Wednesday, May 22, 2024

In the shower & hours and hours of non-stop teleportation greasy filth from the same sick group and now another one--who has attacked me for DECADES is friends with greasy dirty Rambo is friends with an Italian scum who was raping poison into me and having me poisoned for YEARS as I tried to get him to stop to save my life. I contacted this greasy filth manipulator and mafia thing and I wrote a post about how much of a parasite he is and has been, a very few short sentences and a video taken of him at the News Cafe--about last week. Then I wrote a post about South Beach and how people (like him) sold everything to have Euros come and take over, build tin cans and ugly square boxes over the demolished art deco and have only greasy greed replacing the soul and spirit. This endless parasite on me has spent about 6 hours today because his next plan to use me after years of having his friends poison and rape poison into me and profit off it isn't enough. The Brooklyn mafia who have raped and assaulted me joined in. I tried to talk to them and I lost my patience and the abuse began pouring out as I could not tolerate this person any longer about the first 2 hours of trying to talk normally like he's a person and not a scum parasitic evil sleaze--as they ALL are who teleport me. In the shower while I was naked endless commentary about how my body is so huge and what happened as he participated in the poisoning of me and the pounding of the poison into my body with his friend from South Beach and profited off that contingent of his friends brutalizing me. Now he's joined in because I wrote what a parasite he was against me and then a few days later about how shit like him destroyed the soul and spirit. The ugly filth has come to endlessly assault me. After 4 hours today of over 13 years of DAILY torture usually lasting 8 hours or more per day of shit whores taking turns abusing, raping, beating and insulting everything I do-=-every day, every night, in the shower I appear to be most susceptible to the teleportation the water must be come kind of electric conveyor--and the parasites keep going at me. They are all working for a Nazi 4th Reich order. It seems to make no difference if Obama or Trump or Biden is in power, nor which group holds the reins of power in Congress they are all working for the same ends and that is total hegemony and destruction of America. They all are like mind programmed slaves of Europigapes whom they shower every kind of offering of welcome and please make AMerica a fascist STate so people like me can't threaten their ugliness and stupidity any longer. Some of them are very proficient at the bs they have been trained at and have learned almost by rote. But in private it is dealing with evil and sickness every single moment from all of them in one form or another. The usual most basic form is the greasy complacent acceptance and glib glee at torture and the inhumanity of the endless torture aimed at me for NO REASON other than they are vicious racist Nazis or the disgusting minorities vying to be as vicious as possible for acceptance and the usual endless free hand-out while trying their best to block anyone else obtaining ANYTHING for free especially if they are desperate and dying and really need something (i.e. all the desperate poor they keep creating with their policies).

 I was too tired to fight yet another sick crap parasite and he's also a Mafia "don" and not like Trump but similar--but probably more actual real mafia crime is behind him. And after a few hours of trying to explain to him and his Jewish partner that they helped to turn South Beach into a fascist Nazi receptacle tin-can fascist dead place of greasy profit (not in those words) and I said it happened "party-by-party" they both were in shock that I would "criticize" them and the abuse began and has not stopped. This is after years of them having their partners rape and date rape and poison and steal and torture me for their profit (the "Italian-American" mafia the most violent the Jewish man watching all on profiting off it but not openly assaulting me). 

Telling ANY Jewish perpetrator that they are assisting in building a Nazi State is met with at best silent admonition and glaring blank hate and the usual is a reaction of brutal violence and endless assaults and death threats.

It didn't happen with the very wealthy and influential Jewish man who remained silent but the "Italian-American" who has partnered with Italians and French to torture me slowly to death--along with Rambo the filthy crap and for THIRTY YEARS they have not stopped 

In exhaustion he was discussing his future plans of forcing me into some domestic enslave prostituted sex slave hate situation but not using those terms. Just making endless statements about how I will go and somehow "live' with him but never have to see him--and interspersed with that were insults about my body, and how he never would have ever been with anyone like me--as I retorted in my own way--and on and on and on. 

THIRTEEN YEARS of unjustified teleportation rape and brutal violence every single night and day--and it is now almost every time I am in the shower they gather to make body shaming comments after they have spent years having me poisoned with fungus and hardening poison inserted into my bladder while in a deep non-feeling comatose deep theta sleep state while being simultaneously teleported to their death, rape hate and abuse violence teleportation "skits" every single night.


His name is Tommy Pucci, his moniker like the last f-ing "Italian-American bigot who sicced his violent ugly dirty Jewish bigot Nazi on me (Ratskin) because he has to look "decent" but--the "Mooch" and the "Pooch" are just ooze combination in one week--ooze of greasy nastiness

Mooch with his blonde bigot Europigapeland partners which is the typical with the Italian-Americans

And Pooch with decades of selling America to fascist Nazis from wealthy Europigapeland cartels coming to infest America

and it was also Sharif Malnek (sp?)  who I met one time and I did not know why, under mind control, but I sensed and felt a sense of compressed anger and now I know why. I sensed and I understood on a subconscious level but I had no basis of understanding back in 1997 so I was just angry seeing him staring at me.

Now he is completely different in every way from years of probable mind control and every other kind of shift and appearance change--

and of course, he has lost his famous restaurant and it's gone to someone else as far as I know. It used to be the center of power but now it's just a by-gone place, restored by controlled by some bigot Nazi (undoubtedly not "Jewish" as Malnik supposedly "is")

and to get their billionaire lifestyles enhanced they are jointly assaulting me to get  MORE AND MORE although what they lost was due to their compliance to the Nazi infiltrating Imperialists and I lost everything due to their attacks upon me to gain more favor with the fasco-Nazis who took over their f-ing businesses and pushed them out of their hegemony and now they are attacking me because I fought them long ago in the first place--I have been attacked by them all jointly with constant threat to my life and I am partially paralyzed due to these pieces of shit watching on and profiting off it.

Now they join shit pigalina and the rest of the endless fuckers sitting on their brains on those chairs in rows observing and waiting for their shit sick "turn" to assault me and get their free whatever of most high wealth hand-out.

I can only try to reach into the highest fictitious orb in the nether-regions of the universe to wonder if there is anything but sick and stupid sleazy greasy fuckers controlling the "wealthiest greatest country in the world" now "on the decline" as so many comment upon.

Not many were openly making these statements about America before the endless violence of this group of sell-outs of America who have been handed this tech and are programming the country FOR THE FASCIST NAZI "friends" they all worship so the dirty work of dividing and destroying America is being done through their sheer stupid selfish greed for the sake of Nazi overtake. 

I tried to say this politely and after 2 hours of going on as they sat silently listening, not really listening just waiting for me to stop talking because my thoughts were being recorded as they always are (what I was saying, not the thought-reading tech) and used for any dumb scum of Whorewood to steal, and this is the ubiquitous thought-extraction procedure that goes on and on every day

and so they asked me questions, ignored what I had to say, sat dumb and blank until I finally lost my temper because i never wanted them to teleport me and certainly not for HOURS and I just said that the Nazis have taken over through their parties--"party-by-party" I said, both glared at me enraged like 'how dare you criticize us" as they went into Nazi abuse mode instantly and have not stopped.

They used truth serum so I described how my family has been completely destroyed by their hate Nazi system. The creep from Miami put his hand on me in a pretended act of some kind of "comfort" and I could feel the alternative current of violence and that he had participated---in his racism, in his violence towards women, in his pornographic endless sleaze gratification that these filthy dirty men obtain from the criminal enterprises that offer them all this money to have these "glam" parties in Miami

and I was just exhausted it was at that point 4 hours of abuse and questions, I was in the shower, I could not get rid of him or them, I had tried to hit him I had screamed to go away and he just keeps coming back.

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