Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Business discrimination terrorist report: I am getting the screw-around discriminatory refusal of service from Lazada--which I have used for almost one year but one particular service, Flash Express---is routinely lying and not responding to phone calls not servicing me without making me wait until hours and lying on the phone repeatedly about delivery times. Because my every phone call and internet contact to any service is re-routed to a terror agent from either within the 4th Reich system, or one of their corrupted agents working inside the agencies (the system is always expanding) but I have been just mistreated. I got into the "chat" for help and I was lied to. I phoned the driver repeatedly and he would not pick up, nor respond to SMS messages about delivery. I was in a LOT of pain as more hard poisons were ripping out of the huge mass that looks and feels like a cement shelf glued to my rib cages, spine, into my intestines and up into my skull and down into my feet--literally a huge sinuous labyrinth of the poisons I fight for my life to get out. This service, Lazada, is now spreading out deliveries from the other two delivery companies so I order three items on the same day, and formerly, at first when I used the company, I received all three on the same day. Now they are spreading them out every day or every other day. I must literally pack all my essential items including cooking oils and all my healing lotions and conditioner and all my backpack bags and shoes which I must bundle up and secure against the terrorists breaking the soles off and shredding the shoes and making the heels crooked and stretching out the shoes--I must carry all (I only have one pair of shoes I use, and in my little torture chamber I just use rubber sandals like crocs and I can never go barefoot the floor is filthy and being sprayed with goo muck and hairs and debris literally every day until it's filthy even after I clean the floor).

 Now I am digressing a lot, but the accumulation of endless cleaning and having to literally protect every single item and carry it all downstairs to pick up items is so hard on my body. It takes me literally FOUR hours to get ready to pick up an item in the morning. Beginning with putting all the items I must wrap around my head while sleeping, around my hands, my feet and then the clothing I wear for sleep. All is sprayed while I am sleeping so it's musty or moldy with areas that are sometimes damp but just usually dried with stinking odors that are sprayed. I must CLEAN constantly and every morning I have to clean everything I wore to sleep, and the layers of protection. Hanging them up, spraying them with a lot of bleach/water and tons of fabric softener because it takes a long time to air dry (and then the items are ripped while they are drying by the mechanical arms while I am stuck in pain sitting in one spot in the farthest end of the room, but with a huge plastic thing covering my head so the mechanical arms don't CONTINUE to spray fungus, mold and hair-destroying chemicals FROM BEHIND while I am stuck in pain sitting in this chair--too tired to do anything after having to spend a minimum of 2 hours to just get all the items cleaned, packed-up, prepared, etc and when the deliveries come it takes me 4 hours because I also have to spend literally more than ONE HOUR of jacking around with the laptop and WiFi because the hacker terrorists turn the WiFi off continuously. I can never see if the delivery is today or not. The system should show me the night before but the website is constantly hacked and so I have to check in the morning.

So once I finally have to wait, drag everything down (the huge bag I have my backpack and another huge back of my shoes, the huge sports bag I carry around with me and other items plus a heavy as hell backpack filled with the items I can't afford to replace constantly--every time I leave they destroy something and break and/or steal. Every time I leave they spray stinking filth into the fan system which rusts the system so I must also clean and oil the fans upon returning from even going downstairs. Often they put a seriously damaging virus on my computer which means I must go into the BIOS and delete and then restore the entire Windows system, which is very hard to do and even that is fraught with them turning the WiFi off while I am fighting to re-install Windows as the system is completely corrupted. They did this at least once a month during the Nazi pig ape invasion during "high season" for 6 months. The rainy season is almost upon this place and the expletives who instruct the minority minions remain and have trained them and are training them into hate and terrorism. 


Anyway, 13 years of writing about this in various emails, posts, Facebook and now 3 blogs and it's still ongoing.

When or if Trump is convicted, and if Trump were imprisoned and he had no chance, if that happened (doubtful) this would STILL be going on and on forever.


I am being physically attacked now by the terrorist celebrities. I was watching The Magic Flute and two German celebrities came with the Latvian terror rapist hater to make smirking jokes about Jews being gassed just to garner a reaction out of me. I got into a literal physical fight with the Latvian and I also got into a physical fight with MAGA MUCK for the months of his concerted attacks upon me defending all the Europigapes and their affiliates out of Australia who have joyfully stolen my ideas had me raped and tortured poisoned and my home invaded on a daily basis as they watched on as filth pig ape after piece of shit raped and beat me for the audience of the pig ape shit from Whorewood--under the full applause of MAGA MUCK the sick f***. 

and I am now fighting them physically after more than 13 YEARS of this ongoing.

When I first read about gang stalking on websites I found it impossible to believe that an entire world of socio-religious groups and organizations and charitable peoples would just DO NOTHING and yet...


So, Lazada is discriminating against me. When I phoned their office in Bangkok two days ago I began to explain about the bad service and series of lies, and the Thai agent began to make a nasty sighing noise and interrupted me and brushed the information aside and acted like it was an annoyance. Just to get decent service I was happy to get anything after being lied to constantly in the chat by some Europigape fuck living in this condo who is hacking into the system, with full permission by the company, and coordinating this type of attack upon me by lying in the chat, ending the chat, telling me lies about delivery, telling me lies about contacting the delivery piece of shit who never answers his phone and the agents say they will contact me with delivery times and they do not. And then they are keeping me waiting for 30 minutes for a fake response of not being able to understand English--and also, this is the exact same protocol used by my bank in the United States--a terrorist failed state actually just on the verge of actually becoming in that official status.


While I was typing an email to the Lazada office email notifying me of the cancellation request, except that there was NO information on any cancellation but just that my request had been "processed" and apologies as usual (so polite while lying) and I had no idea if the orders had been canceled. I clicked on the website and saw that the orders were still out for delivery. That is when I got on the chat. The first attempt to get information was me waiting for 15 minutes with no response. This chat always responds within one minute. I closed the chat and tried to generate a different agent but the tightening of everything that can be blocked is now enhanced as the pressure of non-stop teleportation VIOLENCE is part of this contract that appears to be based on helping Trump but Biden appears to be profiting off it as well (double-helping of bs on all sides of the one-sided political dot that is supposed to be some wide political "spectrum").

I was kept waiting for another 30 minutes so I tried to send a reply email to the apologetic "your request was processed" email that had no other information than the case number (also a bs operation so I had no way of knowing if the orders had been canceled and the status remained just as it was yesterday of being out for delivery).


After 30 minutes I wrote to the person "Leon" who had sent me the email from Lazada, and sometimes these responses are sent back automatically with a "no-reply" function. I tried to copy the 30 minutes of waiting and while I was doing this, the entire thread disappeared after I had just copied  and was pasting it. The thread of the 30 minutes of waiting in the chat was also half-deleted and the time shown for one of the breaks in the waiting, when I wrote messages and messages about the order and information to try to speed up what was just a huge terrorist attack but how could I have known as this is almost a completely rare situation and I almost never receive items from flash express. 

They literally deleted parts of the thread up to the point of showing that the dialogue of waiting and what I had written was only a ten-minute time-frame. They inserted a block of computer generated information over the block of time where I had written the problem and order numbers and the situation. 

They are deleting and deleting and hacking and hacking rewriting my posts in chat and absolutely rewriting everything I write to any business agent so every sentence has some mistake or words missing.

Again, this happens regularly in America and has been the case for over 15 years that I have been aware of. 

When I say Failed State and America is probably on the verge of this designation, and for many in America struggling literally with death while the sick fucks posture in Nazi poses with their billion dollar gains for the posturing bullshit they constantly are paid in millions to blather out with all their plastic surgery about how great and wonderful they are and how happy and beautiful they and life is--and everyone who goes against it is a "loser" and those who are stuck dying in the streets are just "losers" which they create as they luxuriate in their expensive orgy pig troughs of excess.

So the Failed State is an actual term used by sociologists and political scientists and periodicals and the United Nations. There are Failed State Indexes.

I can attest that America is teetering on the edge, although the Biden Admin states that the "economy" is booming--it's the boom-boom of the orgies of the brains of the scum who are the chum cohort criminals who are put into power. But the terrorist apparatus is just blocking my every attempt at life, health care, and I must fight just to not be poisoned to death in my home, mutilated, and now ordering things that I need and the fight to carry and lug everything around, while trying to not die from poisoning and abuse

and hours and hours some other next rotten piece of shit is assaulting me physically now

the filth of these shit whores is unbelievable

the apparatus of the aspirants to power are those who block my every effort and are amply paid for it. And in 3rd World countries this is the very structure that is the standard apparatus of the power structure. Even in so-called "Democracies".

I was listening until it felt like mental vomit to one of the terrorists from Congress yapping on about "Democracy" as usual, and his violence towards me for defending myself against multiple rape and poisoning mutilation theft abuse my cat stolen my ideas stolen as this piece of greasy rotten disgusting crap from the "good" "liberal" side as opposed to the "good" porno rape cheerleader "conservative" side; all yapping into microphones as often as they can get an audience with carefully trained vocal affectations (which are just dropped in teleportation and they are just uncouth, uncool absolutely just ghool in reality).

and a Failed State that is endlessly claiming that a "Democracy" means that people have some kind of freedom to vote and live with chances for opportunity.

A failed State is when the government does not provide for "the people". The Failed State of America is welcoming in billionaire financiers from Europigapeland who are absolutely fascist Nazis and the Americans so yearn for a despotic dictatorship and so many of the "normal" death squad civilians of the population are absolutely eager for the same thing.

A failed state is when people are dying in the streets and the government is wracked with so much corruption that it no longer functions without INSURRECTIONS and mayhem in the streets, threats of coups and economic collapse, death squads aka militia or patriot movements but in reality are just death squad units

    FAILED STATE coming soon to a theater near you. Not a "civil war" but a Failed State with a totalitarian fascist leadership still yapping about "Democracy" if they can get away with it.

So my every internet business dealing is hacked so I can't compete, succeed and every single little order is wracked with discrimination and blocks. All appearing as legal "mistakes' and seeming "incompetence". If I try to issue a complaint they sneer into the phone whine and ignore me and the problem persists, the longer this group of shit puts more pig apes into power, the less I am able to even issue a complaint.

The shit from Whorewood and the Nazi pig apes instruction the minions are training them to yawn, interrupt me and brush off any complaint. My brain is blocked from actualizing a finished system of decent response I am so blocked and so discriminated against that to get ANY RESPONSE after days and days of being lied to is just so exhausting that I finally am just glad to get any service at all.

It's not "the people" it's this organization but this organization is being allowed to do this and is being funded by the shit in government. Because the United States is a major leading country, this is a pathetic situation of absolute destruction that this group of sick filth is going to inflict not just on America but on the world--they have done it already with masses of starving and homeless and dying people from around the world and most from the overt or covert issuances of the stinking United States government. It does not matter even who is elected because the candidates are vetted beforehand to continue the enslavement Failed State Death Squad system. It's not even the United States any longer, that is just a name given to this vassal Nazi colonized deteriorating Failed State of what used to be called The United States.

The shit I am dealing with now are smug, contented and could not give a damn about anything but their endless wealth and luxury and career expansion as a result.


So the shitholes who are attacking me now; one of them I watched one single movie in which he starred but it came out in the 70's--and I posted a few videos about his performances (always under drugging and mind control to to this, every post I write is under stress, torture and drugging, as it's been a constant and daily deluge of hate aimed at me by shit pig ape after piece of shit for over 13 years in a non-stop succesion of shit pigs who are then seen almost immediately afterwards receiving awards in ceremonies. Now every SINGLE award for entertainment has a bare minimum of 30 percent of the awarded scum low-lives who have assauled me. Some repeatedly for years, some for a few weeks or day. And the German Nazi bigot shit began with Nazi statements after I had only watched the movies they played on ONLY FOR THE ANTI-NAZI DIRECTOR and he was a fan of mine. He is now dead, and the filth from their teams from the 70's are attacking me through these ugly rotten old dirty cow women. The other old dirty women are currently being awarded at Cannes, as usual (American skank dino women) and the list of them is endless. I have been trying to get this filthy rapist old rotten Nazi fucking scumbag off me for over 2 years now and his lack of career success, as well as these filthy ugly dirty German skanks, makes them all the more vicious to prove how Nazi they are. They are going at me like vicious parasites now because they just CAN'T get more than a few interviews by some obscure little production crews regarding their 70's performances and perhaps into the 80's. Now viciously making violent gestures, now hitting me, making Nazi comments and going on and on and on and on. 

The usual Celebrity shit whore brood is always there--making their anti-Nazi and anti-racist and anti-rape movies and interviews and pro 'Democracy" bs from politicians who join in mocking me, insulting me, laughing with the shit whores about how poisoned and bloated my body is,; referring to me as a Loser and then being interviewed, put into movies about how much they "love" Democracy and of course, endless documentaries about them and etc (for the less-than-photogenic politicians and directors they get documentaries--and for the Jewish director(s0 they get movies with Nazi actors playing their family members in movies  based around antisemitism in California Uber Alles.

"Dead Kennedys--California Uber Alles (Jazz Mix)". THE FACT. January 26, 2019.

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