Saturday, May 18, 2024

RAskin the "rep" is a corruptician fully dedicated to supporting Trump (or mostly himself) has no interest in Democracy in whatever term you want to use it except for mob rule, and he is attacking me to be welcomed by "the mob". One of the mobsters is yank-skank MTG, who by now is an ugly foul disgusting thing which like Ratskin, has profitted endlessly by attacking me. Together they violently assaulted me this morning while I was in the nascent waking state--so groggy from the drugging they inflicted upon me with injections--and I can't use 4 of my fingers on both hands (combined number) due to extremely violent gouging of cuticle tissue that has completely severed the cuticle out of three of my fingers and one of my toes. I had collapsed from sickness and detox as a huge clump of hard poison that the pig ape gang of pitshialina had poured into my body and everyone else has done as well (all obtaining free promotions all the while, so this extends at the most core of my body to my family, every landlord for at least 40 years, etc) and I collapsed in a sickness on my bed so they gouged my fingers and all because I am fighting every law, every Constitutional Right that filthy evil ugly Ratskin is personally affixing to this contract and is endlessly being interviewed as some hero of "\democracy". He is so indispensable to fascism that MTG and he are a full team operating together. They compliment one another. The media compliments them by endlessly interviewing them. Congress compliments them by putting them at front and center of committees and debate which are televised thereafter. So read about what they REALLY are when the light of a camera for them to yap and blather the bs k-rap they always spew about how righteous they are and how they are defending rights, the constitution although as the fascist emerging Nazi MTG is qiute open about her ape-tendencies but rotten yapping Ratskin is so well-edumucated in the largesse of lies and posturing "liberalism" that he's the perfect fasco-prototype of the reversal mind programming enslaved minion servicing with violent glee the bigots who he is a Stockholm Syndrome scumbag slave servicing. The deception is gross and disgusting. For the 2nd time in one week clothing I made tenuously and exacting by hand have been sprayed with rotten meat incorporated into a liquid form and sprayed on my clothing--beautiful, lace and flowing and clean and new fabric sparyed now constantly with this stinking filth. Other beautiful items I made by hand the threads have been ripped out of seams--and then sprayed. The dumb rotten filth who do this, i.e. the blonde bigot Nazi shit whore with her violent and nearly hysterical slave Thai minion were collateral terrorists with the blonde rotten shit sknak from Congress (MTG) and her filthy, evil and violent brainwashed self-loathing Jewish nazi scumbag grease stain Ratskin--to assault me sexually and in every way. All operating under the same central command, all being handed clothing that is made by others, all just being handed technology, poisons and drugs to inflict non-stop torture upon me so every dumb and worthless llying filth creep and mostly if they are white supremacist can have a slave to do t heir violent filth work for them--it ranges from corrugated tin shack Thais trying to escape sex slavery to Congress filth and the President minions of silent partners who are trying to manipulate and control everything possible and the key is to endlessly attack me, apparently that is the one and only avenue for many people who DO obtain endless years of awards and lead roles in every facet of life for just attacking me, non-stop they never stop. The cockroach leeches never stop they are so incompetent and lacking in real and actual top leadership qualities. The "people" have no other yard stick to gauge how incompetent the attackers are because no one is allowed to partner with them unless they are on the same mediocrity level of lies and performative hypocrisy. Take almost any example you want. But I can't get rid offilthy dirty Baryishnikov I can't get rid of filthy vile RAtskin and MTG who are partners they act like a clown show for video-taped Congressional stupid tit-for-tat theatrical bs clown shows and in private both are unscrupulous Nazis with the Jewish Nazi most violent about the YEARS of obtaining Nazi fascist media interviews and movie slots about how he cares so much about Democracy with his creepy whiny voice greasing audio with his sickeningly false statements about 'each person one vote" and etc. So vile and loathsome he is, as they all are. He had MTG try to sexually assault me I fought and they are just emboldened into more and more awards by inflicting increasing violence against me. Not as if poisoning me for over a decade the shit whore pig shitalina pair and their 200 celebrity partners and about 500.000 Euro-land Nazis attacking me with deadly force and poisoning (MURDER ATTEMPT) WHILE stealing my ideas and torturing me to obtain the ideas. And it's just sickening. Plsae someone get that grease filth scum pair of crap from Congress off me--dirty rotten MTG and sickeningly disgusting evil and vile Ratskin his name even implies how greasy and filthy he is. Like some Raskolnikov from a Communist Russian novel who loathes what he must obey and tries to have a mini revolution and then succumbs and has self-loathing and hate--or more like a modern version of a Kafka Jewish Nazi but now instead of mournful self-introspection of a Kafka character, he adheres to violent attacks upon me so nasty foul MTG can approve of him. They are a foul team and like all the other foul teams (shit pig pitalina and others) they all have an endless profiteering and promotion agenda so they clutch on and when I write about how ugly and sicki and what criminals they are they rush to attack me with more and more violence. Of course, by writing this the pieces of greasy incompetence will be further promoted. The day that Ratskin assauled me just a few days ago he was instantly interviewed by MSNBC with his disgusting sheep smile. This dirty ugly sheep smile you can see on other Jews who conform to the 4th Reich and violently assault me or look the other way. Do their best to be seen with hblnce Nazis or even more important, intermarry with them and have helf-Jewish Nazi children who are more violent and Nazi then the smug and laid-back white supremacists who by now have a planet of brown and black and Jewish mind programmed slaves to perform their filth and genocidal acts for them. Ratskin in Congress though is a sick and sinister situation, but he is constantly being applauded. Congress is a sinkhole (another euphemistic term on my part).

Get that greasy, ugly and foul disgusting Jewish pig ape enslaved fascist Jewish Nazi off me. When anyone can ever expose Ratskin it would be wonderful, but he is an adept at hiding his real foul rottenness. I don't know if there is any evidence but he is a crime and a criminal and every word is a performance. He is now being promoted for his non-stop attacks upon me. He is undoubtedly, like all the other shit stains who have joined in like MTG, being handed condos, apartments, houses, mansions and orgies in Paris--I can attest to that just from a collateral perspective of how the gravitational pull of greed and incentivizing operates around these foul and filthy greasebags.

It has turned out that the lack of any concern for humanity as expressed by the full support of this torture situation upon me by all of Congress and every Oval Office team and all their minions and all the actors demonstrates the future of America which is very dire and sickly indeed. 

None of you are concerned. It may be that global warming may induce you to be shaken when all is submerged. There will be no CGI special effects to save you. But then again, while everyone else is drowning the priority of the government will be to save you on some special orgy sex trafficking island (like Dr. Strangelove) while the rest are horrifically dying from the policies or lack of concern you sleazy dirty filth creeps have been generating and pursuing for all these decades of my life.

Everyone else is unconcerned and watches on apathetically and probably bemused and turned on.

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