Monday, July 12, 2021

Appeal to the do-nothing readers (some of whom may be doing something but in general it's very hard to tell if what does happen is not part of the cyclical abuse patterns of increasing and releasing of stress so I provide loveless parasites with my energy if they rape me and use technology to force my passion out of me while I think of them as rotten pigs after it happens and it is never stopped). WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO GET THE NEXT PIECE OF ROTTEN PIG MEAT SHIT OFF ME?> hOW MANY MORE YEARS OF WRITING ABOUT THIS MUST i SPEND HOW MUCH LONGER UNTIL THERE IS ONE POLITICIAN WHO WILL STOP THIS OR ANY PERSON WHO WILL DEFEND ME AND STOP PROMOTE THIS FUCKING NAZI GERMAN PIG INSTEAD OF STOPPING HIM?

 His filthy, dirty pig nazi ape goal is to get me to "love" him by his rape and the isolation and torture that no one has stopped all these years--which goes on day and night will MILLIONS of Nazi pieces of shit and their most disgusting minorities worldwide--thrilled and stupid apes and pigs and whores over-excited about gang stalking like rabid parasites it is disgusting to watch and they are proud of their behavior and system.

How much more of this must I take endlessly begging to get one filthy pig piece of scum shit off me after the next? Whether you think of them as beautiful blonde men or bigots you still can't do more than allow them to believe they are entitled to raping and murdering and like Trump said, they can kill anyone on 5th Avenue and will still be elected to highest position.

This disgusting, ugly rotting piece of pig meat shit out of Germany is trying to dig with his pig whore penis into my body, zap my brain and nervous system with this technology, blast my brain with "love" subliminal messages while he's slapping and raping me but forcing fellatio on me endlessly day after day then having rotting meat substances inserted into my hair and vagina and insulting me and abusing me afterwards while I am hypnotized, drugged and alone surrounded by violence and abuse and hate lasting ongoing for years, more than a decade with my cat stolen my body broken my finances blocked my family participating my government funding it the police defending the pig apes all people everywhere stepping back and doing nothing and watching it going on, some and many of whom say I must have done something to deserve it (that's what the Latino women say in Miami--good victims and slaves and adoring whores they are for the nazis it's as bad or worse than the Thai women and their slavish adoration of white trash pig ape men who exploit and abuse and rape them but they respond with smiles and loving adoration so the violence is not as bad as it is with some other women in other countries--

and not a tangent but it is related to subservience and racism.

however, this pig ape German is like the 50th pig who has done this to me in just this one decade and not counting my entire life of piece of pig shit after the next--Germans breaking my vertebrae and many other Europeans trying to destroy my body and wreck my home in much more vicious ways than Americans--so expert they are at Imperialism and genocidal hate crimes

but this creep has sucked out the energy I need to heal and to defend myself and he keeps coming back and the goal is to get me to give all love he can suck out, mistreat me with pornographic hate and abuse af terwards and then keep it going, to torture me for trying to stop him, polluting my body whether I say no or yes, getting endless prizes for it by his shit country and the Europigapes who have so fully adapted Nazism it is not joke and an absolute reality.

Then, if he can, he wants me to open up completely so when I finally am "in love" and doing whatever I can, he will dump me or put me in an accident and go off laughing about it with his lover. The Nazi women are particularly giggly and enthused when it comes to their bigot pig ape men raping and dismembering or disfiguring me, and they certainly do what they can do destroy me as a women as well and order as much destruction as they can upon my body to maim and disfigure me alongside their penetrating rotten pig ape whore men who do the raping.

And so this filthy ugly sleazy pig whore is going on and on as quickly, grabbing and sucking out as much as possible, stealing and robbing pouring filth that is as vile and rotten and disgusting as his endless sleazy persona for his sexualized violin playing and performances that are so based in sleazy filth that it's disgusting for me to see him in any aspect of his sickeningly sleazy performances or his face or to have to be teleported yet once again--

I tried for so many YEARS  to get fucking pitt and his filthy vile wife off me--more than 7 years of them obtaining ideas, awards and prizes and promotions for nightly doing abuse skits then extracting information they can use for their shitty fake films about how much they care about every social issue

I was so glad to get rid of them when this vile pig whore out of Germany began to exploit me. Like an exponential piece of shit hitting the proverbial fan, his hate and negativity escalated at an alarming pace--and

I am now begging people reading this for the 8th or 10th year to please get these pieces of rotting shit rapist celebrities and anyone else trying to do this to me off me once and for all with me alive and living in abundance in my own home, my cats returned and this shit off me forever. 

I can't stand this ugly sick and foul German piece of utterly disgusting pig meat any longer and it's "just" 6 weeks of rape and violence as opposed to pit and his filthy skank wife latching on for 7 years while no one did anything to stop them. 2-3 years of Depp going on and on with his rotten whore skank wife he punched one time or so and it made world headlines while beating me daily made him more famous with more promotions. Years of Nicola Siervo having me poisoned to death while he was raping me so as to pump the poison in as deeply as possible. He has gone after this contract out on me since 1997--having me kicked out of places, having me raped, etc etc. Years of writing to him to stop teleporting and raping me as he was killing me. Him laughing as I was hit by a car that stopped in the middle of a busy road while I was driving. That was after the accident that Siervo's partner out of England, who has stolen verbatim stories I wrote and sold them off to people in Europigapeland as their concepts--while poisoning me to death and he would not stop an dhad me thrown in jail and my cat's body nearly broken as I called them pig apes and only that after more than a few decades of both of them coming after me. 

And there are more and more stories like this but the teleportation, which also has another character I have not mentioned in many years but he went on for 4 years doing this with his brothers--as I ran around the planet fighting to get health care, my body so ill from poisoning I could not move--fighting to find a country where I could get health care. Being abused to death and blocked from financial earning while fighting to heal from this group from shitwood and now I am appealing as this next piece of rotten filth and shit is going on and on doing what they have all been doing for decades.

When will this injustice be stopped how much longer must I fight continuously to get one fucker off me and rapist pig whore off me? this is being taken as some joke by the pigs reading this I am fighting and fighting and that is all I do every day and the teleportation is some kind of absolute crime of injustice that absolutely sick and mentally ill rotting fucks have been handed to inflict their racism and hate and sexism upon me--who has never been handed a chance and all of them are being handed unjustified awards for the shit that they do after they steal all they can from me--I have always tried to compete and win and for that they want me absolutely broken before they rape and abuse me to death.

I need them gone I wish THEM death I hope they are destroyed I hope someone out there will finally understand what a threat they are how incompetent and stupid and evil and sick they are and stop them and at least put them in prison but I prefer really that they are dead by now.

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