not only for rape and torture drugging and experimentation but to ultimately be a sacrifice. Every single fucker of my family from distant relations to all siblings and parents and step-parents and their parents and etc and all the way down to Jewish fuckers who are just out to prove they are Nazis 

and so Ratskin I believe has done the same and his career has skyrocketed ever since--and now I am his target of violence and he never stops.

tthe sick fucks of MSNBC who have attacked me like Morning Joe & Hoe wife are just yelling violently at me because they didn't immediately get my submission to being exploited and used and abused by them for their profit so they got profit by abusing and using me without my permission and yelled like fascists and made slurred nasty smug comments (coming out of the Hoe but Joe was a yelling abusive fascist as they watched and denigrated everything I do in my room while shitting poison and trying to get more poison out as they allowed the murder by poisoning to continue and go on with endless abuse from sleazy dirty Pesce and DeNiro

and after all that, Baryishnikov the psycho scumbag, bringing on a revolving circuit of rape Europigapes to beat and abuse and rape me on top of poisoning and he would not stop the "control" murder of "helping" me and thusly I "owed" him so much he demanded and would not stop. Then on and on. And then Ratskin emboldened by the endless years of documentaries he starred in about "Democracy' and his  blathering bullshit sickness about "Democracy" just     OUT OF TORTURING ME and allowing the sick filth Nazis of Whorewood whom he grovels=-he is such a deferential Jewish brown-nose ape just sick


and he's coming back. every time he threatens to drag my by the hair and smash my face into the toilet after I have just used it and threatens me with psy-ops subliminals and gestures of absolute violence, on the same f-ing day he appears on MSNBC or one of those "concerned about defending Democracy" bs channels who also hack their bs into my YouTube channel. But almost none of the pig ape shit are as derogatory and abusive as the Jewish men in particular--it's amazing to me that the ugly wife of ugly Rat-skin is not a blonde Nazi but she is a Jewish pig ape obviously aware of this and urging her dirty foul hubby to do to me what they both agreed upon to have done to their son.

This creep is so mentally ill and violent and his violence towards me is something akin to a life-sucking feeding parasite who has fed off having his son "suicided" and is now feeding off attacking me with deadly violent suggestion. I try to ignore him because EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY of physically getting into a fight with some ugly dirty piece of shit from this group is just disgusting--they are disgusting and endlessly being promoted.

Goddamn fucking MSNBC\

and this mind control and the stinking filth that has been put in my body and my home is a stinking putridity and ratskin watches on as I fight to bend to clean all this muck filth that he and dirty filthy MAGA MUCK Johnson and MTG have both and all combined ordered be put in my room for their filthy greasy promotion and they all so much do not deserve it.

How many years must I be correct about the shit who are teleporting me and no one does anything until some Nazi experiences violence from them and then it's a "problem" but if I am writing and writing and writing they are promoted so they become more and more violent and more and more murderous and more and more promoted and more and more smug and psychopathic.

These stinking foul sinister creeps just latch onto abusing me and they get something like what dirty ugly Fondu just obtained--a "day" in Los Angeles commemorating this lying Nazi creep female who has consistently lied about her intentions and has been a full propagandist for fascist Communist Nazism for at least 50 years. Her real motivation is that she was born as a nepo-spawn and her intense need to remain relevant is of much more importance than the real "Democracy" of needing to compete and have actual real talent to remain in such an elevated spotlight--so Nazi California Los Angeles put her into some elevated category for just targeting and attacking me--her vicious attacks upon me  preceded her being awarded a "Fondu" day in LA just one or two days after having verbally violently assaulted me for the most stupid and sinister egregious breach of my personal rights and the DECADE she has profited off this and participated in how to poison and torture me along with Redford and his endless promotion of shit Nazis who steal my ideas and promote the rotten nepo-scum spawn of the pig apes who are violently raping me. All of this (and years of it so I can only detail about less than 0.1 % in this endless struggle to pound out every word and not get into non-stop ranting hyperbole

but Ratskin who has ABSOLUTELY zero respect for human rights--this violent and sick psychopath on the level of some genocidal thing growing mold from under some rock and coming out of his dank and dark self-loathing Jewish victim-turned-Nazi infested personality structure--so completely violent and sinister--and Fondu who has to cling to a fascist Nazi Communist take-over because that entails a never-ending monopoly--that is sometimes referred to as the "Oligarchy" which is a status of entitlement to the less-than |1% of endless opulent wealth with a hoard of dumbed down and conformist minions who are the "Communist" workers who get a labor union so they can all die of alcohol poisoning together as one happy family of Communist slaves working as much as they can to not have to live in their cars. That has already transpired in America due to the filth of shit like the creeps I am writing about--Ratskin so violently in support of fascist Nazism that he makes the really violent Nazis appear almost quaint in comparison. They issue the directives to the greasy filth minions like Ratskin so he is just a reflecting surface of the real hate and violence which the bigot white supremacists only re-direct to their self-hating and obsequious slave mind-controlled minions. And the world is teeming with them. And the more people like Raskin are kept in power and being promoted by f-ing MSNBC and the world believes that these very eloquent false-disseminators of "liberal" values are actually real--and if there are hundreds of millions of Americans and these have "made the grade" to "represent" then they truly are at the top of the lowest spectrum of the bs 4th Reich "game" --but on the top of the mind spin.

And so, they keep coming at me like waves of locusts and I am this endless attack thing they get free everything they could never obtain due to any real talent or authenticity.

And it never ends.

there are so many corrupt and lying greedy grasping self-serving collective locust parasites put into power


For over FOUR YEARS I have been waiting for sinkhole Trump to be pried off exploiting me and this awful sinister contract. For three years I have been glued to listening to Glenn Kirschner (who has also partaken of the stalking terrorism aimed at me and is "friends" with one of the most nasty and disgusting dirty old men of this group and knows about my situation) but because he is an expert in prosecution and I know nothing about the system that is supposed to work, I listen to Kirshner explaining how the system is supposed to work and had not been working and probably has been out-of-order except to incarcerate mostly poor and blacks and anyone that can feed the investment portfolios of the 4th Reich investors like ALL of the shit taking turns assaulting me as I fight to get the poison they keep injecting into my food and body while I sleep.

They are still making marks into my skin while I sleep

the marks are round red welts which do not go away

they keep slashing into my body every single night while I sleep on one part of my body or another, but every night they are mutilating my body

Ratskin is just one of by now countless pieces of shit coming to assault me. But his hate and violence are pathological this filth creep is sick as hell, mentally., emotionally, sexually and in every way. His antisemitism is as bad as some of the other types of minorities. He is so akin to a Jewish Skinhead in his violent actions and behavior towards me and none of his violence has ANYTHING to do with me. I am simply FIGHTING FOR MY BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS which this filthy spewing of "Democracy" ("code word for Socialism", which is the stage before full-on Communism) and this fasco-National Socialist "jewish" Nazi is so absolutely insanely driven to "prove" how violent he is towards me as the interviews are pouring in every day now that he attacks me so he's now addicted and by now mruderoug. He just began, as they all do, almost mildly and then the murder comes on and regardless of what I do. The shit pig apes who have drugged, raped and then stolen items from me in my home, or had me put in accidents, or fired from jobs, or my car broken, or made pregnant, or just abused and showed me that they were really in love with someone else (but they are and were and always will be actually loveless porno parasites and their perhaps loving wives also thrive off torturing and abusing someone else and they partner on the mutual orgy of violence--once they have no more victims they need to find more) so After Ratskin had his son sacrificed he is full-on proving how violent he is towards jews but claiming he is a victim of racism when it comes to the "targeting" of his son, that he alluded to and by now I just believe that he had his son killed and cried about it because he's a sick rotten fuck.  how I hope the cancer he has will just blow up and his demise will be asap. This is a rotten dirty creep and the Congress is absolutely patting him on the back for this. 

I am completely blocked from memory while I am writing these posts as the hacking precludes any real thought process and then my brain being so stymied by the technology afflicting thought--

Adam Schiff--that's the name. Also another evil but silent partner of this torture of me. For defending myself against non-stop attacks sexually and using Ratskin as his arm of violence, the scum Netanyahu had dirty white Nazi bigot Dougla$$ murray, a most despicable British Israelist who hacked his filthy lectures onto my youtube channel, because I put a video on Facebook about a brown-skinned man break-dancing in front of the English guards in front of Buckingham Palace in London---/ I thought it was kind of charming, and then this dirty ugly goon coon Murray began a campaign of increasing abuse and violence which culminated in the Jews who rely on the English Crown Nazi endorsement to pursue their white 4th Reich Nazi policies including "good" violent self-hating Jews like Ratskin and Schiff whose probable every ounce of life force is spent trying to succor favor from white supremacist Nazi fascists to whom they grovel. Their violence at me for fighting to stop Netanyahu from raping and abusing me as he was sexually harassing me (in the shower with the teleportation) and constant abuse and asking me to read tarot and then yelling like a fascist at me while I was in the shower demanding that I do whatever he wants--as I fought this filthy "good Jew boy" minion of the English filth bucket Murray (who, like so many, was also instantly interviewed as soon as schedule permitted by the endlessly hacking Bill Maher who also has stolen ideas directly verbatim from my Facebook writings--i.e. the Trump Tower as a "black penis" symbol he stole along in almost the same utterance as "his daughter-wife" which the audience "roared" in laughter about--but I sat there and still continue to listen to him

but he had Murray on after I wrote about the endless violence

as well as Deniro, and so has Glenn Kirschner

and they are all interconnected white absolutely racist sexual predatory murdering bigots

trying to pound out every word now

I try to find other sources of information to try to get any sort of alternative news or perspective and I literally cannot find a single thing. M y internet is hacked so badly that literally ALL THE INFORMATION I can find is from the same shit teleporting me--who all have "friends" who also need promotions so they hack their bs blather into my internet

and I can't find even any other source and I try and so much is blocked out and so hacked

while they are all spewing about 1st Amendment Rights and Equal Rights and Abortion Rights and Women's Rights

and what a sexual predator and sleaze Trump is


 and I am watching and waiting as I have been doing to these filthy pieces of shit for THREE YEARS waiting to hear the actual reality and truth. And the longer I listen to them, the more "kudos' the Trump shit Nazi train gets and the longer the delays are, and the ultimate huge Oligarch monopoly of these shitstain sick fucks is being cemented day-after day .

The more I watch them, the longer they cling on. Morning Joe has been hacking their crap about Trump non-stop every time I get on the internet. I need to know when the hell any justice will happen to Trump so I can try to not listen to the extremely limited hacked news sources which are ALL the predatory sick fucks of MSNBC and the rest of this shit who NEVER report on mind control gang stalking and my situation they just PROFIT off the situation and send some mentally ill sick fuck RATSKIN to violently assault me as their proxy. \

I can't describe how sick and destroyed the "Jews" of the world are due to this racism. I am fighting against this mind control system that has created so many violent antisemitic Nazis who are violently attacking me and reacting in brutal violence when I try to defend myself. They are something akin to the "honor killings" of the Muslims but in this case, the Muslims are also something like ENSLAVED by white supremacy and have been for millennia--I have read various very old writings of almost abject slavish devotion to blonde white women whom the muslim men almost bowed down to. They kill their "dark" women and keep them under scarves but the  blonde women are just welcomed to flaunt every sexual erogenous zone and that' s wonderful and trust me, I have lived around Muslims in Germany and seen first-hand this dichotomy but it's not only because they were "guest workers" in a fascist Nazi country disguised as being a "democracy".


Trying to type this out is something akin to my fingers being jackhammers fighting to pound into cement--the malware on the keyboard is that bad.

I can\'t finish my thoughts and my brain is under so much attack at the same time but not knowing the exact terms for the tech I can only say that it's blocking calm and effective thought and I rant and call names. Part of the name-calling or all of it is due to this influence and the YEARS of this never-ending violence towards me because unlike Ratskin I am  AGAINST turning upon other Jews or anyone for the sake of a 4th Reich system in which shit like Ratskin is endlessly applauded for his antisemitism and his Muslim-like Honor killing mentality towards me, to absolutely oppress me. This is whatt dirty greasy ugly Netanyahu was doing under the glaring gaze of the English fucker shit whore Murray who was then applauded by Bill Maher who has watched this unfold against me and has stolen ideas, hacked his fucking bs that is entertaining but he is a "half Jewish" Nazi and has fully been promoted or been kept in good standing with the 4th Reich media propaganda machine for just enabling all the terrorists who are assaulting me. The white English supremacist British Israelist who is an operative for THE ENGLISH CROWN is directing Netanyahu into Nazi violence, and Netanyahu is being blamed for this "Nazi invasion and mass murder"  but he is following the directions of the English Crown who has as their rep Murray, who is then welcomed into Whorewood fully for his role and the end result they plan on is a full real estate venture expansion into Israel with English taking control.

I see this with MSNBC with the morning blow and Hoe show with this blonde English creep who was just partnering with another personality conntected as "friends" with Michael Cohen, who is 'friends" with Ratskin, and they are all "friends" with Trump, MTG, Pelosi, Biden, and they are all one collective and it is more akin to a totalitarian fascist communist entity and the homeless encampments are the gulags and concentration camps. They plan on expanding. If Trump gets into power the mass murder of American citizens by the State will not be hidden any longer as it has been with me, and it will be open and they will not have to "hide" behind  bs blathering shit like Ratskin any longer--or Cohen who appears to have really made a critical mistake in his testimony that years of ranting about how much he loves trump was not prepared for in the hours of cross-examination.

Thus putting Trump into a more favorable light--it appears like a construct. And just try to figure it: after all the J-6 committee televised promotions for the filth who are actually fascist Nazis and fully are part of the Trump 4th Reich campaign, masses of Americans endorsed Trump even more. That is because the shit like Ratskin and Kinzinger were performative apes and asses in front of the camera with fake "outraged" voices. In private they are much more violent or the same as the insurrectionists but I am the target for fighting for the Constitutional Rights that these ignoramus bigots are endlessly being interviewed about because they studied the Constitution and earned a living off reciting it by rote and     HATE IT and want a despotic tyranny like what Ossified Fondu also yearns for: ABSOLUTE MONOPOLY ENDLESS PRIMACY IN ALL THEIR CAREER ASPIRATIONS endless greed  endless "free money" endless people to abuse and inflict their sense of self-hate and insecurity out on through teleportation and mind control and enslavement of the population--and then mass genocide and they will construct any excuse to kill off as many as possible. The expansion of white supremacy is really the end aim. The brown and Jewish and black Nazi minions are paid in millions and billions to promote this last vestige of "Democracy" and "equality" but they truly could not give a damn about anything but their next and next and next interview and movie deal and schmoozing with the filth of Whorewood as if they are celebrities as well--and it's just a non-sttop rotisserie of crap coming at me. There is not a shred of decency or concern for life or human beings amongst any of these rotten pig apes. The blonde Nazis are showering their shit children with all the ample nepotism opportunities but the Jews are just only working like slave children to further the interests of the families of the Nazi shit whom they absolutely worship and adore with shit smiles and they are psychically eating it as well and just products of the Nazi extermination camps, the psychic destruction of the Jews is so completely in The United STates. All the white shit from MSNBC are fully dedicated to white supremacy and are laughing with merriment watching this happen to me. Dirty filthy Ratskin came and laughed with rotten Kinzinger--thankfully he is out and I advise anyone who actually cares to NOT PUT THAT PSYCHOPATH INTO POWER EVER AGAIN .

What an insult to Illinois but there were a lot of Nazis before I left disgusted. But the really beautiful people were pushed out or killed in Illinois. Kinzinger is not one of them because he came to assault me so the Nazis of Illinois would not carry out their threat to kill him for fighting against the attempted coup. 

But Ratskin is just such a greasy and nasty and I consider him to be a well-educated idiot savant just capable of his blathering well-trained verbiage about all the moral concepts of "Democracy" but he has no adherence to the Constitution and he taught it for years. he is so ill sick disgusting rotten. Like any sleazy sick toxin, I can only tolerate any of these filthy creeps for a very short amount of time. While shit pig pitt is an abominable abomination and shit whorealina is even worse, he at least had a sense of entitled self-assurance but the oppressed come at me to pour their self-hate on me. 

I had forgotten the term "Hanoi Jane" (due to memory blocks to my brain in conjunction with non-stop hacking and obstruction) when I was writing about the very nasty attack upon me by Fondu ossified and her allegiance both purported and from my observation of her next to a KGB agent who also has a past of endless deception in his guise as a defector from Russia (and he is not Russian but of one of the Satellite CCCP countries). In keeping with how fascist Nazi Communist (yes, I must use that term because it is interchangeable with Totalitarian/genocidal/fascist dictatorial one-party rulership and HOW MUCH H -WOOD is implementing a full-scale mind invasion of the American psyche into institutionalizing fascist Nazism. //That LA Country has officially deemed a day to honor this racist, offensively bigoted agent of foreign influence, of the false-opposition operative infiltrators into the United States via the hugely psychic mind programming institution of the H-wood/Congress collaboration. Her sick and really stupid assault upon me, which I wrote of just days ago (literally during the weekend or at the end of last week on one of my blogs /Vignettes 1, 2 and/or 3) is a testament to the almost INSTANT promotion that "thought crime" fascist Nazi/Communist fakes who espouse every warm and fuzzy "cause celebre" are really agents of Communist and fascist Nazi 4th Reich cartels (all operating through a central committee organizing protocol system, loosely given very non-offensive and even "egalitarian" titles). //I have written of this as of late and have observed the KGB agent who sat next to her instructing her on techniques for gaining "trust' while exploiting every vulnerability that the attackers have actually created, but then "blame" the target for having and that it's all due to their lower status as a human being. All the mind programming and abuse plus drugging I think is one of the "From Russia with Love" "gifts" that were so eagerly handed to the Americans when they joined forces with Russia and Stalin before the onset of the calculated "Cold War". This war has not ended. H-wood has openly albeit behind a veil of "charitable and egalitarian life-awarded personalities" just given more room for a fascist and foreign-influenced bigot nepo-spawn to further the expansion and completely take-over of the USA via H-wood and in turn, Congress (i.e. what NO ONE ever mentions in any news commentary is the prevailing mentality that operates of extreme bigotry, rape culture enthusiasm to oppress women who ACTUALLY do defend themselves do not perform porn poses but claim they are against male oppression--which is the "winner" losers circle who are helping crush abortion rights, feminism and have done NOTHING to stop rape culture entitlement except get promotions by attacking "the Jew" so they can install their own studios as replacement for "the Jew" because the "Jews will not replace Us" (See Charlottesville murder of a protestor and the chanting of the Neo-Nazis, which Trump essentially endorsed. However, he obtained that mentality straight Outta Compton with a lot of help from his (black) friends--symbolically speaking--i.e. the wealthy Beverly Hills contingent who have fully helped put Trump into power because their nepo-spawn have been handed modelling stints in Euro-land for their induction into the Black Nazi caucus). And Ossified Fondu is just a white N-word example of that, but born into wealth and promoting fully Communism aka Totalitarian egalitarian concepts of fighting against injustice (hee-haw a total joke) and then fully endorsing absolute fascist 4th Reich Nazi infiltration as long as that ugly dirty thing can be sent to Cannes to appear because of her attacks upon me along with the KGB agent who helped put here into that slot for the past many months/years and she has been in the wings of this terror torture contract out on me along with Robert Redford (when will that hyena stop being adulated for his Nazi-promoting film festival that appears so "low key" and a kind of antidote to the high-brow faction which put him in that slot in order to appeal to the moderates who can be swayed and eventually, through their flotsam/jetsam personality malleability (manipulability) these movies and the fake "charitable activist" stance can be pushed into the minds as the subliminal fascism is what is truly being pushed.

 Whorewood celebrates another Fascist Mind Programming antisemite racist and names a day for the vulgarity of the offensive honoring of total take-over by agents operating under Communist and (former) Nazi rule but now emerging as openly Nazi. It translates to the influence that controls Trump that no one in the media is really talking about except for the Access H-wood tape, which they mention as some anomaly and not the understood mentality of the governing mind programming 4th Reich Whorewood .

What the ugly and dirty sinister racist antisemitic bigot, Ossified Fondu used as a stepping-stone for the absolute cheering of Nazi LA and Cannes, to push as many fascist Nazi Euro-land bigots into controlling the movies, into a really disguised Socialist/Nazi/Communist plan to have a one-party dictatorship, which Trump is now pursuing--and followed by fasco-Pelosi the "Italian-American" branch of the Baby Boomer Axis powers and her death threats aimed at me for fighting for my life to not be raped and poisoned to death any longer and saying no for over 13 years to ugly sinister creeps (i.e. S-negger outta Austria and has never abandoned the infiltration plot to put Nazis in power within America, as detailed by Khrushev in his statement of overtaking America "from within" and through greedy and lying fossilized plastic surgery fakes like these creeple they have accomplished a great deal of damage.

The Orwellian "thought crime" system of just "thinking" anything adverse to the absolute encroachment of the full negation of all Constitutional Rights and any persona who implements absolute Nazi/4th Reich violence obtained by the blueprint from the 3rd Reich (and all other despotic tyrannical regimes) is by using thought-reading technology ("voice-to-skull" & "synthetic telepathy" which rely on the cochlear apparatus within the middle ear, which picks up vibrations and translates those into words, and can be easily used by the very sensitive vibrational-reading tech now available to the extent that noises in the ocean can be heard on the other side of the planet; so perhaps the tech is "sonar" of some sort)

And because I just saw only part of her award for over a DECADE OF OBTAINING PLASTIC SUGERY AND APPEARING AS SOME KIND OF GERIATRIC OCTAGENARIAN MODEL BECAUSE of her absolute push, along with Redford who has stalked me in various "triggering and internet hacking ways" for at least 8 years on a non-stop basis but the "younger" middle-aged k-rapsters were the rapists and actually violent abusers (Depp & pitt) and all absolutely immersed in endless awards and Oscars and now a name for her violence against me for what I thought last week when seeing her ugly hyena half-dead face and plastic surgery and cheap and tacky outfit and thought what a creep she is and how disgusting she and that system truly is.

Now given a f-ing award day for los angeles (that city does not deserve to have capital letters because it appears to be a cesspool and sinkhole of filth and degradation all striving to imitate fascist Nazism and brining in every cheap and lousy sleazy dirty fascist Nazi from France and Italy and England Germany and Latvia and Russia into the country to just keep people like me so oppressed they/I can't even move from the arsenal of weapons these pig apes have at their disposal, thanks to the U.S. Government, which probably originally obtained all the systematic death squad instructions "with love" from Russia during the Cold War. Operatives like the dirty foul creep who has assaulted me for years who "defected" into Canada (the English Commonwealth partner) and thus bypassed regulations and treaties of deportation if he had gone, instead, to the United States and through this circuitous route made his slimy sleazy way hopping and jumping into America through entertainment and now is a fascist murderous bigot fully supporting fascist Nazism with ugly hyena Ossified Fonu sitting alongside him.

I hope only that the more award South Vietnamese will commit some acts of sabotage so this Nazi/Communist supporter bigot (as they know and are aware of, but because so many Americans are so fully immersed in the worship of Nazis out of Whorewood, they just could care less).

Saturday, May 18, 2024

"We (Russia) Will Destroy You (USA) From Within" (Khruschev -All the hypocritical "religions" of Democrat "Democracy" + MAGA MUCK get the F*** out of MY House and MY Government you and the rest of the 4th Reich who have killed-off opposition and then slowly insinuated your endless lying fictitious pretenses into the celluloid sphere of brainwashed minions-- now you have taken-over.// The Church of the porn MAGA MUCK AND DEMOCRAT SICK F*** contagion, call them LEGION.

 "In Georgia, Church-Led 'Family Purity Day' Forces Out LGBTQ Events". Radio Free Europe Liberty. May 18, 2024.

"Who is behind Georgia's controversial new media bill?". DW News. May 18, 2024 (**Answer=Russia/The news clip includes the "Family Purity Day influence of the Church and collusion of Russia into controlling Georgian media and Church as there is a Church and State entity non-divisible in that country, but controlled by "Dark Money" Russian influence--paraphrasing from the news clip; not my opinion).

"King Plague--Ave Plague". Christian Ciprian. August 8, 2018.


Rapist (in teleportation of me) and rape enabler, fascist Nazi enabler and supporter MAGA MUCK JOHNSON supporting Trump's prostitute sex partner liaison because family values mean Christian purity and purity is all MAGA MUCK is about because he's so dirty that even a filthy cesspool is clean in comparison. Family purity day is defending bigotry, fascism, pornography demeaning women particularly in a racist context/antiisemitism, and a slew of other deceptions and sleazy posturings. I know this from telepportation, it has come out to some degree in his representation of an anti-Christian act but the Christ they bow down to is the anti-Christ. MAGA MUCK get the F*** OUT.

"Porn actor Stormy Daniels describes first meeting with Trump in criminal trial testimony". KTVB. May 8, 2024.

"Even Fox News Thinks Something Is Shady About Mike Johnson". The Majority Report w/Sam Seder. November 13, 2023.


GET THE F*** OUT MAGA MUCK JOHNSON & take the "liberal" fascos with you in your same rotten House. The House needs a complete makeover of people dedicated to preserving the ultimate law, the U.S. Constitution and not Citizens United Dark Money worship at the alter of the anti-Christ. Get the F** out MAGA MUCK AND YOUR FILTHY TEAM INCLUDING THE "Democrat" filth brigade as fake and posturing and corrupt and sleazy and evil as you (collective). The Democrat Nazis are as spiritually corrupt but they use "Democracy" as the "Christ" image of "purity" but as are muck and oppressive and Totalitarian and sick as you (collective). The Senate of course is included. How awful for me to have to be exposed to the reality of the filth degradation and corruption behind the posturing bs masks they all wear. Too bad that when I write my drugged-up and constantly tortured posts no one cares or listens and I am discredited and everyone thinks they will profit off this death system indefinitely (until they don't, they they look for ways to adjust the system so they remain in the profit zone and the hate and death continues with more false contrivances of pseudo-religious "purity" hypocrisy.


Hacking and disruption is non-stop. Internet turned off successively 6 times in a row. Saw multiple typos that were not there when I had published the posts. Could not think, began to rant as the mounting frustration at every 2 minutes the internet turned off began to allow the brain hacking to frustrate and confutate my thinking clarity and non-ranting propensities. Calling them names, from years of torture. Every day another sick f*** attacking me from a never-ending line-up of Democrat and Republican sleazy infiltrators, rape and torture and murder cheerleaders, money-influenced foreign-controlled scum an endless non-stop rotation of them, regardless of which lying scum is the president or which "non-parity" is in control (pun for Party, btw--duh). It has taken me an inordinate amount of time to post these few paragraphs that are rife with typos and the usual half-deleted sentences and word deletions and inclusions. The endless turning off of the internet and having to turn the router off, turn the laptop off, plug both in, wait for the signal, then after posting see a sea of red underlined words from the spell-check. The hackers also half-delete sentences and spell correctly so the discombobulation makes for a huge discrediting so I can't constantly spend 1 1/2 hours fighting too rewrite correct and turn the internet on and off 6+ times just to post about 5 paragraphs of extremely short length. Today I have an American with a Blonde English rotten creep who has partnered with other media personalities in the news 4th Reich orbit--all enslaved and controlled by Euro's who force-feed them what to say and how to emulate their false pretenses of 'Democracy" while they lavish awards upon each and every greedy American sell-out traitor. They learn to play the "game" of fascist take-over with instructions from the very well-trained Euro's who they lavish all worship of. The religion of that is also included as an unofficially recognized private worship of fascist Nazi Euro-land worship and indoctrination into fascist Nazi protocol for a complete take-over of the 4th Reich on "both sides" oof the singular "non-parity" "Party" and t hey are having a blast a huge party sucking in raking in raping torturing being handed mansions in Euro-land being interviewed constantly by the "liberal" media and being put into president office for their minions attacking me left and right non-stop day after day another one comes to get their free deals. The Church of scum Nazi 4th Reich really is the name that should be given to this entity I am constantly writing about. They want me to name them so they can get more name-recognition. Instantly they are in tv interviews and their movies are coming out soon and the elections have masses of death squad operatives pushing for their election and candidacy. The Church of sleazy death cult bs continues unabated worshipped by tv addicts and believers of the religion of media and political "purity" which is so filthy on all sides and all venues. The church of mind f*** whether Democracy Muck of MAGA Muck it's really all the same at this point.


It's taken me over one hour to fight to keep the internet on, to backspace and retype, to fight the hacking of the cursor so I have to click about 6-8 times in a row and what I click on disappears, I have to refresh the page, I tr to correct the typos the cursor is hacked into the middle of the word, I try to click and get the cursor to the hacked in letter, the entire word becomes highlighted, I backspace and try to just get too the one letter that has been hacked in as a typo, the entire page is then highlighted--and just writing this small paragraph was countless interruptions and keys I pounded down on not working and other letters appearing. I must leave this room today and while I am gone the filth proxy of the filth from Whorewood and Congress and all the sleazy and dirty "Luciferian" scum who all have a particular "religion" of "Democracy" or "Christianity" to spew out like mental filth are ordering all this upon me. They will send their minions in to break items, steal anything that they can use (this happens when the white Europigapes come on "vacation" and get paid to live for free on "holiday" by stealing poisoning and attacking me in deadly ways while in this room, my room and it's all paid-for by the U.S.; Government cesspool and the minions of the media and the celebrities and its' all a church of filth and decadent death-for-profit. They plan on doing this to as many as possible and just outright committing genocide from WITHIN as they are saturated by fascist Nazis of Europigapeland fro t's taken me over one hour to fight to keep the internet on, to backspace and retype, to fight the hacking of the cursor so I have to click about 6-8 times in a row and what I click on disappears, I have to refresh the page, I tr to correct the typos the cursor is hacked into the middle of the word, I try to click and get the cursor to the hacked in letter, the entire word becomes highlighted, I backspace and try to just get too the one letter that has been hacked in as a typo, the entire page is then highlighted--and just writing this small paragraph was countless interruptions and keys I pounded down on not working and other letters appearing. I must leave this room today and while I am gone the filth proxy of the filth from Whorewood and Congress and all the sleazy and dirty "Luciferian" scum who all have a particular "religion" of "Democracy" or "Christianity" to spew out like mental filth are ordering all this upon me. They will send their minions in to break items, steal anything that they can use (this happens when the white Europigapes come on "vacation" and get paid to live for free on "holiday" by stealing poisoning and attacking me in deadly ways while in this room, my room and it's all paid-for by the U.S.; Government cesspool and the minions of the media and the celebrities and its' all a church of filth and decadent death-for-profit. They plan on doing this to as many as possible and just outright committing genocide from WITHIN as they are saturated by fascist Nazis of Europigapeland m WITHIN.


RAskin the "rep" is a corruptician fully dedicated to supporting Trump (or mostly himself) has no interest in Democracy in whatever term you want to use it except for mob rule, and he is attacking me to be welcomed by "the mob". One of the mobsters is yank-skank MTG, who by now is an ugly foul disgusting thing which like Ratskin, has profitted endlessly by attacking me. Together they violently assaulted me this morning while I was in the nascent waking state--so groggy from the drugging they inflicted upon me with injections--and I can't use 4 of my fingers on both hands (combined number) due to extremely violent gouging of cuticle tissue that has completely severed the cuticle out of three of my fingers and one of my toes. I had collapsed from sickness and detox as a huge clump of hard poison that the pig ape gang of pitshialina had poured into my body and everyone else has done as well (all obtaining free promotions all the while, so this extends at the most core of my body to my family, every landlord for at least 40 years, etc) and I collapsed in a sickness on my bed so they gouged my fingers and all because I am fighting every law, every Constitutional Right that filthy evil ugly Ratskin is personally affixing to this contract and is endlessly being interviewed as some hero of "\democracy". He is so indispensable to fascism that MTG and he are a full team operating together. They compliment one another. The media compliments them by endlessly interviewing them. Congress compliments them by putting them at front and center of committees and debate which are televised thereafter. So read about what they REALLY are when the light of a camera for them to yap and blather the bs k-rap they always spew about how righteous they are and how they are defending rights, the constitution although as the fascist emerging Nazi MTG is qiute open about her ape-tendencies but rotten yapping Ratskin is so well-edumucated in the largesse of lies and posturing "liberalism" that he's the perfect fasco-prototype of the reversal mind programming enslaved minion servicing with violent glee the bigots who he is a Stockholm Syndrome scumbag slave servicing. The deception is gross and disgusting. For the 2nd time in one week clothing I made tenuously and exacting by hand have been sprayed with rotten meat incorporated into a liquid form and sprayed on my clothing--beautiful, lace and flowing and clean and new fabric sparyed now constantly with this stinking filth. Other beautiful items I made by hand the threads have been ripped out of seams--and then sprayed. The dumb rotten filth who do this, i.e. the blonde bigot Nazi shit whore with her violent and nearly hysterical slave Thai minion were collateral terrorists with the blonde rotten shit sknak from Congress (MTG) and her filthy, evil and violent brainwashed self-loathing Jewish nazi scumbag grease stain Ratskin--to assault me sexually and in every way. All operating under the same central command, all being handed clothing that is made by others, all just being handed technology, poisons and drugs to inflict non-stop torture upon me so every dumb and worthless llying filth creep and mostly if they are white supremacist can have a slave to do t heir violent filth work for them--it ranges from corrugated tin shack Thais trying to escape sex slavery to Congress filth and the President minions of silent partners who are trying to manipulate and control everything possible and the key is to endlessly attack me, apparently that is the one and only avenue for many people who DO obtain endless years of awards and lead roles in every facet of life for just attacking me, non-stop they never stop. The cockroach leeches never stop they are so incompetent and lacking in real and actual top leadership qualities. The "people" have no other yard stick to gauge how incompetent the attackers are because no one is allowed to partner with them unless they are on the same mediocrity level of lies and performative hypocrisy. Take almost any example you want. But I can't get rid offilthy dirty Baryishnikov I can't get rid of filthy vile RAtskin and MTG who are partners they act like a clown show for video-taped Congressional stupid tit-for-tat theatrical bs clown shows and in private both are unscrupulous Nazis with the Jewish Nazi most violent about the YEARS of obtaining Nazi fascist media interviews and movie slots about how he cares so much about Democracy with his creepy whiny voice greasing audio with his sickeningly false statements about 'each person one vote" and etc. So vile and loathsome he is, as they all are. He had MTG try to sexually assault me I fought and they are just emboldened into more and more awards by inflicting increasing violence against me. Not as if poisoning me for over a decade the shit whore pig shitalina pair and their 200 celebrity partners and about 500.000 Euro-land Nazis attacking me with deadly force and poisoning (MURDER ATTEMPT) WHILE stealing my ideas and torturing me to obtain the ideas. And it's just sickening. Plsae someone get that grease filth scum pair of crap from Congress off me--dirty rotten MTG and sickeningly disgusting evil and vile Ratskin his name even implies how greasy and filthy he is. Like some Raskolnikov from a Communist Russian novel who loathes what he must obey and tries to have a mini revolution and then succumbs and has self-loathing and hate--or more like a modern version of a Kafka Jewish Nazi but now instead of mournful self-introspection of a Kafka character, he adheres to violent attacks upon me so nasty foul MTG can approve of him. They are a foul team and like all the other foul teams (shit pig pitalina and others) they all have an endless profiteering and promotion agenda so they clutch on and when I write about how ugly and sicki and what criminals they are they rush to attack me with more and more violence. Of course, by writing this the pieces of greasy incompetence will be further promoted. The day that Ratskin assauled me just a few days ago he was instantly interviewed by MSNBC with his disgusting sheep smile. This dirty ugly sheep smile you can see on other Jews who conform to the 4th Reich and violently assault me or look the other way. Do their best to be seen with hblnce Nazis or even more important, intermarry with them and have helf-Jewish Nazi children who are more violent and Nazi then the smug and laid-back white supremacists who by now have a planet of brown and black and Jewish mind programmed slaves to perform their filth and genocidal acts for them. Ratskin in Congress though is a sick and sinister situation, but he is constantly being applauded. Congress is a sinkhole (another euphemistic term on my part).

Get that greasy, ugly and foul disgusting Jewish pig ape enslaved fascist Jewish Nazi off me. When anyone can ever expose Ratskin it would be wonderful, but he is an adept at hiding his real foul rottenness. I don't know if there is any evidence but he is a crime and a criminal and every word is a performance. He is now being promoted for his non-stop attacks upon me. He is undoubtedly, like all the other shit stains who have joined in like MTG, being handed condos, apartments, houses, mansions and orgies in Paris--I can attest to that just from a collateral perspective of how the gravitational pull of greed and incentivizing operates around these foul and filthy greasebags.

It has turned out that the lack of any concern for humanity as expressed by the full support of this torture situation upon me by all of Congress and every Oval Office team and all their minions and all the actors demonstrates the future of America which is very dire and sickly indeed. 

None of you are concerned. It may be that global warming may induce you to be shaken when all is submerged. There will be no CGI special effects to save you. But then again, while everyone else is drowning the priority of the government will be to save you on some special orgy sex trafficking island (like Dr. Strangelove) while the rest are horrifically dying from the policies or lack of concern you sleazy dirty filth creeps have been generating and pursuing for all these decades of my life.

Everyone else is unconcerned and watches on apathetically and probably bemused and turned on.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Business discrimination terrorist report: I am getting the screw-around discriminatory refusal of service from Lazada--which I have used for almost one year but one particular service, Flash Express---is routinely lying and not responding to phone calls not servicing me without making me wait until hours and lying on the phone repeatedly about delivery times. Because my every phone call and internet contact to any service is re-routed to a terror agent from either within the 4th Reich system, or one of their corrupted agents working inside the agencies (the system is always expanding) but I have been just mistreated. I got into the "chat" for help and I was lied to. I phoned the driver repeatedly and he would not pick up, nor respond to SMS messages about delivery. I was in a LOT of pain as more hard poisons were ripping out of the huge mass that looks and feels like a cement shelf glued to my rib cages, spine, into my intestines and up into my skull and down into my feet--literally a huge sinuous labyrinth of the poisons I fight for my life to get out. This service, Lazada, is now spreading out deliveries from the other two delivery companies so I order three items on the same day, and formerly, at first when I used the company, I received all three on the same day. Now they are spreading them out every day or every other day. I must literally pack all my essential items including cooking oils and all my healing lotions and conditioner and all my backpack bags and shoes which I must bundle up and secure against the terrorists breaking the soles off and shredding the shoes and making the heels crooked and stretching out the shoes--I must carry all (I only have one pair of shoes I use, and in my little torture chamber I just use rubber sandals like crocs and I can never go barefoot the floor is filthy and being sprayed with goo muck and hairs and debris literally every day until it's filthy even after I clean the floor).

 Now I am digressing a lot, but the accumulation of endless cleaning and having to literally protect every single item and carry it all downstairs to pick up items is so hard on my body. It takes me literally FOUR hours to get ready to pick up an item in the morning. Beginning with putting all the items I must wrap around my head while sleeping, around my hands, my feet and then the clothing I wear for sleep. All is sprayed while I am sleeping so it's musty or moldy with areas that are sometimes damp but just usually dried with stinking odors that are sprayed. I must CLEAN constantly and every morning I have to clean everything I wore to sleep, and the layers of protection. Hanging them up, spraying them with a lot of bleach/water and tons of fabric softener because it takes a long time to air dry (and then the items are ripped while they are drying by the mechanical arms while I am stuck in pain sitting in one spot in the farthest end of the room, but with a huge plastic thing covering my head so the mechanical arms don't CONTINUE to spray fungus, mold and hair-destroying chemicals FROM BEHIND while I am stuck in pain sitting in this chair--too tired to do anything after having to spend a minimum of 2 hours to just get all the items cleaned, packed-up, prepared, etc and when the deliveries come it takes me 4 hours because I also have to spend literally more than ONE HOUR of jacking around with the laptop and WiFi because the hacker terrorists turn the WiFi off continuously. I can never see if the delivery is today or not. The system should show me the night before but the website is constantly hacked and so I have to check in the morning.

So once I finally have to wait, drag everything down (the huge bag I have my backpack and another huge back of my shoes, the huge sports bag I carry around with me and other items plus a heavy as hell backpack filled with the items I can't afford to replace constantly--every time I leave they destroy something and break and/or steal. Every time I leave they spray stinking filth into the fan system which rusts the system so I must also clean and oil the fans upon returning from even going downstairs. Often they put a seriously damaging virus on my computer which means I must go into the BIOS and delete and then restore the entire Windows system, which is very hard to do and even that is fraught with them turning the WiFi off while I am fighting to re-install Windows as the system is completely corrupted. They did this at least once a month during the Nazi pig ape invasion during "high season" for 6 months. The rainy season is almost upon this place and the expletives who instruct the minority minions remain and have trained them and are training them into hate and terrorism. 


Anyway, 13 years of writing about this in various emails, posts, Facebook and now 3 blogs and it's still ongoing.

When or if Trump is convicted, and if Trump were imprisoned and he had no chance, if that happened (doubtful) this would STILL be going on and on forever.


I am being physically attacked now by the terrorist celebrities. I was watching The Magic Flute and two German celebrities came with the Latvian terror rapist hater to make smirking jokes about Jews being gassed just to garner a reaction out of me. I got into a literal physical fight with the Latvian and I also got into a physical fight with MAGA MUCK for the months of his concerted attacks upon me defending all the Europigapes and their affiliates out of Australia who have joyfully stolen my ideas had me raped and tortured poisoned and my home invaded on a daily basis as they watched on as filth pig ape after piece of shit raped and beat me for the audience of the pig ape shit from Whorewood--under the full applause of MAGA MUCK the sick f***. 

and I am now fighting them physically after more than 13 YEARS of this ongoing.

When I first read about gang stalking on websites I found it impossible to believe that an entire world of socio-religious groups and organizations and charitable peoples would just DO NOTHING and yet...


So, Lazada is discriminating against me. When I phoned their office in Bangkok two days ago I began to explain about the bad service and series of lies, and the Thai agent began to make a nasty sighing noise and interrupted me and brushed the information aside and acted like it was an annoyance. Just to get decent service I was happy to get anything after being lied to constantly in the chat by some Europigape fuck living in this condo who is hacking into the system, with full permission by the company, and coordinating this type of attack upon me by lying in the chat, ending the chat, telling me lies about delivery, telling me lies about contacting the delivery piece of shit who never answers his phone and the agents say they will contact me with delivery times and they do not. And then they are keeping me waiting for 30 minutes for a fake response of not being able to understand English--and also, this is the exact same protocol used by my bank in the United States--a terrorist failed state actually just on the verge of actually becoming in that official status.


While I was typing an email to the Lazada office email notifying me of the cancellation request, except that there was NO information on any cancellation but just that my request had been "processed" and apologies as usual (so polite while lying) and I had no idea if the orders had been canceled. I clicked on the website and saw that the orders were still out for delivery. That is when I got on the chat. The first attempt to get information was me waiting for 15 minutes with no response. This chat always responds within one minute. I closed the chat and tried to generate a different agent but the tightening of everything that can be blocked is now enhanced as the pressure of non-stop teleportation VIOLENCE is part of this contract that appears to be based on helping Trump but Biden appears to be profiting off it as well (double-helping of bs on all sides of the one-sided political dot that is supposed to be some wide political "spectrum").

I was kept waiting for another 30 minutes so I tried to send a reply email to the apologetic "your request was processed" email that had no other information than the case number (also a bs operation so I had no way of knowing if the orders had been canceled and the status remained just as it was yesterday of being out for delivery).


After 30 minutes I wrote to the person "Leon" who had sent me the email from Lazada, and sometimes these responses are sent back automatically with a "no-reply" function. I tried to copy the 30 minutes of waiting and while I was doing this, the entire thread disappeared after I had just copied  and was pasting it. The thread of the 30 minutes of waiting in the chat was also half-deleted and the time shown for one of the breaks in the waiting, when I wrote messages and messages about the order and information to try to speed up what was just a huge terrorist attack but how could I have known as this is almost a completely rare situation and I almost never receive items from flash express. 

They literally deleted parts of the thread up to the point of showing that the dialogue of waiting and what I had written was only a ten-minute time-frame. They inserted a block of computer generated information over the block of time where I had written the problem and order numbers and the situation. 

They are deleting and deleting and hacking and hacking rewriting my posts in chat and absolutely rewriting everything I write to any business agent so every sentence has some mistake or words missing.

Again, this happens regularly in America and has been the case for over 15 years that I have been aware of. 

When I say Failed State and America is probably on the verge of this designation, and for many in America struggling literally with death while the sick fucks posture in Nazi poses with their billion dollar gains for the posturing bullshit they constantly are paid in millions to blather out with all their plastic surgery about how great and wonderful they are and how happy and beautiful they and life is--and everyone who goes against it is a "loser" and those who are stuck dying in the streets are just "losers" which they create as they luxuriate in their expensive orgy pig troughs of excess.

So the Failed State is an actual term used by sociologists and political scientists and periodicals and the United Nations. There are Failed State Indexes.

I can attest that America is teetering on the edge, although the Biden Admin states that the "economy" is booming--it's the boom-boom of the orgies of the brains of the scum who are the chum cohort criminals who are put into power. But the terrorist apparatus is just blocking my every attempt at life, health care, and I must fight just to not be poisoned to death in my home, mutilated, and now ordering things that I need and the fight to carry and lug everything around, while trying to not die from poisoning and abuse

and hours and hours some other next rotten piece of shit is assaulting me physically now

the filth of these shit whores is unbelievable

the apparatus of the aspirants to power are those who block my every effort and are amply paid for it. And in 3rd World countries this is the very structure that is the standard apparatus of the power structure. Even in so-called "Democracies".

I was listening until it felt like mental vomit to one of the terrorists from Congress yapping on about "Democracy" as usual, and his violence towards me for defending myself against multiple rape and poisoning mutilation theft abuse my cat stolen my ideas stolen as this piece of greasy rotten disgusting crap from the "good" "liberal" side as opposed to the "good" porno rape cheerleader "conservative" side; all yapping into microphones as often as they can get an audience with carefully trained vocal affectations (which are just dropped in teleportation and they are just uncouth, uncool absolutely just ghool in reality).

and a Failed State that is endlessly claiming that a "Democracy" means that people have some kind of freedom to vote and live with chances for opportunity.

A failed State is when the government does not provide for "the people". The Failed State of America is welcoming in billionaire financiers from Europigapeland who are absolutely fascist Nazis and the Americans so yearn for a despotic dictatorship and so many of the "normal" death squad civilians of the population are absolutely eager for the same thing.

A failed state is when people are dying in the streets and the government is wracked with so much corruption that it no longer functions without INSURRECTIONS and mayhem in the streets, threats of coups and economic collapse, death squads aka militia or patriot movements but in reality are just death squad units

    FAILED STATE coming soon to a theater near you. Not a "civil war" but a Failed State with a totalitarian fascist leadership still yapping about "Democracy" if they can get away with it.

So my every internet business dealing is hacked so I can't compete, succeed and every single little order is wracked with discrimination and blocks. All appearing as legal "mistakes' and seeming "incompetence". If I try to issue a complaint they sneer into the phone whine and ignore me and the problem persists, the longer this group of shit puts more pig apes into power, the less I am able to even issue a complaint.

The shit from Whorewood and the Nazi pig apes instruction the minions are training them to yawn, interrupt me and brush off any complaint. My brain is blocked from actualizing a finished system of decent response I am so blocked and so discriminated against that to get ANY RESPONSE after days and days of being lied to is just so exhausting that I finally am just glad to get any service at all.

It's not "the people" it's this organization but this organization is being allowed to do this and is being funded by the shit in government. Because the United States is a major leading country, this is a pathetic situation of absolute destruction that this group of sick filth is going to inflict not just on America but on the world--they have done it already with masses of starving and homeless and dying people from around the world and most from the overt or covert issuances of the stinking United States government. It does not matter even who is elected because the candidates are vetted beforehand to continue the enslavement Failed State Death Squad system. It's not even the United States any longer, that is just a name given to this vassal Nazi colonized deteriorating Failed State of what used to be called The United States.

The shit I am dealing with now are smug, contented and could not give a damn about anything but their endless wealth and luxury and career expansion as a result.


So the shitholes who are attacking me now; one of them I watched one single movie in which he starred but it came out in the 70's--and I posted a few videos about his performances (always under drugging and mind control to to this, every post I write is under stress, torture and drugging, as it's been a constant and daily deluge of hate aimed at me by shit pig ape after piece of shit for over 13 years in a non-stop succesion of shit pigs who are then seen almost immediately afterwards receiving awards in ceremonies. Now every SINGLE award for entertainment has a bare minimum of 30 percent of the awarded scum low-lives who have assauled me. Some repeatedly for years, some for a few weeks or day. And the German Nazi bigot shit began with Nazi statements after I had only watched the movies they played on ONLY FOR THE ANTI-NAZI DIRECTOR and he was a fan of mine. He is now dead, and the filth from their teams from the 70's are attacking me through these ugly rotten old dirty cow women. The other old dirty women are currently being awarded at Cannes, as usual (American skank dino women) and the list of them is endless. I have been trying to get this filthy rapist old rotten Nazi fucking scumbag off me for over 2 years now and his lack of career success, as well as these filthy ugly dirty German skanks, makes them all the more vicious to prove how Nazi they are. They are going at me like vicious parasites now because they just CAN'T get more than a few interviews by some obscure little production crews regarding their 70's performances and perhaps into the 80's. Now viciously making violent gestures, now hitting me, making Nazi comments and going on and on and on and on. 

The usual Celebrity shit whore brood is always there--making their anti-Nazi and anti-racist and anti-rape movies and interviews and pro 'Democracy" bs from politicians who join in mocking me, insulting me, laughing with the shit whores about how poisoned and bloated my body is,; referring to me as a Loser and then being interviewed, put into movies about how much they "love" Democracy and of course, endless documentaries about them and etc (for the less-than-photogenic politicians and directors they get documentaries--and for the Jewish director(s0 they get movies with Nazi actors playing their family members in movies  based around antisemitism in California Uber Alles.

"Dead Kennedys--California Uber Alles (Jazz Mix)". THE FACT. January 26, 2019.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Terrorist Report: Drilling & hammering in the room directly beneath mine--drilling into cement and steel and pounding. 6 years this has gone on every single year after the wave of fascist tourists who inflict non-stop destruction and filth into my home, as much destruction of my body, theft of my property, plus vicious deadly abuse from the pig apes in Whorwood whose every award during this season seems to depend on violently assaulting me in teleportation so they go on for hours day and night--once they all get their awards and lead roles and for th eupcoming season as well, they order this noise violence because the white pig apes are gone so the Thais have choices of rooms to live in spanning the entire building of 6 floors so only my room is affected. //Internet hate harassment---one hour just attempting to turn the WiFi on

 After 2 1/2 hours of a reset operation for Windows 11, it took me over one more hour to clean out the 40,700+ files that had been dumped on my system by hackers in just TWO DAYS because I did this same operation 2 days ago (not even 48 hours ago). I cleaned out as much as possible and checked all the possible ways of dumping viruses, uninstalled the remote connection, etc etc and once I plugged in the router I had to spend ONE MORE HOUR turning my laptop off and on and the router on and off and going back and forth 

the computer operates so slowly it is something like 10 times or more slower than it should be. Every single function just freezes either from keystroke logging or whatever the arsenal of the government-funded hell-scape of scum is and their weaponry to destroy all my potential to really function at the warp speed--compared to what I am forced to deal with---internet normal speed for downloading and functioning. 

I can get NOTHING done adn the little I can do is fraught with constant DOS and internet blockage and interruption.

The router appears always fully on for all channels while the internet is being remotely turned off constantly. 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

If ANYONE at all in the void of this internet blog-sphere care whatsoever about America NOT TURNING INTO A VASSAL COLONY OF THE EUROPIGAPELAND CARTEL 4TH REICH into a destroyed, banana republic which it is already--then from my over 13 years of experience being teleported, raped, poisoned and fighting for my life literally against multiple and ever-present murder attempts--being thrown in jail for having called the pig shit whores from Italy (connected to Dumbo Rambo and Shitn-nigger the ugly over-blown thug scum from Austria, an ugly sinister creep you can see easily how ugly he has always been underneath all his hormone-growth Nazi technology--rotten and foul , a most virulent Nazi and with Stallone the dumbo scumbo Rambo they have brought countless NAZIS into America to wrest control with the full consent of the "sheeple" which are you scum who are endlessly groveling to this Nazi scum in order to get a role and a part in Whorewood, as you are programming America into a fascist Nazi 3rd World controlled by Europigapeland Nazism and Mafia. But the shit pig apes are applauded. In New York it's foul DeNiro who spent YEARS dumping his old age and hate on me and obtained a granddauther aged minion minority who grovels and acts like a puppet controlleld for the "fame" she can latch onto and this dirty old man filled with racism and hate has obtained a new lease on youth and I have been broken down as he is cheered on by the New York and Whorewood scene. I wrrite about their viloence and racism adn they are just applauded by Jews galore who groven in deference to the power structure that they are being used as stupid and greedy puppets in promoting how "not antisemitic" the bigot Nazis actually are. I have grown-up around this all my life and have seen it in operation globally. So boycott these fucking whores I have been writing of. Stallone, whose Italian scum friends were raping poison as deeply as possible into my body for over 3 years adn then began a campaign of endless torture and deadly violence using heart palpitations and tears pouring out of my eyes because I kept writing to this shit whore most stupid Italian thug who was the manager of Dumbo Rambo's club Bar None, the building in which I rented a room--the Harrison Hotel and I worked at that club as well as selling cigars all along Ocean Drive and Washington Avenue--South Beach before it became a highly Nazified controlled monopolized by Mafia and Nazi sleaze repository of filthy criminals. I wrote of the years of torture which dirty foul Rambo the scumbo comppletely has profited off, which Nazi shit-nigger has fully endorsed as former governor of shithole Nazi "liberal" CA--with pig-lousy coming to sit next to that rotten receptacle of nazi instruction from Austria and the 4th Reich in exactly what to say transmitted into the pile of rotten meat on his huge ugly dirty shoulders--and the fijlth of MAGA MUCK came after I wrote of years of Stallone the scumbo --THIRTY YEARS of his profiting off this as wel as a slew of shit from whorewood and my family and the endless list of parasites I can't ever get off (at this point I am fighting pig shit pitt and shitalina without end to get the fuck off me as they never do the Nazis are so adhered to the blonde sell-out whores to get this contract so they can rush in alongside shit-nigger the sick Nazi fuck) and with Pig-lousy from the "Left" and MAGA MUCK from the "Right" I have been threatenened with death for saying NO to endless poisoning pounded into my body by huge hormone-growth Nazi shit whores from Italy and America and France and Germany7 and Engand as they keep going on and on while I am literallly fighting for my life and they all profit off it while every single thing I have made, created is broken stolen adn all my writings my efforts have been poisoned and destroyed--so filthy MAGA MUCK had shit smeared on my bed, he and dirty ape Green came taking successive turns yelling as fascists at me in teleportation like the ugly shit that they are--demanding tarot readings as they kept up the abuse while sh it pig ape pitt stared on as usual smiling about it as usual and he is still constantly coming at me to get this "contract" while I just want him and them all dead. This is so entertaining to the fucking sh it reading this as you all keep reading my posts and there is nothig. Certainly not Biden who sent MAGA MUCDK, to abuse and torture me as his "reward" partially for assisting in the Nazi program of the German 3rd Reich goal of turning Ukraine into an SS State, and my family was sent too that region as colonialists by the Austrian King for the very same purpose, some time before the onset of WWI when my family said "moving on up to Brooklyn" to be just more slaves to Nazis aas they had done in Europigapeland and sold me off to be tortured poisoned and raped and abused and poisoned to deaeth while they, too, have profited off this enormously.

 I have to add that when I looked at the brief list of the whores and skanks being invited to the Met Gala there was the shit skank who abused and tortured me alongside Baryishnikov the dirty ugly foul sinister and rotten old man who is deluded into thinking his ballet makes him a "god" as that is also part of the "Luciferian" doctrine which they all adhere to (which Biden does as well, with his inauguration ceremony focused upon the rising sun as the motif of "it's a new day" which means it's the rising sun of Luciferian conglomeration of power--and he has filled that doctrine with making Americans so bereft of basic survival means while fully enabling the very weathy who will go along with any political trend if it keeps them in luxury and being featured in Haute Living lifestyle trending bs posturing.


Jessica Sara Parker or whatever her rotten name was invited to the Met, and she abused me with threats next to rotten dirty B-kov because I was watching the tv show "Claws" instead of her dirty stupid tv show which, like most and almost all of the pig apes who assault me, I NEVER LIKED THEIR SHOWS I NEVER WATCHED THEIR SHIT I NEVER WANTED ANYTHING TO DO WITH THEM OR THEIR ILK and yet I am forced into it until they get what they want and after stealing my ideas and profiting endlessly they will do as they ahve always done, just have me killed also to conclude the contract.

So I am fighting for my life\

but if ANY OF YOU DO-NOTHING FUCKERS cares whatsoever about America not turning into a cesspool of homelessness peasants dying in the streets, the utter destruction of the Working and Middle classes (which was a Nazi aim, to create a two-tiered economic strata where only they would have the money and power and like the ancient regimes the peasants only could grovel and serve if they wanted even a crumb and had to pay and pay taxes for the upkeep of the lascivious scum who controlled t hem--for millennia this has been ongoing. THey want it to return they want the American model to be destroyed adn the fucking shit from whorewood are fully promoting this endlessly. 
so if you fuckers care at all then goddamn boycott dumbo scumbo and shit-nigger and do not vote pig-lousy into power  any longer

that rotten craggy haggy creep pig-lousy is as fascist Nazi Republican as any of the MAGA and is so lying so corrupt such a grafting greasy dirty lying fascist vying to be an aristocrat

how I wish the guy who broke into their house had at least a working plant and accomplished his goals.


So I am ranting--but do not vote for MAGA M UCK do not VOTE FOR PIG-LOUSY BOYCOTT shit scumbo rambo dumbo the fascist Nazi endlessly sponsoring fascist Nazism into America pig ape whore scum antisemite fascist Nazi--and I mean this literally.

Stop adulating blonde Nazi filth like pig ape shit pitt and shitalina whose every movie has been at least partially incorporating ideas I have written of, some absolutely taking the entire theme and then copying verbatm my writing which they stole and probably deleted from the only pages I could write on and not have deleted--but thanks to the Jewish Nazi controlling Facebook of course it has happened anyway.


I could go on and on with lists and lists of shit whore scum who have sold America out but the hacking and blocks and the mind control is making everything impossible. I waste my time writing these posts yet I hope that at least a seed of a different perspective that perhaps people will see has actually come into being is a result of the shit whores who you keep applauding as they sell you and America out to the most sleazy and dumb titillating performing Nazi handing them a mansion or a catwalk promotion for some fashion season in nasty dirty 4th Reich Nazi Paris or anywhere else.

I am injured and in great pain from constantly cleaning the filth that has been continuously sprayed on clothing and furniture that I am bending to clean---the Maga muck jOHNSON is a most dirty personality on every level possible. The problem for the world as it is, is that he uses Christianity as a basis for condemnation that amounts to murder--as in my case, after the rape and torture, he comes back periodically under welcome by Congress/Biden for his siding with expansionism of global dominance---(4th Reich in other words) and because I am constantly fighting and saying no to being murdered by some sick scumbag and his wife and children and team, as it's been a non-stop revolving revolting putrescence and MAGA MUCK JOHNSON just ordered his filth demonic energy sprayed on everything. My spine is coated with hard chemicals and poisons that the filth from Whorewood laughed about as I had constant diarrhea, constantly sick, constantly paralyzed as they tortured me non-stop with intention of breaking my body and spirit completely nearly to death or in a coma or just a broken and destroyed thing--that has been their aim and t hey have gone on and on being aaarded, pampered, plastic surgery without end, dancing with elation as mediocrities like Nicole Kidman has gone to the Oscars and cheered on at Nazi Cannes for her violence t owrds me with all the shitpigalina crew. So in addition to the hardening poison they had poured into my body and inserted into my bladder--nightly, for over 5 years--MAGA MUCK came to make me clean or live once again in toxic stinking filth that is deadly and putrid, as he is (literally some kind of Bates Motel type personality-disorder and plus his mommy appears to be behind him for every public speech--or is that his wife? No, his wife characteristically is a bllonde, somehow he has a black "son" and etc but the filth he pours out on me is a deadly form of attempted murder because in addition to non-stop screaming at me with Marjorie Butthead and Bevis combined (in her alone --dumb and dumber but violent and more sinister as times goes by and more empowered by her attack upon me with non-stop adulation from the press, interviews and now she's interviewed constantly as if she's the real spokiesperson for America, and this was accentuated by her attack upon me and her media focus was increased tenfold after he sexual assault and violence). Now a yapping screaming hateful psycho along with MAGA MUCK and of course, there is always violent, cruel, dirty ugly shitpigalina pitt and co--always violent always murdering me slowly. And so I am too tired to clean. In addition to all that, this delivery service for items I can't buy in my area and the prices are lower on this site and I can't lift heavy objects--they used to deliver a few packages all in one delivery--but now they see I am in pain-I must pack up literally all my belongings that I can't risk to have poisoned or stolen--as the pig apes do come in and poison my food with fungus if it's left open and unsealed in original package. I have to pack up all the healing items all the things I need to protect OR THEY WILL BE DESTROYED by the shit who run into my room. I spend FOUR HOURS packing and putting away items in the morning when these deliveries come. I have to lug it all to the bottom floor of a large condo and lug it all back--I use a carry trolly because I have so much that I can't risk being destroyed any loner. ANd then to have to bend and cllean and my body can't take any more movement the poisons are hard-as-rock against my spine so all movement is very painful. I am now going without taking showers because I also have to clean the floor after th eshower or the pig apes in the room next to the shower open panels and pour grease and debris and black flecks of goo on the floor and if there is any water in a puddle it' spreads the grease and goo around. There are no windows in the bathroom of this cement condo in this tiny unit where everything is breaking or being in various stages of breaking so all is on the edge of total collapse and t attered stained and disgusting and frayed and flecked with filth that never comes out. Now the delivery people are spacing the deliveries so they are coming literally every single day. If I have 3 orders they space out the orders for every single day. I can't move any longer, I need this fucking scum parasie pair of greasy filth MAGA MUCK & Blathering Greene (cna't think of an appropriate moniker of how low she is at this moment but MAGA MUCK just attributes both at once). How they could ever have achieved this level of prominence and power is a testament to how dysfunctional America truly is. I can only say that the Senators like Graham, Cruz, Kennedy and a lot of others including those not currently "in power" in Congress but still with a lot of clout (Clintons) are as reprehensible but more polished in their approach (Oxford education and Georgetown). My fingers are so mutilated that they cut the cuticle roots completely out of my large right toe and right-hand index finger. The gouges into the nails are so severe and the nail will not grow back because they have ordered their dirty minions (their shadow soul partners) to sever parts of my body out (part of my uterus) and something like 2 millimeters of cuticle roots on the index finger and large toe and they have obtained endless movie deals, documentaries. Clinton, whose yelling and violent abuse of me resulted in her being awarded for a trv series with her daughter aboutr being such advocates for "women" (except for me) and after her assault they began cuttting into the skin tissue between my toes every night, and that went on for over 2 months until they cut to the bone and I have to wrap my feet in layers of socks tied in a way that the mechanical arms can't destroy and sever off my toes any longer. That was accentuated by Bernie Sanders coming to sneer in contempt at me, "She is my FRIEND" AS THE ppig apes all say about people who are raping beating and torturing me. I am bedridden for the most part today, and another day of being in too much pain to take a shower and clean the floor afterwards and do everything else. I simply cannot move any loner. Today I "only "Had to clean stinking rotten meat sprayed on my bag of peanuts and the socks I put on my arms up to nearly my bicepts to stop them from cutting out more cuticle roots and destroying my hands, which have been--for years and years on a nightly basis--smeared with such damaging chemicals and also on my forearms and arms and legs--horrific rashes and then they put ch emicals to make the break-outs tattooed into my skin--and they all get deals deals millions of dollars appear at the Oscars year after year--adn STILL THEY CAN'T STOP ABUSING ME TO DEATH and getting more and more and more and more. Greedy adn sleazy sick disgusting f-tards. The death of America.

"What The Fuck". Crass5231. October 15, 2006.

"cat watches Psycho". Little Red Hen Productions. January 17, 2016.


Supposedly, the implant of the brain that Neurolink installed is not working according to the much touted benefit to humanity that terrorist and would-be murder of me is now revealing to the public. Somehow the interface is not working.

I appear to be an anomaly in that respect as the brain implant has "worked" to such a degree that sleazy hate-mongering filth pig apes can endlessly poison me to the point that any normal person would have died from toxic shock and sepsis if they had been exposed to a small percent of a fraction of a lifetime of it that has been inflicted on me. 

I was slated for death many decades ago but because I have had to run like hell to get away from the endless cascade of psycho scumbags who get a whiff of torture and rush to join in, in every vicinity and locale I am eventually besieged by a mass of stinking filth of humanity of all walks of "life" of the death organization who rush to inflict their terror, rape and violence upon me. Congress, of course, is no exception to that whatsoever. The lower of the thriving scumbags of the MAGA MUCK are made little of in the way of intelligent political American ideal, but yet they are not stopped and instead they are promoted without end with non-stop "what he/she said" makes headlines constantly. They reverberate with all the yokal locals who are a herd of pig apes who need to inflict much violence to the populations they want to eradicate so they can take endless long hot showers and the more people are exterminated the more lebensraum they can thrive off. The Christian Angle is a special tool of persecution and rape and murder on the part of MAGA MUCK Johnson, who in the shadow nether-region of the legion of the pig ape teleportation cartel, appears to be a real-life horror Christian Bates Hotel type with his mommy and Cross behind him, waiting for the shower scene but with MAGA MUCK Johnson, a little rape before the murder would be a better movie than the Hitchcock version. 

And while all of the terrorists have plenty and more than a huge snorting amount of cocaine at their disposal, paid for by the Clinton Foundation and all their associates (this is metaphorical but also based in reality but put into a "symbolic" form)

they can't stop. The uniqueness of what I am; for just having survived, and having done so pretty well, they have had to destroy and break my body down so I am completely scarred from head-to-toe, stuck with nothing and no one as they abuse without end to death and the government is footing the bills and their plastic surgery and their cocaine habits and the habits of the nuns they have their orgies with at their schmoozing Mar-a-Lago sniffing resort--sniffing for what you can grab that p-word valley of the promise of redemption from getting out of jail for free.


So I had to lay down after more cleaning of stinking clothing that the pig apes sprayed on my clothing. In the room beneath mine a white male Europigape voice is heard speaking,  I think it is Russian. Since Baryishnikov it's been a Russian invasion of stinking filth on my clothing, all plants killed, my home made broken down items broken constantly they have broken all faucets and ripped and torn and destroyed. In addition to poisoning and raping me, dirty foul Baryishnikov has set the Russian invasion of the wealthy nazis out of Russia to attack me--so they can have their escape from service to the war in Ukraine and get paid to inflict terror upon me--as a "privilege" for the white pig ape Nazi regime coming out of Russia.

I have been so ill (for so many years and decades by now) but they inserted poison into my bladder once again last night in my deep sleep. I had to rush to get up while it was dark and I was so ill I collapsed on the bed and could not put on the layers of protection for my hands (insertion of metal objects under fingernails are a constant since 2012--cuticle tissue has been completely cut out of my fingertips and nails are half cut and nothing grows back, now on multiple fingers and toes.

I also collapsed this afternoon because of the week of non-stop cleaning foul and stinking substances sprayed constantly on clothing and it is rotting meat tincture of some sort--the stench is death and foul and putridity--the billionaire and millionare and well-off Nazis are being paid for all room and board and more for this

the Thai brown and black and other minorities whatever color their skin is (often white but not of the accepted approval of the Nazi hierarchy which is being established upon me by poisoning, torture mutilation block of all income torture rape poisoning atttempted murder blacklisting and they claim t hey are "superior" out of racist ideology for the blocks to my success and they also have been stealing my ideas non-stop.

Because they can't stop sucking my life out and pouring their hate and ugliness and black energy onto me, II am fighting and fighting to get this loathsome group of filth s hit off me and have been only fighting this non-stop literally day and night due to this egregious technology since 2011.

They then cut once more into my fingers while I was in a comatose shallow sleep state--trying to not fall asleep but they poison my food (I had just eaten) and they inserted poison into my bladder through my vagina while I slept and I literally can't stay awake. 

I rarely write this, but I have been assaulted by murder attempts or paralysis attacks by parts of my spine being literally fractured while I sleep. I don't write this, nor do I ever concentrate on anything that makes me happy because the pieces of ugly sinister shit take away and destroy and kill any single thing that loves me, is even kind towards me, or is beautiful. THey destroy all beautiful items I have. I just hung up new clothing and it's all frayed with threads hanging down. They have been spraying death rotten meat on my hand-made ornamental clothing I spent weeks making (out of pain and paralysis I can't work more than 1-2 hours and must rest so often) and they have been coating this beautiful clothing that is really nice with rotting meat liquids--and everything else is being sprayed like this constantly. 

That some white Europigape trash under the auspices of dirty rotten Baryishnikov, who is so touted by the 4th Reich and by Biden and etc and I am so disgusted by this dirty lying filth parasite but he's just one more sinister isck dirty filth scumbag parasite and they are never-ending coming at me to destroy me and get huge profit off it.

I am such an anomaly and before I was constantly assaulted I was top of whatever I attempted to do--before being endlessly poisoned. Perhaps the microchip implant in my brain enhanced my performance in many things so they have been poisoning and torturing me non-stop but then demanding a "baby" out of me while I just want them dead and try to kill them every day if possible. I am so weak I can only fight "like a girl" and get nothing done.

It is non-stop slow murder. When will they be stopped permanently and me living in peace with compensation for the crimes that the U.S. Government, and all governments are fully funding and participating in?

My fingers are now so painful from the inserted objects--and they also somehow inject or drug me with a numbing substance so I don't feel the pain until at least 12 hours after the damage. They have done this for so many years that, as I wrote above, parts of my nails on numerous toes and fingers are sliced half-off and nothing grows back because they cut as deeply as possible into the root of the cuticles.

I am now pounding down on the keys and my left middle finger was inserted under the nail and deep into the cuticle and tissue with a sharp object, so pounding and using any pressure on this finger is too painful. I remain endlessly fighting. What is even more disgusting is this Inquisition performance by MAGA MUCK JOHNSON and his witch hunt persecutorial accusations at me while he's raping me, is supporting his partners out of Australia in particular because they are aligned with the English Crown (The English coordinated with the Confederate during the Civil War in an effort to divide the United States and re-establish the colony and destroy the economic power of the Northern "Republic"). These alliances remain as strong as ever and I see this with "Deep South" MAGA MUCK in the teleportation hell they create although all they do is cite Holy Scripture as if this is their own pact with "God" but they align certainly with rapists, thieves, sleazy orgiastic Satanists and hate-filled absolutely corrupt and "evil" people who can help dirty MAGA MUCK to obtain more money--his real religion except perhaps he really is a Satanist in drag.

Disgusting crap.

They all are.

So I am unique and I think there are almost no other functioning people who have brain implants who are not parapalegic or paralyzed or half-dead or destroyed. So they must destroy me and take away a lifetime of my effort to surmount the endless poisoning and torture from neighbors, "friends" family and everything from professors to religious people to everything, everywhere, all at once.

So they must destroy me but steal ideas so they can present themselves not as conformist p-grabbing orgy scum whores that they are. THey are now dedicated to calling me some kind of prostitute although I went to grad school and even if I were Stormy Daniels and made sex work my career, like Stormy Daniels, who is defending her right to be a performer for her career, yet the prostitute mentality of whoreness is to rape for profit and abuse for profit simultaneously. I call them whores because they act like low and sleazy and MAGA MUCK is "with them" as he says like the low and ignoramus scum that he is along with Marjorie Butthead & Beavis clown show.


The protocol has been non-stop--and I have to "blame" myself because I understood it was a threat to my life to watch any video or movie but I did it anyway. And in my defense, I am being injected with mind control drugs that none of you reading this can understand and how badly it affects judgement against even the threat of death or participating in an enemy scheme yet being unable to stop oneself from wallowing in the muck they create and going head first into a cesspool you never want to get near but jump in because they use mind control and you absolutely are in a brain-lock with instructions pumped subiminally.

Yesterday I had to defend myself agaisnt more pig ape shit from England---rotten and nasty but "famous" for the violence and bs they crank out. While it all looks very polished after at least 200 people create the product and the pig ape Nazi in charge puts his name to it as his entire production credit (for movies) but for telling this rotten dino scum what I want in terms of ME TELLING ;MY STORY instead of Nazi pig ape rapist scum pieces of shit from the 4th Reich using me to fund their  ideas--which they extract through torture anyway using HOURS AND HOURS OF SCREAMING CONSTANTLY INTO MY INNER EAR AND VIOLENTLY ASSAULTING AND ABUSING ME IN TELEPORTATION FOR HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY and night after night and without a single day of me having a simple moment of not being attacked.

While I was in a dizzy drugged healing sleep they forced my throat and nose to constrict as there is a microchip implant in my throat. They caused my heart to palpitate as the microchip implants can affect the nervous system and sympathetic responses like  heart pulsation and beating. It was constricted, it was painful to breathe but sometimes they increase it to murder levels (that happened under Drump along with being hit by cars swerving from the side of the road with special engines that operate within a few feet of the target and go from zero to about 40 mph within 20 seconds or less--and etc

I fought back because they used "truth serum" technology in order to extract the ideas that I never want to give them--of course they not only never pay me and then make millions off the ideas (going on since at least 2010 by this group and their predecessors before that) and----

when will this be stopped? After the election will Joe Biden and his team, after Obama obtained profit off this contract out on me along with his family, and then Harris was brought to me by Oprah who profitted of this and stole ideas for YEARS and tortured me non-stop for fighting in my defense and after years of her violence i fcalled her an aunt jemima and obtained a literal non-stop rotation of black scumbags coming at me to accuse me of being this most open and blatant racist while I explained it was a Malcolm X quote about blacks helping the white master on the plantation to persecute and oppress other blacks--and so a plethora of blacks have obtained endless promotions after violently assaulting me using that as pretext./

and it never ends. Kamala Harris was brought to me under deep sleep hypnosis and I, at the time, didn't realize how completely and thoroughly corrupt and rotten this political landscape truly is and I hoped that her husbnand being Jewish and her being part black meant that she would care about a host of racist shit attacking me, but no--it only helped her to partner with Biden who has been also behind this torture of me probably for the entire 50 years he's been in office, participating with Carter and helping and gladly supporting this violence of me, and the crime bill he sponsored to keep black and brown and poor whites and poor and people in prison for their entire lives, destroying entire families and communities but it was a war zone for blacks and against Civil Rights

always fully supported by the Blacks who join in the torture circuit against me, using any and all lies and distortions to justify life-threatening poisoning and violence and sepsis and destruction of my body on a very minute slow level day after day with outright severing of part of my uteris by pig pitt when I said no to being a sex slave rape victim giving all to another worthless white su premacist Nazxi who is giggilng with his bigot blondish fioth skank to abuse and assault me slowly to death.

so it never ends. Will Biden if he fucking wins the election finally STOP PURSUING the president office and another promotion if he fucking finally wins--while he partnered with Obama and the violence under that regime was absolutely lethal and horrific--and I can only assume it was partially if not fully due to \biden

As for Trump--all I can say is, "fucking hell" how stupid do americans have to be to keep cheering that thing on and on and on and on?


And so another Europigape nazi with the filth shit whore ape who came to rape me for clicking on a video he hacked parts of a movie he starred in (many years ago). The band is a Russian band the genre is called Witchhouse for which MAGA MUCK the rapist nearly had a heart attack for me listening to something called "Witchhouse" music--

both together yesterday and even though I said I liked the f-ing movie., they had to find a way to get me to react negatively to their violence so they found another angle and any nay by me was an justification to violently assault me. For defending myself under "truth serum" tech plus the non-stop drugging they order their white trash Nazi and the brood of brown and black and white "trash" shit to inject into my bladder while I am unconscious, being abused while teleported in a drugged and sick deep theta sleep state

and now they will get more movie starring roles by the Satanic entity which controls BOTH WHOREWOOD AND CONGRESS-WHOREWOOD-especially the filth of MAGA MUCK JOHNSON who somehow creeps me out more than so many of the jerk-off scum crap who rush to join in. The smoldering filth and dirt he imbibes but suppresses, is overflowing with black energy and the muck he orders sprayed on everything while I am obviously shitting poison out every day--they make comments not only while I am in the shower but also while on the toilet.

The pig ape sees me as an investment and asks me when I will get the poison out (so they can all force me, under pain of homelessness or death, to give them some spawn I would rathe rthrow out a high-rise building like rosemary's baby but not embracing the little piece of shit spawned with any of them).

Adn his Christian bs and his filth and lies and corruption is so putrid and they are all so foul and disgusting.

Is there nothing decent anywhere in power and control in America?

Will Biden ever fucking stop attacking me to get a promotion if he fucking wins and actually will he stop the violence against me just for the purpose of me as an enhanced prototype of a person integrated with microchip implants who has proven that I can out-perform the mediocrity of the Nazi pig ape shit and I have done this so repeatedly to their murderous rage that poison is non-stop paralyzing me and torture-to-death is non-stop as well.

Using Christianity and condeming me for the acts of Deuteronomy that this New Testament junkie addicts sleaze porno hypocrite is, reading tarot according to him is a capital crime as wel as anything else he can possibly construe to justify the rape and murdersou poiso0ning. The filthy shit like Ridley Scott and this Scottish sick fuck who raped and beat me along with his ugly English (or whatever it is) wife was there as wel. They will be cherished, invited perhaps to the White House in the near future, handed millions to make a movie, possibly about microchip implants based on the concept sthey tortured out of me--while they injected my body with poisons and drugs through my vagina while I was sleeping through a network of trash and filth who are endlessly handed money because they mass murdered Jews and Poles and jews and Jews here there and everywhere for hundreds of years. The Nazi organization controllin this whore filth I must contend with every day are so lauded for the death camps but the Jews, if they fight back, are universally condemned. At the micro level, I am mutilated because I fought back and was much more clever than the ugly sinister pair of dirty sleazy filthy Engllish and bs whatever that ugly dirty creep rapist is--(he tries to identify with any power group so he has no country in my opinion, he has tried to play Jesus in a movie what a sick joke on Christianity and art they all are).

They are "Satanists" which means they follow the "Luciferian agenda" but the hacking is so bad and I am stuck not being able to remember how to spell basic words and I can't think I am ramblling and ranting at this point. The sick creeps will be paid and paid for this violence against me as usual, they may be invited to the White House with the rest of the terrorists who are constantly for years assaulting me.


Friday, May 10, 2024

Again tortured, abused, threatened with sexual violence, called the "b-word" after having downloaded a 2023 movie, which I hoped would not bring this "reputable' director or any of the actors to attack me, but within one day of course it begins anew with also a rapist who had assaulted me and hacked his dirty movie clip into a music video I was watching to see something outside of the mainstream 4th Reich material and he hacked his filth into the video and once I clicked on it a few times, as he kept hacking it into playlists on YouTube, he began violently raping and beating me with his dirty filthy wife. They are English, of course Europigapes, proving once more how disgusting the Europigaps are from top to lowest level of their 4th Reich Nazi-trained society, ape-land I mean. //The movie was Napoleon, a theme I am interested in. The director a greasy dinosaur rapist cheerleader who brought his EngllishScottish thug partner who raped me many months ago until I had to fight to get him and his dirty filthy wife off me---both are now starring together in a movie b ased on some relationship---the roles and movie derived from raping me and putting it on camera to prove how disgusting they are, but supposedly it's supposed to imply that this is "me" and not them. glorified and then embolded they all are with constant lead roles and awards and prizes afterwards. I thought of the Stormy Daniels testimony news today, the reporting and commentary by MSNBC and how because a woman is a "sex worker" that does not mean that every greasy abuser can just expect instant gratification and compliance for the most degrading sex that they yearn for because of the hate they imbibe the hate and death cult that this organization of the 4th Reich is. The sublimation of the death principle, as Freud might have written, or did write, is diverted from the "good" girls to those who appear "expendable". The lies that are the tantamount feature of the pig ape justification to abuse and beat and rape and torture and kill is because they are "prostitues" they are "whores' they are "dirty" they are reading tarot cards they have worked as "dancers" they have been unfaithful they have said the wrong thing they have just looked like they deserved it---etc etc etc. The creep Ridley Scott asked me, as I knew he was going to be disgusting when he began at 4 pm to the onslaught of another 4 hours of endless yapping hate and threats along with the rapist coming at me to physically assault me once my threshold for patience for the dino shit they heave onto me is breached--which by now, after 13 and decades of years of this, never ending, I have no more tolerance and no matter which direction I turn or if I close my eyes they are still facing me in the teleportation as I can't turn away from them or block them out from yelling as fascist pig scum into my inner ear and my vision is forced to see them in teleportation. //Like Tarnatino, who asked me if I would help him with a movie about mind control, I said no and he told me to die in a concentration camp. Now this filth scum Ridley Scott, whose movie I was enjoying actually. For a change I wasn't disappointed to the extreme and bored but as he had no justification for assaulting me for not liking the Nazi/Illuminati shit he always cranks out with his nasty hate-filled violent movies (the symbolism is highly r4th Reich--if I were not endlessly tortured I m ay write about it but even the keyboard omits any real writing and hacking and revision by hackers makes anything impossible. Yet I say his every movie I have eve seen is a testament to the Nazi 4th Reich, in particular the latter movies--Promethius is a direct example of a Satanic agenda (or Luciferian if you will, interchangeable to some). He asked me if I would help him make a movie about mind control . WIth the endless shit pig pitt who has stolen ideas from me for over 10 years with sh italina ttogether, I began telling him no and why--under hypnosis and this mind control hell torture technology. I tried to block the pig apes out, but after more than one hour of constant hate and abuse, I began to spill the "tea" and tell them my concepts about mind control, which the filth stupid apes are going to steal, no matter what. They tortured me so this Nazi bigot could have idea,s then called ma a "bitch" and then the shit creep from Scotttland (I have blocked his name out, but he's played a "Jew" and a "Jedi" and is absolutely antithetical to both and in regard to anything but sleazy lying performances of anything noble or honorable).

I told them that what I had done in the past that the 4th Reich had literally forced upon me as I had a serious health problem and all health care was blocked to me and I was being murdered by the apparatus I am now dealing with at highest levels

and like all the castigation of Stormy Daniels, the slurs and insults that are being leveled at her are nothing compared to the filth rapists who are insulting me endlessly using the same theme that I constantly tell them is wrong and that they are projecting. THEY are the filthy whores, they are literally being paid to rape so what kind of whore category should they be included in?

Whatever I have done has not been based on subjugating using sexuality. They are such hateful life-fuck scum and they NEED desperately anyone to fuck and abuse with their nasty filth wives and c hidren watching on cheering it all on, because they can "play" feminists in movies and honorable victims of sexual violence fighting for women's and children's rights and etc. The lies are disgusting.

I had to yell at them and then tried to kill this Scottish pig ape scum rapist who was sent to physically fight me (and he has been trained in martial arts for his movie roles while they have poisoned me without end to keep me dying from everything, my muscles breaking down, and then hours and hours of some pig ape yelling as a fascist into my inner ear and I "see" them in every direction with eyes closed or open, as they go on and on and on and on and literally every single moment until I finally lose control and try to beat them to death and I am so weak I can't---and it's every day

so I had to just delete the rest of Napoleon and I knew I should have just watched movies that are so old that even the shit children of the actors and directors can't teleport me--so I hope.

Anything earlier than 1950-someting is all I can watch by now as every single movie that is 30 years old is a dino still situated in Whorewood with monopoly because of his/her 4th Reich get out of jail and monopoly for free card--literally this is how it operates.

Sleazy and dirty, their hate and death cult propensities are endlessly redirected from their former targets before the "enslavement' technology handed me over to them--the white blonde and Nazi women were the targets often enough, but now, the ugliness of these death scum Nazi and Mafia pig apes is diverted onto me. And they NEED MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE VICTIMS so this tech is being blasted into the celluloid sphere with touted health miracle wonders for a few paralyzed people in wheelchairs--little does the public openly acknowledge that the real use for the brain implants is to keep people incapable of thinking clearly while they are being teleported and fucked and abused and of course murdered by some sleazy filth who needs to vent and vent and vent his hate and hate and hate onto anyone and everything possible.

I told dirty Ridley that I would not allow any of the Nazi actors to play in any movie I am a part of, and definitely not the Nazis who have teleported me. I told him that a Nazi bigot cannot play the "me" role of teleportation and brain implant torture victim. I told him that I would 'Help"  him if the person acting were Jewish and not a Jewish Nazi and not part of the 4th Reich Whorewood team. I told him I would have to have artistic control so the film would be accurate and not a  projection of more applause for bigot Nazi actors and Nazi/Illuminati themes--as Ridley Scott, as I wrote above, is a full-fledged member of the Illuminati of Whorewood and his stupid movies have been promoting all the death technologies and the evil plots that Nazis actually want to impose upon the planet. They are not warnings they are a blueprint for the future of the 4th Reich to build death technology and death hybrid creatures as absolute warfare entities. 

After saying on less then half of what I just wrote (and I have to wonder how much of this will be deleted as every time I write, these posts, I write at least 6-7 paragraphs and then after publishing about 4 show up after I click on publish. It is so time-soncuming to fight the hacking on the keyboard as I struggle to fight to pound down every key and the functions are blocked and manipulated--constantly.

They sexual violence of this group combined with the fake syrupy cultural heroism of their roles in movies and on tv is truly the mind programming that both cajoles the audience into a false sense of security while subliminally programming the same viewer int he death cult rape and torture mentality which is brooding below the surface and comes full out against me in teleportation.

They use sexuality as a death weapon like alll the sexual predator serial killers with subsumed death urges and murder urges through the portal of sexuality.


The terrorists have been turning off  the laptop wifi system non-stop. I did a 4  hour restore function this morning including all the updates and etc and I could not turn the laptop on. I have just spent one hour turning the router off, replugging it back in, then turning off this laptop and the router and trying to restore and the connection is being remotely turned off constantly. Endless hours of uploading new versions of every driver of all the functions and the hacking is far too powerful for my very meager skills (not trained at all in hacking and how to block it--of course I can't afford to pay for anti-virus but since it's the U.S. Government sending out their sleazy hate dino friends, their partners in the rape culture of Congress-Whorewood the sick citadel on a cesspool sucking in the light and life of the Nation--not a beacon on a hill. A rape culture sponsoring cesspool sucking everything in for it's dark and dirty graft corruption schemes.

I now have to try to publish this, as the internet is being turned off non-stop. I get it to turn on and they turn it off within one minute and keep it off. Nothing I had done that stopped this is working anylonger as they see how I am trying to divert from the hacking and they have obtained professional hackers to constantly override all my attempts to just get on the internet. Doing a system restore not even works for a few minutes after hours of cleaning out the system.


I hope there will be a change of the power structure. You can get the old dirty crusty sleazy old fascist Nazi Europigapes like Ridley Scott out. The filmography is stunning but the theme is the same as all the movies. Death, power struggles, and instead of monsters and things like that, it's just the precursor to the same aims that Hitler had--and the sleazy sex scenes in the movie that no one even commented upon as this is so normalized by now--doesn't make this dirty greasy hate Nazi bigot rape cheerleader and his filthy Scottish/English rape sleaze antisemitic Nazi even think twice, nor do the critics they all just accept it constantly. Their greasy sleaze in the movies is considered their "right" at this point, but they call me all kinds of sexually disgusting things and this is their projection. I have done     NOTHING even similar to their filthy acts of sexual violence and sleaze and filth. Like Stormy Daniels and her testimony today, the misuse of women who are not sleazy but are in these situations, who do not display sexual violence, do not abuse in conjunction with sexuality as these filthy pieces of shit do (including MAGA MUCK Johnson) these nasty dirty 4th Reich pig ape rape culture creeps are violent rapist and so are their filthy nasty women (Nicole Kidman, the greasy ugly skank who has been given the most endless layers of plastic surgery next to shitalina and the rest).

The dino culture of sex-death-rape and hate and destruction of life and humanity must GO. 

Let there be a paradigm shift away from their hate and bigot culture (this includes all the Jewish Nazis like Netanyahu who fully aligns with every Nazi bigot possible who all support his cause so they can take over Jerusalem and what a money-making real estate venture they all plan on profitting off).


So t he pig apes obtained more ideas out of me, which they have been doing for over 13 years and going to festivals and winning awards for the ideas. Rather than have me write the ideas any longer, and with the hacking that makes typing near impossible, they are torturing me literally every day,; which has been ongoing since I stopped writing my creative ideas to stop this group of s hit--so they torture me for HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS until the mind control extraction tech breaks down all barriers and I pour out my ideas which they smile as they get the idea and then call me a bitch and beat and hit and abuse and threaten me adn then make millions of dollars for the ideas and get funding for their shit projects for having done this to me.  It never ends. The movies all "win" and are beautiful visual productions (thanks to the camera experts and not to the pig ape sthemselves or their "quality").

As for Scott, I tried not to assume he was s greasy dino rape bigot Nazi but as usual he turned out to be one, with his rapist hate friend who beat and raped me because he hacked his rotten face onto a music video and I listened to playlists and he kept hacking it on so finally I saw him, watched the video not understanding that every video and movie and tv show and news show would mean anothe rugly sinister abuser coming to abuse and threaten me and then go dancing off joyfully with book deals and lead roles and plastic surgery forever and ever in a monopoly that they are all working to achieve by just attacking me--unfortunately this is not a delusion on my part of "grandiose" paranoia, schizophrenia or delusional mental disorder it is a sad fact about the dino rape 4th Reich dumb scum group and politic body of corrosion. 

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).