Sunday, May 26, 2024

Terrorist mutilation report: last week I had the equivalent of induced fainting/passing out on my bed while laying down in pain from the endless cleaning of goo and muck constantly bein sprayed on everything in my living space, clothing I am wearing clothing I sleep in my pillows my sheets the walls the floor the bathroom etc constantly every day multiple times per day. So ill from the sickness of the never-ending drugging I lay down and instantly I fell into a deep sleep because there is torture/murder/mind control technology literally aimed into my body from the room below, directed into my bed which is bolted to the floor and the frame of the box spring is so solid it cannot move a fraction of a millimeter. Like everything else that this torture chamber unit came with, it was designed as a torture and teleportation portal.//I was induced into a sleep and the mechanicals arms, operated by all the creeps in the rooms on all sides of my room who operate and take turns--mutilated my fingers with cuts and incisions into my cuticles and gouging bits of flesh out of my nails and under my nails so the cuticle is gone and there are gaps in my nails--on multiple toenails as well, most of which never grow from decades of hardening poison poured on my toenails and etc. But THEY INSERTED SOMETHING AS DEEPLY AS POSSIBLE INTO MY RIGHT-SIDE EAR CANAL AS POSSIBLE. I was in so much pain from the gouging of my fingers and nails and cuticles which are cut off completely in most parts on most of my fingers--and I have been detoxing so much that the sickness is overpowering. I felt this stuffed water pressure in my ear and an itchy sensation and the subliminal mind control torture person asked me "what do you think the problem with your ear is?" to my "inner ear" as I thought the response to which they can "listen", "It's probably healing from the last time Donald Trump inserted something in it--which took over one year to slowly dissolve out. But as I collapsed the insertion was by far the least of the pain. They inserted whatever it is into my ear canal so deeply that inserting a ear clearer (quetip?) into my ear as deeply as it possibly can go goes nowhere near the inserted object and water has been festering underneath it for the last week. I realized today as my fingers are healing a bit and the pain is lessened and I am not constantly sick from detox that there is a huge problem now and that last week this was done but the endless violence in teleportation and torture and hate and gouging of my fingers and shitting out their poison they happily put in my body, laughing and mocking the bloating mess they created and kept going on and on and on---and for me defending myself ENDLESSLY with politicians and scumbag creeps rushing to get media interviews for attacking me always with some Europigape scumbag behind them (Scaramucci has been one of the latest with this blonde creep who is always with Morning show--and nasty they are and always hadking their stuff on my channel while I fight to find relevant information. The latest repeat terrorist was partnering with someone brutally poisoning and murdering as I begged for help they profited off it and have not stopped--and so the collection just gets worse and worse. My fighting reaches no one, while so many rant about "saving Democracy" they can't equate my situation in the least with the actual problem at it's core essence.

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Kamala promises that "we will be unburdened by the Past"--and yet, sadly ironically, a German endlessly referencing concentration camps and murdering me due to Nazi genocidal policy and raping me violently is one of her donors and also a partner. That means that an over 100-year old policy of pogroms and genocide is what she is endorsing. Blacks --sorry to use that term, what should I say? African-Americans people of color those who side with the fascist Mafia Nazi denizens of the 4th Reich out of H-wood and Congress/H-wood are absolute supporters of fascist Nazism and Mafia criminality. They become violent if you make reference to the FACT AND REALITY of their partners and what they say. They are told they are honored and beyond good and evil of racism. Their role is to assuage the viewers into a false sense of security which they, themselves have been utterly brainwashed into "believing" and acting out. Their hostility and violence towards me is akin to the Ukrainian concentration camp guards who were the most brutal of killers as some Jews who survived the camps swore in testimony and in interviews (see Shoah the documentary by Lanzmann for more detail of how Ukrainians were absolutely more violent in whisking the Jews into the gas chambers and brutal murderous beatings as guards). The blacks of America have turned t o the ingratiating Germans, a ploy I witnessed for the 5 years of living in Stuttgart, former NATO military headquarters of Europe, with something like 3 or 4 military barracks surrounding the city and non-stop soldiers roaming the streets. The "love" shown to Black soldiers ONLY OUT OF AMERICA was like mother's milk to the starving-for-approval blacks who were treated like "royalty" with blonde German girls offered as manna to the American blacks for their slavish devotion to the Germans who offered them something like devotion in return (with sneering contempt for them behind their backs, whispered and nodded in agreement by other Germans--and that lasted as long as the major American presence was in Stuttgart and Germany before the Clinton 4th Reich duplicity machine removed most of the American presence. The American Consulate was closed, and Nazism rose almost immediately thereafter until outspoken Nazi political parties have won general elections (in the former East bloc countries of Germany but it's widely accepted everywhere else, just they have to pretend a bit longer until the rest of the EU goes along as it is also doing politically but preceding all that has been the underground movements of Nazism and fascism disguised, shielded and protected with many an American joining in (soldiers and high-ranking as well--plus illegal arms deals with "enemy" countries out of the barracks that I heard of from people who worked at the barracks). Just to state that i have some experience with Germans and how they "seduce" people who have been oppressed by racism as they envelope the target with absolutely fake warmth only to ensure them to do their dirty work for t hem. That entails the actions of K-ala and Obama and Aperah and Whoopie and so many others.

I was so struggling to type words, as I now am the hacking is unbelievable, that what I realized more profoundly was how much these parasite...