Thursday, July 15, 2021

Terrorist business discriminatory practices by my mailing service and by Fed Ex: (or so it appears from this distance). I may be stressed-out but I know for certain that there is something wrong as the delivery time I am being charged for is much lower than what the mail service is charging me. I have no other options and I have no choice at this time but to have to go through with it and pay this discriminatory price for a basic service.

 I am being charged a $140 fee by Fed Ex for an international shipment from USA to Thailand for a package weighing less than one ounce--a few grams--two pieces of plastic--two cards. That is all, plus the two pieces of paper that they are contained in. $140 f-ing dollars for two cards to be sent express delivery. The price listed on the FedEx site is far lower than the price my mailing service is charging me--overcharging perhaps. They claim that "we just press the button and this is the price that comes out." Now they claim that there is an additional expense for signature delivery requirement which I have never heard of for a pick-up at the Fed Ex station order. It is ridiculous. Is this me being ripped off by this company mail service or Fed Ex is outrageously overpriced or inflation is dangerous?

Additionally, the arrival time is for longer than one week. I ordered express delivery, they are charging me $140 for a 5-business day service of two plastic cards from Florida to Thailand. I am being screwed over and they won't give me any answers via email to my questions such as how the estimated delivery date is in one week (next Friday is the date the Fed Ex tracking displays). I asked for a next-day service. They refuse to answer any questions they remain silent but have very quickly taken up the money.
I expect that when I try to pick up the package they will lie and tell me it's not yet in the office, as they did the last time I ordered a package with my passport to be picked up at the fed ex station. They lied and said that the package was not there but the tracking info showed that it had arrived for pick up;.
Meanwhile, I now have to wait and wait and wait and pay and pay and this is part of the terror network of discrimination and blocks to all finances, stealing as much of my money as possible (for me to have saved this kind of money has meant much sacrifice for me)
I keep money saved for emergencies. I have been raped, poisoned and drugged and severely under attack by this German getting his hundreds of thousands of dollars in deals from attacking and abusing and using me. I could not function he has kept me drugged up and under stress, plus the sickness from healing. I cannot keep track of my records I can't function or get anything done they have paralyzed me on almost all levels. I am now in some kind of "emergency" state where I have to get cards to withdraw money and shipments that should have taken a few days are now taking weeks to wait to obtain.
Hacking is horrible. I also noticed that hackers inserted words into my emails so when I would write "I just received" the hackers inserted this word "just" a few more times within the same sentence making me sound grammatically wrong. It happened again in many other sentences so all of my sentences were long and rambling with filler words repeated and scattered throughout the post. Commas and periods were also removed.

this is how I can't get anything done or accomplished and now I am paying $200 for two debit cards that I was to sick, too much under abuse and attack to think clearly too sick from detox and more poisoning and drugging too stressed out from being teleported and raped constantly and this is the result--as each of the services I rely on screw me over, give false information (the mailing service claimed they didn't get my information in emails regarding where to ship the package--they then kept me waiting to confirm the exorbitant cost of the package which they have over-priced by probably $50 and then are using the slower mail service and probably stealing money from me. I don't know but it appears to be the case as even expedited service from Fed Ex is a 3-day international and not a 5-business day time period.
They refuse to answer any questions.
Every other word is being partially deleted while I am typing so I must backspace constantly to get anything out, plus the keyboard is now as hard to write on as fighting to hammer nails into cement.


again, no response from this company in Florida on what signature required means if this is a pick-up at the Fed Ex station. No response to why the package I am paying $140 for express delivery is estimated to arrive in one week, more than 5 business days from now, if you count today being one of the business days that makes 6 business days of this package waiting to be delivered. Nothing from them. They just claim they don't get my emails, then give a quote on the day that I need the package shipped out, knowing that I am overseas--(they could have informed me a few days ago of the price but they claimed they did not get my emails with the fed ex mailing address which they lied about). The service has lied to me in the past. They lie to me all the time in fact they doubled the price of the service and stopped sending me information on mail my box was receiving. When I try to contact other mailing services I get no response because the terrorist organization deletes my inquiries or blocks responses and all phone calls are diverted to their agents so I can't get any business done whatsoever. The hacking is now very bad and the rewriting of my words if horrific I see how badly they change what I have written and it sounds like I can't compose a simple and direct statement or sentence and all my emails make me sound "confused" like I can't spell or think clearly and repeat the same thing--all done by hackers and this includes all my posts which I can't endlessly rewrite and rewrite as they also change posts I rewrite...

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...