Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Terrorist heart palpitation attack report plus other assorted attacks that are routine but accumulative. July 29, 2021.

 My heart has been under electronic attack to cause palpitations for the last 4 days. The attacks are at a more subdued level than the othertimes near coronary attack level. The level is at an almost imperceptible level rate but it's still deadly. It's done while I am in public as well. This has been on a 24/7 level of attack. 

I am at the stage of disgust at the current teleporting bigot rapist racist Nazi out of Germany to the point that when he teleports me as the protocol must be "obeyed" by these rotten puppets--asking me if I love him for now it's two months of rape and torture and violence and abuse as he's gone off being embraced by Whorewood, and handed promotions and is out being wined and dined and being handed every kind of pumped-up adornment to his appearance so another Nazi can be portrayed in the media as representing "culture" and in the mind programming field another asset of lying pimpness to the already sordid and corroded array of these putrid skanks who are famous performers and mafia nazi criminals of promotional status. Liars, rapists, thieves, pornographic whores and other putrid performances adorn their every promotion. This expletive is teleporting me in the near-waking state as they cause heart palpitations and my nervous system to go into this near-waking state--I am now unconsciously calling him a pig and trying to kick him in the face. Wishing him completely honestly a horrible and quick death and very soon and hissing hate at this worthless parasite who, like all the creeple I have written of endlessly for years who are still out enjoying the money and promotions and their new line-up of awards for years of stealing ideas from me and raping and beating and abusing me and then having hundreds of thousands of creeple attacking me--so this creep is going on and on. For two months he has forced fellatio on me in this sleeping teleported state--and now I am adding this later because my brain is under severe mind control attack while I write as the keyboard is likewise under attack by terrorist hackers: while he was forcing his penis in my mouth he was slapping my face almost continuously--if I tried to stop or pull away he would continue hitting me until I continued--I was helpless it was like being tied-up and drugged and not knowing where I was or being able to move, in that sleeping/teleported/MK ULTRA "alter" condition. This is the parasitic function of this probably homosexual woman-hating German man--or so it seems I really don't know, but this is a pornographic hate act based on racism and the enabling of such vile fantasy porn acts through the technology but mostly through the absolute complicity that goes along with the technocratic torture apparatus with all the millions of participants who pose as "normal, law-abiding" citizens at almost 99% of the rest of the time on this planet that they are slowly social-engineering for a complete global take-over. 

Thus questioning me after being raped, and then beaten and then insulted and then cleaning of stinking fungus and rotting meat out of my vagina, hair and my clothing and etc afterwards, not including the endless attacks by the nasty and sleazy rotten creeple doing the "gang stalking" operations and those people in this vicinity just dying for any vulnerability to be able to enter into my room to rape and slash my body and etc , as these celebrities have also been promoted for partnering with for all these years as I fight assiduously for years to protect myself while I just remain needing health care as they cause more and more physical breakdown and damage to my body and my nervous system and immune system and financial state is now gone, like nothing just on the brink by now of every catastrophe and vulnerable and without any financial stability or security--

thus being asked if I "love" or "like" or why not? men like this German man I have had zero conversations with and don't know don't like don't respect and his very obvious Nazi training and violence is being embraced emphatically by the filth of Whorewood who all have intimate connections to fascist Nazi Europigapeland--who control H-wood it seems from my vantage.

I am asked every day while I am sleeping or barely conscious--always drugged up with sickening drugs and under torture and chaos and life-threatening conditions. When I respond with this increasing hate and hostility to the parasitic German violinist who is a defilement upon classical music is a filthy and foul and immature stupid idiot but is a lying and manipulative and violent nasty mediocrity fitting perfectly with the goons and thugs of the Mafia and that Austrian thug who became--how? How could this have happened? Governor of California and what a travesty his tenure was for that position to the State of California--but nothing daunts ignorant Nazis of America and now they are called MAGA so--they still love and protect and promote any sleazy porno idiot as long as they follow the protocols of the elders of Nazism a la Hitler zeitgeist and voila! A host of Europeans also following suit and now that cascading effect of programming through media and through these violent and murdering mob organizations has created the situation where these pig apes are being promoted. Now another one welcomed into the clicque of the Whorewood "elite". 

Ordering his minority minions slaves to insert fungus and rotting meat liquids into my vagina after raping/forcing fellatio on me night-after-night as my body has been artificially induced into a state of near-ecstasy due to the factors that have forced this state upon me. My sexual centers of my brain have been blasted with this technology and I don't even like this man--I can't look at him as his face and his typology disgusts me. I have had to try to not look at him because he's such a repugnant person and I can't see what a creep he is and how this is being forced upon me. That is my level of repulsion for this parasitic creep. He also has cost me a lot of money in these last two months and has been breaking items I can't afford to replace, that I could barely afford to buy in the first place--now broken down, rusted with chemicals rusting the metals of all metal things in this room but on my cooking appliances--my motorbike attacked--I was nearly hit by cars and this is now occurring once more due to this rotten expletive who I just want to go away I so wish that Whorewood was not embracing this filthy and stupid ape but it is--of course, they love this pig. That is all I can call him in my unconscious sleeping, or barely nascent waking state I hiss in hate at him try to punch his rotten stupid ugly face and wish him death. He won't stop, the awards for this contract are too much. He's trying to force a baby out of me so this rotten skank whore and his girlfriend or partner or whatever he's involved with who has also been involved in attacking me--so they can be brought into the US to wreak whatever Nazi agenda they can with the well-wishing of utter crap like DeNiro and A. S-negger the Austrian parasite who also caused damage to the California economy and I can see easily how much money and damage he has brought to America while the dumbed down Nazi adherents of America love this parasite and only want a Nazi fascist regime replete with Europigapes like these whores to take over the country. In other words, these are the MAGA criminals in the whorewood establishment who have not been put under analysis by any committee that Pelosi chairs because she has participated with them herself due to her utter Nazi Mafia affiliation--as she is undoubtedly one of the Nazi Mafia staples of the organization put into high political position. She is vying for power against Trump and he had his minions threaten her life, that is the one and only reason she is chairing this committee. As for being a liar, fake and grifter, she's just another one of the good ole rapist Nazi pig apes and is as corroded as any of the politicians she claims she is currently defending "The American People" against. 


so that was a diatribe--I am struggling just to get words out the keyboard and my brain are under great attack by remote tech, or the implants in my brain, or a combination therein.


My bathroom attack: as it turns out, all of the water pipes in this studio are attack portals where stinking wafts of sewage odors are being pumped into my studio from the terrorist minions in the studios on both sides. The bathroom sink I have had to seal up the hole where water can drain that is above the actual drain--but from the pipe itself stinking odors waft  up every time I have to bend down to wash my face or brush my teeth. I have a bottle of bleach and perfumed cleaning stuff next to the sink which I must spray at least 4 times while I am trying to do a 3-minute task of washing my face or brushing teeth. I noticed that this morning I awoke at 3 a.m. and because the terrorist was unprepared to perform the endless surveillance task of watching every single move I make and pumping this foul stinking odor into the bathroom sink pipes the moment I bend down to get water from the tiny tap--for the first time in months this didn't happen because at 3 am, a time I am almost never up at, this attack was not performed. Every other time I use the sink this is pumped up. That kind of surveillance is continuous on my every move.

Because of these attacks, and others through the bathroom sink drainpipe such as a mechanical arm being pushed through if the plug is not fixed on the hole--stinking water is being pumped through the mechanical arm onto the bathroom floor or around the sink area. This stopped once I closed this metal plug that is attached somehow to the metal drainage hole in the sink. The terrorists use a clamp to lock down the plug so I can't lift it up and I must turn it around in various directions and once I pull it up, they pull it down again. I have to brace the plug with a plastic piece just so it's not pulled down continuously while I am using the sink. I have to literally pull almost with my entire strength twisting it to try to unlatch it from the hook that is pulling it down, with the terrorist on the other side doing this every time I use the sink except for 3 a. m. this morning when they were not pumping stinking odors and holding down the plug so I can't use the sink. I noticed the difference immediately. It's utterly disgusting but mostly due to the non-stop surveillance of every move I make so whatever hole or crack or portal I come near they can damage as much of my clothing or body as possible.

I also woke up with my sleeping gown utterly sprayed with foul and stinking rotting meat liquids--These creeps are utterly foul and rotten. But of course, most or all of you rely on these types of activities to obtain your positions within the ranks of this foul organization.

All I can say is that the house that the pigs have built is being blown away and your leniency towards these whore ape pigs will also be a huge factor in the destruction of the planet that people are now lamenting as the floods are washing away so many of the domiciles and businesses that the pigs have relied upon as their structures. The greed and stupidity upon which they operate has created so much filth around the world in the places that they could rape and steal from that the planet is now going into a decaying death mode from the lack of love, concern and care the planet has just allowed this group of pig filth to pollute the planet and now the consequence of allowing this to continue--well you all can see for yourselves the result if you just watch the news.

Besides the climate crisis, the fascist overtake of the country is now under microscopic view or supposedly under this new committee investigating the Capital breach by the groups who have fully committed gang stalking terrorism and that has now reached catastrophic levels of violence in the higher levels of society. All of this has been allowed to fester because your organization and most of you are so comfortable with gang stalking death squad activities and the situation has morphed into a political movement of insurrection of the government because the pig apes want a fascist Nazi government and will use tactical means in order to achieve their goals. They are well-practiced in all these activities thanks to your allowances of their gang stalking terrorist organizations. You can all blame yourselves for the January 6, 2021 insurrection, in other words. You can blame yourselves for the future attacks upon America including what the Europigapes you all cheer on and welcome in who assist in infiltrating and performing all the leeways for the terrorism that is intended to destroy America and for them to take over. 


Another attack regards ordering some essential oil products to be delivered to me at a certain time at one of the shops in my general area --a shop called Lemongrass House, which is an international enterprise. Due to the pandemic this shop has had to close. The Thai skanks who attacked me there were almost vicious as the pandemic forced fewer customers so the ugliness of the creepy skanks became more visible the fewer people were there and the fewer the products on the shelves were. There are other Lemongrass House shops in Phuket but very long distances away from the southern tip of the island or the central area where I now live (but used to live in the Southern area of Rawai, where this shop was but is now closed). I was given an email address of a woman using the email address of this business who agreed to have someone meet me with a batch of products I had ordered at the old closed down shop. They didn't show up. The entire area where this shop is located, a relatively quiet area off the main road, was littered with creeps (Thais) making stalking triggering gestures while I sat there waiting, but moving around, trying to pet the stray dog that is slowly dying who is always laying in the grass in front of this area. I tried to drive to a very close street tea vendor (a tiny little structure with an "open" sign but all was locked and closed). Across the street was another Muslim tea vendor (this is very near the Mosque) and I was nearly in an aggressive confrontation as the Muslims were waiting with hostility and hate--under orders by the Nazis, as this arrangement of the Muslim Brotherhood and Nazis out of Germany has been a close bond for many decades by now--

And..the influence of the Germanic pig ape Nazi has been shown that the mafia is bending backwards to please him and bring him on in --the greasy nasty Americans like DeNiro who is particularly violent towards me (making violent and deadly punching actions at my face while the Germanic pig ape sits nearly sexually seducing the rotten ugly DeNiro who is completely taken in and probably turned on by this rotten German woman-hating rapist scumbag creep whore parasite expletive etc etc etc).


And more and more, I am struggling to type my hands won't move to keys and I am backspacing all the time to correct what the hackers are blocking of the keyboard.


I also noticed immediately upon turning on this computer at 3 am that the system worked normally for the first time in months since I bought it last year. The only time it worked quickly was the day I bought it and opened it in the shop where I bought it, and this morning for less than 5 minutes as the terrorist hackers were not awake or prepared to endlessly block everything as they always do at every other moment I am doing anything they can block and attack and destroy they will do it.


Hacker and mind control obstruction of this post--as with every post. It reads like a bit jumbled and shaky but that is due to hacker redaction and also hacking intervention in my ability to type and all is altered, partially deleted after I click on publish. I can't rewrite endlessly so I leave it as is.

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I am facing prison or all my money stolen or both for fighting to save my life. //I am faced now, by Social Security (but really by the 4th Reich celebrity-politico terror hate teams, your celebrities and Congressmembers who have raped, tortured and poisoned mutilated tortured and drugged me non-stop on a never-ending daily and nightly basis for over 15 years. Thousands of my posts and facebook posts have been for nought, I only have amassed endless opportunists waiting in line to get a chance to beat, abuse and rape and torture me to get their, their wives and children and friends' promotions that put them at the top of every list, every award for over 15 years this current situation has been a massive campaign to induct non-stop permission for torture sadism fascism Nazism Mafia criminality in the U .S. population through their usually non-elected "representatives". Who really choses the candidates or the non-stop rotation of the "celebrities" in the U .S. population, who just want it to be done for them for the most part, to be entertained in all things and they cheer on whatever stirs any emotion in them or sense of empowerment.//I, the victim, am being threatened with jail or prison and all my money taken because I saved more money than the $2000 allotment for my disability payment slot, which is the lowest possible for any recipient in the United States to survive on. It is impossible and also I was being denied health care and being murdered by the poisoning death squads. The murder has continued without end by the celebrities you all cheer on as they get paid in millions to promote the ideas and concepts they have stolen from my writings (I stopped writing concepts, then the pop singers steal phrases I write as do the politicians who rush to threaten me threaten violence and murder and some of them rape me--these are leading politicians in Congress plus three Presidents have openly joined in the closed situation. Because I was under non-stop poisoning, drugging, my internet constantly turned off every few seconds sometimes, every search is controlled so I get no pertinent information---and I was never informed that saving the Stimuls money would mean I would lose my benefits if I left that money in my account. Or, if I did g et the letter, I never received it because my mail is constantly being tampered with--. Because I had to fight for my life to get health care, literally I was dying, I went to a place where I could get life-saving treatment. Because the poisoning must be detected by MRI technology and Medicaid refused to even help me in any way, except some very weak ibuprofin and that was all I ever got on "health care" I had to go to a place so I could get what I needed t o fight the daily non-stop poisoning. I had student loans I saved and some other money from family. I did not know that Social Security could access all my banking information. I am not able to open an account where I am, and I was in such a state of torture drugging hysteria trying to get ANYBODY to help me, as no one ever has from the entire United States, I was not in a state of mind to be able to research the situation. I have spent years looking for anybody who really is against fascist Nazism in the media or in Congress by watching endless videos on YouTube and endlessly my internet was turned off, constantly and I could not and still cannot use the internet. I never knew that Social Security could access all my information in a bank. I was asked if I gave permission to view my direct deposit account, the agent approved of the intervew and told me everything was fine. He then cut my money off instantly the next day and ever since I phoned him, he "played" yet another game by viciously yelling at me and screaming and accusing me and demanding and yelling, telling me that he was going to take literally every cent in my bank account even what i need to live off this month--and then he may charge me more than I possibly can ever have. He also is such a deceptive abusive personality that he may try to have me in prison for not having exposed all my money, and other factors defying the rules for public assistance. I am on public assistance because I was put into an accident (by the microchip implant system in my back and by people attacking me, as my roommates drugged me and I was always and still always am in a drugged daze under "control" by subliminal "commands". I was put into a freak accident, my legs literally popped up 90-degress while I was running because my bus was late for work. I was encouraged t o "let's race" by some stranger woman who I began to run next to--drugged, under mind control. As I was running down a slippery wheelchair ramp on the sidewalk my legs literally popped up into a perfect 90-dgree--which is impossible "normally" because I have been a jogger and slipping and falling does not entail a 90-degree angle of my legs popping up like that). I was okay and a little bruised. I went to a party that night and danced, I felt a bit of numbness and pain. The next day, the metal rod attached to my spine was loose----I was in extreme pain, unable to move. I had to call in sick and was fired by the temp agency because I had been dancing the night before. I now know that my body was literallly fractured by the terrorist rapists and abusers w ho not only were my stranger roommates, but also they because like a mob violence situation after I was put into this state which is now my real life disability. I have since been. I was left without health care and 2 years later, the metal rod was coming out of my back-it was within one centimeter of coming out of my back where the hook had been loosened. The metal rod was installed by an abusive doctor in my high school years, and it was a "trick" rod where the metal hook could be sprung open, I suggest that is what they did. A few years after t hat, while sleeping, my lumbar vertevrae were fractured so badly I am permanently disabled as as result. T he team of celebrities and the other teams (all stemming from the same celebrities, as one of them has been coming agter me for more than 50 years, others for 30 years, etc) and the poisoning has not stopped. The daily torture t hat continues every day, the mutilation and drugging, continues every day--and I was not able to function and unable to get information unable to do research unable to function. I have been viciously physically and sexually assaulted by this German sleazy creep with the teams of celebrities spending over 8-10 hours per day, in staggered times per day, in the shower, while getting undressed commenting on my body having me raped and punched and slapped my home made filthy and nonstop attacked by people everywhere every minute in this room non-stop on all sides, while sleeping and every day.

  I tried to save my money for the inevitable crisis and to try to have some stability. I cannot open a bank account where I am. I saved my ...