Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Almost every movie and tv show I watch is a portal into darkness; not from me, but from the actors/directors and politicians involved with obtaining the contract for media exposure (indefinitely forever media attention as the politicians involved become performative clowns) but the evil--oh, it is being blamed on me once again for having watched a movie that is a current trend called "Tarot". Once again I am accused of witchcraft for watching a movie and for having sometimes read tarot cards. The problem is that some of the people assaulting me have actual repercussions in their lives from the addiction and the violence towards women and the crimes they commit, not only towards me (which they view as an entitlement and my "just desserts" for not submitting to 4th class designation or worse in life and for competing and winning and for once having been happy and beautiful, healthy, a top athlete, and creative artistic musician and scholarly--) or some such designation "they" are constantly using drugging torture abuse and gang stalking death squads to crush out of me plus horrific mutilation and poisoni9ng. So I have once more been blamed for a misfortune (not going to specify) that occurred to someone who had been assaulting me without end for years, stealing ideas, and doing that body shaming while in the shower using their surveillance and going on and on while I was constantly begging for my life to stop the poisoning and drugging and torture, which they profited off like an addiction. I wrote countless posts about how addiction actually controlled them, and the tortured me for "daring to criticize" them (not using an exact quote but only the meaning of their repraisal). I was blamed for the misfortune that happened to one of their loved ones only a very short time after I screamed hate and wish for them to be harmed---(putting it mildly--for my part but it was not me poisoning them slowly and torturing them into paralysis and slow destruction. It was not me abusing them for hours every day to gain promotions it was them assaulting me in deadly ways. If I truly were a deadly witch capable of death curses dirty filthy shit pig pitalina would be long gone by now along with their violent dirty filth spawn rat and also that of Depp and his filthy disgusting spawn and many others. //that this person died from addiction the culprit of crimes against me cannot associate with the addiction he had with torturing me for Oscars and prizes--as well as many of the other former or current alcoholics, sex addicts, violence addicts who then become rape addicts, abuse addicts and torture addicts and they are paid in millions and billions by this 4th Reich social engineering system that they are mostly addicted to the endless profit and Oscars and promotions and deals and lead roles forever, going on 14 years now from this same sickening stupid dirty foul group of whorewood shit. If I truly were the "WITCH" they claimed I am, they would be so destroyed by now. But nothing has happened to any of them and they continue to torture and drug me every day for hours and hours until II try to kill them in rage. It goes on every day as I fight to heal I am sick and they make me much sicker and u nable to heal, that is their intention and they were poisoning me to death intentionally as well and raping the poison as deeply into my body as possible and then torturing and severing parts of my body out for saying no, pouring fungus into my hair into my food into my clothing every day and night and day torture plus hundreds of thousands of disgusting sick creeps stalking me using the technologies my dear sick f-ed up government has handed out to the little demons who perform acts of satanic sabotage laughing and giggly like sick spawns of hell.

 This man, living in a Medieval misogynist hate for women it appears, borrowing the ancient hate for women who do not conform to the religious domination of the rape and child molestation priests of death and mass conformity to hate and murder/sacrifice

He keeps coming back with threat blaming me for the demise of his relative which I have nothing to do with. His relative's drug addiction is part of the chemistry that this contract out on me entails and the drugs are only an outer manifestation of the inner imbalance.


The expletives who violenty assault me are out partying, having obtained their deals and cherished roles in tv shows and movies and investments. They come at me yelling furiously. I was just hacked by Sophia Vergara who came yelling in a most fascist ugly sinister way after I watched her tv show because I criticized her for not having the understanding of the sexism of Miami and also because she's a nasty participant in rape and torture due to racism. She has been of course admitted to the English-controlled tv show which was hacked onto my youtube and I only recognized her from this singing talent show about America which appears to be controlled by an English person who has hacked his tv appearances endlessly into my channels for years. She's laughing, having obtained a coveted role dancing around for just having proven what a nasty and truly ugly sinister fascist Latino Nazi she is for the controlling forces of the English-invasion for division and Nazi infiltration and programming into Whorewood.

So, if I am such a witch, I hope she drops dead as well as this Engliish sleazy dirty creep who has been endlessly positions to "judge" singers on so many multiple tv shows about "common people" trying to sing just like those famous Nazi 4th Reich celebrities. It becomes eventually excessively boring to hear white blonde women trying to sound like Black opera singers constantly with the same vibrato and the same style for years and years on these mostly white tv shows trying to emulate stolen riffs from many black musical styles.

And so for the "American" show it's a fascist antisemitic Latina who has been embraced for the DEATH THREATS she and her black and latino friends aimed at me for criticizing, under drugging, and mind control, her tv show and I wrote nothing too awful just a bit of criticism and was against her in this role. It came out because they drugged me non-stop and forced a type of reaction which I know I would not do if I had not been drugged. I must repeat: death threats came at me for about 2 weeks as I wrote about it and the sick black (American_) and LA "latino" gang banger rappers constantly put videos of murder and death next to their photos and their videos--triggering and symbolic. Never happened before this skank and has not happened since.

So, if only I were a "witch" I send back your rape, your sick stupid hate, I send the English creep back to England to fuck up his own country and not put fascist Nazis into lead roles in Nazi-occupied Whorewood and then to f-off and die horribly, as this rotten "smug happy" creep has been part of this contract out on me in addition to at least 300 shit holes out of Whorewood combined for over 14 years.

so I curse you sick and dirty ugly pig apes--hope shit pig pitt and shitalina the ugly plastic-coated whore kill each othe roff or die horribly immediately.


Hopefully it will happen. I curse you sick fuckers one and all. So....

now you can have some reason to call me a "witch" and blame me if only if only this would happen asap

otherwise, shut the f-up about your drug addict overdose family member because obviously addiction runs not only in your life but your family and from your partner who told me he had alcoholic problems and fuck off goddamn evil and dirty nasty group of demons.

MAGA MUCK Johnson is also akin to this as his rape and violence has been completely bypassed by his claim to being something straight out of a religious icon (voices from God and Moses he claims) I can assure anyone reading this that he is a lower form of scum on this planet with a great amount of vocal coaching and performance practice.

Hopefully his Christian Satanic church will receive a lightening bolt from the actual Jehovah who he quotes about how I read tarot and thusly am a sinner--and he is not. Hope the lightening bolt hits your nasty bigot redneck KKK Louisiana lynch mob church and all your friends burn inside and go straight to hell.

Hope your nasty wife is tired of your sleazy pornography and goes off with a black male and leaves you because of your inadequacy as a man in all forms except for posturing.

HOpe the endless train of shit which has attacked me are just killed in horrible ways. II will lay down tarot cards as I have been doing for years and still the pieces of shit are laughing like stupid and rotten Sophia Vergara who has been invited to the Met by the English Nazi who has been inviting all the shit skank whores who assault me to that sleazy dirty but sometimes interesting in fashion sense gala (for some odd reason excluding shit ugly stupid demonically possessed shitallina...maybe the English Nazi sees to clearly all the plastic surgery and shit personality structure that Americans are too demonicaslly-possessed to understand).


"lol" this is all really written in sardonic jest but I F-ING MEAN IT anyway. I so wish I were such a powerful "witch" that by laying tarot cards and casting spells these sick f's would die horrible deaths immediately after YEARS OF poisoning and torture while fighting death from poisoning as they go on and on every day on and on and on.

But no accusations of them being possessed, evil, Satanic or just shit as so-called "people": ever passes through the endlessly hateful lying lips of the sick crap who assault me who believe they are "entitled" because the United States and the world have replaced deities with Nazi symbols and moronic cultism. 


If I only had a magickal Wand, and all my reading of the Aleister Crowley Book of Thoth on tarot would make me a practitioner capable of  highest magick-slinging, I would have the veil of Democracy "hero" of sleazy and filthy dirty Ratskin unveiled and the exposure of what a sick and vile fake he is made public, but he remains with his endless rewards for FOUR YEARS of participating in this undemocratic tyrannical rape and torture poisoning and destruction of my everything possible that he has profited off since he rushed with Kinzinger to attack me and lavish praise upon shit pig pit and shit whore-alina the ugly sinister pair of Nazi plastic-surgery mannequins who these dumb sleazy politicians lavish praise and awards and ansions to for helping them with media exposure-

and I would have a president who wasn't a "Freemason/Illuminati 4th Reich genocidal antisemitic bigot, and black representatives who didn't rush to jooin in on the violence towards me. Likewise, Ben Shapiro the "Jewish" Nazi would be exposed much more than he is and the Jewish Nazi league would not be allowed to hand me over as their perpetual sacrifice so shit like Shapiro can lavish praise alongside all the "libtards" he "despises" on air and his podcasts but joins in the antisemitic attacks upon me lavishing slavish praise for all things Nazi like ugly dirty sick pig shitalina and the crap associated with them. Vergara is just one ugly dirty sick skank amongst all the years of shit attacking me viciously with so much hate it is unbelievable. They invent every reason, and the sick shit of DeNiro today was to obtain more unwarranted interviews and awards for attacking me as he's done for years--fully supporting shit pig trump endlessly attacking me laughing alongside Trump assaulting me and yelling at me with threat to not whistle in happiness when Trump lost--that ugly sick fake, as I have written about all of this shit attacking me, is realizing that the Nazi Mafia of his goon squad origins is threatened by the 4th Reich Europigape cartel and they won't be included. The shit is now worried but STILL attacking me for Trump and for Biden, who are all part of this most racist and shit sick cartel and it's all worthy of the most dire witch curses if I only had this magick wand capability they would be dead frogs by now.



It all is. 

So he keeps threatening me with a hint of menace and violence b ecause his f-ing relative overdosed shortly after I was yelling as I do every single day for the pig ape shit whores who attack me to die. Suddenoy I am to blame for the sickness of his personality the drug and alcohol and sex and money and fame addictions they all have. Suddenly it's me who is "evil" and they are attacking me for wishing them death after years and years and years of poisoning and torture murder attempts and rape and fucking poison into my body as this piece of crap is constantllly abusing me for the only reason of filling his addiction to getting Oscars for his violence agaisnt me, as has been ongoing for over 5 years from that fucking scumbag creep. As wel as Oprah, the dirty black Nazi alongg with Farrakhan, who goes along the lines of saying outright that the white Nazis are "superior' and I must "submit" to them and he's fully and openly in line with Trump for fake rationale--all is lies and pretence with him at this point in his life. 


And that i read tarot to try go get any help answers and THEN I pray for the deaths of people attacking me with murderous violence day after day after night after day for over 14 years and then much more concealed all my life

dirty foul and sick stupid demons, all

Every movie these fucking whore evil satanic shit make is a portal to hate, death, programming into nazism, thuggery, and selfish greed acquisition and worship of Nazi iconography and blonde shanks and wanna be white supremacist blacks like Beyonce, a most disgusting Nazi piece of greasy trash endlessly adulated along with her dumb husband; both, like all, flou8rishing with every award and prize possible for making antisemitic concentration camp "die jew" comments in front of a rapist |German piece of pig shit whom they alligned with and have been handed EVERY SINGLE PRIZE AND TOP AWARD FOR THE PAST 8 YEARS after they did this.

Demons, lying scum, evil whores, wtf and they are threatening me because their drug addiction has been transmuted to their younger generations-0-

but the rest of this shit who I pray and pray for their demise, they remain laughing, smiling, being handed plastic surgery more mansions top roles always goin to the Met Gala brought in by Europigape trash always invited to the White House ALWAYS featured at the Oscars or Golden Globes in one capacity o9r another. Making commercials during Super Bowl.

So my prayers are met with silence from the void of the spiritual world. The shit whores who attack me who are evil and sick and one could easily make a case of demonic and satanic possession for each and every single one of them are just out partying and laughing still, as is this sick fuck DeNiro who appears to be a rotten Nazi bigot only encouraging people to vote for Biden because biden loves the Mafia and applauds everyone who attacks me--as long as their shit satanic empire remains intact.

fuck you deniro hope the Nazis attack you as you have attacked me. Maybe Karma will prevail. Fuck off! With your goddamn Gotti Devil partners and your sinister everything.


"Lon Milo DuQuette Reads 'Understanding Alesiter Crowley's Thoth Tarot' Pt. 1". Arcana Luminarium. April 1, 2021.

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