Friday, July 16, 2021

A little bit of insight into my situation: I am not "miserable" although extremely stressed. -I write of the negative because throughout the years I have learned that if I write something positive or that I feel good the terrorists increase the attacks so I remain low-key about how I feel fine if I have a few little amenities. The terrorists have allowed me a few basic things that keep my spirit half positive (not half-empty negative but this organization wants me empty and completely devoid of hope and joy and health and beauty--they keep me alive to obtain a baby out of me, and I know how vile this organization is so I face absolute torture to death. Yet for now I am only being tortured slowly to death with stress-related diseases at my doorstep. Yet I am half-positive and not half-negative the glass is halfway there somehow!).

 I write to alleviate the stress, it gets stuck in my body I must relieve it by writing I have nothing else I am stuck in a paralyzed physical state most of the time (partially-paralyzed).  One of my reliefs is my laptop and internet connection, which terrorists who broke into my room yesterday as I was out shopping tried to create an accident so the laptop would crash on the floor. They tied the wire of the mouse which was connected and plugged in, to the clothing rack next to my door which I maneuver to a position next to the wall, but then once I am ensconced in my room I push it against the door (plus inserting a series of items into the cracks of the door and I have had to learn that I must make sure they can't be pushed out by mechanical arms--the terrorists are so expert at this terror game that they can make everything appear as if it hasn't moved with the mechanical arms moving things from the inside of the room.--people should be wary they should be extremely worried and concerned and they are not.)

so they latched the wire around the round and very large screw that alters the position of the rack--the entire room is so cluttered by now because I can't use any cabinets or closets that I didn't see that the wire was wound around the clothing rack because the clothing of the rack hid the wire--as I moved it the laptop and the tray holding it crashed onto the table and almost onto the floor. I just saved it barely.

These are the types of attacks, they are all like the operatives themselves, always concealed and always hidden and the operations are always to have surprise attacks from every hidden angle at all times upon the target.

The "Left-Hand" approach of the terrorists, the entire group of them, is always a slithering sly lying approach of deception. This goes along with the guise of the celebrities who pose as being humanitarian in all their tax-break charitable events and movie roles when in reality their real role is to cause havoc and chaos and destruction--as ordered with or without their cognizance as their greedy and over-arching desire to achieve endless deals and awards overtakes all other considerations like moral ethics. 

That is how "the game" is supposed to be played: not just a "rat race" but completely free-for-all but unequivocal aspiration that transcends and in the cases of the people teleporting me, overrides all considerations such as empathy, compassion or concern for the long-lasting effects of following such orders. Like the poorest minions who attack me from a "Developing country" I believe that all the years of their brown-nosing for power and success has lead the aspirants to be as over-joyed in the thrill of torture and sadism as the lowest on the ranks of the hierarchy who can't wait to inflict their misery upon anyone else if it's concealed and even more so if they get their cherished promotions out of it, where they could not otherwise obtain these roles if they were conscientious and caring individuals. En masse they are a force of inhospitable hate and deviant death squad organization. 

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