Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Texas Governor Abbot threatens to arrest Texas House Democrats for having left the State to avoid the passing of election "reform" Bill in the Texas House of Representatives. As my reading of the news wears on, the dismal fascist news bears down and the looming threat of a huge battle emerges and I only hope that Democracy will prevail (sounding so rhetorically-driven with politico speak as I feel like today--fighting a battle, fighting for the country to not be destroyed. Seeing what hate lies behind the fake smiles of those who claim they are "fighting" for freedom, equality and justice and are supporting fascist murder death squads and imprisonment and torture instead and helping to ease in a genocidal regime if they could do that they would--this whorewood group in particular that would mean their endless hegemony over the crap movies they keep being allowed to crank out, theft of intellectual property with others and rape and murder if they can get away with it and they can using this tech and YOUR SILENCE AND COMPLICITY to doing nothing):


Texas Governor Abbot threatens to arrest Texas House Democrats for having left the State to avoid the passing of election "reform" Bill in the Texas House of Representatives. As my reading of the news wears on, the dismal fascist news bears down and the looming threat of a huge battle emerges and I only hope that Democracy will prevail (sounding so rhetorically-driven with politico speak as I feel like today--fighting a battle, fighting for the country to not be destroyed. Seeing what hate lies behind the fake smiles of those who claim they are "fighting" for freedom, equality and justice and are supporting fascist murder death squads and imprisonment and torture instead and helping to ease in a genocidal regime if they could do that they would--this whorewood group in particular that would mean their endless hegemony over the crap movies they keep being allowed to crank out, theft of intellectual property with others and rape and murder if they can get away with it and they can using this tech and YOUR SILENCE AND COMPLICITY to doing nothing):

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