Tuesday, May 28, 2024

More terrorism from the "good cop" partner of the violent "Italian-American" Mafioso who has sold Miami, and America out to Italian mafia fascist Nazis. Unfortunately this is another Jewish Nazi partnering with a fasco Euro-based (albeit America, but barely as his mind control program is so thoroughly embedded that he is in practicality a molded puppet for a foreign infiltration Mafia/Nazi/fascist regime. Behind them all are blonde women who adore them (or their darker-skinned equivalents) which they hold gingerly on their arms ("arm candy") all models who are vying for the biggest sugar daddy possible. I have seen it for years on South beach and these two are the epitome of the wealth deregulation of not just financial but legal restraint. A gobble-fest of greed acquisition that has accumulated into outright violent crime syndicates now reaching the White House--and reaching for all that lucrative easy money for another term. Constantly tearing at me with clutching vicious hate using the protocols--while I was getting undressed and exhausted from undoubted drugging so my usual rage reaction is now so stifled that I just could not fight any longer---the "good cop" violent abuser the Jewish "soft-spoken" partner of the loud and boisterous Nazi "Italian-American" Mafia from Brooklyn---and like all the Jewish/Nazi partnerships, the Jew(s) remain silently agreeing and agreeable to all and everything--they may become loud at times but always in agreement and always under necessity partnered as silent partners and financiers for the luxury endless wealth demonstrations that the Nazi bigots get because the Jews are4 "obliged" to pay and pay and pay for the upkeep of the fascist Nazi white supremacy crowd. Fighting as quickly as possible to inter-breed with white supremacists in the Nazi-Jew mind programmed enslavement contract, Jewish identity now hinges around the lightest skin possible, the bluest eyes possible, the most welcome to Germans and Nazis into Israel and into Nazi ventures for "protection" from the "Nazis"--so attacking me in lieu for the very vicious and absolutely oppressive Nazi bigot Mafia who has learned every fascist "Italian" technique of death threats and violence (i.e. his friend, the manager for Stallone's club in Miami/Bar None pounding the poison through rape as deeply into my body, torturing me non-stop and having me thrown in jail my cat's body crushed my property completely stolen and abused non-stop with entire hotels, entire buses, entire airplances super-saturated with terrorist stalkers and being drugged and tortured non-stop for fighting to stop murder attempt and fightin to stop the poisoning and the pounding of poison into my body by endless rape) the pig apes who have joined in from Whorewood have spent years having me poisoned and then the poison pounded into my body with a succession of other huge, hormone-growth Nazi bigot "actors" and out of Europigapeland they are the most brutally violent--and so the Americans who have ushered them all in, obtained mansions in Europigapeland and huge parties filled with Europigapes but then...lost their own businesss for the most part in Miami, overtaken by the Europigape trash and filthy they glorified. Now they have come because I wrote of how destroyed Miami has become although it's supposed to be a "haute" destiniation it is a commercial Nazi enclave and the soul and spirit that created alll the energy and spontaneous alive fun has turned into murders in the streets, dumb throngs of sleazy people flying in to have orgies and gang parties with greedy nasty sleaze having taken over the real estate market (mostly Europigapes) and then to kick out anyone who had been there before. I wrote of this endlessly but they rushed to attack me and this morning it was the Jewish man (Malnick--the former owner of The Forge) and his bullying and abusive commentary on how my body is broken down, as in exhaustion from sickness and over 13 years of daily and nightly torture wihtout it ever ending, without anything but sick and shit pig apes from Congress and Whorewood coming to see what they can fuck abuse and suck out of me and not a singloe person coming to even care about the concepts of freedom, respecting the Law the constitution the Bill of Rights and just basic law and social contract values. They all want me to become the next witch hunt target replacing them if they are black or latino, or gay or white4 supremacist but "liberal" and etc. Especially those who worked on the Select Committee aka the January 6th Committee investigating the attempted coup. In particular from MSNBC they rush to get a free pass to exploit the public by endlessly castigating Trump but in reality most of the most prominent anchors are fully operating with the Trump cartel. Which ever way the wind blows there they will go so whomever "wins" they align with in public or in private. If the "liberal|" side wins, they can then dye their black hair blonde to appear like Nazis but their mouths utter very different topics aligning with the fake opposition. So the Jewish Nazi has a more calm demeanor because the bigot loud violent Mafia "Italian-America' is "allowed" to yell and guffaw but the Jew is to remain mostly silent agreeable too the antisemitic contract and to go along and profit off the 4th Reich contract out on me, to visibly demonstrate how blonde and white supremacist the gold-diggers on their arms really are (if darker in hue, they all conform in the same way, these women they constantly show-off for their male-approval rating--the women are interchangeable but the men--oh, how the love the other men so much more than the easily replaceable women). //I* could not fight this morning, I have no idea if they inserted more drugs into my bladder or put a skin patch on my body to induce a sick and exhausted body this morning and exhaustion from non-stop abuse and torture that none of the "liberals" will even begin to stop (certainly not fascist yelling bs Hillary nor any of her ilk).

 Dear Jewish f-er partnering with the Nazi Mafia you adore---and are partners with for the criminal violent aspect of your huge empire, much bitten off since you all welcomed in the Nazis as your "friends" from Europigapeland who have now taken over and are institutionalizing fascist Nazism into Florida and throughout America as the convergence of the formerly dormant "silent majority" of fascist Nazis have mind control technology to further foment their aim of a complete take-over of everything.

Mass murder to come, near you as a matter of fact.

Now you must align with the Mafia Nazis out of Brooklyn who claim they are are proud Americans but really from fascist Mafia Italy and they strive as fully as possible to emulate every Mussolini death squad activity upon Jews in America as possible. Beloved by the blonde women from every walk and country, who the dark-haired Italian-Americans adore like lavish slaves, their goal to lighten their spawn just like the Jews have this same aim. 


I will fight you tomorrow but this morning I answered all your hateful questions about why there is a hanging mass of poison that looks like a pot belly and why my body is broken down--the usual bs hate questioning these dirty ugly pig ape scum whore men demand of me in the "truth serum" post-drugged up phase of me putting away multiple layers of cllothing that is sprayed every night with putrid sprays from the same pigs who are questioning me about why my body is broken down, sagging, out-of-shape and they know the reason why because this very fucker from Miami with the dirty ugly pig ape partner, all friends with Rambo and have partnered with him to have me beaten raped and every piece of sick stupid shit from Whorewood elevated by endless awards and promotions after having attacked/raped and mutilated and poisoned me.


I answered because of his more "gentle" good cop routine, hoping that there might be a semblance of any kind of humanity but his goal is to further white supremacy and Jewish inclusion in that.

Turning on my internet because I falsely thought that the jury instructions had been handed out last night as I slept back in NYC--but it's coming today--I saw the non-stop bs from the Reps from Congress hacking their filthy and stupid ugly faces and memes from their most recent clown show acts for committee hearings in the past week--now making the rounds of the feeding frenzy of the Circus Maximus (aka Gladiator theaters) that the politics of America is quickly becoming. 

Ignoring it all, and realizing that the lethargy of my body is due to many factors but it is very likely due to their poisoning and drugging me while I slept as well

unable to fight this morning, I answered the sickeningly rude questions too tired and sick to fight and I explained how the shit they have sponsored sitting next to them on the rows of chairs have poisoned me and would not even contribute $100 per month so I could pay to live in a small rental house with a private swimming pool\ At the time the real estate market was not exploded as it is now (I requested this constantly because my body was being broken down and I was being murdered slowly by non-stop poisoning/bloating/hardening poison every day plus mind control drugs and 24/7 torture and rape pounding the poison in, and t hen mutilation of my body for fighting to get the Europigape trash whore men these pieces of shit all bow doown to like stupid slaves in adoration for their violence--which they emjulate as often and as much as possible.

Get off me goddamn Jewish Nazi sick fuck and go back to your mansions in Miami and around the world. How many years these pig apes have obtained endless businesses for participating in having me made pregnant (happened by someone who introduced me to Malnik and then date-raped me and got me pregnant --the nightly insertions into my body undoubtedly did this rather than the few times I was drugged and brainwashed with brain-tech to believe that I felt this passion for this ugly "Italian-American" man who worked as a "magician" for The Forge)

it was intended to murder me due to the hard poisoning.

This greasy sick f is now taking on the "good cop" role of abusive questions about how and why my body has "cellulite" on it, which is the adipose tissue hanging down off the hard poisons that are cemented into my spine and form a huge "shelf" ridge into my back so it literally has a box shape of hard poisons latched into my hips and extending along y spine into my head /brain because the microchip implants in my brain have created pathways for the poison throughout every single attack upon me body--which never ends by the way so my body is completely riddled with poisons that have formed a serpentine structure and a huge shelf into my body

They are like ravenous sleazy sickening parasitic vultures waiting for me to "heal" while they continue to abuse me so my body's resources are depleted before half the morning is over as they viciously assault me and I respond trying to ignore the endless hate abuse hissed into my inner ear as they go on literally ever second for hours and hours--I must clean the sprays they put on my furniture and clean the stinking mess off the clothing I wear and clean the filth that is sprayed on the floor, and then clean the strings and muck sprayed into the wheels of the chaiir I sit on in exhaustion from sickness and poisoning.

Get off me and return to your Nazi pig ape handlers and take that sick friend of Stallone off me after 30 years of this going on

and none of the politicians nor the MSNBC anchors nor Biden nor anything from the entertainment industry steps in to stop this.

So I must fight alone. 

But just GE THEM OFF ME AND PRY STALLONE OFF ME AND DENIRO AND PESCE AND THE GOTTIS AND PITT AND HIS WIVES AND FRIENDS AND TRUMP and then force Biden for a change in his life to stop profiting off this as well along with MSNBC and then the list of "not famous" scumbags goes on forever.

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Kamala promises that "we will be unburdened by the Past"--and yet, sadly ironically, a German endlessly referencing concentration camps and murdering me due to Nazi genocidal policy and raping me violently is one of her donors and also a partner. That means that an over 100-year old policy of pogroms and genocide is what she is endorsing. Blacks --sorry to use that term, what should I say? African-Americans people of color those who side with the fascist Mafia Nazi denizens of the 4th Reich out of H-wood and Congress/H-wood are absolute supporters of fascist Nazism and Mafia criminality. They become violent if you make reference to the FACT AND REALITY of their partners and what they say. They are told they are honored and beyond good and evil of racism. Their role is to assuage the viewers into a false sense of security which they, themselves have been utterly brainwashed into "believing" and acting out. Their hostility and violence towards me is akin to the Ukrainian concentration camp guards who were the most brutal of killers as some Jews who survived the camps swore in testimony and in interviews (see Shoah the documentary by Lanzmann for more detail of how Ukrainians were absolutely more violent in whisking the Jews into the gas chambers and brutal murderous beatings as guards). The blacks of America have turned t o the ingratiating Germans, a ploy I witnessed for the 5 years of living in Stuttgart, former NATO military headquarters of Europe, with something like 3 or 4 military barracks surrounding the city and non-stop soldiers roaming the streets. The "love" shown to Black soldiers ONLY OUT OF AMERICA was like mother's milk to the starving-for-approval blacks who were treated like "royalty" with blonde German girls offered as manna to the American blacks for their slavish devotion to the Germans who offered them something like devotion in return (with sneering contempt for them behind their backs, whispered and nodded in agreement by other Germans--and that lasted as long as the major American presence was in Stuttgart and Germany before the Clinton 4th Reich duplicity machine removed most of the American presence. The American Consulate was closed, and Nazism rose almost immediately thereafter until outspoken Nazi political parties have won general elections (in the former East bloc countries of Germany but it's widely accepted everywhere else, just they have to pretend a bit longer until the rest of the EU goes along as it is also doing politically but preceding all that has been the underground movements of Nazism and fascism disguised, shielded and protected with many an American joining in (soldiers and high-ranking as well--plus illegal arms deals with "enemy" countries out of the barracks that I heard of from people who worked at the barracks). Just to state that i have some experience with Germans and how they "seduce" people who have been oppressed by racism as they envelope the target with absolutely fake warmth only to ensure them to do their dirty work for t hem. That entails the actions of K-ala and Obama and Aperah and Whoopie and so many others.

I was so struggling to type words, as I now am the hacking is unbelievable, that what I realized more profoundly was how much these parasite...