Saturday, May 25, 2024

terrorist attacks ordered by the same expletive parasites who have been attacking me for 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 10 years, 13 years, 20 years, 30 years (my family I have finally gotten away from and the originators of this contract have been going at me to destroy me and profit off it for over 30 years plus+++/minus they are parasites completely): AT a store where I have been parking in the lower parking lot area for almost one year. I get one of the crusty shopping carts (this is a very "cheap" Thai store which has become absolutely expensive and even higher priced than in the "elite" shopping franchise groceries in "elite" shopping malls ) but I have to push the cart through the lower "basement" area ;which is almost exclusively Thai, then up a middle parking lot area which has some vendors and a lobby leading to the middle parking lot area, and then the top floor which is a mix of tourists/expats and Thais. //They are now turning off the escalators for the escalators only when I am out shopping. Three weeks ago it was one of the escalators that had been turned off. Then last week it was the other escalator that was turned off. Today both escalators were turned off going both up and down. When I am pushing the cart up the steep ascent some Thai women rushes behind me to "help" me but while my back is turned as I grab the front part of the trolly she could be breaking/ripping and doing creep things to my clothing and bags and backpack and ripping and what happened was that I was sprayed with blue ink on my fucsia windbreaker jacket. //I also was poisoned with tainted nasty liquid when I bought some shakes and drinks from vendors who make the stuff in front of you. As usual there was a blondish Europigape who made sure to be in front of me as I approached, and to keep me waiting they just made all kinds of slowing-down excuses. My brain was obviously under assault so I would react to the attack of the poisoning, which did happen. I was so thirsty and probably the thirst was induced by the microchip implant in my throat. These analyses are not mere conjecture as this has happened to me so repeatedly in various forms for so many years/decades and the pattern of attack is absolutely recognizable at this point. Having been drugged, I found myself reacting in an uncontrolled manner, which happens in teleportation every single day I am going berserk at the most loathsome sinister parasitic creeps who have been orchestrating non-stop torture, violence poisoning mutilation and have obtained unbelievable promotions out of it so they never stop grabbing latching suciking abusing--they are filthy and disgusting. I had to return to my room/home doused with stinking odors which is the material manifestation of the infestation of their spiritual dank and foulness. I will not name names as they only get promoted for it.

 I am waiting for some kind of Act of God or some miracle of unselfish push for justice rather than the usual sleazy sick greedy grasping meaningless crap personality put into power only because they sound so great for the hope that America is a "land of freedom" and "opportunity" and the striving is a never-ending righteous proclamation of the endless spin junkies spewing the mind drug poison into the desperate, and then their fellow disseminators who love watching the chaos unfold.


The act of God would be that the hate and violence of this global organization is so toxic and so out-of-touch with nature, the spirit of love and life, that what IS happening will turn into an act of Nature that will, like the Arc of Noah, just wipe them all out. I hope that I will be safe as I never wanted this "|system" and absolutely never want to help more of these sleazy and incompetent creeps to have more and more out of this contract out on me.


I was also surrounded by creeps pushing baby carriages in every elevator and blocking my path whilst shopping at the "elite" mall and the grungy Thai store Big C, and everywhere else. It is the symbol for this group of SCUM who want to obtain this contract with me now fighting literally physically every single day as I am drugged into a ranting rage as one filthy ugly piece of rotten shit comes to attack me after 1 year, 13 years, 20 years, 30 years they have had me poisoned into mutilation and severed out part of my uterus destroyed most of my hair stole and probaby have killed my cat have stolen my ideas and claimed them as their own for over 13 years leaving me without any single opportunity to earn a single penny in any way--all blocked as they perpetually insult how I look and the financial situation they forced me into--and all is due to them.

The come back and back, the sinister sick ones who really have never left have returned and the ugliness and sleazy sickness of this pile of shit from former places I have lived, which they sold out to every highest-paying Nazi Europigape as they attack me to get moer because they destroyed their own habitat and allowed their worshipful Nazi Europigapes to take it all over--bowing in servitude if only to get people like me to have have a chance to outcompete the stupidity and ignoramus crap that they are. \

I am now ranting, which is as usual induced by the non-stop drugging but what is more causative is how NO ONE ever intervenes. 

Sinister sick and lying politicians come to wreak their self-hate upon me especially if they are Jewish. The most loathsome ass-groveling sycophants to white supremacy possible, but not any original group of "minorities' who all perform the same bowing scraping action and they are the ones who are the most pathetically guilty of the rise of Nazism as they outnumber the white shit pig apes but like any oppressed group, are completely brainwashed replete with Stockholm Syndrome.

I need the f-ing escalators to operate at Big C because I buy very heavy items there which I absolutely need and I need to park in this lower area because of the absolute harassment at the upper parking levels. It has been a nice way to enter into this shopping area but I am now being poisoned by every tea and fruit shake stand so I react to the electronic brain-altering tech while the smug white Nazi pig apes are treated like "royalty" by the groveling very brown-skinned mostly from poor less-than working class Thais who inhabit this lower level that caters mostly to the Thai very sort of poor people-

So I can't buy any more fresh banana shake--the liquid they happily poured in after the blonde pig ape female skank stood for about 5 minutes while this brown woman stood taking a very long time to complete what she had been in the middle of doing before I even approached and looked at what I wanted to do (I know she is much faster than that). This bigot Nazi skank piece of shit who ordered the poisoning of my drink which the brown slave most happily performed with a huge glowing smile--with a lot of people standing around watching from the side and loitering. I also was under  the relayed mind control attack to absolutely stifle my actual real reaction to the putrid taste of this drink (I was going to order a banana shake, and here in Thailand they never run out of bananas) but they were out as I wanted that particular shake, fresh made and wonderful the first few times I bought it. So they made sure to put stinking tainted liquids into these shakes as I was blocked from being able to react in my self-defense until I walked away from the stand. I tasted the drink and through my subconscious the terrorists literally relayed into my brain to say that the drink was great. I didn't think that but it came out of my mouth/MIND CONTROL. As I walked away I realized that this drink was severely tainted and undrinkable even with sweetener and all the taste of the fresh carrots (it was carrot juice fresh-made but with, in front of my eyes, a bottle of some liquid that was poured in and it was a rancid taste-and this is the exact substance that has been poured into my drinking water in my room while I am out shopping or downstairs to pick something up from the lobby. 

I turned around and told her 8 times in a row it was not okay. She pretended she "no understand" and glared at me in hate as I asked for my money back. 

She told me "You say it okay the first time" and I had to repeat all 8 times that I was hot and I could not say and I can never say to any of the terrorists who attack me inserting subliminal words into my subconscious and blocking my brain, literally, from being able to stop an action against me I just respond with smiling deference and like a joker stupidity as if it's all great and wonderful. They do this |"mirror" tactic where they smile with huge smiles into my face and I just mimic it as if they smile, I smile and my autonomous reaction is forced into this by the mind control tech/drug interface.

I had to fight to get my 40 baht returned. But while I was not thirsty whatsoever when I walked into the shopping center from the parking lot, suddenly I was parched and had to drink something immediately. I had to push the heavy cart up the closed and dead escalator  and I got another tea from a vendor who made the drink in front of me but on a bench sitting nearby was another white male pig ape eurotrash filth who was watching me and then as I saw him, he was on  his phone looking down relaying messages. The woman who helped me and made the tea had been looking down at her phone just as I walked up. This is not "neurotic" paranoia this is observation of how these pig ape pieces of shit operate with the "eyes on the ground" maneuvers. It is done by "eyeball" surveillance and instructions are relayed by the shit scum who are constantly looking down into their phones and then walking directly into me.

This happened while I was in the check-out line, the very last one so no one could attack me from behind from the other line. A Thai man walked directly into me from the checkout very closed line (little metal gates block entrance to the other aisles and the aisles are very close-together and staggered so people have no room to get in the store through these aisles from the outside of the store from the mall side. But the woman in front of me stood aside as this f-ing jerk-off was looking down into his phone and walked to the side of my cart and stopped only 1 foot in front of me as I stood my ground and stared at him, unable to talk.


Finally, I was drugged up because I bought this tea from this upper-level vendor but it was drugged but no sewage-water rancid substance, which is what they have  been putting in my drinking water in my refrigerator and in my home--it was done by Senator Graham the stinking greasy fascist scumbag creep and it's been done on various occasions ever since. |The shit scum who attack me often recede into the background but are always there injecting their particular attack upon me as i fight non-stop to get this pile of fucking shit off me from Whorewood. 

So I am waiting for the ugliness, incompetence and stupidity of this group to finally reach another Covid level of mass destruction.

Otherwise, my years of writing about how this put Trump into power, how fascism and Nazis were going to happen as the Black pieces of shit like Oprah and the Smith family have been paraded around who absolutely helped to put him into power--as well as the rappers Ice Cube and Snoop Dogg--and the rest of the black dominos are falling into the 4th Reich as a result due to the social influence t these greasy disgusting f-ers have. The Jewish Nazis are doing the same (in the Democrat Party the most vociferous against Trump is fully fasco-sinister psychopath against me for his promotion).

So all these years of me writing about this and the same sick filthy dirty shit who have helped to destroy America are still ordering the same attacks. But they, the Mafia and the shit Nazi whores are just partnered now with members of Congress and Trump and Biden keeps also inviting a host of the attackers to his White House--and they are "all friends" they claim and even when they claim to be against the fascist operations they, in private, are more than 'on board".

I wait for the cataclysm that i never created and have been fighting ALONE against for over 13 years on a conscious level  to finally reach a point of such destruction because of the untenable nature of the shit I am dealing with --shit being the dumb and scum crap "people " who have been endlessly promoted for participating in the 4th Reich and this 'system".

They appear adequate at their "jobs' but the corruption has lead them to allow the worst sinister forces to operate through a seemingly "erudite" and loathsome pretenses at quality and elitism. They absolutely block off competition.

With only lying and filthy crap being put into power with access to everything from weapons of mass destruction too the levers of the economy to the news outlets--and as seemingly capable as they are, the underlying real quality that is necessary to sustain a working society is absolutely bereft due to the corrosive greed and incompetence in dealing with "larger issues" than their endless pig-like grasping for more and more free deals as they only believe that the upcoming mass genocide for their lebensraum project will mean that they will have an endless luxury plantation lifestyle when so many are made homeless and killed off around the planet.

Yet the destruction they cause will afflict nature so badly that soon the planet cannot sustain such sinister life-f-ck ignorant never-ending consumption and hate.

But before that happens, if it does, it's the same old same old the same old politicians who are just continuing this system but claiming they are "fighting' to end it. The same old could be youngish but they have been trained by the same old old old old system replicants.

And they are trying to believe that they are mind programming me when they are the most inept brainwashed and mind controlled myopic bots leading everyone else off their Big Brother cliff to destruction.

But still, nothing I write makes any ripples only the fakes need new ideas to sell that they are fighting against a death cult system but they are actually integral components of the false opposition.

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