Thursday, July 1, 2021

Censorship and fascism in the current era of American Freedom clouded by bipartisan convolution. That is to say: all I am writing about in this post is due to an American State-sponsored version of an emerging fascist, Totalitarian technocracy.

 BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ. Film critique expressed by a white male who I listen to in the angst of knowing that if I write any such critique or think of such things I will experience a rain of attack and violence on many, various covertly ordered attack by my American Totalitarian-organized Big Daddy organization. Alexanderplatz is a movie multi-dimensional drama of Rainer Werner Fassbinder's tale of the lowest common denominator rising. It is now at the level that the United States has likewise risen to and is nearly full-fledged and full-blown. Let it be known that femicide is also a key factor in the film and can be on a similar plateau of fascist mentality.


Censorship and fascism in the current era of American Freedom clouded by bipartisan convolution. That is to say: all I am writing about in this post is due to an American State-sponsored version of an emerging fascist, Totalitarian technocracy.

As I am being literally tortured through all these invisible covert technologies and terrorist stalking groups--if I write any kind of critical review that in any way examines or paints any revelation about negative aspects of the prevailing culture I am tortured and attacked and maimed and brutalized. How apt then to put a white male's perspective who has been allowed to write any kind of negative review of the German culture alongside this movie review as my corollary cathartic which I cannot begin to either write due to hacking interference or due to brain attacks pulsed out or meted out to my brain's critical thinking capabilities. As I type the keyboard is becoming non-functional as I must stop writing and rewrite and backspace and my brain is always blocked ot the extent that I can only remember what I had wanted to write when I get away from the laptop or turn the system off. This critical revie of Fassbinder's Alexanderplatz is of a tone and level I could potentially write if all these attacks, threats and blocks were removed. This movie is an apt source to pit against my current situation and should be included in any analysis of what forces are being pitted against me.


BERLINALEXANDERPLATZ--Misanthropic Humanism.


JOY DIVISION. She's Lost Control.


A SPECIAL DAY--UNA GIORNATA PARTICOLARE. Sophia Loren & Marcello Mastroianni (plus Adolf Hitler plays a cameo role). 1977.

The traditional housewife--dying slowly as her husband is out frolicking around she's burdened with children and cleaning. Under fascism she must breed and bleed for country and big Daddy hovering over her to beat her down if she so much as says or thinks the wrong thing. Happy to be cleaning and breeding and obeying and under the protection of Big Daddy in His House. Dying, dying and looking for Mr. Goodbar. After years of teleportation and MK ULTRA rape, which is tantamount to being gang raped repeatedly for years in this technocratic "experiment" of the most base elements of human existence put into highest promotional level: Just for one day I would like my dream man to sweep me off the next phase which they plan on forcing upon me in the fascist "new world" Old World order: glorified, underpaid, abused and mortified mommyhood and obeying, cleaning, loving and being silent as the man goes off screwing around!  


A SPECIAL DAY--The Quiet Victims of Fascism (Film review).

Here is yet another review that a white male is presenting regarding the white male domain of dominance and domination (which I would be tortured and maimed and threatened for writing or speaking or uttering or thinking due to this wonderful new world of new world technology bringing back the old world.)


oH, oh 


AS FOR THE women involved, the fascist women of all races and smiling, suave and conniving varieties of all the flavors that men have mashed-up into their pockets for poker night picks and Bingo bonanzas --passing one to the next in drawings for highest bidder at lowest cost possible except for the candy arm which obtains the highest front row seat of all the rape and torture of the demoralized victimized targeted woman (i.e. MOI) and the children of these fascists learn and watch and perform and are involved

Oh, the story of OH

how I could go into the woe

the way they repeat what they sow

but that is another story


because for a woman like me, truly in the pit the mosh pit of this freak circus

would be to also examine his woman and her offspring

instead of always vilifying the male, as so often is the case

the focus I would make instead would be on the compliance of the woman

in the rape circus that her man delights in

technology now fulfilled long suppressed dreams

 of domination and conquerance.

Thus the white male is the only true source of critique

except for a few discarded feminists who sometimes

also play the abuser and rapist enabler

to keep the silence of the role of other women in the plots

and devices 

that men create--now a universal technological femicide culture

has sprung up, is silenced, the women who yearn to be free of their cultural role as fascist doormat

are thrilled

to see this oh spectacle they and their rapist violent men

have forced upon me

and STEALING IDEAS from me so they can appear as if they actually 


ABOUT any issue that they can't wipe away with a tissue

after the intercourse of discourse is not being recorded for cinematic posterity

Thus the men write about the other men in the club

the women remain as kind victims and sometimes caring and concerned onlookers who never participate

according to the male reviews

unless the subject is exclusively focused-upon in the male-created movie and cinematic and cultural expositions 

that dominate .


Last anthem for the night on the subject of women breaking free from the Old World prisons--some people have claimed no affiliation to Patti Smith after they once hung her photo on their punk strip-tease calendars on their hipster art-patched parched walls of photos of celebrities and other cool items such as dollar bills that could also be used to entertain at those 80's parties once they abandoned former chic hippie pre-punk Smith and turned instead to Blondie.


  NATURAL BORN American Rebel (killer)" I'm in love with the valley of pleasure, I'm in love with the infinite sea."



(gang stalking zombie robots who obey and do what they are told, and look what they wear look how much they don't care

about anything not even about their own lair

(global warming criminals

love virgin rape orgy criminals

ritualistic sacrificial criminals)


I was born on Friday the 13th, at 3 minutes before the end of the witching hour. I have a pentagram figure in my palm where the life and other lines cross. I am a mind control witch hunt target and a hated female figure of no reconciliation of both sexes and a much-desired contractual obsession-possession-compulsion item and therefore..."I was born to be Bad." 

Put in a technological prison. After being poisoned nearly to death, fighting and dodging terrorist cars hitting me in the streets, beaten, raped and everything but burned at the stake. 


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