Monday, May 20, 2024

Can't MSNBC EVER STOP PROMOTING RATSKIN the foul and ugly dirty crap scum who is violently assaulting me in teleportation for the sake of Nazi approval. (I don't use a question mark because this is a statement and not a rhetorical question). //No wonder he is "friends' with Michael Cohen, the former slave doormat of Trump & co of the 4th Reich. Promoted as Cohen used to be by the 4th Reich, this foul and absolutely violent shit parasite upon me Rat-skin is violently assaulting me and making absolutely murderous violent comments about violence towards me and then ON THE SAME DAY he is interviewed by dirty MSNBC and all the other "anti-Trump" media outlets which are hacked into my YouTube channel constantly and because my videos are put on autoplay the hackers insert the filth of the creeps who are in line taking turns attacking me. Dirty foul Ratskin ;has been promoted into nonstop media coverage for the years he began with Nazi Kinzinger to laugh with the pig ape shit from Whorewood and mock my body as they continue to do and this dirty grease filth lying Jewish Idiot savant as I realize he truly is--is just violence t me--the Jewish self-hating pig ape Nazi most sickening and ugly and dirty. All the shit teleporting me is essentially the same sick filth and crap. They all behave like angels for the media with their pronouncements about their concern for humanity, justice and equity and etc etc. //I truly hope that this ugly greasy Jewish Nazi is somehow destroyed by a Nazi MAGA MUCK scumbag and it would be proper as the ironic justice of what this creep really has brought on even with his ersatz performances about "Democracy" for all these years of obtaining media exposure by participating in this crime against me. This dirty filth scum is so antithetical against every legal right and Constitutional Right possible when it comes to the endless slow torture and poisoning contract to death of me for his greasy filth promotion along with dirty ugly ape MTG and the rest of that shit---the dirty filth from the January 6 Select Committee-three of the fuckers of that tiny panel have personally come to mock, abuse, and the worst is the Jew the filthy self-hating Jew the pathe4tically sick Jew and like all the other Jewish Nazis they are glorified. Netanyahu comes with an English Nazi bigot who is his "handler" and the reason why Netanyahu is so reminiscent of Nazi behavior is because he is controlled by white supremacist Nazis and like dirty ugly sleazy Ratskin has to prove even more that he is more violent towards me, more oppressive and like Netanyhu and the other sick filth from California on that disgusting panel of blathering bs--(not all, there are a few that were the most calm, more centered the never came to attack me i.e. the man from Mississippi--I can't remember his name exactly--Bernie? My brain is under attack, the hacking into the keyboard is making every word a near impossibility just to fight to type is taking up 30 minutes of endless retyping--literally the attacks just to write make this impossible to get out

I can't describe now how much interference the hacking is producing on my ability to get past the attacks on my brain to get anything out coherently.

Raskin no one can get off me. He is so indispensible because he uses every kind of violent and sexual abuse subliminal statement while I am in my room endlessly struggling and suffering from poisoning which he saw. laughed about, mocked my body being huge, deformed and he is still doing that. While I am brushing my hair which has been doused with fungus and mold every day and night for about 4 years in this hate torture chamber--by the filth shit pig pit shitalina the openly racist bigot shit from Whorewood with dirty stupid ugly Rat-skin laughing like the Jewish Nazi slave that he is about theiir violence towards me.

This filthy dirty ugly stupid sick psychopath shit hole then asked me, "Do you think my son was killed because he is Jewish" and I said "undoubtedly" and that began now years of his violence aimed at me. The sleazy dirty fuck I personally believe HAD HIS SON SUICIDED as a sacrifice for promotion. How do I say something that "paranoid perhaps crazy probably delusional and conspiracy theory wacko nutjob?" because my family has done it to me. I know the Jewish Nazi fuckers, in particular from the East Coast but it doesn't matter. Netanyahu did the same thing to me repeatedly and as I finally began to fight back to STOP SEXUALLY HARASSING ME ALMOST TO THE POINT OF RAPE and abuse and asking me to read tarot for him and insulting me beforehan;d while I was absolutely sick and exhausted from shitting poison out every day non-stop for years (most day, actually the poison just remains hard and stuck and the drugs are embedded into the hard poison so I just remain a huge solid frozen disabled square shape of hard poisons and injections of silicone that are huge under my skin to appear as cysts and a broken toe my spine is fractured from violence exerted against me while drugged up and in a comatose teleported sleep state

but my family has tried to sell me off not only for rape and torture drugging and experimentation but to ultimately be a sacrifice. Every single fucker of my family from distant relations to all siblings and parents and step-parents and their parents and etc and all the way down to Jewish fuckers who are just out to prove they are Nazis 

and so Ratskin I believe has done the same and his career has skyrocketed ever since--and now I am his target of violence and he never stops.

tthe sick fucks of MSNBC who have attacked me like Morning Joe & Hoe wife are just yelling violently at me because they didn't immediately get my submission to being exploited and used and abused by them for their profit so they got profit by abusing and using me without my permission and yelled like fascists and made slurred nasty smug comments (coming out of the Hoe but Joe was a yelling abusive fascist as they watched and denigrated everything I do in my room while shitting poison and trying to get more poison out as they allowed the murder by poisoning to continue and go on with endless abuse from sleazy dirty Pesce and DeNiro

and after all that, Baryishnikov the psycho scumbag, bringing on a revolving circuit of rape Europigapes to beat and abuse and rape me on top of poisoning and he would not stop the "control" murder of "helping" me and thusly I "owed" him so much he demanded and would not stop. Then on and on. And then Ratskin emboldened by the endless years of documentaries he starred in about "Democracy' and his  blathering bullshit sickness about "Democracy" just     OUT OF TORTURING ME and allowing the sick filth Nazis of Whorewood whom he grovels=-he is such a deferential Jewish brown-nose ape just sick


and he's coming back. every time he threatens to drag my by the hair and smash my face into the toilet after I have just used it and threatens me with psy-ops subliminals and gestures of absolute violence, on the same f-ing day he appears on MSNBC or one of those "concerned about defending Democracy" bs channels who also hack their bs into my YouTube channel. But almost none of the pig ape shit are as derogatory and abusive as the Jewish men in particular--it's amazing to me that the ugly wife of ugly Rat-skin is not a blonde Nazi but she is a Jewish pig ape obviously aware of this and urging her dirty foul hubby to do to me what they both agreed upon to have done to their son.

This creep is so mentally ill and violent and his violence towards me is something akin to a life-sucking feeding parasite who has fed off having his son "suicided" and is now feeding off attacking me with deadly violent suggestion. I try to ignore him because EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY of physically getting into a fight with some ugly dirty piece of shit from this group is just disgusting--they are disgusting and endlessly being promoted.

Goddamn fucking MSNBC\

and this mind control and the stinking filth that has been put in my body and my home is a stinking putridity and ratskin watches on as I fight to bend to clean all this muck filth that he and dirty filthy MAGA MUCK Johnson and MTG have both and all combined ordered be put in my room for their filthy greasy promotion and they all so much do not deserve it.

How many years must I be correct about the shit who are teleporting me and no one does anything until some Nazi experiences violence from them and then it's a "problem" but if I am writing and writing and writing they are promoted so they become more and more violent and more and more murderous and more and more promoted and more and more smug and psychopathic.

These stinking foul sinister creeps just latch onto abusing me and they get something like what dirty ugly Fondu just obtained--a "day" in Los Angeles commemorating this lying Nazi creep female who has consistently lied about her intentions and has been a full propagandist for fascist Communist Nazism for at least 50 years. Her real motivation is that she was born as a nepo-spawn and her intense need to remain relevant is of much more importance than the real "Democracy" of needing to compete and have actual real talent to remain in such an elevated spotlight--so Nazi California Los Angeles put her into some elevated category for just targeting and attacking me--her vicious attacks upon me  preceded her being awarded a "Fondu" day in LA just one or two days after having verbally violently assaulted me for the most stupid and sinister egregious breach of my personal rights and the DECADE she has profited off this and participated in how to poison and torture me along with Redford and his endless promotion of shit Nazis who steal my ideas and promote the rotten nepo-scum spawn of the pig apes who are violently raping me. All of this (and years of it so I can only detail about less than 0.1 % in this endless struggle to pound out every word and not get into non-stop ranting hyperbole

but Ratskin who has ABSOLUTELY zero respect for human rights--this violent and sick psychopath on the level of some genocidal thing growing mold from under some rock and coming out of his dank and dark self-loathing Jewish victim-turned-Nazi infested personality structure--so completely violent and sinister--and Fondu who has to cling to a fascist Nazi Communist take-over because that entails a never-ending monopoly--that is sometimes referred to as the "Oligarchy" which is a status of entitlement to the less-than |1% of endless opulent wealth with a hoard of dumbed down and conformist minions who are the "Communist" workers who get a labor union so they can all die of alcohol poisoning together as one happy family of Communist slaves working as much as they can to not have to live in their cars. That has already transpired in America due to the filth of shit like the creeps I am writing about--Ratskin so violently in support of fascist Nazism that he makes the really violent Nazis appear almost quaint in comparison. They issue the directives to the greasy filth minions like Ratskin so he is just a reflecting surface of the real hate and violence which the bigot white supremacists only re-direct to their self-hating and obsequious slave mind-controlled minions. And the world is teeming with them. And the more people like Raskin are kept in power and being promoted by f-ing MSNBC and the world believes that these very eloquent false-disseminators of "liberal" values are actually real--and if there are hundreds of millions of Americans and these have "made the grade" to "represent" then they truly are at the top of the lowest spectrum of the bs 4th Reich "game" --but on the top of the mind spin.

And so, they keep coming at me like waves of locusts and I am this endless attack thing they get free everything they could never obtain due to any real talent or authenticity.

And it never ends.

there are so many corrupt and lying greedy grasping self-serving collective locust parasites put into power


For over FOUR YEARS I have been waiting for sinkhole Trump to be pried off exploiting me and this awful sinister contract. For three years I have been glued to listening to Glenn Kirschner (who has also partaken of the stalking terrorism aimed at me and is "friends" with one of the most nasty and disgusting dirty old men of this group and knows about my situation) but because he is an expert in prosecution and I know nothing about the system that is supposed to work, I listen to Kirshner explaining how the system is supposed to work and had not been working and probably has been out-of-order except to incarcerate mostly poor and blacks and anyone that can feed the investment portfolios of the 4th Reich investors like ALL of the shit taking turns assaulting me as I fight to get the poison they keep injecting into my food and body while I sleep.

They are still making marks into my skin while I sleep

the marks are round red welts which do not go away

they keep slashing into my body every single night while I sleep on one part of my body or another, but every night they are mutilating my body

Ratskin is just one of by now countless pieces of shit coming to assault me. But his hate and violence are pathological this filth creep is sick as hell, mentally., emotionally, sexually and in every way. His antisemitism is as bad as some of the other types of minorities. He is so akin to a Jewish Skinhead in his violent actions and behavior towards me and none of his violence has ANYTHING to do with me. I am simply FIGHTING FOR MY BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS which this filthy spewing of "Democracy" ("code word for Socialism", which is the stage before full-on Communism) and this fasco-National Socialist "jewish" Nazi is so absolutely insanely driven to "prove" how violent he is towards me as the interviews are pouring in every day now that he attacks me so he's now addicted and by now mruderoug. He just began, as they all do, almost mildly and then the murder comes on and regardless of what I do. The shit pig apes who have drugged, raped and then stolen items from me in my home, or had me put in accidents, or fired from jobs, or my car broken, or made pregnant, or just abused and showed me that they were really in love with someone else (but they are and were and always will be actually loveless porno parasites and their perhaps loving wives also thrive off torturing and abusing someone else and they partner on the mutual orgy of violence--once they have no more victims they need to find more) so After Ratskin had his son sacrificed he is full-on proving how violent he is towards jews but claiming he is a victim of racism when it comes to the "targeting" of his son, that he alluded to and by now I just believe that he had his son killed and cried about it because he's a sick rotten fuck.  how I hope the cancer he has will just blow up and his demise will be asap. This is a rotten dirty creep and the Congress is absolutely patting him on the back for this. 

I am completely blocked from memory while I am writing these posts as the hacking precludes any real thought process and then my brain being so stymied by the technology afflicting thought--

Adam Schiff--that's the name. Also another evil but silent partner of this torture of me. For defending myself against non-stop attacks sexually and using Ratskin as his arm of violence, the scum Netanyahu had dirty white Nazi bigot Dougla$$ murray, a most despicable British Israelist who hacked his filthy lectures onto my youtube channel, because I put a video on Facebook about a brown-skinned man break-dancing in front of the English guards in front of Buckingham Palace in London---/ I thought it was kind of charming, and then this dirty ugly goon coon Murray began a campaign of increasing abuse and violence which culminated in the Jews who rely on the English Crown Nazi endorsement to pursue their white 4th Reich Nazi policies including "good" violent self-hating Jews like Ratskin and Schiff whose probable every ounce of life force is spent trying to succor favor from white supremacist Nazi fascists to whom they grovel. Their violence at me for fighting to stop Netanyahu from raping and abusing me as he was sexually harassing me (in the shower with the teleportation) and constant abuse and asking me to read tarot and then yelling like a fascist at me while I was in the shower demanding that I do whatever he wants--as I fought this filthy "good Jew boy" minion of the English filth bucket Murray (who, like so many, was also instantly interviewed as soon as schedule permitted by the endlessly hacking Bill Maher who also has stolen ideas directly verbatim from my Facebook writings--i.e. the Trump Tower as a "black penis" symbol he stole along in almost the same utterance as "his daughter-wife" which the audience "roared" in laughter about--but I sat there and still continue to listen to him

but he had Murray on after I wrote about the endless violence

as well as Deniro, and so has Glenn Kirschner

and they are all interconnected white absolutely racist sexual predatory murdering bigots

trying to pound out every word now

I try to find other sources of information to try to get any sort of alternative news or perspective and I literally cannot find a single thing. M y internet is hacked so badly that literally ALL THE INFORMATION I can find is from the same shit teleporting me--who all have "friends" who also need promotions so they hack their bs blather into my internet

and I can't find even any other source and I try and so much is blocked out and so hacked

while they are all spewing about 1st Amendment Rights and Equal Rights and Abortion Rights and Women's Rights

and what a sexual predator and sleaze Trump is


 and I am watching and waiting as I have been doing to these filthy pieces of shit for THREE YEARS waiting to hear the actual reality and truth. And the longer I listen to them, the more "kudos' the Trump shit Nazi train gets and the longer the delays are, and the ultimate huge Oligarch monopoly of these shitstain sick fucks is being cemented day-after day .

The more I watch them, the longer they cling on. Morning Joe has been hacking their crap about Trump non-stop every time I get on the internet. I need to know when the hell any justice will happen to Trump so I can try to not listen to the extremely limited hacked news sources which are ALL the predatory sick fucks of MSNBC and the rest of this shit who NEVER report on mind control gang stalking and my situation they just PROFIT off the situation and send some mentally ill sick fuck RATSKIN to violently assault me as their proxy. \

I can't describe how sick and destroyed the "Jews" of the world are due to this racism. I am fighting against this mind control system that has created so many violent antisemitic Nazis who are violently attacking me and reacting in brutal violence when I try to defend myself. They are something akin to the "honor killings" of the Muslims but in this case, the Muslims are also something like ENSLAVED by white supremacy and have been for millennia--I have read various very old writings of almost abject slavish devotion to blonde white women whom the muslim men almost bowed down to. They kill their "dark" women and keep them under scarves but the  blonde women are just welcomed to flaunt every sexual erogenous zone and that' s wonderful and trust me, I have lived around Muslims in Germany and seen first-hand this dichotomy but it's not only because they were "guest workers" in a fascist Nazi country disguised as being a "democracy".


Trying to type this out is something akin to my fingers being jackhammers fighting to pound into cement--the malware on the keyboard is that bad.

I can\'t finish my thoughts and my brain is under so much attack at the same time but not knowing the exact terms for the tech I can only say that it's blocking calm and effective thought and I rant and call names. Part of the name-calling or all of it is due to this influence and the YEARS of this never-ending violence towards me because unlike Ratskin I am  AGAINST turning upon other Jews or anyone for the sake of a 4th Reich system in which shit like Ratskin is endlessly applauded for his antisemitism and his Muslim-like Honor killing mentality towards me, to absolutely oppress me. This is whatt dirty greasy ugly Netanyahu was doing under the glaring gaze of the English fucker shit whore Murray who was then applauded by Bill Maher who has watched this unfold against me and has stolen ideas, hacked his fucking bs that is entertaining but he is a "half Jewish" Nazi and has fully been promoted or been kept in good standing with the 4th Reich media propaganda machine for just enabling all the terrorists who are assaulting me. The white English supremacist British Israelist who is an operative for THE ENGLISH CROWN is directing Netanyahu into Nazi violence, and Netanyahu is being blamed for this "Nazi invasion and mass murder"  but he is following the directions of the English Crown who has as their rep Murray, who is then welcomed into Whorewood fully for his role and the end result they plan on is a full real estate venture expansion into Israel with English taking control.

I see this with MSNBC with the morning blow and Hoe show with this blonde English creep who was just partnering with another personality conntected as "friends" with Michael Cohen, who is 'friends" with Ratskin, and they are all "friends" with Trump, MTG, Pelosi, Biden, and they are all one collective and it is more akin to a totalitarian fascist communist entity and the homeless encampments are the gulags and concentration camps. They plan on expanding. If Trump gets into power the mass murder of American citizens by the State will not be hidden any longer as it has been with me, and it will be open and they will not have to "hide" behind  bs blathering shit like Ratskin any longer--or Cohen who appears to have really made a critical mistake in his testimony that years of ranting about how much he loves trump was not prepared for in the hours of cross-examination.

Thus putting Trump into a more favorable light--it appears like a construct. And just try to figure it: after all the J-6 committee televised promotions for the filth who are actually fascist Nazis and fully are part of the Trump 4th Reich campaign, masses of Americans endorsed Trump even more. That is because the shit like Ratskin and Kinzinger were performative apes and asses in front of the camera with fake "outraged" voices. In private they are much more violent or the same as the insurrectionists but I am the target for fighting for the Constitutional Rights that these ignoramus bigots are endlessly being interviewed about because they studied the Constitution and earned a living off reciting it by rote and     HATE IT and want a despotic tyranny like what Ossified Fondu also yearns for: ABSOLUTE MONOPOLY ENDLESS PRIMACY IN ALL THEIR CAREER ASPIRATIONS endless greed  endless "free money" endless people to abuse and inflict their sense of self-hate and insecurity out on through teleportation and mind control and enslavement of the population--and then mass genocide and they will construct any excuse to kill off as many as possible. The expansion of white supremacy is really the end aim. The brown and Jewish and black Nazi minions are paid in millions and billions to promote this last vestige of "Democracy" and "equality" but they truly could not give a damn about anything but their next and next and next interview and movie deal and schmoozing with the filth of Whorewood as if they are celebrities as well--and it's just a non-sttop rotisserie of crap coming at me. There is not a shred of decency or concern for life or human beings amongst any of these rotten pig apes. The blonde Nazis are showering their shit children with all the ample nepotism opportunities but the Jews are just only working like slave children to further the interests of the families of the Nazi shit whom they absolutely worship and adore with shit smiles and they are psychically eating it as well and just products of the Nazi extermination camps, the psychic destruction of the Jews is so completely in The United STates. All the white shit from MSNBC are fully dedicated to white supremacy and are laughing with merriment watching this happen to me. Dirty filthy Ratskin came and laughed with rotten Kinzinger--thankfully he is out and I advise anyone who actually cares to NOT PUT THAT PSYCHOPATH INTO POWER EVER AGAIN .

What an insult to Illinois but there were a lot of Nazis before I left disgusted. But the really beautiful people were pushed out or killed in Illinois. Kinzinger is not one of them because he came to assault me so the Nazis of Illinois would not carry out their threat to kill him for fighting against the attempted coup. 

But Ratskin is just such a greasy and nasty and I consider him to be a well-educated idiot savant just capable of his blathering well-trained verbiage about all the moral concepts of "Democracy" but he has no adherence to the Constitution and he taught it for years. he is so ill sick disgusting rotten. Like any sleazy sick toxin, I can only tolerate any of these filthy creeps for a very short amount of time. While shit pig pitt is an abominable abomination and shit whorealina is even worse, he at least had a sense of entitled self-assurance but the oppressed come at me to pour their self-hate on me. 

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