I have to add that when I looked at the brief list of the whores and skanks being invited to the Met Gala there was the shit skank who abused and tortured me alongside Baryishnikov the dirty ugly foul sinister and rotten old man who is deluded into thinking his ballet makes him a "god" as that is also part of the "Luciferian" doctrine which they all adhere to (which Biden does as well, with his inauguration ceremony focused upon the rising sun as the motif of "it's a new day" which means it's the rising sun of Luciferian conglomeration of power--and he has filled that doctrine with making Americans so bereft of basic survival means while fully enabling the very weathy who will go along with any political trend if it keeps them in luxury and being featured in Haute Living lifestyle trending bs posturing.
Jessica Sara Parker or whatever her rotten name was invited to the Met, and she abused me with threats next to rotten dirty B-kov because I was watching the tv show "Claws" instead of her dirty stupid tv show which, like most and almost all of the pig apes who assault me, I NEVER LIKED THEIR SHOWS I NEVER WATCHED THEIR SHIT I NEVER WANTED ANYTHING TO DO WITH THEM OR THEIR ILK and yet I am forced into it until they get what they want and after stealing my ideas and profiting endlessly they will do as they ahve always done, just have me killed also to conclude the contract.
So I am fighting for my life\
but if ANY OF YOU DO-NOTHING FUCKERS cares whatsoever about America not turning into a cesspool of homelessness peasants dying in the streets, the utter destruction of the Working and Middle classes (which was a Nazi aim, to create a two-tiered economic strata where only they would have the money and power and like the ancient regimes the peasants only could grovel and serve if they wanted even a crumb and had to pay and pay taxes for the upkeep of the lascivious scum who controlled t hem--for millennia this has been ongoing. THey want it to return they want the American model to be destroyed adn the fucking shit from whorewood are fully promoting this endlessly.
so if you fuckers care at all then goddamn boycott dumbo scumbo and shit-nigger and do not vote pig-lousy into power any longer
that rotten craggy haggy creep pig-lousy is as fascist Nazi Republican as any of the MAGA and is so lying so corrupt such a grafting greasy dirty lying fascist vying to be an aristocrat
how I wish the guy who broke into their house had at least a working plant and accomplished his goals.
So I am ranting--but do not vote for MAGA M UCK do not VOTE FOR PIG-LOUSY BOYCOTT shit scumbo rambo dumbo the fascist Nazi endlessly sponsoring fascist Nazism into America pig ape whore scum antisemite fascist Nazi--and I mean this literally.
Stop adulating blonde Nazi filth like pig ape shit pitt and shitalina whose every movie has been at least partially incorporating ideas I have written of, some absolutely taking the entire theme and then copying verbatm my writing which they stole and probably deleted from the only pages I could write on and not have deleted--but thanks to the Jewish Nazi controlling Facebook of course it has happened anyway.
I could go on and on with lists and lists of shit whore scum who have sold America out but the hacking and blocks and the mind control is making everything impossible. I waste my time writing these posts yet I hope that at least a seed of a different perspective that perhaps people will see has actually come into being is a result of the shit whores who you keep applauding as they sell you and America out to the most sleazy and dumb titillating performing Nazi handing them a mansion or a catwalk promotion for some fashion season in nasty dirty 4th Reich Nazi Paris or anywhere else.
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