Tuesday, July 6, 2021

More problems explicated more thoughts expurgated. My large left toe, which has been broken 2x in the last few years by this group attacking me, and has been pulled out of the socket--is now worse after a detox my bones are adjusting and it's now very hard to walk on it.

 Not one, not a single one of these millionaires who has stolen concepts from me, raped me and sucked my life force out and then damaged my body has paid me for anything or helped me to heal and in fact they all torture me so my immune system and nervous system are in a continuous hate and negative mode so the healing is exacerbated and my body is breaking down and I greatly need health care. I cannot afford it as they all block my finances and all attempts to earn money have been blacklisted all my life unless people can sexually abuse me while I am working--i.e. managers. I can't get health care without the fear of more damage being created by doctors as this has been the constant situation for many decades with almost in exceptions. These millionaire/billionaires refuse not only to pay me for the ideas, sex or whatever they steal and order to be broken but they order more damage to be inflicted while I sit here writing begging for my life as the slow murder never ends.

Each one of these rapists and abusers teleporting me has been handed, as their contractual award for performing these anti-Semitic and hate stunts upon me with the concentric circles of terrorists spanning the globe and acting as proxy rapists and domestic violence abusers for them--all appear continuously after attacking me in show after performance after celebrity status after promotion after exemption from criminal liability to being able to torture, rape and mutilate me if I say no to more rape, more theft of my concepts which I can never get out as my ideas--the hacking and brain-altering mind control tech make producing anything impossible (writing this is fraught with interruptions and hacking obstructions and brain-operating hindrances). Just writing a few sentences and paragraphs is nearly impossible to get out without endlessly having to rewrite what hackers block and delete and retype.


I need health care and these people who are so wealthy will do absolutely not an iota of compensation for YEARS of stealing ideas, rape and sucking out my life force (in isolation and pain, sometimes I make "love" while in this sleeping state just because I am a human being not because I am a prostitute or sex slave--and the sex is always of this fellatio insult and I am stuck in this situation while they are free to actually either pay for these services for very cheap prices in most of the deprived world--which they help to create and they fully keep the system of master-slave going on in this technocratic torture system they all fully are thrilled with engaging in.


I have to ask again for some kind of leniency because I just wanted to be beautiful, successful and compete and win and did so and was. Poisoned into a huge, crooked bloated state put in accidents my body scarred up on every single inch of my body due to these nighttime attacks. Raped and abused my entire sexual life without one single real love relationship my entire life. All of these people raping me have been married or are in love with someone else or really only can admire Nazi women and I just want someone to stop this for once and for all. To just be left alone to live in my own house that they must all be forced to pay me compensation for all these years of this violence that is never stopped. 

They are trying to force some contract out on me whereby I provide men who have abused and insulted me and maimed broken my body had me gang raped hit by cars poisoned destroyed on every single level--with a "baby" so they and their lover Nazi women or boyfriends can obtain some HUGE DEAL out of this torture and hate Anti-Semitic crime so many including many of the most famous Jews in media are likewise participating in. I just ask for my own home in my name, my cat returned and this hate crime stopped and me provided with financial compensation so I can live in peace for decades around people who protect me and care, in a place I love, without these people or this system being allowed to bother or attack me in any way ever again.

By now that is my only dream is to be left alone, celibate, with my cat La Moux returned alive, healthy and happy my other cats as well in my own beautiful home in a place where no one attacks me and I am provided for due to all these tortures and this situation stopped and this terror operation actually not allowed to continue to ruin and rape and mob and torture people again. 

I see how the Republicans are turning the next election cycle into an absolute fiasco and the situation is already dire under and has been the Democrats who have also and likewise allowed and participated in this system flourishing.

People have to start and begin to actually care about the real ramifications of allowing such a system like this to go on and on indefinitely without exposing it or stopping it, as you all are doing.

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