Monday, July 12, 2021

Appeal to the do-nothing readers (some of whom may be doing something but in general it's very hard to tell if what does happen is not part of the cyclical abuse patterns of increasing and releasing of stress so I provide loveless parasites with my energy if they rape me and use technology to force my passion out of me while I think of them as rotten pigs after it happens and it is never stopped). WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO GET THE NEXT PIECE OF ROTTEN PIG MEAT SHIT OFF ME?> hOW MANY MORE YEARS OF WRITING ABOUT THIS MUST i SPEND HOW MUCH LONGER UNTIL THERE IS ONE POLITICIAN WHO WILL STOP THIS OR ANY PERSON WHO WILL DEFEND ME AND STOP PROMOTE THIS FUCKING NAZI GERMAN PIG INSTEAD OF STOPPING HIM?

 His filthy, dirty pig nazi ape goal is to get me to "love" him by his rape and the isolation and torture that no one has stopped all these years--which goes on day and night will MILLIONS of Nazi pieces of shit and their most disgusting minorities worldwide--thrilled and stupid apes and pigs and whores over-excited about gang stalking like rabid parasites it is disgusting to watch and they are proud of their behavior and system.

How much more of this must I take endlessly begging to get one filthy pig piece of scum shit off me after the next? Whether you think of them as beautiful blonde men or bigots you still can't do more than allow them to believe they are entitled to raping and murdering and like Trump said, they can kill anyone on 5th Avenue and will still be elected to highest position.

This disgusting, ugly rotting piece of pig meat shit out of Germany is trying to dig with his pig whore penis into my body, zap my brain and nervous system with this technology, blast my brain with "love" subliminal messages while he's slapping and raping me but forcing fellatio on me endlessly day after day then having rotting meat substances inserted into my hair and vagina and insulting me and abusing me afterwards while I am hypnotized, drugged and alone surrounded by violence and abuse and hate lasting ongoing for years, more than a decade with my cat stolen my body broken my finances blocked my family participating my government funding it the police defending the pig apes all people everywhere stepping back and doing nothing and watching it going on, some and many of whom say I must have done something to deserve it (that's what the Latino women say in Miami--good victims and slaves and adoring whores they are for the nazis it's as bad or worse than the Thai women and their slavish adoration of white trash pig ape men who exploit and abuse and rape them but they respond with smiles and loving adoration so the violence is not as bad as it is with some other women in other countries--

and not a tangent but it is related to subservience and racism.

however, this pig ape German is like the 50th pig who has done this to me in just this one decade and not counting my entire life of piece of pig shit after the next--Germans breaking my vertebrae and many other Europeans trying to destroy my body and wreck my home in much more vicious ways than Americans--so expert they are at Imperialism and genocidal hate crimes

but this creep has sucked out the energy I need to heal and to defend myself and he keeps coming back and the goal is to get me to give all love he can suck out, mistreat me with pornographic hate and abuse af terwards and then keep it going, to torture me for trying to stop him, polluting my body whether I say no or yes, getting endless prizes for it by his shit country and the Europigapes who have so fully adapted Nazism it is not joke and an absolute reality.

Then, if he can, he wants me to open up completely so when I finally am "in love" and doing whatever I can, he will dump me or put me in an accident and go off laughing about it with his lover. The Nazi women are particularly giggly and enthused when it comes to their bigot pig ape men raping and dismembering or disfiguring me, and they certainly do what they can do destroy me as a women as well and order as much destruction as they can upon my body to maim and disfigure me alongside their penetrating rotten pig ape whore men who do the raping.

And so this filthy ugly sleazy pig whore is going on and on as quickly, grabbing and sucking out as much as possible, stealing and robbing pouring filth that is as vile and rotten and disgusting as his endless sleazy persona for his sexualized violin playing and performances that are so based in sleazy filth that it's disgusting for me to see him in any aspect of his sickeningly sleazy performances or his face or to have to be teleported yet once again--

I tried for so many YEARS  to get fucking pitt and his filthy vile wife off me--more than 7 years of them obtaining ideas, awards and prizes and promotions for nightly doing abuse skits then extracting information they can use for their shitty fake films about how much they care about every social issue

I was so glad to get rid of them when this vile pig whore out of Germany began to exploit me. Like an exponential piece of shit hitting the proverbial fan, his hate and negativity escalated at an alarming pace--and

I am now begging people reading this for the 8th or 10th year to please get these pieces of rotting shit rapist celebrities and anyone else trying to do this to me off me once and for all with me alive and living in abundance in my own home, my cats returned and this shit off me forever. 

I can't stand this ugly sick and foul German piece of utterly disgusting pig meat any longer and it's "just" 6 weeks of rape and violence as opposed to pit and his filthy skank wife latching on for 7 years while no one did anything to stop them. 2-3 years of Depp going on and on with his rotten whore skank wife he punched one time or so and it made world headlines while beating me daily made him more famous with more promotions. Years of Nicola Siervo having me poisoned to death while he was raping me so as to pump the poison in as deeply as possible. He has gone after this contract out on me since 1997--having me kicked out of places, having me raped, etc etc. Years of writing to him to stop teleporting and raping me as he was killing me. Him laughing as I was hit by a car that stopped in the middle of a busy road while I was driving. That was after the accident that Siervo's partner out of England, who has stolen verbatim stories I wrote and sold them off to people in Europigapeland as their concepts--while poisoning me to death and he would not stop an dhad me thrown in jail and my cat's body nearly broken as I called them pig apes and only that after more than a few decades of both of them coming after me. 

And there are more and more stories like this but the teleportation, which also has another character I have not mentioned in many years but he went on for 4 years doing this with his brothers--as I ran around the planet fighting to get health care, my body so ill from poisoning I could not move--fighting to find a country where I could get health care. Being abused to death and blocked from financial earning while fighting to heal from this group from shitwood and now I am appealing as this next piece of rotten filth and shit is going on and on doing what they have all been doing for decades.

When will this injustice be stopped how much longer must I fight continuously to get one fucker off me and rapist pig whore off me? this is being taken as some joke by the pigs reading this I am fighting and fighting and that is all I do every day and the teleportation is some kind of absolute crime of injustice that absolutely sick and mentally ill rotting fucks have been handed to inflict their racism and hate and sexism upon me--who has never been handed a chance and all of them are being handed unjustified awards for the shit that they do after they steal all they can from me--I have always tried to compete and win and for that they want me absolutely broken before they rape and abuse me to death.

I need them gone I wish THEM death I hope they are destroyed I hope someone out there will finally understand what a threat they are how incompetent and stupid and evil and sick they are and stop them and at least put them in prison but I prefer really that they are dead by now.

Terrorist Report (again) July 12, 2021. ANOTHER appliance made filthy and broken down in the last two days. More harassment and hate from the hater teleporting me using the endless formula of abuse that has been followed without end for over a decade by teleporting bigots Nazis haters abusers and their hateful womenfolk and children.

 All the crud and filth they order poured out upon me is the real essence of what these abusers and haters are.

I cooked in my relatively new pressure cooker (which was above my budget limit but I had to buy something as there is no cooking appliance in this hate torture chamber studio--nothing whatsoever was included except for a stinking filthy microwave tiny unit which I had the terrorist taking my money for rent remove as I thought it would add to microwave torture.

I bought it less than 6 months ago. It's lifetime use should be at 2 years. I clean is fastidiously every time after I clean. I come back from shopping or just take it out a few days later and bits of tissue and grime are in the cooking unit because the mechanical arms open every single thing with expertise maneuverability and thus--they went a step further and cooked and hardened some black grime into the bottom of the cooking unit--which was sparkling and clean two days ago as I put it in pristine and fairly brand new condition back into the box, covering it with layers of stuff but that stops nothing as far as the attacks go with mechanical arms which can get through very much that I try to protect (my body being prime target number one).


Teleported to the hater who hasn't stopped viciously attacking me with physical violence, poisoning, drugging, rape and abuse and insults people almost violently attacking me (grabbing me from behind and pushing me out of the way in a packed terrorist pharmacy as I waited to get medicine I need because this same German teleporting rapist abuser had fungus and stinking rotting meat fluid substances poured into my vagina--as I wrote they did it to my hair as the other teleporting rapist bigots out of Whorewood have been doing for years while obtaining contracts, deals and prizes without end for doing these abominable acts which are considered the mark of the good Nazi just following orders and loving every minute of a hate agenda that is leading to another Holocaust if this technology is not stopped. So far, no one is still doing nothing to stop it as far as I can tell. I guess you all want another Holocaust but I want all of them off of me. So I have to keep writing these posts to try to get anyone to react just out of concern for humanitarian reasons of increasing probability of being killed by this organization if nothing else (I mean readers may begin to comprehend that they too may become targets or collateral damage as a result of what violence this hate organization is inflicting and creating around the planet--many will get caught up in the victimization regardless of whether you have followed the rules and obeyed them or not).


He keeps latching on to get his endless deals, as he's been handed 8 month tours of Europe just in the last 6 weeks and then in the interim a series of party tours around Europe just before his 8-month pan-European musical tour extravaganza, just handed to him for demonstrating absolute hate and torture and violence propensities towards me and actual damage of my body and home and property--which I related above it was under his orders to damage my one cooking appliance because I am saying no in increasing hate and yelling in rage as he feeds off the torture and negative energy, sits wanting to beat and slap and rape me while I know that people are watching and curbing his natural tendencies of utter violence that he's been programmed to believe he is absolutely entitled to doing to me or people "like me" while feeding off their every bit of energy and returning it with hate. 

so he's going on and on with questions about why I don't want sex with him--and why I don't want to go live with him and his rape partners and friends in his little German town so I can be abused and tortured and have nowhere else to go and he can beat, rape and murder me with his friends cheering him on as I will have no protection at a 0 % level. 

He's asking and asking and then remaining silent as I begin to hiss hate at him sounding bitter and nasty and old and fighting and fighting as I have done for years and years against teams of these terrorists who teleport me. All follow the exact same patterns it's hate and rape and abuse then dismemberment disfigurement me fighting fighting alone fighting to stop the physical deformations and heal and them teleporting me to hate and negativity as they feed off it. Glowing with huge plastic-surgery enhanced smiles for huge fans cheering them on--most of them part of the networks of terrorism and hate of this stalking organization cheering their leader Nazi on. 

Asking me as I try not to sink into the trap of falling into that negative energy mode but he goes on and on attacking and attacking until I respond with hate. Then I pour out my hate at him, which is induced by mind control technology and over a decade of fighting being murdered and tortured to death and raped by one hater who steals my ideas so they can sell off the "liberal" agenda and of course, this person attacking me, who is part of the classical music Europ-a paradigm which is so utterly racist and sexist but they are "trying" so of course the usual Nazi wanna be minorities and women are being put into the slots that make it appear as if this is an equal opportunity genre. I was kicked out by Germans who infiltrated America. I began learning drumming and then went into all kinds of alternative music (or subculture as some of it was called). This man now is donning the clothing wearing alternative fashion putting out what he calls "crossover' and has been welcomed into the cock rock American group of heavy metal (Nazi Satanists, which are very heavily favored in his small home town in Germany, featuring musicians openly hailing the Thule Society which is what the Nazis hailed as their Occult Secret Society membership---or one of the various forms of paganism). But...he's part of the trend of co-opting and so, I am now being told that it is HE who is alternative and not me.

But as for the others who fully welcome him into the Nazi fold of abusers and torturing wanna be aristocrat Nazi elitists: stealing my ideas, sucking out my love sexual energy with hypnosis about being "in love" with a scumbag abusing and raping me, as they all have done to me all these years and years and years (all my life long not just this sickening group I have been writing of for over 10 years or it seems like that long--more like 8 years but 2 years of them waiting on the sidelines while the Europigapes like Moynihan and Siervo took turns and tried to have me killed several times before this group took over but the Europigapes are still in the background profiting off this.

The German unwanted abuser keeps triggering a hate response while I am asleep, or just barely awake (there are many levels of consciousness where they all employ the same kinds of teleportation information extraction or abuse rape and violence energy extraction-delta states or theta or alpha--they can do it all in any brain state even while I am awake. It is like seeing a nearly transparent vision of these terrorists but as ephemeral as it is, it is real and I have conversations with them even while driving as I nearly get killed because they abuse me while I am driving as well while terrorists on all sides are nearly hitting me (this is another device that could be called murder attempts).


so he's going on, this unwanted man who I keep yelling hate and death wishes at and yelling about how much I don't want him and he keeps asking me why? And the systematic protocol is that I continuously relive the abuse by yelling in rage (in this nearly sleeping state, don't know which brainwave level that is on, but not quite at the deep sleep state but not quite awake, just before I completely wake up. I can still talk but think more clearly than in the very deep sleeping state). I begin yelling about what he's being promoted for doing. They all do the same thing, these rapist abusers and users: they remain silent as I scream in rage about the abusive things they do, have done, and continue to do. They keep silent, I yell, the ugliness and negativity have a further damaging effect upon my body and health and well-being. The parasites then feed off the energy and then get their fantasy deals and promotions they have always wanted but could not obtain with their agents or through this network without first having to prove unequivocally that they are one and the same of the good old Nazi (little) boy network and boy-oh-boy how their mothers, wives and daughters and sons cherish this and want to jump in and do the same so their careers likewise with Big Daddy proving he's a Nazi rapist bigot killer to the larger Big Daddy group of sickening ugly rotten old men--

and so, he's never stopping and latching on. I scream in hate and rage while in this "truth serum" state. They also induced this same state in me a few days ago after I had been raped every night for over 6 weeks by this most violent and sleazy and sinister Nazi bigot who is delighted his former worry lines are gone--I feel old and broken down and sound like some bitter old woman with an ugly hoarse voice (because they are also altering my vocal chords as I mentioned in my last post--which is always done when I am talking to anyone or speaking on the phone or trying to get anything done)

Screaming and yelling as a victim of rape that has never been protected and instead those responsible for the United States and it's status as being a free country are 100% involved and glad and thrilled this is happening to me. (make that Nancy Pelosi as the most viciously rotten attacker, Hillary Clinton being next--but the men who fully support this in the US government have not shown their snarling fangs or ugly baited breath of joy at sponsoring this but I think it's many a Republican rotting old man who is actually more sinister and responsible than the two women who supposedly represent how "women" have made great strides in empowerment over the last few decades while the feminist movement appears to have waned greatly--as Affirmative Action has been cut off and the only groups fighting are those who are being currently shot in the streets in cold blood like BLM and perhaps AntiFa. I have yet to hear any interview from anybody from the AntiFa faction as far as media coverage goes, they are only a byword for terrorist or Socialist I do not see any representation of them.

But that is a bit straying. I have zero representation in Congress and in society anywhere and yet my condition has helped very much in the election of Donald Trump into President status but no one will recognize how much influence this contract on me has had on promoting people into highest office.

I thus must ask that this man is taken away from me as he's not going to stop inflicting as much disgusting filth and damage as possible upon my body and home and property--the cooking utensil is now filthy and foul after he ordered this done--everything he does is a stinking and filthy experience as far as I am concerned. He comes off looking younger and refreshed after pouring his psychic filth in the form of actual rotting meat after sucking out my sexual energy penetrated into my sexual organs which he abuses and is rewarded for. Now he's putting poison in my cooking utensils. So any orifice is now under threat by this hateful poisonous personality who is dumping his ugliness out upon me and then according to protocal formula asking me why I don't want him and then remaining silent as I try in vain not to react, knowing even in that state that this is a trigger and that it's protocol and he's being awarded for it. I never want to help this person to be more promoted and I have cursed his tours and his promotions obtained out of this contract and so I try to not fall into the trap, but he goes on and on until I finally react and I try to stifle my thoughts. The technology opens my mind like a sieve and the utter truth pours out and I go on and on in rage and hate, trying to destroy these disgusting ugly abusers with my words, often trying to punch them as hard as I can in the face and I am by now extremely weak from over a decade of poison hardening into my spine and sitting alone while one after the next has me dismembered poisoned drugged abused as my nervous system and endocrine system are knocked out-of-balance night after night, then day after day writing about it to the delight of the Nazi organization reading my desperate posts.

Again, no one in power on any level around the world will come forward to stop this, as the entire global system has been absolutely taken over by this hate organization and more holocausts and genocides and more accumulation of the wealth obtained by the theft from the murdered victims is the goal of this group.

Some of you may be victims of this future intended next wave of wealth accumulation by this hate organization as the WWII model has proven so successful and the repercussions have been so minimal for so many of the Nazis and the increase in expansion of this hate organization has reached throughout all of Europe and into the US and all countries are not free of the rot that this group really is.

And so, I write, I write, I ask if there is anything but this impending genocidal group as the future for the world? I really need this German man off me to stop teleporting me to stop asking me why I don't want him so he can follow the protocols and get more free deals. His greed is endless and grabbing raping and abusing is like a frenzy of pent-up hate that he is discharging upon me like a force of filth pouring over me. 

Update on FedEx terrorist attack systematic discrimination and financial and other blocks ordered by Nazi network.

 As I phoned the office, with the number that had been transferred to a fax machine earlier this morning--the hours before I spent fighting to get current and accurate information---as I began to talk my voice was "tweaked" by the microchip implant in my throat. As always, when I begin to talk on the phone my throat is constricted and I "choke" and my throat is so dry that every drinking any fluid does not stop the parched dry cracking throat noises as I can barely talk. This same thing happens at times when I am speaking in public my throat begins to constrict, I choke, I can't speak. and my brain of course is being pommeled with electronic frequencies as I can't "think" clearly can't count simple numbers and this organization can even change my voice completely so it sounds "old and tired" or even like a person I am talking with. There was one time that someone with an extremely goofy laugh was talking to me and I laughed at his silly joke and my laugh sounded exactly like his goofy laugh--they can tweak my voice to a lower pitch and tone to absolutely imitate someone else. Imagine how this organization can use this technology for voice verification or for emulating someone on the phone to commit their endless variations of crimes. 


He told me to speak louder, as the customary terror tactic went as always they want me yelling into phones to get vital information when I am always in a stressful situation from the endless series of multi-pronged attacks. If I am out in public someone is there, surrounding me with many other people, to glare in hate at me yelling that I am talking too loudly as they all glare at me in hate in unison. They usually means one or two white supremacist Nazis and a circle of "brown or black" skinned terrorists protecting and fighting for the Nazis attacking me. Doing the most filthy and vile acts for the bigots who control them who they "love" with puppy adoration. Slavish love. Waiting for the prizes and promotions instead of living in slums and in poverty. They can't wait to hate and abuse to get awarded and promoted. The circles of "them" are endless around just one or two bigot white pig ape nazis who control them.


Thus, they could not hear me I had to repeat my voice was choking and cracking but they confirmed that it was the current address. The entire episode of fighting to get the current phone number and to check that the office was still current and valid has taken me 5 phone calls, one long chat that ended in them disconnecting without a word and me going through the endless repeat microchip implant choking situation, having to repeat, my brain going into a broken record mode as I asked them a question about taking lunch breaks--because these stores, sometimes banks, have "out to lunch" signs after I drive for 45 minutes to get to the one branch that offers a service that they all offer but deny me when I enter and ask for basic services--here in Phuket where they can discriminate against me and are always with white bigot frumpy dregs of the "army of losers" telling the brown/black skinned terrorist haters who perform the most discriminatory and hateful vile acts to attack me for them.

I have spent over 90 minutes just fighting to get this information today. Phone calls on Friday and Saturday were met with lies and incorrect information.

It has been impossible for me to obtain simple health care, in this same system and even when I have paid in countries like the United States and in Germany (paying very high premiums for a service where I was injected with deadly poison by the German Nazi doctor, attacked when I paid in cash with the health care insurance for this extra service--expensive in that country--) and I was attacked but drugged while I got a simple thing like a massage (that's another very long story, but the treatment is the same in every country such as the USA and in Thailand the creeple terrorists always perform the same attack protocols and the drugging is always done with drugs put into the massage cream.

But I use all of this to emphasize that the attacks are systematic and global without a pause. 

The millionaires and billionaires out of the celebrity and political levels all tell me I am some kind of "nothing loser" and their system has endlessly promoted them so no one can rise above this oppressed status and that will be in full effect if they manage to actually overtake the government--so far they lost their bid in the Insurrection of 2021 but they are trying adamantly to do this as covertly as possible for future overtake with huge smiles and wiles of pretense at how hard they are fighting all injustice and racism and sexism.

This is the dire future ahead of many a person who wants independent freedom of living from without this system or these types of people. They will also experience not just death and murder threats that are concealed but face poisoning and accidents and fake cancers and the like--even if they comply they can also face this.

I am simply being a messenger and fighting the silent apathy or fear of people reading this as a warning about how dire the situation already is. If anyone out there doesn't thrill about how wonderful it all is--as some of the predatory abusers using this system have hailed things like teleportation as being absolutely wonderful. Of course they can use this to enhance their sexual fantasies and steal ideas and abuse people they are in something like 7th heaven using all this tech and these torture terrorist force multipliers. Let this be as some kind of warning to you all who think this may not be in the best interest of humanity if this is not stopped.

Terrirust run-around from Fed Ex Thailand (controlled by international Nazi network of terrorists). I can't copy and paste onto my post published earlier as the format is also probably hacked so it's being partially deleted and inserted into the middle of my post and I can't control it. I am still waiting for them to phone the office for me. They are giving me 100% run around bs and I have tried every avenue of inquiry and am getting circle upon circle of lies with no accurate help or information whatsoever. I have now spent over 1 1/2 hours trying to get a phone number that works and confirmation that the store that had closed, which is still listed by the terrorists hacking into my page for information, is still open but I know that it has moved. I can't get any help whatsoever in Thailand for any service. This also goes for Dell Computers where all calls are blanked out, silenced, told they can't speak English, I sit and wait and they hang up on me, and that goes for all international calls to the US for customer service as all my phone calls are rerouted and montered so I am discriminated against 100% of the time for basic services and can't get accurate help or information That goes for US companies and US Government sites as well.

 Kritsada S: Hello (name deleted by myself) ,thank you for visiting I am Kritsada and will help you today.

You: Hello. I just need the Phuket Fed Ex office telephone number. It is not listed on the Fed Ex website anywhere.
Kritsada S: Please contact FedEx Call center 1782 , 024912000
You: I have tried that number two times and I got no answer. I need you to contact them for me please because I have had only problems with that customer service. I need just the phone number for the Phuket office please obtain it for me. Thank you.
I phoned the Bangkok customer service number on Saturday and was given a phone number in Phuket that was a fax number. I phoned this morning and got no answer when I tried two times. Please call the center for me as you are part of the Fed Ex support team.
Kritsada S: Tel : 076-373173
This is phuket number sir.
You: That is exactly the number I tried and wrote down in my email. I got a fax when I phoned.
The last time I was at that office there was a sign that the office had moved. Please contact them directly and ask them if they are still on Thepkassatri Road and next to the Kasikorn bank.
I need to order a pick-up at the Phuket Fed Ex and this is why I must confirm that the address is still valid and that I can drive to the address and it's still an operating branch of Fed Ex. Please can you contact them and ask if they are still at that location for me? I am not able to drive there myself and I am going to order an express delivery from the United States and need the package very quickly.
Kritsada S:
You: I have gone to that site 5 times and need confirmation by phone that it is still valid. Please phone them for me and confirm the address is correct and location is still at that address.
As I wrote, the Bangkok customer service gave me the phone number you listed and I got transferred to a fax machine. I cannot reach them by phone can you please confirm address verbally with that office?
Kritsada S: May I have Tracking number please.
You: I have not made a package I will need to make an order this week.
That is why I am checking that the address is current, before I make an order with your company for express pick up at the Phuket Branch.
Kritsada S: Please tried to contact Tel : 076-373173 sir.
You: The last time I was at the Fed Ex Phuket office you listed, it was closed and there was a sign that it had moved to another location. That is why I am checking as the address on the website is the old address
I can't reach that number you have to phone them they transfer the call to fax when I call. Sir.\
Kritsada S: This is new address office at Phuket sir.
You: I am a female not a "sir".
That is the same address listed as earlier on the site. It was closed and a sign said the store had moved the last time I was there. For the 7th time I need you to phone them personally as I cannot reach that number because it is transferred to a fax machine.
Kritsada S: We are sorry ma'am.
You: thank you
phone them please. Is that impossible for you to do when you are a Fed Ex agent giving simple information?
Kritsada S: We are sorry ma,am, This is telephone number of phuket 076-373173. Could you please tried again.
You: NO, I need you to try it as I can't reach them and I can't try it again. Can you try it?

At this point the agent disconnected the chat without any word or apology and I was sent to the virtual assistant. "Your live chat session has ended. You are now chatting with the FedEx Virtual Assistant.: 

I phoned, as I wrote in my last post, the main customer service number twice and got dead air one time and the phone was not picked up the second time.
The call to the Phuket office that I was given and it was repeated above was transferred to a fax and all I got was fax beeps. My 7 requests  for the agent to phone personally was met with repeat "no understand" types of responses. So far I can't get a single bit of accurate information. This is one way I have been forced into unending poverty and powerlessness in these huge Nazi-controlled systems where they have taken full control over every phone call and business. 

Terrorist Report: Phuket Fed Ex company: Thai discrimination ordered by the Nazi network from Fed Ex Phuket. Unfortunately I must write as I am dependent upon this service and it's critical for me. I want to stop writing these posts about the endless blocks to my life but I am literally being blocked in every phone call and inquiry for the simple information of the telephone number for the Phuket Fed Ex office.

 I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone number listed on the search I have done for the one and only local office. I know that all websites are blocked and hacked when I try to obtain information that could help me in any tangible way to navigate this endless obstruction of every business and financial and personal search and attempt I make for any kind of empowerment and it's a global effort to keep me in dire poverty and sick and being abused with no support or help.

The website that I accessed has an address on Thepkassatri Road. The last time I used this service, they blocked information about the delivery status and told me that my pick-up was not ready although the webpage and shipping details showed that the package was already in the office. I had driven the distance there and they told me to come back tomorrow. After I got this package a day later, I returned to see a shop next door because they had objects I wanted to buy, and the Fed Ex store had a sign claiming that it had moved location.

I then phoned the main information line on this last Friday because I must pay a lot of money to order a very vital Visa card to me--I am now blocked from obtaining money so I must spend at least $200 to obtain a rush request card from my bank and pay for a rush delivery to Fed Ex to be picked up as I have no phone and I just want to not have anyone in this condo attack me when I try to pick this card up.

So far, no phone number listed anywhere. I phoned the main customer service line in Bangkok on Friday and got a snivelling Thai male with a soft, effeminate voice speaking gently but mocking almost everything I said (something Thai stalkers do 100% of the time. If I make an gesticulation they mimic it and mock everything I say unless it's completely in a blank and robotic tone with no expressionism whatever--thus any individuality I express is mocked in an attempt to silence and thwart my personality in every way by everyone I come in contact with). He was imitating what I said and I asked him for the local office and he remained silent and it was so hard to get him to "speak English" and my brain was under so much attack that I "forgot" to ask him a third time. I have to use SKYPE for all my phone calls. He pretended he could barely speak English it was extremely difficult to nearly shout into the phone (another stalker/terrorist tactic which is on phone calls I am told they can't hear me and I must shout as loudly as possible to get them to "hear" me as they all claim it's a very bad connection but I can hear them perfectly at soft pitch).

I phoned on Saturday and got a female at the main customer service number who gave me a Phuket number. Because the office was closed I just phoned them now during main hours. The number given was either transferred to a fax or it was a fax number so I got the beeps of a fax line. I then have phoned twice to the main number once more and first I was directed to a ringing line that no one picked up. I then phoned again and got silence and nothing on the other end after 5 minutes I hung up again. I now have to fight to get anyone to answer and then to speak English and then to give me the correct phone number and then to see if the address listed that terrorist hackers is still valid. I asked the terrorist on the phone if the address listed is correct and he said yes, but that location had been shut down a few years ago the last time I was there.

I am now sitting here as usual sick and needing to rest and not drive all over for miles to see if an office is actually open or not for pick up at a major mail service: Fed Ex.


I am currently waiting in a "chat" seesion with a terrorist "chat" agent for the Fed Ex Thailand site. I have repeated my information about how I can't reach the Phuket office more than 7 times in a row. The agent pretends it can't speak English or write or read. I repeats the same information and I tell it also that the phone number given to me was transferred to a fax. I asked the terrorist chat agent to phone the office to confirm that it was the current address. I wrote three times that the office had a sign posted on it's door that it had moved to another location. The store had been emptied. The website still lists the same old address. I can't get an accurate answer anywhere on any format and all phone calls are transferred to people who lie or hang up on me or make the phone go silent. 

The agent is also calling me "Sir" which is one of the most common attacks that customer service agents who are really terrorists part of the terror stalking organization who either work for the companies (i.e. internet service when I had my own line, when I could afford it or otherwise they are part of the terror network operating within these systems as all calls are rerouted to the terrorist operatives in every business if possible so I am always under attack and discrimination in every business call or attempt to get help--including phone calls to police or FBI or any agency that is supposed to help citizens).

I am now waiting for her to do something and I will copy and paste the dialogue chat so far (excluding the portion with my name):


Sunday, July 11, 2021

Terrorist report #3: July 11, 2021. 1 1/2 hours later after last post.

 My hair was so rancid and stinking from the substance sprayed into it last night, as I slept, with a cap I sewed together with a chin strap and a large piece of material I use to wrap around the chin strap and to tie it as firmly to my skull as possible--with very small safety pins in all directions keeping it taut--but somehow the tiny mechanical arms that get through the layers of items coating all surfaces , literally every single surface of the room is covered so as to block all mechanical arm entries--hooks in locations to tie panels to parts of the floors and walls--but are so flimsy and so extemporaneously made to create the facade of the interior of a studio but actually is a torture and surveillance chamber easily penetrated in at least 500 angles, cracks and tiles or more for entry of the tiniest US-made but China-manufactured surveillance and torture mechanical arms, designed probably and advertised as being some beneficial instrument to help sick people in hospitals or whatever they create as the endless series of lies for how these deadly technologies are going to enhance the most vulnerable and consumer-avaricious of the planet for endless entertainment and leisure purposes at the flick of a click.

However, digressing as I am under "mind control "attack and can't think in a linear fashion. 

I took a shower to rid my hair of the sprayed-on grease and foul stinking substance that almost can't get out no matter how many times I clean it. Like all their artificially and chemically-created sprays that seem like residues of organic rot, the stench is firmly adhered to by any surface or material, and so the substance and stink remains with ordinary cleaners which includes shampoo, conditioner, or bleach for household surfaces which are also sprayed non-stop with grown greasy and stinking substances.

My hair is again falling out from the root because the substance also has something that either loosens the hair to make it fall out at the root or kills the hair shafts. I don't know which. Or both?

Thus I have almost no hair left, as I try and have tried to protect my head and hair but the group does a brain-storming session probably once or twice a day (meaning the terrorist Nazi group of rotten and foul Europigapes who instruct their nasty minions on how to abuse and attack me and violate my body and home and what to steal and break and destroy--every day it must be a combination of all and much more. In teleportation it's my sexuality, mind and spirit and psyche that is under non-stop violent assault as well as rape and violence and endless creative concept and information extraction by loveless hateful mediocrities who have been put on top for so many years for their blockbuster super-hyper-macho violent stunts and swaggering psychopathic smug bigot Nazi manipulations and then their pretense for the public that they are kindly, philanthropic charity loving all humanity and helping their Nazi foul whore wives to obtain careers--and for years, it's been at my expense for the women to obtain ideas and the men to also. but since my mind is constantly on the topics of rape and violence against women that they all cherish and the racist angle, I have been surrounded by those who need to steal such concepts in order to continue to sell the K-rap that has made them famous, mostly when they were poorer and trying to rise up out of the rage that had kept them down. Now that they are  wealthy and famous, they have to torture me to get a feel of that rage and also continue the poverty that has also been forced upon me, as it has with millions of others. Those who do not comply and work for the benefit of fascist white Nazi supremacists who have been forced into poverty, or even those who do, will be exterminated in the future. The blacks now who think they are safe will be eliminated or their children do if the white supremacists take over Governmental control and decide to make lynching in the streets by police or otherwise as lawful and even mandator--as they are already doin in the Republican Conference with their many laws being enacted to allow for murder of peaceful protestors in the streets.

In case you readers who want to claim that I am hysterical and a "bitch" I suggest really taking a good look at the hysterical bitches of not only Whorewood but of other higher offices whom I have labeled as being terrorists in this organized stalking Nazi cartel or just those who participate.

Now hackers are blocking so many keys and I must backspace so much I am tired of this endless struggle to try to reach out to get this hell to be stopped as accidents (last time I drove I was nearly hit by cars driving full speed into intersections as I drove past--they drove almost into me from side alleys and streets on these tiny Thai roads at least once per 5 minutes--) and poisoning of my body the household surfaces are all sprayed with toxic filth. the stress is killing me just from endless strain on my nervous system as abuser after abuser tortures me and becomes more and more fixated upon increasing the thrill factor so their hormone rush addiction can also be enhanced--as they feed off my reaction of rage they get promoted for creating it--so they become more violent and that is the night time healing sleeping state that my government has allowed loveless sleazy abusers to inflict their dreams of violence and hate and pornographic torture upon women they want you to believe are "bitches" because they--I mean I--was competing and winning I was beautiful they want me ugly broken and raped and beaten to death in full daylight in front of everyone where no evidence is ever collected no one ever intervenes no one ever stops them they keep going on and on. I appeal to this planet to stop this injustice against me and so I am living in peace and prosperity and these criminals should all be forced to pay and then law must be exacted according to their crimes--which there is evidence of if only someone would provide the ample footage and photos of me being raped while teleported. I could collate all the information to prove the crime, if someone could use digital forensics--if only some of you would actually do something to stop this so I can stop writing about this and getting tortured for having done so by unscrupulous criminal scumbags who are more disgusting in every way than any of you who are not part of this circle could ever conceive of--your celebrities and politicians and the people you call "good citizens" who are really good criminal scumbags who like the celebrities are posturing bs artists.


I forgot to mention, because I am so sick of writing about one rotten and foul psychopath celebrity or politician after the next for years and years, or Europigape murdering bigots who were poisoning and raping and torturing me to death using their nasty and foul pig ape Europig teams with the endless minorities servicing them as the sex slaves who they want to think I am--because I can compete against them and win, because before I was made almost balding tortured non-stop and bloated and disfigured I won athletic competitions and played classical violin and wrote short stories and was very beautiful and so they have maimed tortured raped broken my spine and toes and fingers and inserted objects under my skin and poured chemicals into my body and hair and etc etc tried to knock my teeth out

years of being deprived health care on top of all that

but while taking this shower to try to wash the filth that the filth ordered poured onto me--like their filth symbolically poured into my body which is the filth that they are and the slime and scum that they really are and are comprised of--symbolically, metaphorically, however you want to denote it. (I am endlessly backspacing while fighting to type this out and rewriting).

The water is a form of harassment now in my torture chamber. I turn on the faucets of the bathroom and the kitchen sink faucet shudders so loudly the light fixtures on my ceiling were shaking and clattering as they are aluminum and round. The walls are shuddering and the sound is so loud it's louder the very loud music. I have to keep water flowing in the bathroom sink so I can use the tiny metal hose in the shower stall which is at 1/8 of the water pressure just so the kitchen faucet, which begins to pour out water at more than 1/2 full if I turn on any bathroom water source--so what little pressure there is, is more reduced by half of the water being poured out into the kitchen sink as I have to try to adjust the three faucets to try to stop the horrific grinding, shaking, whining and etc noises. I also noticed that the terrorists had adjusted the kitchen faucet base because they are using some kind of clamping device on the other side of the flimsy faux wall panel system (made to be removed from the other side so they can insert mechanical arms at all points of the walls which are covered by panels as are the floors and the ceilings as well.)

The base of the kitchen faucet was loosened so I can't adjust the piping to stop the noise. Sometimes the faucet makes this shuddering noise when I am using no water, and I can hear the thud of the faucet being slammed down on the other side of the wall as the grinding noise stops. It is disgusting.

So more of my hair has fallen out, I have almost no hair left. They tried to knock my lower two teeth out and once they knocked the teeth and they were loosened they then cut into the gum tissue so the blood flow was gone. I have been pouring packaging tape on my face, covering my mouth, putting this cap over my entire skull, taping my skin to try to exfoliate the curdled skin tissue that has been permanently damaged by nightly forays of pouring stinking filth on my skin. right now, as I type, hackers are inserting letters while I am typing--making this impossible to get out, my thoughts blocked and the stream of ideas broken as they insert and use subliminal messaging to confuse my thoughts and then I begin to rant and use profane language--all supposedly to discredit me.

It's another day of over 10 years of asking people to help to stop this or protect me as every day of my life is a miracle because I have single-handedly avoided being murdered by this group in now countless accidents or near accidents, poisoning, near electrocution, stress and aging from their endless abuse and negativity poured out into my body onto my body in my home and on everything everywhere every day every night.

Yes, they want to drive me crazy I ask for this to be stopped. I have to wonder how much worse this situation will get for the planet before people actually realize that it's not "fun" any longer to do this to other people. When that day arises, it will be those who thought this was a fun exercise on power and getting away with being stupid and sick and violent who are then attacked. The parasites have created so much deadly technology that if people being to protest they will be slaughtered in ways that are inconceivable now. Just read Defense magazines to see the artificial intelligence the quantum computer capabilities the "non-lethal" extremely deadly technology and then read about mind control technology such as the "practical" use by everyday moron pornographic psycho scumbag whores as I write of every day to the silence of ..those who really are smug about this and think it's all wonderful. those who claim America is the greatest country in the world really rely upon this technology to be further circulated so they can retain endless monopolies of this every wealthy country where more and more homeless are dying in the streets every day and people are protesting absolutely violent murders of police upon civilians (not all victims are black).

Terrorist rant regarding physical violence #2: July 11, 2021

 Because every pig ape whore out of Whorewood and beyond (presidents, politicians, scumbags in the organization who are mediocrity but not plastic -surgery enhanced or put into main prominent positions but still on the same level in almost every other way as the pig apes you all applaud as your representatives of "art, society and culture" or lack thereof): because they have a contract and a system of systematic protocols they have to obey and conform to in order to break me as a woman as a person and in every way possible before this organization has sucked every concept, idea, bit of sexuality, forced an unwanted baby out of me with some scumbag ape whore from this shit pig organization who I would rather murder than touch or have anything to do with

they must all try to suck out as much of my love as possible using drugging, technology to enhance unbearable sexual desire that comes directly from my uterus, or womb--it is like a sensation of uncontrollable lust which to me is connected to love (never to these scumbag haters who delight in using sexuality as a weapon of torture and murder and all of them consider forcing rape and sodomy and fellatio upon their targets as a sign of their superiority and that what is forced as a "love" act because subliminals pouring "love" into the brain and subconsciousness are thus also used as a twin-attack force upon the helpless, drugged up, in my case sleeping and teleported victim target--thus the concept of love is used as a weakness for exploitation while all loving animals and people have been pushed out of my life or killed.

The loveless pig apes suck out that energy because they are so loveless-they then posture in sexualized postures for their cheesy celebrity performances of skanky titillation pornographically driven and absolutely loveless at heart, then they all "have to" follow this systematic protocol system of destruction upon me:

IMmediately after they are gratified they verbally insult and/or hit me (usually slapping me across the face afterwards--this Germanic pig ape whore does it before and after while I'm fighting to stop this he's on top of me and he's a huge pig ape over 6 ft tall sitting on top of me and forcing his greasebag pig penis in my mouth and slapping my face--6 weeks of that going on and on as the whorewood celebrities cheered him on, he has gotten an 8-month tour playing in Europe as a result and he is globbing on for more and more)

Then they must order some kind of physical destruction--permanent_--of my body and not just once but for the duration of their exploitation of me--which lasts sometimes for years. Probably the average of one piece of shit scumbag latching on is a median duration of 2 years, and probably more like 3. Pitt the pig ape piece of shit and his skank whore wife latched on for over 7 years--if anyone can imagine this how long I screamed at them daily to get off me. As a result, part of my uterus was cut out under their order--a frog I kept as a porch pet was beaten to death--a cat I was mutilated by the white trash Nazi Europigapes who lived in the rooms next to mine who gouged a kitten's eye out--the mother cat was killed, and the male kitten was killed in a horrible way by his spine being crushed and broken while he had been infected with feline leukemia (a slash in his neck was where they inserted the death cancer to slowly kill this cat). My hair was made so damaged that it has been falling out nearly in clumps for over the 7 year period--as this has been a carry-over from the English pig ape Moynihan connected to English Monarchy who handed them the tech--along with Siervo the greasebag Italian Mafioso out of Miami but from Italy--who was poisoning me to death and making jokes about it.

The list goes on and on, my body is literally covered with scars and blemishes from nightly attacks with mechanical arms or people going into my room to rape me, poison my food and smear poison on all clothing and furniture and poison my food, put my spine and hips out of alignment and then continue to poison me with bloating poison which seeps into every rip and tear and vulnerability after any accident--which they keep putting me into as they keep poisoning me with death

and now my hair has been sprayed with stinking foul substances and that is in lieu of inserting fungus and rotting meat substances into my vagina (in liquid form). That is what the German filthbag pig ape whore is now doing to obtain his endless contracts out of this contract. He raped me last night in a porno way that was supposed to make me think he's not endlessly going to stick his foul piece of pig meat into my mouth endlessly, as his plan was and he threatened me constantly that I must go to germany and do whatever he tells me to do and I can't get away from him and suck and swallow 3 times a day to him and his friends and have a baby and other than that, there have been no other conversations except arguments about me wanting him to die and go to hell and him either asking me why I don't like this and his violence and physical assault and me wishing him death. 

So my hair is stinking and foul. I poured rose essential oil  it yesterday and that was to cover the foul odor. This morning my hair is greasy and stinking and foul. I put a cover over my head and use safety pins to try to make it impenetrable as well as the endless years of trying to block every crack and panel which this organization has made literally impossible--the walls and panels are made of nearly fragile material in some places that fall off nearly to the touch and are breakable to the touch as well. I can't stop this and now the pig ape whore has gotten yet another day of promotions maybe another new tour just this month--as he's been out and about partying the entire month whereas when I first looked the information on this piece of rotten stupid shit up on the internet he had zero tours planned he was doing nothing but playing a few times in the Nazi pig areas with his "crossover" stupid music that I really don't think is that incredible. In 6 weeks he's obtained an 8-month full tour of Europe and then a huge party tour just this month to make up for the time he has to wait for his 8-month tour which was booked almost immediately upon his forcing his foul and dirty filthy pig whore penis in my mouth. 

These are the qualifications that the Nazi organization demands of it's celebrities and performers in order to be put artificially into "best" category, a title which remains in the monopolistic pyramid of greed, stupidity and anti-Semitic fascist Nazi hate (and racism galore but for the blacks who aren't like good house Aunt Jemima Oprah and Good ole Uncle Tom Spike Lee endlessly partying with Nazis and Oprah endlessly consoling the whites for their trivial problems and viciously attacking and stealing from me as the Nazi pig apes do--but because I write of racism as well they can steal this for their shitty productions and be labeled as endless favorites at places like Cannes--and also Obama whose pastor at his former Church spewed out anti-Semitic hate just like Farrakhan, who Ice Cube who also sat right next to good ole Aunt Oprah, good ole Uncle Ice Cube who also punched me because the white Nazi bigot from Austria told him to do it when I said I don't need his approval for my analysis of Mozart--)

and so, I remain here now my hair is so stinking and foul, because the Nazis have to make sure that the Jewish women are raped, beaten, looking fat, ugly, frumpy and destroyed. That is a characterization that people like good ole Nazi also attacker upon me Natalie the Nazi out of Israel, the Black Swan scumbag kinda whorish Nazi collaborator as many Israelis are, particularly if they are of the dyed blonde variety--from personal experience

oh the list is SO LONG not only of the minorities who have participated in this (I only use the term "minority" to identify those who are not  of natural "north Europigape" descent" but) I do not like that term as the "minorities' are actually numerically a MAJORITY on the planet and had better learn to use that as a force instead of assuming a "minority" stance as that is a deliberate label of intimidation and undermining of strength. They are a majority, the minority is the pig apes from Europigape land who have infiltrated every country in the world, induced the natives to join on into fascist Nazism, the good ole USA has completely used it's military might to establish every kind of slave colony like what just was toppled by the MAJORITY in Haiti (but condemned in harshest terms those who had enjoyed the privileges of the construct of colonized Nazism that so many countries like Thailand fully embrace. How many years I have had to see this and witness it firsthand has created this version of hateful diatribe of calling the Europeans pig apes because when constraint is gone and when they can go full out Nazi that is how they act. 

When I consider the rape and torture of jewish women in the concentration camps who, in one case, because it was considered taboo for German men to have sex with Jewish women, the women were silenced in horrific ways I won't detail but it's graphic --okay, I know you people reading this want to know: an entire bunker of sex slave Jewish women had their tongues cut out because the German men were not "supposed" to touch Jewish women. Obviously these women were all murdered before any kind of liberation was possible, perhaps they were some of the first killed when the Soviets or the Americans were obviously going to take-over the situation.

But they "have to" maim, destroy or break something in my body to get this contract, and so while this filthy pig ape is out partying with his lovers and friends, and mommy is right there as a Good Nazi German mother (although the whore that bore this filthy stupid immature creep is out of America, one of those American Nazi types and I have no respect for her at all--as much as my mother has participated in this crime against me, and she has conformed by allowing Nazi pig apes to destroy her beauty as she was very beautiful and I know this organization forced her to become bloated and disfigured and she allowed it to happen out of FEAR OF MURDER as murder is what happens to people who resist and these technologies and terrorist organizations I write of so endlessly that are so well-concealed by people like Obama and Hillary Clinton and Trump and etc and rotten grease Nancy Pelosi and etc et al)

but, I can only respect my mother for trying to create sons who were not ignorant and stupid Nazi adherents but failed of course because she attacked me as well so they all learned from her as a model--but she is a lawyer --or was, and she tried to stop domestic violence whereas the stupid whore skank that spawned this German pig ape is just another rotten discarded stupid Nazi mommy who has created another nazi pig whose father obviously abused him and her as well-in my opinion from his behavior and from his videos acting like a good little stupid incestuous boy with his mommy in his videos he is disgusting and unevolved as a man and in every way except for posturing pretense at being sexy and adult and what he learned to imitate from the Jewish Masters who did what they were told and look frumpy. 

So now my hair is greasy and disgusting I just washed it yesterday and put perfume on it. It is stinking--the pig whore scumbag raped me last night as I kept saying     NO NO NO NO over an dover, I was dormant I could not move, sleeping and teleported. He then abused me with a stupid teleportation skit and I woke up with my hair stinking and foul because of this stinking foul evil thing that has been raping me. The fungus and rotting meat, that is his endless sleazy whore sexuality his endless promiscuity as his main selling point that has become rancid and dead--he is a rotting piece of fungus stinking meat sucking out my beauty and joy and destroying me with his inner ugliness and so my hair is filthy and damaged--rotting skankalina the whore wife of pit has had this done my skin has been poured with very damaging chemicals for YEARS ON END. I fight just to try to restore what these apes have done to me.

No one still can do any single thing to stop this but I must try to warn people about how stupid and evil and foul this organization is, what a  sick JOKE UPON HUMANITY THESE ENTERTAINERS and politicians are and I am pointing at the "liberal" politicians who "represent" blacks and women. what a sick perverted joke upon society and yet they remain as pivotal mascots for every kind of hope for political and societal change.

Meanwhile I still need money money money to move move move into a home where I can defend my body against mechanical arms from destroying my body and from pig apes breaking into my home to rape me while the microchip implants in my brain literally make me insensible to any pain or action and I am teleported to shithead idiots posing as artists in the whorewood lots of that fake and polluted place formerly known as Hollywood--=where this german pig ape is being welcomed by the rapists enablers like Meryl Creep and an entire spectrum of the liberals who want shit like this to destroy me, even though I have never been able to compete except at much earlier years of my life before their poisoning made my body like a huge balloon of poison stuck under hard shells of the poison that I am now into the 10th year and one month of trying to get out while millionaires who have stolen idea after idea from me are out partying claiming that they are just so liberal and incredible and posturing with huge ugly crocodile smiles for cameras endlessly put into lead position and no one has a chance to get into that industry and make any other movie that isn't about the same old formulas adapted from the concepts they steal from people like me--but I keep trying to write I keep trying to heal I keep trying to retain the beauty they broke and poisoned and beat and raped and maimed out of me and I keep trying to stop this slavery cock-sucking sick contract out on me so pieces of subhuman shit can prance around on stage claiming they are "Gods" of sexualized artistic content but if you would only allow people to compete that perhaps could not be the false claims endlessly supported by this shit organization to which 99% of you all belong.

I have been pounding down, ranting as the frustration mounts--while I type the keys are literally changing as I type the letters disappear and change while hackers rewrite while I am ty ping. It is now impossible to write anything the keyboard is completely stiff

 I am ranting in cursing endlessly the combination of endlessly backspacing every word is enhancing the rage the subliminal blocks to my brain being able to write without going into emotional hyperbole is impossible at this point.

Years of writing about this years of asking out into the void of the people reading this has produced nothing but APATHETIC SILENCE or perhaps at best a fearful silence. 

how much longer are you going to allow SHIT LIKE THESE APE CREEPS TO CONTINUE HANDING OUT THESE TECHNOLOGIES TO FILTHY PIG APE NAZIS LIKE THIS PIECE OF FILTH GARRETT     who has been handed every single thing for the most deplorable actions who is an absolute low-life idiot from a shitty little dirty German town of pig apes? He's been so promoted by coaching and superficial construct as they all are--obviously he's been plastic-surgery modified as well, as they all have been (or mostly).

this is too exhausting to pound out any longer. I implore you people reading this to stop allowing this situation to go on and on and on and on. Many people who were beautiful souls on this planet have been killed off by this group of low -life subhuman shit and scum. many more will if anyone can get past the technological tsunami of mind control that is being implemented by people like Elon Musk (who has and still is participating in this and creating technologies to do so, with the Green light for globalization handed to him by Trump and the Nazi cartels welcoming in a posturing as Liberal good ole boy who is helping to build a global imprisonment of technocratic Nazi torture and death).

Saturday, July 10, 2021

I must write under adverse conditions and threat. I must write because the situation of this mind control technology and the absolutely unethical and similarly completely brainwashed and controlled violent rapist racists and wanna be white supremacist racist minorities is a threat to the future of untold numbers of people. Already the crisis of the environment to which they all support the greed and rapacious endless development is enveloping the planet with deadly earth reactions of distress to the planet. Likewise, the higher the sophistication of the technology rises, the more brutal, primitive, STUPID STU PID STUPID SICK STUPID and moronic these creeple become with these technologies, the organized death squads who will perform any act of terrorism (rape, torture and murder) with full glee because it's all covered up and they go ape wild with the thrill of hunting and chasing, raping and destroying. The lower the bar goes for culture, art and discernment of the difference between right and wrong, excellence and stupidity there is a merging and a lowering as the entire structure is collapsing while the idiots who put out these mind control manipulations that people consume keep the illusion that society is ever moving towards a great horizon of more Democracy and more freedom and now that the pandemic is waning they are going back to the "new normal". The deception is so deadly that I MUST write if only to try to reach anybody out there reading this, whether it is now or in the future, to begin to doubt the accuracy of the lies to begin to think and consider what I am writing of as actual 100% realistic depiction, as it is. That I am so discredited is part of the process of disseminating all the lies about how wonderful this organization is. Thus, this is post-teleportation rape rant #1.

 Yes, I "had" to use the word rape above, perhaps it would draw the readers in because they want to award the expletive who is raping me to hear how brutal, violent and nearly murderous he is in his exploitation of me. He is such a liar on a continuous basis that he assumes that when I say he is unattractive to me, (using the most polite version of my endless screaming at him for weeks to get off me) he can't understand this because he's already obtained so many tours and deals and contacts in Whorewood that he must glob on and latch on as a huge and disgusting parasite. Thus he is trying an enhanced pornographic approach to trying to suck some kind of sexual response out of me--believe me, being tortured every single day physically with these weapons, my cat stolen from me, all people surrounding me abusing me, never having fun, shitting stinking poison out day after day, being blocked from having enough money to get health care, go out, buy anything and always too sick to go anywhere for over a decade--thus someone who is a fantasy construct with high sexual energy because he so longs to rape, abuse and have a fellatio slave come move into his home so he can pimp me out to his friends--but me not recognizing how sick, ugly and immature and stupid he is because I have no verbal contact with him and he began raping me immediately only just after he told me with his four friends who also raped me that he was going to turn me into a slave--then raping me somehow the technology kicked in all the suppressed sexual energy that I had tried to protect from the other loveless abusers and I reacted in some loving passionate way to this WORTHLESS whore skank from Germany --but in writing this I fear the nazi pig ape organization is going To award him for it, as they already have; to promote him for it. The man who has assaulted me with increasing violence to the point of being a brutal violent rapist has been handed an 8-month tour of Europe with his instrument and his orgy crew waiting to cock rock tour the continent with their penises waiting to be sucked and their orgy fans to be f&cked and their mommies to tell them they are plucked from heaven of the highest orbit of the Nazi New Dawn era. He obtained this incredible pan-european tour (and perhaps elsewhere on the planet) only in the last month of torturing and raping me. I looked up his information and saw that there were no tours and he was a guest on silly game shows in Germany and putting videos out with his "crossover" classical/rock versions (which I thought were delightful and I liked the Mozart rendition of one piece). It was a change, it was fun. I was not inviting him in to rape me endlessly with fellatio and hate and racist insults and torture and fungus and stinking rotting meat inserted into my body and Europigape losers attacking me in stores for their "brother" fellow Nazi bigot--with their sex slave Thai operatives working alongside them. No, I was just appreciating the music this otherwise musical thief stole from the famous Jewish men who trained this ignorant hateful Nazi in how to pretend he has deep emotions (outside of greed, selfishness, self-centered egoism, love for his mommy who keeps him in a 13 year-old pornographic dirty little boy mentality wiping his ass metaphorically every moment as good Germanic Nazi mommies have been told they must do--the men so sexually abusive and pornographic and immature--you must live in that country and then talk to German women who want a career to hear the insider analysis, my thoughts are not only derived from my personal experience of analyzing this culture but from the women of Stuttgart, all intent on having a career instead of being a hausfrau slave cleaning her little boy's underwear and ironing it with love until he is well past middle age--it's very ubiquitous this trend and if you are not of that persuasion it's sickening. However, for this to be FORCED UPON ME like this with this sleazy hate person trying to turn me into a fellatio slave : "You must suck my expletive 3 times per day and swallow" this pig ape whore said, as he was handed an 8-month tour with his penis extension instrument to play for the fascist Nazi crowds of Europe who love this Nazi and his pretense at playing like a Master of the violin which he learned from the famous Jewish men--and returning that with this kind of racist hate that is the worst I have experienced--slapping my face and sticking his foul penis in my mouth as my body was inundated with mind control tech so I was sexually turned on as if I were deeply in love. And because he's a whore and I am not, I "believed" that this man who pretends he is sensitive so passionate is an actor playing a part and otherwise like the rest of the K-rappers of Whorewood an absolutely loveless racist abuser who can't wait to turn women like me into destroyed, ugly, broken penis-sucking slaves being beaten, torture and then murdered slowly in one way or another but broken physically and mentally beforehand. Thus I must write these posts today and not wait and get it out while I can, because a world of shit is being formed by these absolutely disgusting and incompetent pig ape whores, even if they have stolen ideas from Jews and other artists so they can pretend they have any kind of depth or purpose. The many kinds of sadistic MURDERS that will be inflicted upon countless people this group wants to eliminate, which have already happened, and are going to happen, should alert SOMEONE reading this at least to finally begin to stop DOING NOTHING ABOUT THIS SITUATION AND TO STOP IT PERMANENTLY AND COMPLETELY. Stop this organization begin to expose it read my posts and understand I am diluting nothing I am never lying this is 100% accurate reality and you must be concerned and do something about these shit whore pig apes you are all applauding as your heroes of culture.

The act of writing as my brain is under attack, my keyboard is under attack by the mind control terrorist operatives--as my computer is so hacked and slowed down and items I want to investigate blocked and etc--but just beginning to write this today brings so many ideas I had wanted to actually write short stories on, but have to abstain and stick with ranting posts, due to the many times in the past decade and longer that my idea have been stolen either verbatim or phrases stolen and adapted to the content of the fascist Nazi network operating these hacking and dispersion of my ideas. Every single time I look up information on Entertainment in USA Today, for example, there is at least one but usually two actors, musicians and politicians who have participated in this hate crime against me. One I saw today was Spike Lee, who stole my concept I wrote of regarding the Greek play Lysistrada and used it for his movie Chiraque, then posted the connection of the play to the movie on my search on IMDB, long ago while Depp was continuously raping and abusing me afterward, as his daughter stole ideas from my posts on Facebook to star in movies and has obtained her entire career out of his rape and abuse tactics (her father, Depp). Then there was Billie Ellish who also stole a phrase I had written and even a singing style (my interpretation of how she changed her voice based on what I described about Thai singing) but definitely I heard my written words copied by her--when I wrote of this theft on Facebook, with all of them, glaring looks of murder on their rotten evil faces polluted my social media searches and streaming pages for months on-end after I wrote of their crimes. There is no evidence I can't prove anything, and of course there was Obama the US President presiding over all of this, with Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State, while I was overseas and thus in the domain of Clinton under that global reach. Since Biden is "friends" with the politicians, their crimes "must" be protected and thus information on all of this hate and violence towards me remains "classified" and no one can ever do anything to defend me, apparently or reveal these crimes or these people. Today I did not see Clinton on USA Today but as for the others, they were all there. That is just the list from today and the list of celebrities and some politicians is staggering in length of how many have happily engaged in this system.

 I wrote my posts I described above using poetic thoughts, because I was so drugged up because I could not get the laptop to operate. I had piles and piles of hardened poison mind control rancid and rottin my body as they tortured me--so I wrote my concepts on Facebook it was the only thing I could do. I had opened webpages and tried to create a business and I learned to look at whether the page was online or not and the hacking organization took my pages offline but they still appeared to be active. I finally have had to resort to a social media platform like Facebook just to have some security in knowing that perhaps my writing will not be silenced, censored, deleted and stolen completely in that order. 

What has been stolen, then awarded by this huge Nazi fascist organization, I see the posturing joy of people like Spike Lee whose career SOARED after he first stole an idea from me and let me know he had done this with glaring looks of hate pouring into cameras after this act, watching on as white supremacists in Whorewood, his friends, along with Oprah, who hasn't stopped having me tortured because I called her an Aunt Jemima for participating with white Nazi supremacists in Whorewood (by the time I called her that, she had already stolen or been part of the team stealing the concept I had written of, A Wrinkle in Time, on Facebook, then wrapping her arms around filthalina the skank, wife of pit the actor who hasn't stopped stealing ideas to prop up her empty and meaningless mediocrity for all these years, her Nazi mentality which is so blank and null and void as they all are

posturing and posing in Cannes along with Bella Hadid, who made absolute waves in the Nazi circles for her anti-Semitic rants against Israel when the Gaza was being bombed---welcomed into post-Vichy France pro Nazi France absolutely racist bigoted France all celebrated at Cannes--where I was teleported and raped by Depp who brought me to a room with billionaires--the money was apparent, the dripping wealth was everywhere and he had me on my knees sucking his disgusting pig meat as a symbol of me being humiliated and not him, and not them as being pigs and whores and unartistic skanks but me, somehow helpless it was supposed to be me being the object of scorn because the technology that stupid pigs being handed the tech from unscrupulous politicians and governors of the citizenry have handed ignorant and unartistic expletives so they can have absolute monopoly over the arts, the main mind control factor for adults and children even or as important as religious organizations or schools or even more important than the family--but doubtful as Nazism and racism begins at home. But the technology brainwashes the adults who spawn the children, and those who want freedom are just simply eliminated--murdered. The murder apparatus connected to the mind control apparatus is equally as evil and deadly they are merged into one system.


This is my rant, going into extremes, for this hour of the morning as I was raped by this foul Germanic sleazy immature parasite who hasn't stopped attacking me viciously for over 6 weeks of what is now a disgusting hell and I can only think of him as a subhuman piece of rat scum and filth and stupid as hell on a personal level. The idiot savant can play violin because Jews whose parents escaped the Holocaust taught their children that the only way to not be further murdered by the Nazi cartels is to teach the little piece of shit Nazi children the art of their mastery of the classical violin and then watch on as the little pieces of parasitic shit turn into vicious fascist Nazis when they get "famous" for pretending they are passionate sensual and sexualized bigot racists playing music and just watching on saying they are all "friends" now and everything is okay because they are allowed to play--as long as they remain frumpy, looking "Jewish" and not very attractive and a bit obese as the Nazis want to make me "fat" and ugly with endless poisoning bloating breaking of vertebrae and bones and poisons poured on my skin and hair with me fighting endlessly to stop the penis-sucking rape because they want me sexually so destroyed I have nothing left. To the full cheers of politicians and Celebrities of Whorewood who do the same and are trainees of the fascist Nazis they welcome into California--like that rotten ugly hormone-overdosed rotten thing out of Austria, the body-builder, who ransacked the California coffers in his disastrous stint as Governor who continues to suck out as much as possible but he is beloved by the endless waves of Neo-Nazi adherents in California who welcome in Germans and Austrians to come on in and teach them how to create genocidal atmospheres and climates for mass murder and theft and destruction. Now they have these technologies and you are all still doing nothing to stop this inevitable catastrophe that is looming. Learn to understand who is guilty and that includes a huge dose of the "liberals" who are lambasted by the "Right" (i.e. Fox News).

I am now exhausted because I have to pound down and rewrite and retype endlessly. I see that the terrorist hackers are rewriting my words and adding words to make this sound incomprehensible and like I can't spell or think. I am tired my arms hurt I must write from my biceps by now the pounding down is impossible to write further at this point I must use almost my entire arm strength to get anything out.

This is a ranting and hateful post. My brain is under attack my critical thinking areas of my brain are being suppressed.