MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
OMG!! Actual close-ups of celebrities teleporting me without make-up or plastic surgery coating! Under a microscope!!
Hacker/ terrorist report: Access to another "TI" Blog series of posts now blocked and removed after writing about discovering them through Blogger yesterday.
What I had written was that I accessed a completely different set of posts through a direct URL search, as opposed to what came up on my "subscriptions" to other blogs through Blogger. The site is Ongangstalking.blogspot.com. I have been reading some of Rachel Orban's posts for a few years, randomly but at first nearly daily. It is so rare that I find what I believe to be another legitimate targeted person that, really, she has been the one and only I can commiserate with through her written experiences. Her financial destitution, and her descriptions and other sets of points that are noteworthy have always drawn me into her blog.
I wrote about the two almost completely different versions yesterday, the accidental find that I could access her real posts on the "reading list" on Blogger. Today, the subscription has been deleted. I had to "add" her blog once again, and discovered that what had been posted just yesterday is now completely deleted and other posts have replaced what I had wanted to read yesterday--I was too sick to concentrate. The detox and the recurrent poisoning have made reading an impossibility for me (meaning reading beyond a 5-minute time-frame.. Also, my brain is under attack whenever I attempt to read or do anything requiring concentration.
That I even wrote such a post demonstrates to me how my "defenses" are lowered to the point of susceptibility to subconscious alteration of any protective mental capacity. This always happens in any public setting as well. I smile and laugh while I am attacked verbally and it "comes out" immediately, without forethought.
Typing right now is becoming impossible and extremely arduous to just pound down on the keys to get anything out.
I had to backspace and retype words more than 24 times per sentance by the time I finally got so exasperated I had to stop trying.
Words I had spelled correctly were underlined with red by the spelling/hacked system. When I tried to write various specific words that require more than a 3rd grade level of vocabulary, the red underlining began. I could not write and my brain was blocked so I had to find synonyms instead of writing the word I had intended (words , in this case I "lost" memory of how to spell words and the hacking is so bad, it takes so long to type and open pages and do any search that I normally just "give up" on using what comes to mind and writing the next word that is some similar concept. Thus the writing style is a bit scattered in contextual adhesion.
Also, the cursor moves whenever I try to retype a word I click on the letters Ineed to delete or backspace or insert, and the cursor immediately moves to another line or word. As I type right now it's in this impossible mode--letters I type won't operate and my fingers operate like I can't control my movements.
When I wrote earlier that my mood and emotional state is also always affected means that in public places I have lost all defenses against verbal and financial attack. I cannot count sums and I lose all calculations when I use any manual calculator.
The paragraph just below is so badly retyped by hackers--I am going to leave it as it was hacked instead of rewriting: you can observe how the tense is changed within one sentence. You can see how the sentences make no sense whatsoever because the hackers delete parts of sentences and then rewrite and then string parts of deleted sentences together--the paragraph below is a prime example of their "crazy-making" discrediting operations.
I want to add these because, this is on my list for people who are GOING TO stop this attack upon me will have to also protect me from, and block out, and fight for human rights against these encroachments of functioning and performance which will be, and is already, being aimed at people who, unlike me, are unaware of the poor performances that are foisted upon them so others can supercede them. Others who are not superior but inferior in talent or capability.
Now I am going to rewrite the paragraph as I had written it first: "I wanted to add these ideas because what I explain of these attacks I intend to become a list of operations YOU who think you care about society should fight to protect me and yourselves against.
I had written something to that purpose, much deleted and rewritten afterdelting and stringing the broken sentences together. Right now, as I type letters won't appear after I press them so I must either pound down on keys with all strngth or stop writing.
WHEN WILL YOU REACING THIS EVER STOP THIS CRIME AGAINST ME? I want a career I have been fighting now for decades to stop this torture situation, to get a Master's DEgree, to get simple health care--I sit here daily with a bloated huge bulge of hard opison and stinking poisons hanging off my body because they keep me poisoned and I cannot stop the poisoning--I have been writing about this murder attempt for YEARS andonly more crap pig apes out of that infernal H-wood scene keep joining in on the "fun" to obtain ideas and then posting their smiling rotten faces after being promoted into lead positions in the mdia, all wards going to these rotten creeps who attack me--the more they threaten me the more awards they get.
Meanwhile, the concepts I do manage to pound out continue to be regurgitated back to me on my YouTube front page when I open--words I have written that express some more creative use of vocabulary, which means they are identifiable (and copied in exact sequence that I write them) are repeated in someone else's movie, video about conspiracy theories, and their "art work" or writings about corruption or control or other theorist types of works (which are so popular now and gaining more momentum almost daily).
I express all of this to gain support because I have been not merely "thwarted" from obtaining any sort of career or financial solvency, but to be tortured non-stop AFTER people obtain ideas, called stupid and "shut up bitch" with subliminals I can hear continuously hissing into my "inner ear" through these non-audible voice-to-skull (or whatever tech is being used for these nefarious purposes). Non-stop deformation of my body and block to my every financial support and my life continuously under dire threat in so many forms of abrasive attack it is nearly incalculable at this point.
I wanted to write that my intellectual property is continuously being stolen, even if I have no chance to fight to get what I want to write written, and then if I can write anything, to get it published-as all is blocked--and I mean just to publish this blog has already proven that all is silenced in all that I write except for this select group hacking in.
Waiting, waiting for this hate crime to be STOPPED so I can earn money and live in peace. They want a "baby" out of me. What a disgusting concept to be forcedinto after YEARS OF torture and murder attempts.
BUT INSTEAD, THESE HATE ACTORS AND OTHERS ARE VYING TO FORCE AN EXTREMELY UNWATNED "BABY" OUT OF ME--after they have had part of my uterus severed and cut out because I was fighting to stop being raped (teleported).
In a similar vein: yesterday I tried to count the numbers of ideas that have been stolen by these criminals over the years--and the list is so long, even now there is a movie out with lyrics to songs, and on the album of this disgusting singer, that paraphrase or literally verbatim copy what I wrote a few months ago on Facebook.There are now endless viceos of this rotten sick personality on my YouTube page in addition to the endless lsit of the actors and the others.
It is all so vile and rotten.
I can't even recall the ideas, there have been so many stolen. I wrote about almost all of them on Facebook--but that too is absolutely hacked and deleted and altered by this group.
I am also extremely drugged up every single day--sitting in sickness all day, every day, partially from detoxification that has lasted 10 years (in February the detox will be at a 10 year length of time--before that I had severe diarrhea for over 10 years and was fighting for my life to understand and get help for the idiopathic "illness" that I had no ideas was due to poisoning. All doctors, hospitals and everyone around me kept me in a lifetime of lies. That means at least many thousands of people have been participating in this an keeping the silence, silencing, and the stigmatization for all my life--
Almost all of the men who have teleported and raped me within the last year have lso threatened to murder me. They are now top awarded actors, receiving publicity that is worldwide and have been handed every top prize for acting and other promotions that are the most coveted in the industry.
They disgust me. That is all I can ever say or write about them, hacking or not. Mind control or not. After years of their insidious heinous behavior no amount of drugging or mind control could ever induce me to believe they are good looking, intelligent (on the real level of human interaction) or anything but sick and perverted "elitists" who are emulating the worst that humanity has de-evolved into--not apparently visible in their posturing roles for the public, but you can see their huge support base shottingpeople in the streets of Kenosha and murdering people in the streets of Minneapolis and elsewhere the situations are farse worse. In places like Mali there are no celebrity huge movie industries to tout pretenses of equal rights. In that country, the UN has condemned the coup which, according to Mali prisoners of that country (societal prisoners) has removed a deadly ad corrupt regime but not according to these news slingers who crank out mental dope about even worse apartheid systems than those in the US which create this murder culture that is now battling the BLM movements in the streets of the "Developed" countries.
When you sheeple creeple ignore my years of writing begging for murder attempts,rape and torture to be stopped and you silence me by your apathetic do-nothing "scared to get targeted" stance, or just that you really don't give a damn and shrug it off--but stil posturing inyour liberal stances caring about "safe" situations that resemble outright genocidal hate crimes but not when it comes to your coveted cherished mind control technology and the outcome of your media representation ensconced therein.
Keys are no longer operating or functioning properly and my fingers are twisted and tangled because my brain is under so much attack.
I determined yesterday to stop writing for a while, but I can never get accustomed to this crime that remains ongoing and for years writing about these atrocities that people just laugh about or do nothing about.
I wait for you people to care or for something to change this and stop these criminals and their rotten organization. I want my own house in my own name, in a safe, clean and happy location, around people who are fun and not filthy sleazy disgusting criminals participating in this crime (all those who participate are smeared or besmirched in one way or another just by contact with this group).
BAckspacing now, the space bar wont work at all now. Can't type any longer.
Please get these disgusting creeps off me. My own home, my cats returned, get them off me why is no one ever coming to defend me I sit here being mutilated every day, poisoned and drugged, writinga bout it for years--every famous personality in the media I believe is involved or knows about this yet you all keep coming up with your "anti_Trump" crap--what crap it's disgusting seeing all of you and your crappy songs and movies and tv shows
It is so hard to concentrate, type words out, write without backspacing every single word--fighting to use my brain my fingers and this keyboard and then my brain is attacked so I just begin to curse almost
I can't stand these people who are demanding a baby out of me--they are ugly and slezy nasty stupid and crap
get them off me please get them off me with this baby crap they are demanding get them off me
let me live in peace--this is over 10 years of 24 hour torture and me begging president after president to stop allowing your celebrity endorsers to remain doing this to me because your bigot Nazi network in the media is represented by Europigape Nazis, fascist Communists out of all other countries where freedom of expression is absolutely blocked and limited.
When I say/write that these fascist countries that control H_wood and much of AMericn politics have blocked freedom of expression--they have an open art system, but th system of internal control involves these forms of covert assassiations, theft of ideas and the stolen ideas reformatted into fascist templates and regurgitated back as formulaic plots and plot devices. The conformity to mediocrity prevails in such places and they are effectively transferring this system into the H-wood and American media through the greed puppet machinations that keep the greedy usurping and stealing from the needy, who should not be needy but are blocked due to the greedy. THey call themselves "elite" and this system of brain-damage mind control and financial bankruptcy is how they enforce a system of bland mediocrity which is always awards the perpetrators with every highest prize in the medi and in other vital spheres where freedom is essential. I mean the Freedom thatisnot a downpressing operation against competitors or those who are against a system of hierarchical "entitlement". I hope the Progressive movement would be something that might alleviate such dire consequences if put into power, but already I have been sexually assaulted by a rotten male (black) who represents this Progressive movement.His face also always appears on my searches and youtube pages (I keep going onto youtube to watch news segments and things like that--as the news is very important right now) . I can't fight and struggle to pound down any longer. My brain and head feel like I am being spun around, I can't think or write and this is al I can manage to barely get out
Sunday, August 30, 2020
H-Wood: BRING BACK POLANSKI for quality profundity in the midst of bigot, racist, Nazi-sponsored, mafia enforced mediocre thought programming into a hate, death and violence sphere..
BRAVO BRAVO BRAVISSIMO POLANSKI epitome of classy director who bears no resemblance to the rape culture of H-wood and their mediocrity movies
I wish POLANSKI to return to LA and to H-wood so there will be excellent cinema in America --an increase in films that cannot be gauged by the inferior competitors of bigot, Nazi, black/white only wealthy lives except for Jews who don't matter lives who ""matter" Nazi-mafia H-wood.
AN OFFICER AND A SPY-- I have not felt as delighted and engrossed in a very long time. I did watch a movie repeatedly due to excellent acting and directing, but the theme is of murder and I just want some film that expresses some kind of epitome of some realization of the higher levels of life that can be attained to combat a hate and racist culture instead of a droopy hate movie expressing the need for murder and violence to sustain a rebellion that will lead to the catastrophic overtake of more controlling leadership as a result of the brainwashing of these violence and murder-propaganda films. Chaos lead to restructuring of a NEW ORDER and I believe these Nazi-mafia funded movies are exactly created for that purpose--of course with these "liberal" hate genocide "liberals" taking more power and control but always posturing with huge, glowing smiles as "other people" murder and create chaos for "THEM" to "control" in the end with a harsh death regime--no creativity allowed except for solidified structuresof boxes and mental prisons---thus, the hate for a "Jew" like Polanski who would raise the "bar"too high for their mediocre hate limitations.
The movie:
A movie about anti=Semitism, made by (in part) a survivor of the Holocasst whose family had been murdered by the predecessors of Nazi mafia H-wood and it's hate programming. Denied membership on bogus claims of being a predator (although perhaps he did screw around) but NOTHING in comparison with the SILENCING of the worst predators, Nazis, mafia, bigots, Commuists, infiltrators, traitors--endlessly awarded by the NAZI MAFIA H-WOOD BIGOT CARTELS OF MIND PROGRAMMING MEDIOCRITY.Please note also that I am pounding down on the keyboard and hacking is rife. My brain is under attack and I cannot get my thoughts out in a more elegant form. The attacks no my brain also induce hyperbolic emotional reactions. My disgust for these rapist bigots and their #ME TOO kill the Jew feminists are the basis for this hate rant that sounds "crazy".
Of course, right now, I feel dizzy and nauseous from these brainwave attacks. I am under absolutely strong brain-altering attack as I write. I do not try to sound egregiously offensive and like a ranting conspiracy theorist. What I write is based on the REALITY of the hate acts committed against me by the representatives of hypocritical media out of H-wood. ALL OF THE ACTORS AND DIRECTORS INVOLVED have Europ-a backing and these "people" sit quietly in the background, after telling these rampant rabid actors to assault me in very deadly, disgusting ways. All recorded I have no doubt and probably accessible as evidence if only people would obtain these videos that must have been made you can see the Europ-a's sitting smug and smiling as the blacks and whites rush to rape and torture and assault me in every conceivable way so the Europ-a's will promote them, hand them deals, promotions because they OWN H-WOOD.
Polanski is one of the great directors not only in production but in theme of his movies--not close to the K-rap coming out of H-wood. I hope this hate culture and it's hypocritical hate mongering actors and directors will be replaced by quality and not anti-semitic blacks,jews or other "sell-out"minorities alongside their bigot white supremacist genocide hate "masters" urging them to attack me or anyone else as symbol of their affiliation to the lying hate genocide structure that is firmly in place--I hope it is toppled forever and replaced by quality art depicting higher and more noble virtues of life and of love and of peace and quality with chances for great quality people to also participate in the media art empire that I so wish were on this planet instead of this hate, bigot, Nazi mafia-funded and protected cartel.
Hacker terrorist deletion of vital hardware components I just discovered. How to re-install? Hmmmm endless research while pages and applications are being blocked to prevent me from finding my own solutions to what they deleted out of the hard drive system while they are blocking web searches for information....
I see now that the terrorist hackers have deleted the USB generic hub and other necessary components of my hard drive system operations.
When I open up the device manager there are a list of faxes, copiers and other copying devices listed under the device manager. The remote laptop I bought has stopped working, from one second to the next. I keep it absolutely protected, clean. In attempting to fix this, I have uninstalled the drivers and fought to open the USB hub components in the Device Manager. The list that should have been fully loaded into this system have all been deleted.
I have to try to discover if these generic hub systems and universal serial bus controllers can somehow be reinstalled through some system. It will be perhaps impossible with all the hacking and intrusions. As I type right now on the laptop keyboard, the hacker blocks, inserts and malfunctioning of the keyboard remains as bad as with the cheap remote laptop I always use.
The device manager shows a list of copy machines and fax machines added to my device manager list for external components. None of any of them are mine, I can assure readers of that. The terrorists enter into my room and plug in their copy machines and do something with these copy machines and faxes to my system--my hacking skills are almost at null level so I have absolutely no idea what they are doing. People are hacking into my system all the time with this "open door" WiFi system. I delete the external systems and once I return, they are added onto the device manager page once more.
as always, while I type the space bar stops working, I see my hands in the light of the laptop completely damaged from the years of chemicals smeared on my skin by the terrorists entering into my room while I sleep. Right now, simply fighting to type these few words is almost impossible. The keys won't operate and I must pound down almost with all my finger and hand strength to get words out, and for the spacebar to operate at all.
It's all so disgusting, all of you mostly all and your disgusting tactics of destroying what I have worked to achieve and all you steal and rob and then destroy of me, everything possible and never ending
trying to get this done--just to add the drivers that should have been operating on this system have all been deleted.
I have subscribed to one other blog, and when I accidentally opened another page, I realize that this page was not hacked and the posts that I had access to were rewritten by hackers and many of her posts I should have had access to have been deleted from me just opening her site. Her information is about stalking and terror operations that I also encounter. Her page and posts are blocked or actually re-written on the page that the terrorist hackers assume I only use to access her writings. If only I had people to entrust my recent discovery to, I could demonstrate more easily that I am being targeted. Of course, all of you reading this want to exploit me as much as possible so ...no chance of any of you reading this NOW on this date and in this space are completely undeniably terminated.
when I get off this laptop and move away from the system, wonderful ideas I am not able to access come back while I am laying down or doing some other task in this room.My brain is completely wiped out, memory and access to information and conceptual and creative output are all literally blanked and blocked from my access or retrieval when I am in front of this system (or in places where I have to deal with other people).
I hope soon that this hate discrimination policy will be STOPED so Ican work and create instead of seeing hate nasty people be applauded for the ideas they have stolen from me, then are treating me with absolute disdain and hate because I have not accomplished anything in the realm of public approval, while they continue to block my every attempt to do so.
It is now so lugubrious to type I am giving up again. I think Iwill have to buy another remote laptop and hope all the drivers are not permanently deleted. I just did a "recovery" operation, wiping out old date and reinstalling Windows and that did not solve the problem whatsoever.
The recovery process is also corrupted and made inoperable and remotely hacked and blocked.
I just re-read the above post and the hacker revision and rewriting is not as bad as when using the remote keyboard. The hackers DID of course rewrite some of the sentences which are strung together and are hard to understand. Like cryptic language and bad grammar and inarticulate incomprehensibility--that is what the hackers rewrite into my every post.
Without having to go back and struggle to retype what was rewritten so it makes little sense: the part about trying to access another blog site on Blogger--a site that appears completely different when I open the page using a URL . When I access the blog through other means that have not been blocked by this terrorist group, I can easily see that the few posts that were not blocked were rewritten and posted in my direct link, but remained her own writing on the more indirect access to her page (I do not know the exact code words for these tasks on the computer/internet system. My lack of knowledge regarding many technical instruments of communication like the internet have been thwarted by years of poisoning and drugging and sickness that have left me too dehabilitated to study, research of concentrate-I am still stymied by these drugging restrictions to my forward acceleration of my quest in life---(I remain in this endless detox situation day-after-day now into almost 10 years while remaining helpless against more drugging of my food).
And thus, I can only circumvent the real terms I should have known by now on what the name of the URL code is, what language to use for these functions
at this point the hacking into the keyboard is so bad al I am doing is backspacing to fight to get any words out--I must pound down with all my hand and finger strength to stop the endless block of the keys and spacebar
her writings are accessible through other functions than writing her blog URL in the URL space. I must circumvent the normal pathways and only then, I can read her writings. Now having written this, probably those other pathways might be blocked as well.
Again, pounding down on keys with full hand and finger strength is more than I can handle
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Das Goldene Stuck Scheisse--(du bist Deutschland--see video below I did not make this up they did--Weiso?! Not a spelling mistake either and perhaps derived from WIZO).
For all you lazy ones, you can look up the translation lyrics if you have time or inclination (probably none of you will).
"Das Goldene Stuck Scheisse geht an DICH". Es geht nicht am Mich, aber....
Politischen richtung----
"Antifa...Antifa...wir sind die Antifa!!!!" la la la, la la la, la la la la la la la la (land)
Ein Band aus Maichingen, neben Stuttgart (ein Dorf in die nehen von Boeblingent).
Hacker terrorists operating operators operated by operations operatives cooperatives cooperation conglomerations congratulations to your award for the best actor(ress).
My food was poisoned/drugged again last night while I slept. Mechanical arms getting through some tiny crevice/hole in the cupboards, perhaps from some other space I cannot determine as there are crooked cupboard doors covering all cupboards in this tiny studio---
Emergency: my money has been cut off and I am facing death: A direct life-threatening situation from this terrorist group is in the real now financial. My money has been suspended. I have checked my mail and have been told either complete lies, or someone has alerted the agency which cut my money off. So tired from cleaning the stinking filth in my body the past week, and collapsing in utter sickness while being tortured non-stop, and then cleaning today muck and just checking and the funding has been "suspended" in red in my account. It is Saturday and the government office is closed until Monday, which means I have to wait over 48 hours to discover what I must do. They might demand that I go into a field office, which means I will have to
fly international to get an appointment because someone alerted them that I am not in the city--a probable reason there have been no problem...
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...