Sunday, July 4, 2021

What would Meyer Lansky DO if he knew....?



I'm watching the movie Lanksy (2021) right now (downloaded). An interesting quote or maybe the scriptwriter made this up:

Paraphrasing from the movie (too lazy to look it up and write verbatim):

Reporter to Lansky: What do you remember about your childhood in Russia?

Lansky: I remember only one thing: my uncle and I were walking on the way to a market (or from a farm or from farming). A pair of Cossacks approached us and told my uncle, holding out a sword, to throw one of the potatoes up in the air or he would attack my uncle with his brandished sword. So my uncle did what he was told to do. He threw the potato up in the air just as the Cossack had told him to do. The Cossack was a touch guy and was trying to pretend he was going to cut the potato in half in midair. Instead he cut my uncles hand off. I will never remember that and this: the Cossacks had swords and we did not. I decided that the next time it would be me who had the sword and did the cutting. I would like to find that Cossack now and show him. I learned to not be the victim but the attacker.


I had this discussion with the German man who is trying to drag me/force me to live in Germany with him where I will have a billion enemies at all times surrounding me (as opposed to the US where I always have only a million enemies surrounding me at all times) and no protection--just like in the US. My response to him in this scenario, under a fantasy, sleeping state after he opened up my emotional center and tried to brainwash me was: I will need a gun. His eyes opened wide in almost disbelief and then narrowed once more in the usual beady-eyed glaring to see how best to get into my inner depths/needs and exploit and control. I laughed, "I must be absolutely harmless at all times, right?" but he did not laugh at all.

Well, I have much more in common with Maier Lansky than being a victim in Germany, America or Phuket or anywhere else in the known universe.

However, people who have guns don't necessarily survive any kind of attack and the guns they hold could be and are used as pretext for their own murder by the assailants. What is worse? It's best to just strike first and ask questions later.

From the trailer, it looks like Lansky beats or kills a lot of American Nazis. I have determined that America truly needs more people like Lansky and I volunteer myself to be something like him if at all possible. I wonder what Lansky would say to the fact that I am being targeted by a US Nazi organization and most "jews" at highest levels of sellout society in the US and elsewhere are FULLY supporting the Nazis and their rape and torture of me?

But yeah, those Nazis really want me harmless, put into various types of constraints, tortured in view of the public but it's all hidden using modern technology--everyone watches no one interferes with the nazis no one supports me openly. What would Lansky say about this if he were alive now? p.s. Israelis are also pawns of the Nazi empire and there are German roots established in Israel as well as Nazi groups which control both sides of all conflicts to keep the hate and wars going on and on. The German man currently torturing and teleporting me asked me about my opinion of Israel and he has brought me to new heights of awareness of how necessary people like Lansky truly are in this modern 4th Reich of hate and lies and deception.

I just looked the bio of Mayer Lansky (spelled it wrong somewhere above) and ironically today is his birthday! July 4. How odd that I download this movie today and quote him as an advocate of FREEDOM through DEFENSE.

I have to wonder what Lansky would do if he knew:

That "Italian-Ameican" Nancy Pelosi the mafia daughter of anti-Semitic Mafia from Brooklyn is participating in this torture attack and murder contract out on me with full collaboration with Arnie the bodybuilder former Governor of California who is from Austia and is a most nasty and racist bigot Nazi?

I wonder why Chuck Schumer, friend and fellow so-called Democrat (instead of just pure fake jewish fascist of the 4th Reich) does nothing to defend me when if Pelosi knows, he must surely know but like all Jews, he does NOTHING to stop this or defend me.

I wonder what Meyer Lanski would do if he knew
that famous "jewish" celebrities were not only involved in this hate crime against me but partnering with every despotic German, French, English and every other international bigot in this 4th Reich Nazi slave/sex slave murder victim abuse teleportation target that this heinous organization has forced upon me, blocking all my opportunities and stealing ideas I have studied and thought of so empty and meaningless bigot Nazis who can only follow orders can appear as if they are original and nothing like the sleazy and hate-filled fasco-nazis that they really are and what their ever movie and output is really advocating with subliminal technologies and behavior modification techniques?

I have to wonder about this that people who desperately came to the United States within the last century have rotten-to-the-core children who then spawned even more rotten-at-heart selfish and greedy children who obey and bow down because the level of comfort and blind ignorance and stupidity on a basic level of defense and strategy has been so compromised.

I have to wonder what Lansky would say about how German and Europ-a children of the generations who bowed their heads in faked "shame" about their genocide are now absolutely violent while men of the age who heard first-hand about death camp experiences are participating in a Nazi contract and assisting in attacking me so they can be promoted into their safe enclaves of respectability that they have been subtly handed by those who wish to tear their throats out at first chance once the fascists have destroyed the society that has sheltered ignorant and rotten people like those I just described who are now fattened (but thin after exercise with all their millions and billions of dollars).

What would Lansky do if he knew
that Hillary Clinton (and by extension Billary)
had participated in torturing and attacking me, possibly trying to have my feet mutilated or my toes slowly cut off, which I have barely been able to defend myself as the attacks continue night-after-night with these mechanical arms poisoning and mutilating my body and destroying my home? This mutilation began after Hillary assaulted me with the Brooklyn "Italian-American" mafia. The attacks could have been from any or all of the above-mentioned or the plethora of others involved just in the "A-list" celebrity clique, which grows in size almost daily I think. Certainly it grows every few months to accommodate a new Europ-a abuser would-be "master" of rape and abuse and mind control over me, with intentions to infiltrate and take over America and turn it into a fascist colonized destroyed 3rd world colony. What would Lansky do about this if he knew?

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