Friday, October 16, 2020

Blessed Be Bollocks (Nevermind(LOL


Enjoying watching this 70's drama and this particular actor who plays Augustus Caesar. Brian Blessed, at first I thought this an actor's moniker turned into stage name, but that is his real name. How telling a name can be and how it affects personality.

"I Claudius gets angry at Julia's whorishness" (YouTube title of video)

Blessed Brian blessed Be

As Augustus Caesar in I Claudius; you can easily see what a great sense of humor this coal-miner's son, playing greatest Caesar in this adaptation---robust and plausible coming from a Socialist background at that!

The mirth shines through:

Here the mirth shines like a light sabor in a tacky movie rendition of a bad golden-era gaddish bad rendition of Flash Gordon (I watched the old black and white in Middle school and it was as tacky back then as the 80's "cult classic" appears now).

Now his whorish cursing doth come shining through as an innocent playful play on words. Great Bollocks! Who wouldn't want a grandfather just like him to visit once a month or year or so (or much sooner every weekend? Can imagine the cursing if you were an unwanted guest lingering too long as a family member). Puttering around in his English garden and commenting on the bollocks Brexit bomb and it would be fun to listen to him as a wanted guest in his fireside chatting room. Just appears so jolly and fun. Don't want to encourage the rough side or scratch that wrath button nearly popping out of his body somewhere. A blast of wind, fun and energetic what a strong personality (enjoy watching him play Augustus Caesar, produced back in 1976 so he was a much younger man, but he still appears timeless almost old but young as he does now with a few more signs of aging but not much--exemplary personality at least superficially)....😑😑

Youtube title of video: 

Brian Blessed Has a Message for Coronavirus & Reveals Unbelievable Fitness Regime at 83 | Lorraine

The comment above, just above there! Was based on this "cursing compilation that has a lot of bollocks derived moxy---otherwise, the video above is a profound message to people not being targeted (if they are not white males who are told they are entitled to doing whatever they want and all dreams can come true! Regardless, don't let the bollocks get you down go and live your dreams, hopes and aspirations if they be true and delightful to the benefit of the human race in it's glory and wonderful mystery). The cursing and the flip side the profound:

Brian Blessed glorifies cursing for the tube people watching and finding in the midst of the mess,  messages of hope and cursing your way to fulfilling your dreams if only you can dare to curse and get applauded for it! 

"Bollocks Bollocks fuck shit fuck" so says the profound happy being paid to exemplify rough culture awarded in the media biz. In reality people would get upset if someone cursed like this repeatedly.

Yes indeed, Mr. Blessed is urging you to fly high, dream and dare, go beyond your limitations. However, if you are not a white male and you wanna fly high and are capable of flying higher than the culture that claims it is inherently superior, and you dare to dream and fly higher than those who make these fastidiously false claims but staunch in their effort to ELIMINATE the threat of competition. Yes, you can dare to fly and dream and do, but if you are "me" then the powers that propel people such as Blessed are poisoning and drugging me so I cannot achieve my goals and my hopes and dreams they taint with their foul bitter and ugly sinister life-screw. Not to dwell on this subject eternally, but 'tis a sad but true fact about flying higher than those who would pull you down. Makes me think of a 1970's English group of actors, in their post-Monty Python not funny sketch along the lines of dystopian suicide culture, from a movie called Brazil (a "cult classic"). But alas, a movie with a tragic ending about fulfilling one's dreams? Will reality have a happy ending I wonder if I dare to dream outside of their imprison machine and constraints?

Brazil (1985) a movie I find too sad to watch twice. I only thought of this mainly because it comes out of England and also has this theme of fulfilling your dreams. However, for the bollocks sod trying to fly high in the face of crushing Totalitarian technocracy, there is no flying high except in dreams one must die for if attempted in real life. 

 I so wonder if Mr. Blessed, with his blessed optimism, would ever INTERVENE in this "stalking" situation that has been forced upon me because I pursued my goals, strove to the best of my ability under severe drugging and attack situations (unbeknownst to me but everyone around me DID KNOW) and....attacked, nearly murdered in places like Pensacola when attending graduate school (put into another accident which I am currently fighting to heal with the onslaught of more attacks upon my body--i.e. the terrorists are cutting my lower teeth out of my jaw, slowly, along with my left toe which is being severed off every day the terrorists cut into the bone which is pointing at a completely skewed direction) and this is BECAUSE I worked and wanted to be my best wanted my own business wanted to have "success" and thus, my ideas are stolen for more than a decade non-stop, as I am blocked from every single avenue of pursuing my dreams. None of these super optimistic "you can do it" types, especially actors or famous wealthy people, have intervened or protected me. I seriously doubt Mr. Jolly cursing bollocks depending on mood would ever do a single thing to stop this attack upon me so I could also pursue my dreams and hopes. State-sponsored terrorism and getting involved could be "bad" for an actor's career. The same formulaic response of cranking out fake hope if you are not "targeted" but not lifting a finger to help those who strive to achieve and are being cut down by this insidious group which, perhaps Mr. A-Blessed also belongs to and must due to this stature in England, a most controlled culture; no one may enter through the pillars of "fame" without having made the oaths and the solemn rites and rituals to this organization. (Go get the romantic dream female, the blonde always for these men who attack me. To me, they are a most sinister dystopian nightmare).

I had turned off the WiFi and once up from this hot spot of mind control tech blasting my brain (and keyboard articulation) I thought of ideas that are still hard ot reach while I sit back down in this most nefarious tortured sitting position while tech blasts my brain into ranting and heaving through written word to express that which I should be paid for but all is stolen by the men (and their women) who claim they represent all that is fair, just and that all opportunities should be fought for, which they do making millions to promote this facade that "they" appear to crank out endlessly. I thought of how I wonder if Mr. Blessed, whom I had initially wanted to applaud but my thoughts turn to the dark sinister reality and not the happy-go-lucky "you can do it" "yes I can" (but not you) enforced hate oppression that appears to be the standard amongst these actors who let the population know that they care about all the under dogs fighting for a chance.

I wonder if this prestigious male, white, in the upper circles of English society, has either brushed elbows with or is associated with the "aristocrat" who, along with a host of wealthy out of Europ-a land, are ensuring that their "freedom and equality Democracy" American minions are ousting me from every opportunity possible that I have striven for, and stealing ideas from me because they only expect to be served instant top positions if they just perform the hate acts they are programmed to repeat literally without a glitch in behavior from one to the other (globally).
Does he know of this white male who is a producer, etc etc "art" personality in the "upper" circles of English society who was MURDERING ME by poisoning and stealing ideas an dhaving me nearly killed in accidents because he could not stand to see me have a chance to obtain success that might infringe on his expecation that only he and his ilk are "allowed" to dream and dare and claim they represent the freedom to do and be what you want to dare to dream to be if only you will repeat after "me".

If so, which I suspect is true that they have at least been in the same room someplace in the space and time of their circles touching and fleeting social encounters into the "posh" society that has also enveloped the United States.

I wonder if Mr. Blessed would ever dare to say to this male that he thinks it wrong that my dreams are being literally tortured out of me because these white males claim only they and whomever they chose to perform the roles they expect, in order to retain the stereotypes that leave THEM in positions of power but with a few token puppets performing all the hate acts whenever possible to demonstrate that they are willing and able to enforce the murder operations necessary to claim that white males can be whatever they want to be if they only get up from the fence and crush opposition.

I had at first attempted to write for the first time a gracious post about this actor, but as I listened to his lecture about being "positive" all these other thoughts came to mind. The situation of this attack upon me has reached epically universal proportions to the extent that there is almost no subject, and certainly no "major" actor which doesn't bring a flood of "triggered" response out of me concerning this situation. I really wanted to write something nice, fluffy and positive but the reality as opposed to the fantasy was just too much flashing red lights and sirens and alarms blasting in my subconscious about making a serious support for this sentiment. Of course being positive is a crucial path towards fulfilling your goals, despite whatever race or class you belong to. However, the reality has shown that lynch mobs will assassinate threats and I have been targeted by a covert lynch mob for the very reason that I tried to fly high and achieve my potential.

Sorry Mr. Blessed I really tried to find something gratifying in an actor but dismally cannot once again. I doubt this actor has anything to do with BLM protests either, dismissing the whole thing and that it, like the pandemic, will just "go away" eventually if you just remain positive and not "negative" like these protestors are acting (I faintly can hear him say this in the privacy of his estate with his wife but never in public where he makes his most theatrical huge broad smiles and wiles even if he does it unconsciously, as he has been programmed to create this image.)

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Finding solace in the gentle fantasy of living within nature's laws. No concern for Nature's deadly jaws in this dream of real human bonding to nature. Mother nature is being raped and murdered by It's offspring, mainly the male-driven dominated unnatural bastards, who are relying on mind control technology and other technology to reestablish their hateful unnatural bastard control over the planet and it's resources. Rapists forcing domestic violence situations upon me because they can't get away with it in public against their nasty wives any longer, especially if they are "famous": sick and unnatural twisted porn life-f*cks of the planet. All funded by other violent rapist abuser men (of all races and creeds including the female enablers who partner with them) in order to form a more perfect union of unnatural conquest of the planet and it's prize using unnatural life-f*ck means. Unconcerned if their modus means to cheat life of it's bounty and mother nature replacing it with penis-driven male patriarchy (not to use feminist slogans but....). When #Me Too! Nazi feminists can finally actually not support rape culture when it comes to non-Nazi women, then they will also care about nature and Love. When men can do this, the world will rejuvenate and replace this hate and death penis-driven culture dominated by technology. Beware these males driving endless "Progress" who are murdering life and the soul of Nature and the Planet (which they may blow up with their penis-weapons).

 Wilderness survival appears to be so much gentler than the modern dystopian global meltdown of technocratic tyranny. 

Copied and pasted from my Facebook page, which I write on when I begin to assume I am only going to write posts that are entertaining but not specifically related to "mind control", programming or technology. However, it seems that all roads lead to this tyranny and thus, I am copying and pasting from Facebook once more.

What does the human condition mean when the technocratic safety net is not holding up a fraying net underneath the crumbling but slime-coated support base?

Interpersonal relationships when tested in the dearth vapors of a much heartier struggle for survival. Such a fantasy landscape of "real" relationships and lifestyle. However, when reading The Bible in the Old Testament, it appears that Sodom and Gomorrah perhaps had civilized technology perhaps it was a bubble in a time frame created by a superior technological alien race that wanted to experiment on the bipeds? Perhaps technology has always driven the fatalistic human race? Nature has been left as something to resort to when the fraying bonds of unnatural life become too much for so many lost souls searching for peace and rejuvenation.


*From my posts today:

"How to make a fire by rubbing sticks"--real man demonstrates basic ancient technique and gives advice on how to identify a real man...(him, of course he proposes)

All those cold-hearted technocratic and technology-based men with their porn movies and magazines and photo shoots and posturing "hot" sphincter muscle objects of perpetual fantasy and hate-driven violence bubbling under the cold surface.

Real man instruction on Not just how to build a fire, but extra-added advice on how to find a real hot, spicy male provider...

Tips for tricks on how to recognize the scent of flaming hot sticks


"How to husk a coconut using your teeth" --real natural man demonstrates real technique that the unreal men have also stolen from me (as they are destroying my teeth in addition to other necessary parts of my body using these mechanical arms, and their creep organization, every day with this unreal subhuman technology for weak, unnatural bastards so they can abuse women because they are weak and not real men connected to any nature whatsoever):

 I might require the protective services of this super scented real man male because the boys have cut part of my gums out through their creep organization---(Real men don't have to order things like this to prove they are "strong" men). This Samoan male also has a healthy sense of humor and in addition to being a strong specimen of malehood, is not a cheap hood using violence against women to prove he is a "strong" man. Disassociated from nature that our current "civilized" malnourished males are...

 ...with their unreal feminist womenfolk laughing when their husbands and fathers rape and torture and disfigure and dismember; in fact they order some of the more nasty disfigurations and are so excited about it. Everything is done for them, hope they get burned because they don't know how to build a fire and can't sustain a lasting flame unless they pour gasoline on a raging fire which burns all around it to a burn funeral pyre.

What a real woman wants, in touch with NATURE: "I fall in love before I fall into bed". Hey, do you hear that, do you get it jerk-off porno scum scrubs---?

Unnatural bastards. Sleazy subhumans using technology to de-evolve even lower to new low standards of humanity.


Real man making real cowboy coffee with his real wife who he claims is his real love constant companion making the video.

Real man and woman together in peace, harmony living in real nature and happy about it. Not all are thrilled with having to live it rough in nature. When given the choice between that and fighting it out in a concrete jungle, they find bliss in having to go outdoor to P***.

Part of this post was inspired by waking up from sickness due to detox, a nap most of the afternoon from near paralysis from ancient poisons eeeking out into my bloodstream every day. Although I have spent YEARS fighting to stop mechanical arms from breaking into my microstudio, today once more, no evidence of break-in except for STINKING FOUL SUBSTANCES sprayed into my glasses case, with the little cloth so rancid it made glasses stink. The other pair of reading glasses I just opened that were "new", two days ago, are already blurred due to substances sprayed on the cheap plastic glasses. I never needed reading glasses in the first place but when the technology was increased into my brain--i.e. false tinnitus, endless buzzing that accompanies "mind control" technology (websites confirm this)--within one month in 2011 the endless hissing in my inner ear began and my vision became so blurry I could not read any longer without the use of glasses. Never necessary the month before the increase in "mind control" attacks began, when I was in grad school just one month prior to this newer attack, I was reading every day for hours without need of glasses.

But to continue, waking up to my skin having been marred, the insertions under fingernails continuing my fingers are continuously bloodied and swollen and the fingernails are black with the nails not growing any longer--and my toenails have all been curled due to poisoning and breaking the toes and etc

my hands are gnarly from chemicals smeared on my skin and perpetual cleaning with all rubber gloves pierced so water and chemicals are always on my skin, as all I do most of the day is fight to either heal from poisoning or I clean non-stop all that the terrorist creeps spray into this room, via the mechanical arms, but a huge amount sprayed into literally every single thing every time I leave this room to buy food. I must seal off all fresh air at night to alleviate breathing in toxic chemicals because I have to hermetically seal the room and close the patio door because of mechanical arms coming from the outside--which reach in if I leave the patio door open during the day to spray rotten stinking fluids on clothing I have just washed, ripping threads, etc

Writing in exasperation because I must use technology to try to reach unreal people reading this, who steal my ideas obtained from REAL thought processes and REAL study and work and effort on my part. The hackers, as I see from re-reading this, have begun deleting and rewriting but I will not correct what has been made (in this case) slightly badly written. The hacking has prevented me from highlighting, I find myself clicking on one space with the cursor repeatedly as the function is blocked. Often like this until it turns my more placid thought-processes into a more enraged state, because this is then a "back door" portal into inserting the mind control de-evolution of my thoughts, emotions and all spiraling into a negative state, whereby the subliminal insertions of hate and nasty verbal outpouring are "forced" through the technological onslaught into my brain. This is how the brain is hijacked and how "mind control" operates. Thus I am continuously besieged by enraging situations plus my brain is under attack so it's really impossible to remain calm, as these attacks are usually in the form of near-death experiences while driving or finding poisons and stinking food poisoned or my home poisoned or my body mutilated--EVERY SINGLE DAY WITHOUT FAIL and then I write and my ideas are then stolen by inhuman perverts who are famous for s**t.

the men and their "feminist" #me too! women using this technology to torture, maim and instruct their creep crews appear to have zero humanity and subhuman connection to the natural world and to other human beings. The rest is pretense and posturing on their part if out in public and not baring their rotten grimacing menacing malevolence cold-packed into their technologically-driven avenues for "success" while the planet they are "controlling" is dying from global warming. Even when they "protest" this they still represent and support the consumer society which is fully dependent on artificiality and lies and death culture to continue feeding the greed of these goons who rely on technology even when they are "protesting" in front of technolical tools like cameras their stance on protecting the "environment".

Unnatural bastards equals Motherless infantile life-f*cks usurping control over Nature and thus destroying life, love and the planet.


Let at least nature be restored and let people have natural human interactions. Let there be real competition instead of this contrived "winner and loser" dichotomy which is technologically-driven in our "age of Democracy" where there is supposed to be equality and the struggle for freedom. Let this technology be exposed, let there be a restoration of nature and the ability for people of superior quality to actually be able to compete without their brain's being melded into a stagnant drugged up technocratical tyrannical incompetency driving the death of the planet through their "winner" performances for technological brainwashing of the sheeple.


I am extremely under the influence of a most discombobulating mind control smothering of my brain. Ranting and going on a hate emotional level. Like being spun around while floating with no bottom on a turbulent crest of a filthy wave going nowhere and into no one's real cranium because it's just like another byte of information to feed off for unnatural people enjoying watching this unfold but never stopping this tirade against life that this technology and these creeple are bringing about onto the dying and being destroyed planet.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Sadly unentertaining YouTube viewing of Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings. Copied and pasted from my many Facebook posts written this early morning as they are being streamed Live on YouTube.

 My thoughts, impressions and reflections. Of course all is narrated from a highly personal point of view, my perspective is of course tainted by my experiences as a "targeted" MK ULTRA microchipped, terror target and discredited personality.

Regardless, I can't watch any current news clip without going into some kind of triggered mode, whilst sitting in front of this technology which has some kind of brainwashing/implanted device embedded into the tech or it's being aimed into my brain from some nearby location so everything I see triggers so much explosion out of me. Always exacerbated by hacking which blocks and limits my ability to function and write, and I am then under more attack so while fighting to type my level of aggression and other negative states is artificially-heightened and often the enraged,, always drugged up and inflicted with serious and deadly physical assault each and every single day---

here goes, my thoughts on Barrett who I believe may very well not get automatically handed this Supreme Court Seat. I have done mutliple tarot readings on this, and keep getting mixed cards, which means the outcome is not completely determined and also there are multiple factors that contradict the forces impelling the outcome of the decision.

I get ultimately that she will go away, and that might be that she if not nominated, or it could mean she will leave all the turmoil behind and slide into the chair of the court without further glitches to the slippery nomination and her even more seemingly unbiased slippery answers during firing questions by the Dems, like Klobuchar who grilled Barrett for the first time on her actual writings, decisions and policies. The answers were a series of backing out of answering by Barrett, all conforming to not committing oneself to any stance. A poker face behind the avoidance of answering questions regarding her direction for voting on important issues. Slippery and dubious Barrett. Of course my opinion is also skewed by the fact that I do not want these vital rulings and policies to be overturned, or the election outcome to be decided by her and her cronies.


Senator Whitehouse, speaking Live at the confirmation hearings: an exemplary personality whose opinions I find so refreshing and elucidating. I can't post his lecture which is being streamed live at this moment, but this clip from yesterday, in a prelude to the hearings for confirmation, is a small example of the realities being exposed. Facts, not opinions blasting away time and energy as many others have done so far:


He is someone very worthy of listening to. So many others are putting forth opinions on the personality and tenure of this choice, but this man is putting forth real information, fact-based evidence of ineptitude and corruption in the US Congressional "game" of buying legislation and oversight and the High Court and various underling decision-making.


I'm now listening to Ted Cruz lecture on his involvement with a Constitutional group debating the rights under The Constitution. However, understanding that he never intends to apply these unalienable rights to me in my situation. I also got a photo which was blurry, of this man glaring in absolute hate into the camera which has been the standard for most of the attackers who teleport or are involved with this attack upon me. I can't explain how this can have such a huge reach as there are countless people protesting in the streets who have far more "radical" opinions about these "leaders" but here I am writing about this. I guess those people marching and shouting in the streets actually have a real support system, and like their adversaries, still participate in this attack upon me and I am left with not even them to turn to in most or all cases (from the many attempts I have made, this is a "blanket statement").

Hearing this hypocrisy repeatedly in every outlet of propaganda is both alarming and repetitively boring.

Cruz is such a hateful bigot it shows so openly in his private hate photo (only one I received but it looked like a red-faced devil with horns, because his hair was in this swarmy spiked style and his beard only concealed half of his huge frowning, red face glaring in absolute hate into this blurry photo. So ugly it's grotesque. He looks all spiffed up like an urban cowboy for this confirmation hearing. He's so enamored with the candidate and the promise she holds of blocking Roe v. Wade.

He's trying to pacify the Pro-Lifers by claiming that the responsibility of advocating for or against abortion will be handed to individual States to determine the extent of services and provisions. Seemingly that should calm the fears of the viewers. Looks like the cowboy got a good ole good girl to put forth the male-domination agenda.

Cruz is also debunking the accusations made just earlier by Sen. Whitehouse---that it's really the Dem Party which has been handed millions of dollars in "Dark Money" for campaign funding (and control). Too bad that Sen. Whitehouse didn't provide more exacting details because he left a huge gap for this counter-attack.

Mr. Cruz is now whistling Dixie about the First Amendment. He is advocating the silencing of me and the theft of my ideas. Again, the rights of the Constitution are being denied me and that is fully supported by both the Dem and Repug Party leadership (that I am aware of in this terror situation they all have adopted into "Dark" policy and funded by their covert organizations. Every time I hear these lead politicians flout Amendment Rights, The Constitution, and yet I remain being tortured and attacked while no one of any Party will come forward and stop this egregious crime against not only the Constitution but for my human rights, I hear them and feel like -----

Now the 2nd Amendment is on issue with Cruz. I hear him more lecturing Barrett on what he and his group expects her to push forward for their agenda more than what he has to offer as any support or contrary opinion regarding her nomination. Another issue the Repugs are making is regarding "Religious Liberty". When a person is voted into the High Court, their religious affiliation does make a difference in their philosophical leanings. I won't define this as "moral" leanings as people claiming to be non-religious can also have moral ethics that can sometimes be more profound and compassionate than those espousing stringent religious affiliation. This theme is being repeated from man-after-man lecturing at this nomination, all the Repuglicans who want to nominate Barrett. All the "facts" he is issuing I have never once heard on any news program or read anywhere. Where can I find this information he is expressing? Breibart?

 I just remembered because I am induced technologically and pharmochemically to "forget" that I was aware but unable to access these thoughts which I could access once I left the front of the computer and walked away: Oh yes! Ted Cruz put this hate photo on my system search engine, as these people in the media do every single time I get on the internet, in a revolving cycle of them one after the other (for years): they are mafia-nazi OWNED and that is the reason. They are being promoted for and outpouring of hate and violence aimed at me, as their Nazi mafia handlers are telling them that if they want the next lead position this is the hate object they must participate in attacking! Oh yes, this Cruz personality is so abhorrent because he's "owned" by abhorrent controllers and he's just a shady shadow puppet like all these people attacking me are. Also, Cruz is concentrating in his "interview" of Barrett on her familial responsibilities. Does she speak French? Does she play Piano? Does her children play piano? She reverts to the motherly role which is gently welcomed by the anxious men who want a safe, reliable female puppet who will perform their misogynist legal representation. There are no questions about her previous decisions or career. There was a very brief only congratulatory history of Barrett which had absolutely no evidence or questioning but a simple easy-to-swallow pill about how her history is "perfect" without QUESTION. In conclusion: do not put more mafia-nazi controlled hate puppets into power.


Senator Amy Klobuchar is speaking now: again, switching to the Dem side, information, comments and ideas regarding the actual legal responsibility of the court, the history of Supreme Court nominations, and no mention of soccer mom responsibilities that Barrett performs like a good Handmaiden.

Sen. Klobuchar's grilling session of Barrett's (lack of response and responsibility to answering questions) was done so professionally and well, I was stunned into a silence as I watched in really delighted dedication this questioning but more like interrogation of Barrett that I believe should have been the standard for all the Senator's being allowed to comment or ask any questions posed to Barrett. Again, the men sink the level of intelligence down to how well Barrett performs her wifely duties and about her family and children as a main focus of the relevancy of her credible authority for holding a position on a law court (? sarcastically put in other words for my distrust in their choice and system of administering stringent guides to choosing the best for the most admirable and Constitutional reasons).


At the end of the time I spent watching these live streaming interviews and questions, because it is 2 am and I am always sick from drugging and poisoning and the stress to my body from the hate always aimed at me by terror operations inflicted upon me, which no court no police no politician no actor "fighting" against rape culture, racism or feminist onslaught has ever done anything but jump to participate in: listening to Barrett speak for a few moments about the Constitutional Right to not be violated in one's home. Knowing she has been chosen for this nomination by people who have fully financially supported non-stop terror and murder attempts and technological terror operations aimed at me by the Executive Branch of the US government, in tandem with H-wood and beyond (into mafia-Nazi foreign terror territory):

For the first time I have heard Barrett speak in her confirmation hearings, she is lecturing (like a book-quoting professor not like a Supreme Court expert) about the modern technological adaptation of the 4th Amendment. Because no lawyer, police group, President, Senator, FBI or any person whatsoever has ever once helped me to provide evidence which I cannot alone obtain regarding government-sponsored terrorist surveillance of my very THOUGHTS and all internet blocks and hacking and obstruction. This female judge is speaking in such a legitimate way but because she has been nominated under the mafia-Nazi cartel administration which has lasted in one succession after the next all my life--I doubt that anyone who can't afford a top notch attorney will actually have the benefit of receiving real protection against unlawful searches and seizures. and all the illegal hacking, intellectual property theft, terror and torture operations will continue to be covertly upheld by this newest candidate for the High Court.

The platitudes remain and the skeptical doubt I have is probably far more generous to these fakes than they really are capable of, absolute degradation of human rights and non-stop continuation of State-sponsored terrorism against microchipped and MK ULTRA torture victims like myself endlessly under hate attacks and promoted as such by subversive groups like Nazis and Mafia. If the Dems resume power, the disguised and veiled power groups will just go into remission as they always have, but always waiting for the next presupposing despot to be put into high power for their endless attempt to gain more overt power.


Please note, readerz, that my thoughts expressed here are under "mind control" influence. I "remember" phrases, words that I cannot access, once I move physically away from this laptop where I am being bombarded with technological brain-altering tech continuously. I feel slightly dizzy and like my head is "spinning" slightly. I use the word slightly because it's not really similar to the actual effect of being spun around but it's a similar giddy sensation. All due to technological attack upon my brain and body. The hacking remains as a deterrent to typing without endless pausing to backspace and letters appear which I have not typed, etc the usual attacks. My thoughts are thus not expressed to the full extent to which I am truly capable, and I admit under this influence they appear extremely biased because I cannot really access the capability to write without these dehabilitating effects.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Terrorist Report. Tuesday, October 13, 2020. Disgusting chemical sprays on my shoes. My teeth, toe(s) and fingernails being severed OFF nightly while I sleep via the mechanical arms.

 I have also probably (undoubtedly, as I know from examining my body upon waking) that I have been raped uncountable times in this studio, sponsored and paid for by the US Government, former and current world leaders, both "bipartisan" parties and held as an entertainment informative spectacle amongst the media "elite" and their aspiring pawn players, vying for monopolies just as the politicians have created in their realm, all controlled in vagaries by the same sponsors but put into various re-named opposing branches.

I just want to state that now the terrorists are spraying horrifically odious substances on my house rubber shoes and the stink never goes away. They also spray this stink onto the shoes, and my feet stink perpetually from this. I even soak the shoes in bleach and even overnight, they smell fine, then an hour later in some way the mechanical arms have broken through the multiple entry points that are coated with paper, plastered with tape, sealed with silicone, connected with hooks and rope, and still the mechanical arms get through all the cheap defenses I have spent money I must use for medicine, food and objects I need but must spend to fight to stop my toe from being severed completely off--it is dangling at an over 30-45-degree angle into the other toes (on my left foot) broken at night, with hardening substances smeared under toe nails for decades, and all my toes have previously been broken. They are all pointing in opposite direction and the toenails are completely distorted, curled and crooked. I try to clean them and the nails are hard as rock underneath the nail so I can't do anything. If, perchance, I manage to stop the mechanical arms for one or two days, as sometimes but rarely happens (and then once I leave this room, the terrorists break into my room while I am away, and break down all the cheap defenses using absolutely sophisticated surveillance and break-in government-sponsored terrorist equipment--probably all done under anti-Terrorism legislation and endorsed by the mafia/Nazi cartel of the Democrat Party--the Repuglicans are obviously fascist at this point there is no need to even mention that this has been one of their covert platforms of murder, assassination and sponsored terrorism against citizens they deem problematic for their mind control program and complicity. 

Thus, this attack upon my body is now in the form of blood poisoning through the miniscule, less-than-one-millimeter in circumference mechanical arms pushing up through the folds of rubber matting I have to insert into cracks in the cubboard doors (one of which, under the sink, is literally impossible to block off from attack, as under the sink area the terrorists have made the wood stinking with mold and the wood is so soft and always wettened on the other side, there is a metal area beneath it and it is literally impossible for me to block this area off. The other sides of the panels in the interior of the sink, which always is broken with dripping fungus water poured into this sealed off area--have paper glued and pasted with packaging clear tape, silicone glued onto all the corners--all the panels of the room are pasted and covered and hooked and tied together to the tightness possible and yet the mechanical arms can get through my amateur attempts to defend my life against being RAPED night after night and dismembered. I also have written for years but the list of violence against me increases and accrues daily: they have severed completely off part of my fallopian tube, which came out one day years ago due to an ACTOR being instructed by the Italian mafia to sever off parts of my body. This man I believe (he's the owner of The Wall in Miami Beach, or one of them, who obtained this venue after a few years of raping and torturing me nearly to death with accidents non-stop and severing and breaking of bones and poisoning nearly to death--on and on, he's still being paid and promoted by Americans to do this to me, as they follow instruction and that is how my fallopian tube was cut out, because of this Europ-a actor but American who represents the blonde boy of the movies--but...digressing at this point. My toes is being cut off, my fingernails are being destroyed they are falling off and black and not growing any longer. My hair and scalp has been made disgusting non-stop but is now almost cut off in places, destroyed, damaged beyond repair. My skin has been smeared with horrific chemicals day and night for years. The list is too long to mention any longer, my entire body is covered with bloating chemicals hanging off like a pot of cellulite hanging off my nearly broken body from people entering my room and breaking vertebrae, my toes, putting my hips out of alignment and poisoning me with bloating and hardening poison so my body remains in a trap of chemicals which I am fighting non-stop day and night to get out--while they block all financial earnings forcing me to fight to survive on less than $700 a month. My legal situation is extremely precarious on all fronts as well which they use as leverage to threaten me, including murdering my cat which they stole in 2013. She is 23+ years old and I have only had her as any kind of support system for all those years, as all of humanity has left me to be a torture victim of The State and only due to racist reasons. I receive more injustice than torture victims, going on and on for decades by now. I am now editing but declining to rewrite the hacked portions above, I simply do not want to spend more time fighting to pound down while it's rewritten anyway after I publish. The terrorists have been cutting my lower jaw gum tissue for over one year on a nightly basis, plus they broke my teeth in that area after they forced an "accident" on me where I nearly was killed yet once again by a car hitting me directly (but from the side of the road, directly meaning a direct hit but from the side angle so I could not see them coming at me, during heavy traffic as I was surrounded on all sides by motorbikes swerving into me. Of course, they parted significantly enough for the portion of one minute to allow the terrorist car to hit me. My handlebars were swerved 180-degrees to the right as my brakes stopped operating. I hit my jaw on the cement while driving at over 40 miles/hour. My teeth were not loosened at that point, only two days later did they become loose due to these terrorist attacks while the terrorists break into my room. Since that time they have been cutting away at the gum tissue until there is NO gum tissue left, the roots are exposed, and my teeth are now loose when I eat. They continue to attack my gumline every day. If this is a "message" to stop writing about their crimes, they do not stop poisoning me with "truth serum" drugs and this technology, because they also are stealing ideas that I rant and rave out about political theory and other ideas that have been stolen in this manner at least since 2007. On and on, it never ends and they torture me to obtain a reaction and then after stealing the ideas I write they torture me for writing anything adverse about them. Now this is a mandatory nighttime activity of a long list of deformation attacks upon my body. They are severing my left large toe completely off. They had it broken a few years ago (more like 10 years ago) I cannot trust any single doctor I go to for any help, they would permanently damage this area and probably it already is permanent at this point. They are cutting into the toe webbing between the broken toe (the other toes are being broken and are also pointing in a broken array) but cutting the skin and tissue completely OFF between the toes so my toe is breaking off--blood is restricted and day after day this is making my toe literally break off, as they cut into the bone every single day. I am a torture victim I have committed no crime, these murderous attacks have gone on every single day and night for over 20 years but for at least a decade at a 24 hour non-stop pace by one actor and politician and landlord and team of "neighbors" after the next without a single pause. Nothing I do or not do will stop them or these attacks.

This is of course another appeal to the world reading this to stop this unbelievable heinous crime that no one will recognize or defend me against. EVERY CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE is being completely obliterated by president after president, setting a torture protocol precedent that the public at large is only too happy to respond and support. In old days it was called a lynching in modern terms the liars of the media call it "electronic harassment" and "gang stalking". It also has been called a witch hunt and the end result is the same: murder assassination by torture, rape and gruesome murder techniques. No one will acknowledge either me or this situation and this is the new form of lynch mob activity and witch rape, torture and murder. The people participating who are in the media are the loudest gyrating singing dancing pundits of obtaining huge Nazi-mafia sponsored promotions out of viciously attacking me for the benefit of the smirking Nazis out of Europ-aland and America and wherever else they come from--global at this point this group has literally encompassed the globe. I also have Chinese people attacking me, so this is nothing to do with either pro-or-anti Communism or any other political credo. As Communism and Socialism are not so very far apart, and Nazis are definitely in collaboration with Communists (here in Phuket) I can assure you that this system is a global Order. 

So, I can't get a single person to defend or stop this against me. I still write, because I remain paralyzed and in great pain. The poisons are very badly interlocked at this near 10-year span of detoxification while still being poisoned daily--my spine is completely crooked from the hard-latched on glued on poisons, and the terrorists put my hips out of place every time they get in, in addition to a myriad of other deforming attacks plus rape plus psychological and sexual/emotional torture while they teleport me, plus all friendly lpeople and animals killed off or taken away or pushed away from me. 

--I am now going to stop re-editing and adding the same things I have written, unanswered, for nearly 7 years to H-wood, which remains absolutely staunch in supporting these actors and their monopolies in conjunction with both sides of the one-sided political hegemony and monopoly.

I still fight, as just fighting this has been the hallmark of American culture, now relegated to people "like me" by the descendants of the white men who created this system of "equality" against the tyranny of the throne of the Europ-a kingdoms. Now fully embraced and the great desire to revert to a white male supremacy dynastic Imperial State, using "feminism" as a psychological tool by enacting the wives of racist bigot murdering racists who call themselves "feminist". The "feminist" nazis are absolutely thrilled about this system inflicted upon me, as are their helpers the blacks, latinos and jews and asians and everything else inbetween. Whenever there is a free gratuity or promotion, it makes no difference what gender or race a person involved in this crime belongs to. The truly unfortunate thing is that they are torturing me to obtain ideas to use for their fake pundits in order to re-establish a most oppressive tyrannical death regime in the United States, using these "alternative" and "righteous" anti-racist actors who are #Me Too! feminists too. Fighting by assisting Nazi mafia rapists who use outright Holocaust death rhetoric against me, etc etc the years of writing about this on Facebook and I repeat it endlessly. It's so sad not only from my torture perspective, but for society at large for the United States and for the planet. Not sad for the mafia Nazis but however, I have to make plain that their absolute disregard for reality, for nature, for life means that they are destroying in their endless need for greedy consumption the entire planet which is burning and drowning due to their rapacious rape culture of greed and oppressive demand for the right to exploit take and steal and rob every single thing on the planet, with the technology to perform this they can't understand limitations or self-restraint.


But the latest attack, which of course seems to fall only on deaf ears absolutely giddy with delight that this Nazi mafia cartel is supporting the interests of the worst bigot Nazis since the Nazis--which I know understand was fully funded and supported by these factions of the United States. The mutual support system continues to this very day, but disguised and veiled under various pretenses of solidarity against fascist overtake.

However, I need this attack to be stopped as it is more BLOOD POISONING and TOXIC MURDER ATTEMPT. I am not questioning the slightest that these substances are laboratory created and intended to be non-permeable and unwashable. Nothing gets this stink out, or if after hours of soaking, the smell remains but then resumes if it gets hot and odors expand and it's absolutely vile and disgusting. My body now stinks from this, and I just bought another pair of shoes--I can't find shoes that aren't rubber for household situations--I go outside, I am ALWAYS cleaning up stinking substances and my property is so rancid from these sprays I spend HOURS every day, almost every single day at LEAST ONE HOUR CLEANING THE STINKING SPRAYS ON MY BLANKETS, CLOTHING, BOOKS, FURNITURE, MY CLOSETS STINK HORRIFICALLY WHEN i OPEN THE DOORS i ONLY CLEAN UP THEIR STINK NON-STOP EVERY SINGLE DAY. I am paralyzed in partial by their drugging/poisoning and spending what tiny amount of energy I could be using for something else to clean and clean. I am still inundated with toxic substances despite now years of handwashing their stinking clothing every day there is more and more.

All of this fully endorsed by ALL people put into position at "top levels" of society, and supported by MILLIONS of civilians who all claim they want "freedom" but Freedom to rape, torture and murder it appears while they pose as religious pundits (Satanic or anti-Christain in some cases, but that is still a "religion" or pseudo-religious alliance if Satanic it's just the same coin as Christian sometimes they get confused or are rebelling)

I have also predicted that I will get defense against this but how long it will take--it appears that years and years may go by before this hate system is ever exposed much less stopped by "responsible" leadership. 

If Barrett is put into the Supreme Court it will not only mean the destruction of health care in the US for (what did Harris say, millions of people left uninsured during a pandemic)? But this hate system which ultimately is a fascist, Nazi and mafia-driven conspiracy (not a theory, a conspiracy meaning a CRIME COMMITTED INTENTIONALLY BY A GROUP) TO destroy opposition to incompetent mediocrity that is allying with Europ-a fascist Nazi/mafia infiltrators. That is a conspiracy theory which I know to be true because I have been personally exposed to it for years while being teleported to "famous" "top" people in media and in politics, but however because I cannot provide evidence this just appears as a "drugged" up hysterical hate rant here for you to read and scoff at (maybe a few of you reading this understand how badly I am being affected by drugging and torture and hacking blocks and mind control aimed into my brain while all friendly support is absolutely taken away or vacant. 

Maybe soon, if Harris is put into VP position, maybe there will be a positive change for people in my situation but until then, I urge people to not allow this group of Nazi fascists and their mafia murder organization to continue to inflict non-stop hate upon me or anyone else. I can state emphatically that the mafia is driving much and they are the backbone to the Nazis. This cartel has taken over far too much of America and for far too long. When these puppets refer to the Constitution and how they are following it and plan on only defining their decisions on that legal precedent, I already know that as much violation of the principles and laws will be bypassed for cronyism and a skewed bigoted undermining of law and any real principle of freedom and equality that could ever have been achieved they will undermine and death squads will roam without limit if this group continues to gain your silence or support. Most of you support this of course, you laugh at my posts and your obey and attack me most viciously and are so glad about this. I suggest that when you lose your mortgage, your cousin or friend dies from lack of health care, if your neighborhood becomes a flaming disaster, if your country goes into bankrupt state, if you are poisoned and drugged but don't know it---this could all happen because you are allowing hate groups which you belong to to flourish instead of following some constitutional guidelines. You want, as Barrett expressed, the quick and easy solution of relying on a court to back up your legislative wants. I'm sure as a slippery liar she will absolutely back up the most slippery and slick legislation to bypass any legislative debate whenever possible, for this agenda of mafia/Nazi takeover of the United States--which has already occurred they are just trying to close off the loopholes as quickly as possible to entrench more into the death genocide politico-media structure that already exists and has been in full operation for decades. 

As for me, being a state-sponsored terror and torture rape and dismemberment and abuse target, I urge people to not allow more of these people to be promoted by attacking me. STOP THIS SITUATION AGAINST ME DO IT IMMEDIATELY. 


Hackers rewrote some of my post above. They altered grammatical tense in the middle of sentences, and deleted parts of sentences. I always re-read my posts I wrote correctly whilst typing, but I re-read in the published mode (which you hackers are reading). The finished result of my writing, made dislocated in grammar and tense and meaning by hackers, I am not going to rewrite and spend more time fighting hackers. It is hard enough fighting to pound down on keys which don't print out letters much of the time, the space bar won't work or inserts spaces while I write words, etc etc etc non-stop. I know many of you truly enjoy watching this go on and on at me, for years and years I write and black nazis, jewish nazis, the obvious blonde nazis, the rest of the nazi and mafia teams are reading this LAUGHING thoroughly titillated that NO ONE helps me no one stops this only the US President, former President(s), Senators who claim they are "progressive", "progressive" media actors who make endless diatribes against the "conservatives" but are being paid BY THEM to present a false oppositional narrative. On and on they attack me to gain more promotions handed by the most fascist genocidal Americans who are lovingly friends with the most concealed of fascist Europ-a Nazis and mafia. I see this every day I have had to experience it every day. Every day I am ignored, silenced but attacked which means not ignored but my pleas for someone to intervene have been met with only silence. I try to obtain other targeted victim's contacts and all attempts are thwarted by this system which has also taken control over the internet, to such a full and alarming degree. 

Thus I remain writing about this ad nauseum. Drugged up very badly, and now much rewritten to appear like ghetto slang untrained unlearned bad English--(written by some foreigner here in this building which is a collection of the minority brown-skinned minions doing filthy and disgusting acts towards me at behest of the white supremacists--being paid and supported by both the Demorepugnants and the Repugnacants of America. Which is represented by the false dialectic of H-wood and the mainstream population. As for the alternative subcultures, well, they appear to be as fallacious in this respect of state-sponsored terrorism and not speaking out against it in any form, or getting involved, or making it known, or helping the targets to obtain evidence.

I write and continue because the stress is simply too great. I remain paralyzed which means I cannot exercise to release stress. I remain alone and isolated which means I have nothing to assuage the stress of seeing my body completely scarred up, bloated so it's disgusting, fighting literally day after day to stop mechanical arms from destroying my body which is already very badly and permanently damaged. My life is spent doing this and fighting to not inhale stinking toxic sprays. Asking people for help for now years and I only have to dismally see how the "activist" H-wood celebrities are absolutely prostituted k-rap operators absolutely drooling over million dollar contracts and behaving like sick and disgusting torture chamber rapist genocidal haters. All of them use racist rhetoric aimed at me but endlessly scream about how they are fighting racism. I never ascribed myself as a victim of racism as they ALL do in their k-rap productions. It is amazingly sick and disgusting. Like the sprays they order on my clothing and body and inserted into my ears, my all all orifices of my body--raped and disfigured and still I can't wear my balding and damaged disgusting hair down--still asking people to stop torture and still waiting for years and years. Unable to go to any police, everyone I have ever known or been around has participated in one way or another, I have absolutely no one to turn to. I tried to get away from this pile of haters and tried to contact Prince in Minneapolis, and he was murdered two weeks later. I believe that this group, under the influence of this Miami Italian black-hearted sleazy bigoted creep who has been awarded venue after venue since obtaining this contract out on me in 2009 when I phoned him one single time asking for help--I believe he ordered the death of Prince, or this group did, only to obtain this contract out on me, to force an unwanted baby for some nefarious purpose when all I do is scream at each revolting rapist that they are disgusting and I tell them no for years. All fully funded and supported by The Clintons, by Trump, by the US Government, by mafia-dominated Pelosi--by the A-list celebs of H-wood. On and on, enforced by waves of "black and brown" ant-racist civilians who fully partake in these contracts and can be heard screaming against racism, just like the K-rap celebrities you all cheer on.

I remain literally fighting for my life once more asking this planet to stop this violence against me which has gone on unabated for years and years and years. Violating all law all human rights all crimes of torture have been inflicted upon me with full consent of the US leadership at all levels. I so hope there will be a change. If Barrett is endorsed this will be a huge step backward--a leap against humanity and the lynching bigots will have one more cemented hold upon the "right" to murder people they don't like without legal barrier or repercussion. I experience this right now every single day with YOUR CONSENT when you never do a single thing to stop this against me.

A top attorney who demonstrates the real art of the Real. Ms. Spectacular Kamala Harris's debunking of the Barrett brigade bomb. The difference between the oratory skills of the two could not be more profound with even more profound consequences if one obtains a power position and the other does not. If both obtain these powerful positions, you can bet that the mafia-Nazi cartel will use "any means necessary" to quell and discredit Ms. Harris, including drugging with "mind control" drugs and technology to blanket her brain with suppressing tech.


I have already predicted that Biden will win. I now tentatively "predict" that Barrrett will not receive the confirmation. There will be a great rejoicing when or if that happens. If I am "wrong" then you cannot sue me as this blog has been blocked and I do not claim to be a 100% soothsayer. 

Perhaps my prediction is more wishful thinking. I so hope that Ms. Harris becomes VP and that perhaps she will rule the Supreme Court (I mean be a judge, making rulings). Otherwise, I only hear competency in her and incompetency and lies stemming from the loquacious banal barrage of Barrett.

Drugged (the drugs used on me are more powerful and discrediting than I can begin to describe at this moment but horrid to say the least the effect creates a huge emotional mess) Plus and in addition to: , sliced into and attacked while sleeping/mk ultra "alter" state comatose situation. Hyperbolic reaction to the news once again. Regardless, going to copy and paste (and not re-edit or see what hackers have rewritten or deleted or changed will leave it as is) but, this is relevant to my situation in fact extremely vital and of overarching significance.





 PLEASE NOTE THAT MY APPRAISAL COMES FROM EXPERIENCE OF BEING BORN INTO A MAJORLY DOMINATED ATTORNEY FAMILY---successful lawyers on many sides of my family. I know that a competent person who is adept does not have to continuously look down at a written statement for more than a few seconds to be able to clearly express a vital point of interest, like promoting oneself. All this fake is doing is repeating a coached speech to hide her real infirmities at concise and meaningful dialogue and decision-making. My emotional first response, also enhanced by mind control, hacking into my laptop, and being drugged non-stop is now calming down a bit. I do not write with no knowledge of what makes for a competent lawyer, or professional personality. My step-father was a university professor. I do not see anything highly professional in this appointee for The Supreme Court. I see only cronyism when I hear the Demorepuglicans speak about "The People" and how they refer to themselves as being part of a mafia background (there are "code" words to describe this affiliation and it's inherent in the terminology, or embedded I should write). I am under and have been under attack by Italian mafia *(plus a host of Nazi affiliates and groups,. although they all really are one and the same, they perform various different functions from within the organization using this terrorism stalking operation, and thus, they have various defining terms they use to put automatic labels upon themselves. The agenda remains the same throughout all of their various "bipartisan" politics and "alternative/liberal" media monopolists operating under the same genocidal "ultra-Right" umbrella. FIGHT THIS DO NOT LET THE DEMOREPUGLICANS CONTINUE TO DO NOTHING WRITE LETTERS MAKE PHONE CALLS AND MARCH IN THE STREETS THIS WILL HAVE AN IMPACT ON RACISM AND MORE DEATH WILL FOLLOW IF MORE OF THESE BIGOTS RUN AND CONTROLLED BY MAFIA/NAZIS ARE PUT INTO MORE HIGH POSITIONS thus why wait for more people to get kneed to death in the streets before you protest and then get shot by more militarized police forces, ordered by the SUPREME COURT? Pre-empt the future catastrophic calamity and tragedies FIGHT THIS NOW WITHOUT LOOKING TO THE DEMOREPUGS TO "FIGHT" FOR YOU.


This video created clip by WSJ puts a firm, staunch support of this professor/judge Barrett. In her professional public speaking in a lecture she appears well-educated and articulate. Why is she tense, unable to speak without reading from a pre-scripted speech about her family when she is under consideration for Supreme Court Nomination? This reminds me of Mr. Harris defining herself primarily as a family woman, referring to her mother and upbringing. When in a position to lead a country, are women being instructed to present themselves foremost as daughters, mothers and caretakers of family? Otherwise, I wonder how much of the status of Barrett is due to her "prominent" New Orleans family connection/supported by the mafia/Nazi circuit and put into higher circuits of law? I only get the feeling that Mrs. Barrett is repeating what she has been instructed to say, in order to appear as a "neutral" constitutionalist. A matter-of-fact but slippery dodger of issues as she presents herself in that hyper-helium voice. I also know from being the daughter of lawyers that the "law" can easily be bent around various blocks and convoluted into a defense or offensive strategy to "win" a platform or case. This dodgy slippery slope is very evident, this capacity for lying while holding a righteous "Christian" stance and bending words to suit the end-goal. Some egregious crimes can be fully concealed under such jurisdiction and under such an example of pristinely polluted "law" enactment/enforcement.


My posts above were very highly emotional due to drugging, nighttime destruction of my body while in a comatose MK ULTRA sleep and teleported state. Every night while I am unable to defend myself the terrorists use mechanical arms to cut parts of my body--slowly off my body. I fight to block this every day and for years but still cannot. I am also grilled with subliminal hate and trauma death and abuse messages continuously while sleeping--using voice-to-skull technology and drugging plus the physical violence while in this unconscious, but still subconsciously-aware state. I wake up every day writing on some electronic forum to get any legal representative on the planet to stop this murder situation, but the US President, the former wife of a US President, who was the former Secretary of State while I was being murdered who has not stopped participating in this along with her "rival" Repuglican "foe"/but "friends" she says glibly as they all gather around me to torture me for their mafia/Nazi Europ-a promotions by their infiltrator mafia/Nazi "friends" being handed with red carpet all the best properties and venues and positions but operating in US politics and the media from "behind the scenes" and I CANNOT GET A SINGLE POLITICIAN OR PERSON AROUND THE WORLD TO STOP THIS VIOLENCE AGAINAST ME. I see this K-rap in the media about a worse candidate for highest office, who has the social position jockying of her entrenched bigot white supremacist family and it's tentacles of corruption to put a "righteous" Christian incompetent but highly rewarded attorney, seemingly competent but I just detect that she is incompetent--she has been handed a position as professor at a most prominent university (but I also know how university politics operate and there is a huge amount of racism and infiltration of mafia and Nazis into the highest layers of Universities while the universities supposedly appear as "liberal bastions" of thought indoctrination by their "friends" the "Alt-right". It is all too similar to the H-wood celebrity farce of opposition to white rape culture bigotry supremacy et al a huge media platform that engenders billions of dollars in support from the public for many reasons.


DO THE RIGHT THING (song and dance)


Don't count on the mafia-Nazi "leadership" of the Democratic House mafia representative who represents white bigot mafia Nazi interests (controlled by foreign "powers") SEND IN LETTERS MAKE STREET PROTESTS ALL THE FIGHTING FOR THE PAST HALF CENTURY WILL BE SWEPT AWAY BY AN IDIOT PUT INTO THIS POSITION and the greasebag "opposition" Demorepuglicans are not blocking this or fighting hard enough SEND IN LETTERS PROTEST MARCH IN THE STREETS GODDAMN FIGHT THIS WEAK POWER GRAB IF PUT INTO EFFECT WILL CREATE A DEATH CAMP COUNTRY WITH IDIOTS BEING PUT INTO CONTROL MORESO THAN EVER. Do not wait for the LACK OF REPRESENTATION OF THE DEMOREPUBLICANS TO HELP "THE PEOPLE" (THEY DON'T "GIVE A SHIT" ABOUT THE PEOPLE ONLY THEIR PEEPS THE FOREIGN-CONTROLLED MAFIA BARFIA NAZI FINANCEERS WHO PAY THEM TO HELP THEM INFILTRATE TO CREATE A WORSENING NAZI MAFIA COUNTRY. (Ranting "conspiracy theory" but unfortunately having to witness these personalities so idolized when teleported I can assure you that this is a SOBER assessment but tainted with mind controlled hyperbolic ranting hate --derived from being dismembered daily by terrorists breaking into my home as these same government forces are funding this "covertly" but EVERYONE APPEARS TO KNOW ABOUT IT. FIGHT THESE PIECES OF CRAP AND PUT RESPONSIBLE HUMANITY INTO POWER get them out --


This video created clip by WSJ puts a firm, staunch support of this professor/judge Barrett. In her professional public speaking in a lecture she appears well-educated and articulate. Why is she tense, unable to speak without reading from a pre-scripted speech about her family when she is under consideration for Supreme Court Nomination? This reminds me of Mr. Harris defining herself primarily as a family woman, referring to her mother and upbringing. When in a position to lead a country, are women being instructed to present themselves foremost as daughters, mothers and caretakers of family? Otherwise, I wonder how much of the status of Barrett is due to her "prominent" New Orleans family connection/supported by the mafia/Nazi circuit and put into higher circuits of law? I only get the feeling that Mrs. Barrett is repeating what she has been instructed to say, in order to appear as a "neutral" constitutionalist. A matter-of-fact but slippery dodger of issues as she presents herself in that hyper-helium voice. I also know from being the daughter of lawyers that the "law" can easily be bent around various blocks and convoluted into a defense or offensive strategy to "win" a platform or case. This dodgy slippery slope is very evident, this capacity for lying while holding a righteous "Christian" stance and bending words to suit the end-goal. Some egregious crimes can be fully concealed under such jurisdiction and under such an example of pristinely polluted "law" enactment/enforcement.

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).