Friday, August 14, 2020

The Demonization of Bata and Ile Ife. A Con Permiso to Obatala, Elegua y Chango. Bata drumming and dance in it's heartthrob dance and drum at base level (good bass).

I once again "forgot" to wear my aluminum foil hat, which does produce some sort of change in the rambling and hate content of my other posts due to the technology attacking my brain in this torture/drugging/ attack studio where I am stuck almost all day, every day nearly on a solitary basis of prison existence of torture and attack and surveillance. 


I "forget" to wear this thin, flimsy covering I made, because I did not intend to get into these subjects at any length. The longer I begin to write, the more their technology affects my brain. Either there is some algorithm aspect, or my brain cannot handle the waves as my thought process begins to meander into tangents. The intended effect is to extract ideas and creative concepts, which are then stolen by hateful bigots and rapists and unbelievably evil personalities. I include the "evil" aspect because this post is about association with evil and various musical affiliations with Caribbean and African religions. As I begin to write more, the hacking gets worse. My hands also cannot move to keys I want to press, as my brain is affected in this way as well. I must force myself to always wear this hat, but I cannot express enough how badly I am under attack in pharmacological and technological and physical assault every single moment and especially when I get on this laptop.


Of course, blocking my ability to type and think clearly, to live in peace, to have to spend most of my life cleaning up stinking filth sprayed on my clothing and furniture every single day for hours because I cannot stop these terrorists from breaking into my room using mechanical arms, through portals they laser cut through the fake wood backings of the faux cabinet backs which are a thin barrier between my room and the next--no wall. Something I have written of now for months.


They quickly steal the ideas, get full access to the fastest tech, typing out, producing and fully blocking even my nascent ability to type or write on any electronic form of any device without endless blocks. Any mobile phone is impossible to get anything written on, I cannot even write in a single URL without hackers blocking keys. I have to attempt to press buttons to get a URL on any mobile phone at least 4 times in order to get one site. That is the usual and always on any laptop or any computer. All is blocked. But I add this every time I write because it's extremely disgusting that they also hack and insert their finished product, derived from ideas they obtain from this larger network, and I must see how they are profiting off torturing me, just to put out material about how they "care" about injustice in it's many victimized, under dog forms.


and thus to continue--


I do believe there is some kind of "truth serum" or some other affectation to the brain-mapping tech that opens portals into honesty instead of suppressing truthful biases and ideas. What comes out is raw and unfiltered and then, of course, the people who are handed the tech then torture me to attempt to change my mentality or through operant conditioning just to torture me for expressing beliefs about how nefarious these groups and people are after they torture and attack me to obtain ideas because they apparently can't think beyond all they have been programmed to think and obey and follow. Then all is stolen by them and used as their concept as they then block everything for me. Understand my antipathy towards them. They behave as if there is no reason whatsoever for me to have any negativity towards them at all and in fact, I must have reverence because they have been handed this tech, all opposition has already been thwarted or killed off---(or have they?)


Please note at the beginning that I re-read what I had published here and saw that words had been deleted from what I had typed perfectly. I only have written a few basic sentences. The attack on my motor skills and the hacking have made even writing a few words so arduous. The hackers have then rewritten what I wrote after I published the post. I am so tired of re-editing posts and all that I write so I am going to leave this as is. This is always, every time I write, the same situation. Typing now is nearing impossibility as keys won't operate. 


My blog is about this situation but I wanted to write post about this music, instead I got into a reverie of how racist and bigoted the operators of the music industry and the accusations of evil regarding the origins of the music are and have been "cleaned" by the bigot industry. Some artists have been labeled, the religions have been labeled. I do not defend sacrifice and bloody murder of animals. However, a tortured Jewish priest/Rabbi on a cross, for the mafia to always revere as their symbol of power and racism, and murder empire, is no better and their real-life actions, these evil purveyors of power--not just the mafia but so many espousing religious affiliation--


and you can connect the dots I am tired of struggling to think and type and backspace at this point. I knew that rewriting this and posting this would take an enormous effort. Backspacing non-stop as I fight and struggle to type just these few words---


OYE, finito! 






 Chango oye mi Petition...

 The adherent bows to each drum in reverence to Chango in his trance dance petition and honor to this Orisha.



...y Elegua Tambien. Orisha of the Crossroads and great Highways, portals to other roads, openings and closings. Death and Life. Mortal and immortality.----CON PERMISO  !!



NOW for the Girls, I mean Women, I mean WHYMEN to fight to dance to promote to undo the undoing. Twist, turn into the obverse power dance thrusting to the top. Spun but not shaken, only stirred.  When I watch men fighting in Capoeira style, I have serious doubts as whether women can beat them in this fighting style. Lower hip weight versus upper body strength.



"Every single girl could kick my ass


 In the application toUNESCO (2014: 5), capoeira is said to provide the ‘possibility ofrespectful and harmonious coexistence between different ethnic groups, ages andgenders’. It is not surprising, then, that during our two research projects and our widerexperiences as capoeiristas, we have both seen and heard a range of examples ofteacher and student practice that exemplified and re-produced this discourse. One suchexample emerged in an interview conducted with ‘Thomas’ – a white British 26-year-old male who had been practising capoeira for 10 months at the time of interview.When asked ‘have you ever come across the idea that dance is associated as more of awoman’s activity?’, Thomas responded:For me that’s why capoeira is so special is because there is not an emphasis on sex, in thatformal sense. And like, girls can be much better at capoeira than guys, even if they’re half theweight and the size and build. So I think the playing fields are quite level in capoeira, whichis really special.... So yeah I think it’s like a real interesting like box you’re opening here. It’ssomething that I’ve not given too much conscious thought to it, but I’ve felt it. Like this isawesome, like this is really equal. It’s nice. It’s refreshing. It’s not even conceited either. It’snot like ‘let’s make sure the girls get a go too’ [silly voice]. It’s not like that, it’s totallynatural... Every single girl that goes to capoeira on Thursday Tuesday evening and Saturdaycould KICK MY ASS [loud voice], which is awesome."---Every single girl could kiss my boy ass. Women can kick men's asses too.


More requests to Elegua to open the path and change the direction of the demonizers so they fall off their Humpty Dumpty Hubris Thrones.



(just again, as in every post, hackers and the tech administrators of the Humpty Dumpty Hubris empire are blocking all. I can only write one or two sentences without endless interruption. I even had to backspace and correct twice within the last sentence as hackers double letters I press very lightly on the keyboard. Otherwise, simply  highlighting, copying and pasting links is almost impossible. The links won't copy, the highlighting process is completely blocked--etc etc etc every time I try to write or do anything to communicate the result is blocks to my throat, my voice, my keyboard, my body, and my brain. Maybe Elegua will set the interloper interrupters onto a different path soon where their empty Humpty Dumpty Hubris empire will collapse like a flambe cooked to a crisp.....?!!!!!




Which is more fluid, dangerous and fun? My vote would be for Capoeira but Muay Thai is not faint in power.  As I'm not a fighter, but a dancer instead, I simply prefer the more fun style. Definitely the music is much better in Brazil than in Thailand for boxing and fighting purposes.



 My point is more about the Warrior Monk principle. A spiritual revitalization and war craft with a more spiritual basis. The God Chango is a warrior but he was not always such a pristine personality (in other words, more of a womanizer player, drummer, god of thunder, sexual potency...a fighter--)



From the Caribbean to SE Asia, let the fight proceed into the realms of the spiritual masters against the Humpty Dumpty Hubris Empires. The person who combines spiritual force with martial arts and fighting. What is the line between "Good and Evil"?


 Robert Johnson, famous for having made his deal with that black and red spirit associated with the roads leading to other places, undefined and ferociously intimidating. Elegua is the god of the crossroads and roads, and the portal to other directions. His colors are red and black. I think historians and the Christians got it all mixed up, and the motto of silence created the mystique that Johnson sold his soul to the Devil.  In short, the racist directive to demonize other cultural religions. Turning black religion into a hate, Devil bad omen religion. Obviously if Johnson appealed to Elegua at the Crossroads to lead him from a Jim Crow life into a musical position of fame, that obviously, according to the demonizing "white devils" (source, Malcolm X reference to whites), made him a sinner committing to a deal with the Devil. When it comes to Faust, under Goethe, the sinner is repentant and exonerated by higher spiritual forces. Robert Johnson remains burdened in history as having made no such recompense to his pact and is labeled thus forever. He may well have prayed to the Devil but this is my theory on this subject. Such religious affinities were forbidden by whites against blacks and still are (culturally, charged with accusations of murder and death sacrifices. What the whites kill and sacrifice is always cloaked under religio-political righteousness.

The basis of the festival music band---Elegua un cancion para Usted. Bata. The rest is synthesis and fusion. (commercial sound for dance hall boogie assimilation). Old Blues, old ragtime, old religions. Oye Elegua, Obatala, y Chango mi petition. Con Permiso ELEGUA

Fiesta!! En Ball & Chain club, Little Havana. Sometime before the masking muffling stopped some of the party atmosphere--or not, I don' know what restrictions are in place in Miami, I heard that there were none just before the "spike" in cases.

Dance until you drop--I guess party like it's 1999 in Miami (and Florida). But look at that Party in Miami! Every single day it used to be like that.....(on South Beach, in one place or another, then every place --albeit corporate disco atmosphere instead of small, independent venues like, I suppose Ball & Chain is and remains the flavor of Miami without corporate control--I presume, maybe it IS still possible).




The more commercialization of Bata into more mainstream-inspired jazz. An ode to Obatala. A bit too slow for my taste but only demonstrating the bata drumming incorporated into a fusion jazz piece. I prefer the more pounding throbbing drumming for Chango's to Wynton Marsalis but, not my favorite Jazz musician by any length of any meter. This is just a reference to the gentrification of the genre, than appreciation for the rendering of the bata incorporated into this jazz piece.


So much is stolen from the original source, copied and then inserted into more acceptable mainstream (white corporate-controlled) media.

Nice, smooth and safe sound for that white yuppie audience and their greenback bucks.

Those who perform the rites are not put into cleansed antiseptic halls to perform. Of course, in the space of time and moderna, somewhere at some time there must have been a performance of Bata (and many times) in pristine halls coated with polished wax with audiences of the believers and the onlookers. However, .....having lived in Miami I know the more original the farther the cleaned and recoated versions are full of people feeling safe to listen to the music and not have to deal with the elements that they cannot control. (but of course, they do, they do in Miami have absolute control over these ethnic populations in places like Hialeah.) This again is my personal opinion and from experience as a target, not as a huge "blanket" statement about anyone or any group (but only the reality that is continuously forced upon me by this insidious group with it's endless layers of minority minions, and their music polished for corporate cop culture and mafia Nazi entitlement to most proceeds and copyright laws.) The real, nasty bigots who smile at their minority minions to do the bulk of their dirty work when it comes to the terror operations, aka "gang stalking". Many people exactly like those in this video, supposedly authentic and religiously pristine, (??) partake in the terror operations while praying to their pantheons. The situation never changes. Please note all of this is derived from my personal experience as I am always surrounded by this group and all favorable to my life and health are immediately pushed out of my life forever. This is all I have been exposed to in a general way. I have indeed met many friendly people outside this organization. My point in writing this is because the longer this group obtains more and greater power the fewer authentic people will be "allowed" to practice or behave in their own, unique ways.

I thus, as always, entreat you hackers/readers to not be lackidaisical about this situation and assume that someone else will fight for you if you also are attacked--as so many of you are but you are too brainwashed to understand how and you don't care if you can go out and live and prosper with benefits handed to you from this group. My point exactly is not to insult groups or point accusations, although that certainly is part of this blog and why I write with such vehemence about these individuals and these organizations. They are a nasty bunch and while they point at people who they call "witches" (as in now one of the labels they interpose upon me, while they are more like Satanic practitioners than I have ever been in my most hateful praying for them to stop this torture and murder terror agency and their agents).

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Addressing Ms. Kamala Harris:

I feel the breezeway of the Golden Gate from the back of a motorcycle, in memory (no helmet, air chilling me but thrilling me as I viewed the lights of the Bay going over the Pacific Gate). San Francisco, where I have also lived. A most incredible city, but overrun by the haters. Ms. Harris choose VP over Attorney General, undermining the advice of her associate, former SF Mayor Willie Brown. (I just spent over 5 minutes retyping the first sentence which had been rewritten, parts deleted by hackers. I have other things to do than endlessly rewrite and backspace and hackers simply do the same thing after I publish anyway. The many detractors of Ms. Harris argue that as a prosecutor (former) she is in league with the draconian, absolutely violent criminal Justice injustice system. As a person, me, brought up by the Wolves of the Criminal Defense system, who argue in favor of "Italian-American" mafia in Brooklyn and in Miami, absolutely the front of farcical minority minion defending their bigot, racist, Nazi "masters", I know personally that whatever side a lawyer, prosecutor, criminal defense attorney may chose, the sides are not delineated between black and white, good and bad. Would these detractors prefer a criminal defense attorney who defends violent Nazis who get away with every white collar crime, every act of terrorism due to this gang stalking death squad culture which has stolen all elections, put mafia and Europ-a Nazis into most high positions in the media, and allowed the destruction through globalization for their own profit, but always disguised--with top attorneys like my uncle in Miami, my father in NYC and in all other places he lived (until he worked for the government, and then got destroyed by military contractors in a development project my father was in top key position for. This regards a project in Florida which caused the death of a few construction workers, and other such sordid tales my father told me and proved to me showing topographical maps that were provided by the government, which were fallacious and intended to cut corners but leading to utter devastation of the project--my father put to blame and he had to sue the government--and won actually!). Who could say that a prosecutor is more to blame than a corrupt criminal defense attorney. Please people out there understand that these mandatory minimums were put in place by politicians and their corrupt bigot death squad supporters who profit off building a punitive death prison culture for profit. Ms Harris is upholding the law. Is it an automatic crime to want to become an attorney on either side of the good-versus-bad debate of who is wrong and right in the criminal court proceedings, for whom they represent and for what. All is mixed and not a definite black and white situation. I have been put under the oppression of the mafia, out of Miami, due to the malfeasance of my criminal defense prominent attorney uncle ("Bob" Josefsberg, a "respected" personality in the Jewish community) who handed me over, or should I say my "cousin" whom I met only once--(and I want to write a short story on this subject and how they are such brainwashed accomplices to Nazi criminality in Miami, defending absolutely vicious mafia out of Italy and in general, which are adamantly anti-Semitic) I refer to my Jewish Nazi relatives who are criminal defense lawyers, handing me over, literally my cousin Michael, to absolutely hate insulting racist Italians in Miami--and their H-wood celebrities like hambo, and their partners who are white racists out of Beverly Hills--cock rock icons, etc et al. Oh, they want me to not write about them in my private blog. All must be happy and smiley in terms of their endless psycho jokes put into the media as only THEY appear to endlessly crank out movie after movie, album after album, bigot blonde women and gyrating "so discriminated against" bumpy black men and women screaming about being discriminated against as they, like my Jewish Nazi family (they perform all the rites, rituals and appearances demanded for their role, but in reality don't give a goddamn about anything but preserving their hides against this endless tsunami of racism that has engulfed Miami and Florida in general.) One could say, what choice do they have but to submit and conform? Am I blaming them for literally going to the cigar shop where I worked on 8th Street on South Beach and glaring in hate at me that these mafia anti-Semites, criminals and mafia, are their "friends" and thereafter, I was open season for every bigot mafia Italian, thanks to my "family" who were saving their behinds and are praised, have won awards in charitable offenses to humanity disguised as tax breaks orchestrated by savvy lawyers. But back to Harris. Her record bespeaks of following the norms and codes of the very nasty Mandatory Minimum requirements. What choice did she have? What choices she will soon have will be enormously different from having to follow guidelines. I would rather chose her as VP than anyone from my Nazi family, sold out and willing and glad to have done so. ---------------------

Hope it all works out for the best for those attacked by this rigged, bigot system. Like my computer is also rigged, endless blocks to me writing and surfing, just like all this insidious group does and orchestrates on the international sphere and in the interpersonal disasters they create. I hope for the best for Me, especially at this point I am rooting for myself after years of caring about blacks and Jews and Latinos and everyone else, the disenfranchised Thais, like the blacks, Jews, Latinos, who turn around and attack me viciously after I care about their disenfranchisement, care about how they are prostituted, used, abused, discriminated against--and they all turn around and most viciously attack me for the benefit of their oppressors, thebigot Nazis, paid in full by the US Government to torture me. When I say "they all" I mean all of "them" who are attacking me. It feels like entire swaths of the population. I know that the endless swarms of them do not constitute entire groups. It is a tempting easy fallacy to blame "all" but also, I do know that this death squad bigot Nazi/Communist-run death organization, Genocide, Inc., Ltd., GmbH also kills off, silences and brainwashed controls and programs anyone not willing to be slaves, conform to the cliché stereotypes that make the bigots appear as the "best" and everyone else as their dumbed down, degraded supporters and willing, smiling adherents. Back to the blame game: the real blame for the minorities (so-called) attacking me are the "normal" Constituents from America ordering governments to utilize death squad technology so they can usurp all lead roles due to their mediocrity and endless stereotypes of racism and bigotry and sexism. They can't really "win" unless they crush all opposition. If equality is allowed, the natural abilities of people "allowed" to flourish, the mediocre hate group of the bigot whites (meaning, those who are part of these systems, which also crushes and kills off the whites who also do not conform, also targeted, also murdered covertly). They cannot think of anything outside of their mediocre hate stereotypes, they cannot think outside of what is enforced and expected of them. I have been under non-stop torture and violence, so these parasites out of the media can inflict as much damage to my body as possible, then through "trauma-based" torture, drugging and technology extract ideas while slowly murdering me. Laughing as I fight to stop the endless destruction of my home and body. This morning I noticed a piece of rubber wedged into one of the tiny, circular holes that the creeps have created in the cabinet just right across from my bed--the rubber was on the floor--pushed up from behind. My hair, skin damaged with the usual deforming sprays, huge red swelters of objects inserted under my left middle finger (every day, they insert under either the left or the right middle fingers) . My nails and cuticles absolutely damaged and dying from over 6 years of this. Dreams of ugly, nasty white pig ape men putting hate, misery and ugliness into these sick skits that these disgusting sick creep mafia and their sleazy, nasty rotten "actors" the "A-list" parasites force upon me. They must get into my room every single night to inflict their stupidity, hate, ugliness and pour their psychic filth and hate and ugliness upon me, every single day they can't stop doing this. Ugly murdering stupid rotten foul dirty creeps, haters, rapists and scum and put into top position by president after president and media personality after media personality after Jewish leader of Community after criminal defense lawyer after bigot Nazi Church-going death squad organizer utilizing this covert technology and the death squad system that apparently no one can ever reveal in the mainstream media or acknowledge worldwide. Would Ms. Kamala Harris be any different in this role? So many people are screaming for change as the media hate bigot Nazi pundits are adjusting to the new chants and marches and burning buildings by coming out with "radical" movie themes and anti-bigot pro'Black campaigns--media campaigns. Nothing mentioned about the other groups being attacked, murdered or tortured. Just only blacks apparently are under the bigot's scope in America, according to these people who are attacking me who are black and latino, Asian and jewish--it goes on and on. Thus, in trying to write this post, hackers blocking pages, I have gone into what I was going to write, a separate post about the terrorism of my home and body being destroyed once again as the mechanical arm got through the tiny wedge of rubber I inserted into one of the holes that the terrorists have forced between the cabinet doors and the interior of this room. I have tied hooks together at all corners of the interiors of the cabinets--and that is every shelf could be laser-cut from the other side, so that is hooks pounded into plastic (my body so injured from it I have spent at least two months laying in bed after pounding and screwing hooks into laminated horrid cheap cabinets--so hard the metal hooks which are durable, have bent over--nails won't hammer into the material, the nails actually bend and there is no hole after pounding and pounding--that is how awful these doors have been coated with impossible to breach material). I put hooks on the middle sections as well. It has taken me over two months plus the time of fighting to heal from injuries to my body from such exertion--and still, I see the spot where they are getting in, which means they are lasering holes into the cabinets from around the secured corners and middle sections of the cabinet backings--and it is literally impossible for me to defend myself. This morning my body is smeared with harsh chemicals and damages all over my body--every single day--and the teleportation skit to some rotten ugly white pig ape male, like most of the men who attack me from this group (their sons most of whom are huge body builders have rancid ugly bigot Nazi personalities, they are the superimposed rottenness of their alcoholic ugly parents--so there is nothing but rotten children but not decrepit like their rotten bigot Nazi parents--but an older rotten-looking ugly nasty creep was sent to put some skit of "misery" upon me, a sad and negative skit sequence--while these mechanical arms put the nodes onto my scalp, made my hair greasy and nasty, inserted objects under fingernails, cut skin to the bone once again where they also broke my toe and keep breaking it but also blocking finances so I cannot afford to pay for any doctor, much less obtain any reliable health care worldwide where they won't inflict permanent disability if I try to get their violence fixed. No herbs are going to heal what dislocation of my bones in my foot have been forced upon me, in this sleeping "alter" state. Thus, Ms. Harris---what can you do about these criminals when your city was overrun by fascist Nazi Communists. I was there in SF back in 1988 and I was nearly murdered by your white supremacist "alternative" artist community on Haight Street. Fully attacked by the San Francisco Memorial public hospital in a display of incompetence, literally lied to by the doctors, and left to be slowly murdered. That is ANOTHER long story. but I add that Mikhail Gorbachev was handed the city keys to the Presidio (where I also worked, was utterly attacked and left after one day of employment from a temp agency) but...the training for fascist, STasi, Nazi death squads was brought to the Presidio so the "good" American suburban constituents of Reagan (at that time) could get "rid" of the hippies and the alternatives (some of whom I met, their agent provacateurs) who covertly helped to assassinate the real artists who were really politically concerned and activists. The ones I met were drug users and addicts, former punk musicians (*like some of them attacking me now) and all sleazy, rotten and imitating the 2nd hand memes that the real activists had created, then were murdered for, and their ideas stolen. Mikhail Gorbachev: from Presidium to Presidio

------------------------------ I realize I am fully digressing and swaying from one point of focus to another. All is interrelated, as this situation is a huge entangled mess of groups interacting at highest and lowest levels, using the same formulaic protocols, and the intercepting overlapping groups operating from various sources. Perhaps there is a central source, but all has been globalized to such an extent. San Francisco, therefore, has brought in the experts in death squad, mind programming culture to control their dissident, hippie, alternative movements. The brainwashing and MK ULTRA programming of Charles Manson in his prison experimentee role is one example of how this was accomplished. (My opinion, but there is definite evidence of prison mind programming in the California State Prison system--which I will not provide here as I had not intended to write about these situations. And for anyone's information, Charles Manson also lived off Haight Street, and I met people who claimed they had met him, in the SF Haight district--where I also lived and was horrifically attacked by the "alternative" groups--mostly white at that time.) I was actually more embraced enthusiastically by the corporate climate than the "alternative" artisan community of Haight Street. ----more personal asides but it is all relevant. I wrote yesterday that my aluminum hat is "lost" somewhere on my couch. I have bought huge, soft mattress pads (very thin and lightweight--rolled into huge balls which are on top of massive piles of pillows, because I must have pillows to prop my very badly damaged body--and other items I can't put in my closets because I have to climb on a ladder to unfasten the hooks at the top of the cabinets just to get into the spaces, which reek of fungus sprayed on clothing every single day. I am too injured to climb and do these things. The poisoning has left me utterly at the "mercy " of these "no mercy" Nazi scum mafia bigot rapist creeps, thus I write endlessly as I am just paralyzed and can't even open closets because my body is in so much pain. The torturing bigots continue to attack my body so I remain in this horrid cycle. Will Ms. Harris actually do anything about this, under the auspices of Joe Biden, if he wins the election? As Biden did nothing while under the command of the hipster prez who preceded the current one, both like a double-sided coin but a fake fraudulent coin, one side exactly like the other side (as in the Batman movie with the same-faced coin flipped so there is no chance, no choice, all is one-sided). ---------- flipping and guessing whether there will every be a safe home I can live in, without mafia scum attacking me and gloating smirking blonde Nazi pig apes from H-wood and their minority minions serving them, going off to parties in Europigape land so they can smile into cameras and sell America off to the lowest bidder so they can get the highest awards in the crap movie system intended to brainwash the idiots into believing that America cares about the underdog. ----------------- After having gotten up from the laptop to attempt to get out of this torture chamber situation to pay rent for a murder/rape surveillance murder room I have been forced into, all finances blocked by the billionaire presidents, black and white, currently and previously in charge of this operation--their media pundits all cheering them on and obtaining highest awards not since Trump but since Obama and before him, decades of one of them after the next participating in this. Not "supposed" to write about them. I have not included all of them, just the former last two criminals who were put into highest executive office. The rest of Congress, with two "liberal" "Democrat" (white") Senators included. The nastiness of their attacks belies all their claims of "fighting" for the American Dream for "everyone" especially women and "minorities". Oh, not getting into what I had intended to write about. I got up from this laptop, began to do things to fight to get out--seeing my body covered with blemishes, sagging from poisons hardened into my bones, scratches, cuts, bruises, black and blue marks, my skin shriveled from chemicals smeared on my skin day after day, year after years--again last night--teleportation skits of hate, misery and abuse from ugly pig ape white males and their putrid female co-conspirators torturing me to obtain ideas I have studied regarding feminism, so they can flaunt themselves for political purposes (with their Nazi and KKK fathers backing them so they can osmoze the power for their Klandesine purposes of racial "purification" and death squad activities). and, while sitting here just a while ago, I could not remember the name of the huge wonderful motorcycle I was riding on back of--a BMW. Of course a Nazi vehicle, with a bigot white Nazi person driving me to a nasty situation but I was unaware, the lamb being driven over a beautiful golden bridge to another ugly situation forced upon me by my government, and all the "nice good people" surrounding me who are now shouting in the streets to defend black people, their friends, who submit to deferential cliché roles, their good support system always there to hear their problems and help out as their functionary roles (in movies, this is very apparent, and on tv) and, thus, I could only remember thus motorcycle name only after getting off the laptop and moving away from the pulsed source of brain-altering tech. My body disgusting from years of being attacked thus. The cabinets where these mechanical arms are boring through all have gaps and don't close correctly. Some of them are cut in curves at the corners to accelerate ease-of-access of the mechanical arms. No insertion of rubber matting will stop this. No amount of hooks, tied together at tightest tensile strength, can stop the expertise of the laser cutting tools and xray surveillance, all obtained by my top government agencies (or black ops services, as the conspiracy theory sites call these agencies). I really believe that this situation forced upon me simply falls into Homeland Security under some anti-Terrorist act. The usual reverse psychology exists in the funding of these operations by presidents and their willing to oblige constituents--black who want to pass the victimized role onto me, Jews who want to offer a sacrifice so the bigot pig apes will stop targeting them--even if that means selling their nieces, nephews, children, fathers, mothers they really don't care, and that is how awful these mafia pig apes operating for the Nazi pig apes are towards Jews and my family and this group attacking me has been getting away with this for decades, and all silenced and all Jews are good little obedient servants of these unworthy, worthless billionaires obtaining all devices from the US Government. So, Ms. Harris, as I sit here again writing to this complicit audience, you have been chosen. It is very likely that, unless the rigging is extremely profound, Mr. Biden will be the next president. The president he served under absolutely has participated in this situation so blacks in H-wood can be promoted into higher Nazi echelons. Too bad for the prison population and prison reform and criminal justice reform. I have no idea who or what Biden really represents, I only know that he has been part of a former administration probably, undoubtedly, trying to pull strings from their former glory days and have orchestrated their absolute continuance of their profiteering off these authoritarian positions deemed "democratic". Ms. Harris, so many people who are under threat of death due to this insidious system, which now people cannot ignore any longer--the threat of death, homelessness and utter destruction of the country--is a looming threat that is palpable and nearly inevitable. so many are looking to you for some resolution, some absolution, some revelation, some black empowerment--too bad for me I fit into no category as Jews are not defending me only joining into the fray of attack---I am not black and therefore not part of anyone's defense system. The feminists really want "darker" women beaten, raped and abused by their bigot pig ape men. I am thus left only hoping that you will be some fresh air like that blast of cool air I experienced driving on the back of that BMW over the Golden Gate Bridge, not understanding the death forces I was riding that exhilarating ride upon, not informed, and now I ask you to refresh the country so that these foul forces of death do not destroy the country, under the endless succession of a dynastic leadership that is a one-sided coin flipped every four years. (See The Dark Knight for that reference). Now I have to care whether someone will defend ME under the attacks of bigot Nazi mafia criminals who are being paid by my own government to torture and extract ideas to use for their nefarious brainwashing movie media tv music programming Nazi schemes. Please Ms. Harris, do not let us down who are suffering under the decades of corruption and vice, brutal racist policies and flagrant violations of the Constitution. Please do not let us down who are targeted any longer, as all your predecessors have done. -------------------- As another side note that came back, retrieved into my memory, blanked out as I sit here struggling to type with hacking that makes writing nearly impossible. Doing the impossible now. Mr. Willie Brown was a part of this surge of Nazi ideology pouring it's hate over the thin film of alternative activism of San Francisco. He was aware, as I believe, of my situation. He did not stop the perpetrators nor did he ever support me in any tangible way that I am aware of. Not saying he is inclusive with the evil death squads, but nevertheless..... As Ms. Harris declined his "advice" to step down, I can't wonder but consider the possibility that he was attempting to sway her from this top position due to his alliances with bigot, white Nazi culture of San Francisco, which allowed him to enter into the Puck establishments (Puck also is the catering Nazi always favored by the H-wood bigot Nazi crowd, controlled by their various factions of Europ-ape establishments, all arriving in limos for the Europigape catering by Puck. Just a symbolic reference to the powers that control a black mayor in a city being trained in fascist Nazi death squad culture by a KGB leader like Perestroika Presidio resident Gorbachev. This situation I refer to happened in 1988 or so, clearly when SF was in the throes of re-training into bigot Nazi Californication culture. I also remember vividly a woman here in Phuket, being trained into Muay Thai boxing in the Rawai area. She talked of living in the outlying districts of SF--at this moment, the name absolutely is blanked out of my brain and memory. I will of course remember once I get off the laptop. She operated with a group of nasty, giggling Thai women in attacking me. Threatening but with a fake smile as the coterie of Thai women participated in their own training exercises of being trained in bigot, Nazi death squad culture. So willing and glad and smiling cheery and happy as the bigot white American women was insulting me and I was so absolutely bloated with poison and drugs I sat only saying one defensive remark and not even consciously able to understand what the situation was. At the time, the enormity of this situation and it's decades of far-reaching pervasive attack training and global ramifications eluded me, due to the media impression that America is continuously defending humanity, women, blacks, equal rights, all the talk shows. all the blacks singing and gyrating for equal rights, all the movies the president (which I doubted immediately upon seeing the huge Wall Street Journal double-page admiration of Obama one year prior to the election--which I presumed was supposed to entail massive approval by the Wall Street crowd. I knew he was a yuppie white collar criminal man. Another anti-Semitic black male throwing hate at me and participating with hate and violence alongside the white bigot Nazis who are openly racist (anti-black). Always the same thing. Of well..I was also going to write about how bad the hacking is again this morning. I just spent one hour fighting to download one song from WNYU. I have to go through old archived programs to fight to get the brainwashing programming off the hacked and pirated laptop system. I went into 2015, a funk program and got music from a different radio host, with songs with code words that are triggers from this H-wood terror group. Completely 100%. I do not want to write their names any longer. I just write this as reference to the injustice that continuously is an affront to me on every level, perpetrated by highest offices. How I wish Ms. Harris were not another Willie Brown or H-wood puppet. I then tried to get other songs, and I downloaded successfully one song, and then had to do so many things to reconnect Bluetooth to my tiny, hacked and ruined Nokia mobile phone--so damaged the terrorists broke the camera, the video, and ruined the screen. Deleted all my photos of Thailand, (also on Facebook and all my private files have been wiped out--I have only records of photos from 10 years of Thailand only on Facebook, and some deleted by terrorist hackers). Any tiny memory system I try to have as external is broken, hacked and made inoperable by the terrorist who I cannot stop from destroying my body, beauty, health, property and my life every single day--as I write. The person who is attacking me is part of the Nazi mafia cartel which is insidious and disgusting in every aspect, from years of attack from them partnering with these disgusting, sleazy unscrupulous actors and writers, directors, and politicians all immersed in media hype productions to promote their nefarious political scheming aspirations to power. All controlled by criminal mafia and Nazi (and Communist/Socialist but racist Nazi systems too). Insidious is just a movie title. This is a reality that extends beyond the infinity of disgusting. ----------------------- So I struggle just to download a song. All the Bluetooth functions have been deleted. I have spent one hour just trying to get music and reboot the browsers, which are blocked and programs inoperable. Stupid sick songs, sad, miserable, enhancing sadness and hate and negativity are continuously inserted into otherwise funky or good music. All is forced onto me, their hate, ugliness--they want me ugly, broken, destroyed spiritually emotionally physically sexually financially-- and here I am, for the 10th year in a row, almost day after day, writing about their sickness and still they are being put into highest positions of power. One of them has won a top acting award and because I watched his movie, along with the greasebag pig apes from NYC, whose stupid crap movies I downloaded one time years ago, I am now under attack by him and by them all for this crap contract that everything from rotten sleaze in Phuket, homeless creeps in America, college students in Gainesville, blacks galore all over the world, two US presidents, two US Senators, Three running for US president---untold numbers of Hollywhorewood actors pouring their stupidity, hate and miserable ugliness out on me, sucking out every single thing they can from me until I have aged, broken down, have zero sexual desire, am continuously writing about attacks as the pigs continue to have their rotten parasites destroy my home, body an dlife for their entertainment and profit and theft of ideas which I write drugged and tortured about how sick and disgusting they are. Fighting to write so I can have, one day, the career I have always been working for. Too drugged up and sick and paralyzed to function. Perpetually fighting to get health care as my country denied me health care, and no doctor could have saved me but if t hey only, at all these hospitals and health care clinics and alternative medicine places would have just informed me of the death they were participating in by not informing me that they must keep silent, so the bigot black managers of the clinics could get more funding and more free promotions and etc etc so, Ms Harris, whatcha gonna do actually when the reality of racism that is not expressed or acknowledged is put to your decision-making capabilities? I really want these rotten creeps off me and my cat(s) returned, (if possible the dog I rescued here in Phuket as well). The hacking is making t yping so impossible at this moment--the "I" key is being replaced by the "u" key, the "k" key is repeated--etc etc I want this crap stopped I never want to help these rotten creeps to get more promotions by being forced into having a baby with some loveless bigot creep, his whore blonde Nazi or whatever his pig ape partner is--I don't care, whether female or male, all are disgusting towards me, all are in top positions in the H-wood whore media complex and in politics at this time. I never want to help them. they have ordered their creeps to sever part of my uterus. My body is wracked with scars, blemishes and broken bones and vertebrae and my physical outward appearance is broken down from endless repoisoning and chemicals smeared into my hair, and skin and orifices every single day. They are trying to make my teeth fall out by severing gum tissue in the area that they broke--two lower teeth nearly broken off, the gum tissue slightly severed off every single day for almost two years now---on and on--my toe broken as I wrote yesterday, they keep severing skin tissue between the broken toe and the 2nd toe--blocking blood flow, destroying my left foot, and the left side of my body is completely hard and inflexible because of hard poisons forming a ridge that you can pound with your fist and it is hard as rock--on that side, from my hips into my skull, and more on the other side because my body counterbalanced the intrusion. Now almost 10 years of detoxification while they torture me on a 24 7 basis. All loving people and animals killed or blocked from me. All human beings either avoid me or participate in this. I am thus dependent upon you, Ms. Harris, for stopping this brutal crime. I do not belong to your black group, nor to any group. I have tried to be part of some fun and happy collective but I was too drugged and lied to all my life to understand the real malevolence that encompassed every single thing I did and have struggled to achieve all my life. Please, Ms Harris, stop this crime against me. I have been asking people to stop this and these parasites for over 10 years on Facebook. So many famous people know about this situation and I remain absolutely waiting for someone to actually be more than a lying participant hypocrite in this malicious death torture squad international team. The stalking is atrocious in the United States alone. Until people are willing to acknowledge this situation at higher levels, and that would mean a complete paradigm shift in the media complex, as actor after "liberal" talk show host, punk rockers operating with openly known Nazis out of Europigland creeps, sicko psychos--how can Americans actually not understand how much they are under attack by this group of lying, facetious psycho crap? But I ask you Ms. Harris to stop this US government policy of destroying my life and stop these media and mafia and Nazi bigots from inflicting their ugliness and sleaze scum on me any longer. I have been waiting for years as male bigot black and white keep the rotten parasites in their places because they endorsed them for political power. That must be changed if you don't want more people being killed in the streets or in the covert activities of their private lives by ignorant and stupid bigots who can't stand to see anyone better them if real equality were "allowed".

THAILAND CHAOS OUT OF ORDER OUT OF CHAOS out of New World Order Illuminati philosophy (see video where claims of "Illuminati Conspiracy" claims against Thai Future Forward Party opposition to current military coup government).

What I published on Facebook this evening, which brought upon an avalanche of hacking and blocks. At this moment, fighting to simply copy and paste what I had written is nearing impossible stage. Spinning cursors and blocked, frozen pages are the norm and obtaining anything I want to open is almost near impossible. Blocks so bad I had to fight to get the computer to restart. I then had to fight to get the computer to not shut down completely after restarting, the computer screen went black and would not start again. This is a brand new computer. I can't open a browser, open pages, and then switch from page to page without waiting for almost 5 minutes as the pages freeze and nothing works. The backspacing is even being hacked, backspacing to correct the typos and inserts and deletions. The volume level, which I had put at 100%, had been changed to 88%. Know that the number 88 is a racist symbol equating to the number 8, "h" in the alphabet--|"..Heil Hitler" . Most people know this but I had to add it as an important addition for those not in the number symbolism for this insidious group. My posts below connect Nazis and Imperialists and Colonialists to the Thai fight for Democracy. Surprisingly the Thai people do not equate the foreign investor hoards to their current military coup government....?! Not a word about foreign influence in these protests. I fear that the Youth movements will not achieve much change ultimately. This may simply be a need for a power shift from the older generation to the younger, who are most willing to have foreign investors be their newest big Daddy sugar amusement park ride fantasy.  However, I have had to deal with a spate of the older, rusty, crusty, nasty older types who have been my landlords here in Thailand. The younger "hipster" generations are no less enthralled with Nazis overtaking the economy and country than the older crowd. Due to the hierarchical nature of the older paradigm of the elders having control over financial and other economic and societal factors, the younger want a chance to have their say in the Nazi overtake. Dismal theorizing about the future of these young generational protestors. This sentiment I did not write in the Facebook posts because the hacking makes writing almost impossible and my brain is under most assiduous attack so it is nearly impossible to simply think clearly much less write. However, the youth fighting for Democracy is a fresh air from the stale older generation which I have never seen as being clean, nice and in want of preserving a healthy, vibrant society. Instead they want the money from foreign investment and not to be in the position of impoverished and degraded tin-shack life. The harsh reality that Phuket was and is now being transformed out of. However, the transformation is akin to "gentrification" in urban areas of cities in the US. The racist "gentrification" is what I am referring to. The young simply want a chance to make money out of the investment fortunes instead of being confined to obedient children following the orders of their parents. The same obsequiousness is apparent in the youth, in regard to Nazi control and subservience therein.

All I write now, in the last few sentences, are in same theme as the similarities between Thai politics and the current catastrophic situation enveloping America at this very moment and going into the future. Not referring to the older generation with a controlled youth population as drastically apparent as in Thailand, but a similar theme of all generations subservient to Nazi philosophy. The Nazi-controlled bigots of H-wood are akin to the crusty older generation controlling the youth of Thailand--it's a psychological control, overseen by European investors and imbued unto youth culture of media hype programming and brainwashing.

Hacking is making this impossible to get out:


1st post:

"Earlier on Monday, dozens of government supporters rallied in front of Parliament, saying the student protests could threaten Thailand's monarchy, which they consider a sacred institution.
In a sign of a more coordinated opposition to the students, nationalist activist Sumet Trakulwoonnoo, 46, announced a new pro-government group, the Coordination Center of Vocational Students for the Protection of National Institutions (CVPI).
"We're setting up to remind youth groups, parents, teachers and officials about the danger to the nation from these people who are instigating youth to become godless and obsessed with Western culture, do drugs and hate their parents and teachers," Sumet told reporters.Earlier on Monday, dozens of government supporters rallied in front of Parliament, saying the student protests could threaten Thailand's monarchy, which they consider a sacred institution.
In a sign of a more coordinated opposition to the students, nationalist activist Sumet Trakulwoonnoo, 46, announced a new pro-government group, the Coordination Center of Vocational Students for the Protection of National Institutions (CVPI).
"We're setting up to remind youth groups, parents, teachers and officials about the danger to the nation from these people who are instigating youth to become godless and obsessed with Western culture, do drugs and hate their parents and teachers," Sumet told reporters."


To paraphrase: Satanically-controlled children protesting the Monarchy in the form of a militarized Senate and military Coup d'état Prime Minister with over 200 top military officials leading Thai Senate positions. Evil children who do not understand that they are POSSESSED by evil music and drugs protesting a good, gracious monarchy which represents a military take-over coup d'état!!!! Oh my. Children must be controlled.

Student protesters, royalists hold rival rallies in Thailand


2nd post:

Thai students in Bangkok protesting the military coup government. A brief synopsis of the current situation and discontent.


3rd post:

...and I'm just sitting here in front of frozen, inoperable pages as hackers force blocks to even opening the YouTube page--. I have spent now more than one hour fighting to open less than 10 pages, turning the computer off and on, fighting to click on sites. I just cleaned out the system yesterday. 

the next video has a bit more coverage. Starts with a news anchorperson--I cannot decide if this is a Ladyboy or a female commentator?!  Ladyboys are extremely popular in Thailand. My biased opinion on this is that the Nazis are really mostly gay and love having transvestites hanging off their arms instead of having to hide in their own native, European countries. Thais always adapt to what their controllers want out of them. Sorry, a very true but "nasty" comment on my part. This is an unfortunate comment I am making that is openly inpolitically-correct but absolutely TRUE SO TRUE it's painful for them but it is a horrid reality of the reality of colonialisation.


4th post:

I began to delve into the political reality of how opposition is quelled in an absolutely one-party (Totalitarian) regime when controlled by Nazis (or anything resembling this organization which has it's roots in millennial regime after regime). The outright corruption in this case, which I write of, is the looming and current fiasco confronting the United States. The same group which controls the Thai system undermines the US system. I have written of this for years. This is based on my observation and living in many countries and having to be forced to be around absolutely villainous Nazis and their partners in many countries. I have been thrust into their inner circles at times, and at other times and at this moment have seen how they operate politically and on an individual level. Micro always equates to macro in most systems (which is the As above so below philosophy that they create and believe in).


Outright accusations of being part of "an Illuminati Conspiracy" by Thai, but Nazi (=Illuminati) controlled Thai coup d'état court.

Future Forward Party with it's very good-looking leader--dissolved under disputed context of "anti-Constitutional" investment in the media--disavowed by leader of Future Forward Party, but upheld by the opposition coup d'état Prime Minister's court system.

Which would you choose for your leader? Old, cranky, crusty, nasty military Nazi-controlled military Totalitarian regime puppet, or young, pro-Democracy pro-Marijuana youthful intelligent good-looking guy who is also capable of efficient and more beneficent leadership?

 further commentary on this subject:

After dissolution of Future Forward Party, Thai Constitutional Court bans all top leaders of the party from participating in any political party activities for max penalty of TEN YEARS

(again, hacking is making writing impossible--brain-altering tech making thinking nearly impossible except at basic levels, unable to access vocabulary or theoretical concepts). hackers are now blocking typing so badly I have to pound down, which always happens, on the keyboard so hard it is painful to fight to get anythign to print. Words won't appear on the page afte I type, with typos inserted after I wait and the frozen words finally appear. Etc etc all repeated day after day. I wonder how America has allowed such a system to become an overwhelming force of murder, rape and torture which is NEVER acknowledged even by activists fighting against a government they claim is a fascist tyranny under Trump. This also is parallel to the Thai situation, where the shouting, angry "youth" in the streets fighting for their "freedom" also allow covert fascism to intervene between their aspirations to become powerful in their career and financial hopes, but not to "allow" people "like me" to have a chance. this is not a victim plaintive complaint. Fighting to write white struggling to think and explicate the political happenings in Thailand, as paralled with American death squad culture, compared to the young Thai wanna be yuppie culture---inabiity to type inability to think due to their blocks. The people mostly doing the nasty work towards me are younger people. The older rancid ones instruct their children to attack me but on behest of the bigot white controller Nazi investors who pay them and tell them what to say, do and how far to bend over as they pump in the mind control programming for all generations.

This ties into the H-wood actors and Americans who take orders from their fascist Europ-ape controllers who pay them to perform the Nazi scripts which are relayed into the media mind programming brainwashing propaganda multi-billion dollar regime.

And here in Thailand, selling youth culture like Coke: good-looking very Westernized Thai personality, a media personality actually! Selling youth Freedom dope mind control brainwashing. The change will be demographic socioeconomic but definitely not who and what ultimately controls over these youth cultures (the predatorial Europigape pensioners prefer to have juicy young sugar children to sell their propaganda and also to be their investment portals and otherwise other portals).


….waiting waiting waiting for hackerz to stop blocking me fighting to just copy and download one YouTube page--took at least 2 minutes. 30 minutes later: frozen computer, pages absolutely frozen. This blog page was almost completely deleted before I could publish the mere scant content above. I clicked on publish and the page froze and then disappeared. I have not re-read this post to endlessly backspace and re-edit what hackers rewrote, deleted, pasted and then strung-together sentences and deleted parts of paragraphs.

It is impossible for me to finish this. At this moment I am able to type. But one hour of simply waiting for pages to stop freezing so I can click on sites to copy and paste here. When the day comes that this sick group is stopped from this tyranny, will be when Youth Culture isn't trying to be as fascist as their older, rotten generation but actually allows freedom for all, with absolute flexibility in leadership to the point that calcified older rancid corrupt generations are not taken-over by younger, not yet corrupted visibly but rotten and trained to be corrupt and rotten youth fighting for their "freedom" to exploit but not be exploited. That is the lesson the Vietnam hippie movement showed me, for a large part, and I was at first delighted that something at least not craggy and ugly and old was fighting for power in Thailand. THIS IS A DECEPTION. (the hackers just blocked function of the remote keyboard, after making letters appear in a string of repeats as in a line of rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr when I typed one single r). Back to fighting to remember what is also being blocked from my short-term memory.

The youth culture fighting against older hierarchies are, like the Vietnam era that I encountered, fighting to take the place of their corrupt parents and assuming corporate ownership instead of having to wait and be content to follow older hierarchical standards. It has taken me over 10 minutes to type out these last two paragraphs! I also noticed that in the interim of waiting, hackers changed tenses of sentences, so past tense and present tense were intermingled while I was waiting for the pages to appear.

I would have typed the above two paragraphs in less than 2 minutes if there were no hacking. That literally is how quickly I can type if not encumbered by their attacks. I write this because I cannot finish this post. I cannot publish it, I cannot click on YouTube to copy and paste the URL's. I cannot think to create a blog without writing about how I am being blocked. That is the only content that is not blocked, is writing about how I am being blocked. Otherwise, any real political thought is being censored by this hacking and brain hacking manipulation. Plus drugging and detox from decades of poisoning. Plus recurrent and non-stop poisoning and drugging, leaving me paralyzed and stuck in a room for years, breathing in poisons that are sprayed into my room daily, not having access to fresh air most of the time due to mechanical arms spraying more toxic sprays on clothing and blankets while I sit here at the farthest end of the room at this "kitchen" table. Not having a screen door and not able to afford it. Any screen door will be severed so mechanical arms are inserted. This has happened before. Thus I write about this drama and the fatigue of struggling to remain a happy person and always under attack while paralyzed and stuck in this position, in this place. Always waiting for someone to actually not conform to fascist, Nazi standards and actually support or help me (without being murdered or shunned away from me, and told all kinds of lies about me and always under threat if they don't follow orders). I wait for the time when this standard of behavior and these organizations are completely destroyed so people "like me" can write their political views on a blog and not be blocked from mainstream internet search and participation, in my "free" country of the United States (not really, is it?).

In struggling just to simply surf, type I cannot finish or even begin to explicate my ideas. The H-wood rapist teleporters and their consorts and CHILDREN participating but they "represent" youth culture--who aspire to become as powerful as their rotten, rancid controllers who train their parents on how to become fascist tyrants selling "youth culture" freedom in H-wood and in celebrity billion dollar industry portals of repetitious hype (from my experiences, ideas that are unique are stolen from people they can't stand and want to essentially see murdered slowly and tortured to death--all stolen beforehand--the usual Colonialist philosophy paradigm--never shifting, just calcifying from generation-to-generation). The H-wood is selling younger sugar children calicified geriatric power strategies. Pedophiles abound selling children as symbols of their control as the children are selling "freedom" from control but can't wait to oppress anyone they can. Generation after generation this same orchestrated cycle, a stress relief valve for society--ensues. One pressure cooker situation is 

decompressed by youthful revolution, only to replace their masters and then sell of revolution as a billion dollar industry. Welcome to Hollywhorewood, USA. Welcome to Wall Street and Welcome to the White House Public Relations Department, USA.


Next video I posted on Facebook, which engendered this hostile DOS series of attacks, with the usual endless hacking and keyboard hacks and blocks:

"Thai student protests flare over opposition party ban"


next post, nearing the end of this struggle to relieve myself of this burden of thought--a burden because struggling to type makes it an arduous task of fighting to type and think due to all these extraneous blocks and impositions. Thank you Hollywhorewood, USA and propaganda 88 public relations White House, Inc.

I wrote on FAcebook:

Kidsz not on dope running for Democracy and away from (Nazi=Illuminati controlled, puppet string greed investors eating up all the natural beauty$$$$$) Dictatorship---

GO BABY or adults or concerned intelligent reformers GO BABY GO RUN AND DANCE AND RECREATE!!!

What a way to out-maneuver anti-protest tyrannical laws (put in the name of respecting the Monarchy--Lese Majeste).

and then, finally, I posted this video and then I spent more than one hour fighting to copy and paste these few paragraphs and sentences onto this page. More than one hour, nearing two hours to do just this little bit of typing and editing on this computer. I also can't change the font size as the hackers have forced this huge font to appear. I am exhausted from fighting to stop the endless changes to the page so this will remain at this HUGE SIZE.

...but in this way of absolute blocks to my laptop and my body, brain and everything else, I have many creative ideas for creative fiction, and I am absolutely drugged, blocked and unable to write or create anything. The W-H wood terrorists teleporting and attacking me are literally using mind reading tech to steal ideas because I am so blocked from even writing a basic theme or getting into any detail due to all these hacks. I wonder how long it will take, if ever, that anyone ever stops this attack on me so I can begin to write probably, at this point of decades of inaction in writing and any kind of career in creativity fields---just to get out a basic sophomoric story or creative writing or anything is really IMPOSSIBLE, literally it is impossible for me to accomplish anything the attacks come from all angles, all the time, non-stop, from more than a million people more than millions.

I also want to add, upon having clicked on the video, that the protestors are emulating a Hollywhorewood movie "The Hunger Games" and this three-finger salute as symbol of protest. How disgruntling it is to see that this fallacy of belief that Whorewood can actually symbolize anything but an oppressive fascist regime brainwashing youth culture into "freedom" protests so they can sell more movies, products and "youth culture" "freedom". Always undermining all with subliminal content advertising absolute racism, with absolutely fascist Nazi actors, writers, directors, producers...



I am so glad that this has upset these disgusting hackers and these creeps operating these attacks. I so do hope that what I write will inspire people to think along less fascist programming lines of thought.

Hackers have made using my laptop nearly impossible: after posting on Facebook about politics.

I am talking about frozen pages, spinning cursor symbol on page, not able to even turn the laptop off to restart the computer. Unable to click on a page and open and close and/or.  

I just did a recovery for the system, reinstallation of Windows just yesterday. Within one minute of having turned on the WiFi connection, malware was so bad that problem was as bad as before I did the recovery.

Also, I have "lost" my aluminum hat in the mess of a bunch of new stuff I bought because terrorists have made my home so filthy, stinking--blankets and pillows rotten from sprays ruining all fabrics--repeatedly,  (years and years of this).

all the new things (now with threads ripped off the fabric by terrorist stalkers coming in, or mechanical arms coming from all the multiple portals---

but, the hacking becomes a block to writing--the brain-altering tech makes writing nearly impossible except at a basic, nearly pre-sophomoric level possible.

I lost my aluminum hat because I have so many things on the stinking, filthy fungus-smeared cheap couch thing where I have to stack all these new things. I am trying to make a new bedsheet but I have to sew pieces of satin material together to make my own version of a new bedsheet. I am so ill from detox and recurrent poisoning and drugging that I can barely get two things done all day, and have to rest all day. That means I cannot move because my body is so ill from poisoning detox (body cells literally ripped out of my body daily, as the teleporting terrorists operate with the nasty terrorists in the rooms and condo where I am attacked on a 24/7 basis).

today, sleeping nearly all day from sickness as more poison that had calcified and hardened into my body--coming out--horrid sickness, horrid. While in a deep healing sleep, teleported to abusive teleporters out of H-wood torturing me for fighting against their rape, torture and non-stop violence. My body, with the technology and microchip implants, breathing with difficulty as my larynx, my throat, my chest, my heart were palpitating, hard to breathe while fighting to sleep from healing from poisoning pouring out of my body after more than 9 years of this going on and on day and night.

But, I really need my aluminum hat because it helps at the slightest marginal way, which is marginally better than this convoluted contorted inability to think and write (always going off into tangents within the middle of a sentence, while fighting to type).

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).