Wednesday, July 14, 2021

END THE FILIBUSTER NOW AND STOP THE NAZI PIG APES FROM DESTROYING THE COUNTRY ANY LONGER AS THEY HAVE BEEN FOR DECADES. After all the stupidity and ugliness of parasitic pig apes, I woke up to GOOD NEWS for once that seems to circumvent the ugliness of this rotten hate group which is undermining Democracy and tearing down the Republic and destroying society with the filthy movies and shit and Nazi crap that they epitomize in their public lives but feign that they are "fighting" against in their every formula-driven drivel movie that keeps being cranked out by the foreign-controlled US media entertainment fiasco.


Unfortunately, the bill I just hailed below (this is written after I read that not all Democrats may be amenable to the Bill, which means it may not even reach a Reconciliation green light. Waiting probably for Joe Manchin and Sinema and we can only hope that they will not block progress for the country any longer.
Still hopeful and waiting but as always, there's always some problem and someone keeps the Nazi agenda floating while claiming they are fighting against it (supposedly Manchin claims that).

Good-damn finally something has finally goddamn happened that is not a travesty towards the United States--including the rise of the ape pigs in the planet of the Whorewood universe of flops and pigs and whores being put into lead and top positions.

I so hope my writing will help to address this problem not just so actually good movies can be put out that aren't based on bs premises of pig apes fighting pig ape planetary take-over that the pig ape actors and their rotten rapist producers and handlers truly embrace on a personal level.

This is one start to rebuilding what decades of the fascist Nazis from both parties have brought into the current state of deterioration of the country: END THE FILIBUSTER NOW!

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