Then of course there was the Met Gala and I tried to count how many of the skanks have assaulted me throughout the years, awarded with glamor titles by Wintour as usual along with a host of others who are her "friends" (i.e. Biden, as usual, invited to the White House for some regalia as the "worship" of Nazi icons continues with full approval and applause by all involved in "running"/ruining the country.
Nicole Kidman, a most dumb creep, who has for years rushed to assault me, and in the past few weeks has come yelling with Cruise only for having watched Eyes Wide Shut. They rushed the next day with huge smiles of black-energy grins both attacking me after I had watched about 1/4 of the movie and had to delete it and not watch it again--hopefully they will both die soon so I can actually watch this film. She came to assault me just about 2 days ago. MAGA mUCK THE F** Johnson is always "with" the terrorists in particular if they are blonde women/models and he can schmooze with them. It's always the same sole and concentrated focus on rubbing elbows with celebrities, and attacking me to prove how much these rape filth shit whore men and women hate me, are breaking my body and destroying every single thing possible in my body, home, life my cat my finances and then stealing ideas non-stop for years--every year they go to the Oscars with an idea I have written of, one or another of these creeps (and then there were also other celebrities who are not visible in teleportation but they perform the internet hacking/trigger/cyber stalking, and for a long time they all go on. THey also are invited to the Met Gala and etc)\j
All of these people have assaulted me to the death nearly---meaning the slow "soft" touch abuse torture-to-death--and in the last week it has been so endlessly abusive that i have gotten to the point of utter hysteria to get this loathsome filthy ugly sick piece of shit MAGA MUCK off me and the rest.
Pitshitalina the pair of crap are endlessly latched on with their chickens all counted for the huge bonus from my years of begging them for my life to stop the poisoning and stop blocking my finances and internet so I can earn money and be able to exercise by living in a tiny house with a swimming pool; which had been very low-cost for all these years until the last two years and now all rent has skyrocketed. All the fucking whore pig ape pieces of shit who have asaulted me could easily have all chipped in one hundred fucking dollars apiece to help me pay rent for a private home with a swimming pool but they laugh, giggle and mock how my body looks from a DECADE OF POISONING AND MUTILATION while I fiight and beg for them to STOP STOP STOP STOP abusing me stop leave me alone and NO I WILL NOT HELP MAGA MUCK AND FUCKING MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE AND SICK ROTTEN TRUMP TO GET MORE POWER by just allowing them to fuck and torture poison and try to murder me endlessly so this group of fucking SHIT can obtain more and more and more and more
so I told the group of shit this morning that all of them have to go and there has to be a change in the power structure.
They remain abusing me because I am saying NO to these fucking sick sleazy shit parasites obtaining more awards and more leadership roles.
So far no one gives a damn and you all want dumb and dumber shit to have access to SELLING MILITARY TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS to the highest Nazi Europigapeland or Russian bidder and etc and everything else.
No member of the J-6 Committee has come except to violently abuse me for saying NO endlessly to the egregious unconstitutional crimes being committed against me as a techno-terror sex trafficked "slave" that they can murder any time they want if I just fight long enough and say no enough to being imprisoned by torture rape and violence and ALL politicians are fully aligned with approving this as if it is I who has committed a crime by fighting in my self-defense instead of this fucking government and it's sick dirty groups of death squad operatives which number in the tens of millions.
Then it was either yesterday or two days ago when Netanyahu came once more to abuse me after asking me for ideas and concepts. I was physically very violently assaulted by the stinking lying Jewish Nazi Ratskin for having yelled at Netanyahu after 4-6 sexual harassment attempts and abuse and exploiting me by first insulting me, and after Kidman and Cruise violently yelled and abuse me the night before, from years and years and years and years and years an dyears and years and years and years literally every single day non-stop years and years of this never-ending slow murder situation of endless yelling abuse rape beatings torture abuse abuse abuse non-stop
I could not fight I am ALWAYS SHITTING OUT toxic black and brown congealed mind control and hardening poisons that these same sleazy sick fucking Nazi pig whore pieces of shit ordered in my food. The women dancing around as my body has exploded in a huge distorted shape--horrific, huge bulges poison hanging off my body as they mutilate and torture me every single day so my immune system is failing and they are trying to abuse me to death-literally.
And Netanyahu with Bloomberg who is a violent abuser with his dirty half-nazi daughter and blond Nazi wife--ugly and sleazy dirty foul shit of course put into high position but absolutely lacking in the quality of leadership, but had run for president anyway.
And the feeding frenzy of shit and scum who are always being put into lead position are coming fast and furious now that Trump is incentivizing them with endless promises of Met Gala appearances, as rotten sick and foul ugly Kidman (plastic surgery without end on that putrid stupid skank Nazi) and---it's just non-stop slow torture to death with me hanging on for my life to not be enslaved and the s hit politicians are treating me with violent hate screaming and yelling and calling me names because I am citing my Constitutional Rights (or those as determined as Rights to not be violated by the Government, which they are all determined to destroy when it comes to me, but to uphold it only for white supremacy sh it whores they adore and allow to get away with every single fucking crime possible) and thusly, Trump is not going to be convicted of any damn thing unless he loses the election and even then, probably not.
They all continue the murder of me unabated.
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