Thursday, July 15, 2021

The world is flooding now. It is drowning from the stupidity and incompetence of the organization to which all of you hacking into this belong to. I have to wait for the "act of God" as it's called for this terror torture contract to finally be stopped by a higher force as the lowest scum of humanity has been risen to the top of a pile of ignorance and the result is going to be the flooding of the planet. It's happening now.

*Hackers have deleted many commas and periods and other punctuation in this post below. I am too tired of rewriting to go into this and fight with hacker blocks to the keyboard to then publish and see mistakes once more hacked into the re-written thrice page. So I leave it as is. Hackers have rewritten parts and deleted parts. Whatever appears rambling and incoherent is due to hacker attacks--in every single post from all past entries up to now and undoubtedly until the flooding stops this organization this will continue indefinitely because you readers never really do anything and read this and probably feel entitled that it's not happening to you (but it probably is on one level or another).



But as a segue to this:

What else? I just discovered that a brand new very excellent pair of scissors that are metal--used three times--have been sprayed with rusting substances--I put oil and then a silicone spray and I can just move the blades but they are grinding still despite coating them three times. They are usable but the smooth action they had where I could cut material is now jumpy so cutting is zig-zag. I will have to buy another pair.

My only hope at this stage for this hate hell situation to be stopped is for the "Act of" the gluttony greed human pig apes to finally destroy the planet with every white pig ape male and his whore wife needing a plantation with slaves and all "threats" like me eliminated from competing against them in any power position so they can continuously implement laws to help build and pour steel concrete pollute use and abuse and all feeling entitled.

So far the scenario beneath, complied from a few occult seers like Edgar Cayce and others (I have not heard of as I do not generally delve into such matters) but it appears that the coastlines and the flooding is at the beginning stages of the eventual collapse of the global order--that is the only way I can see that this terrorist stalking enterprise will ever be stopped as you readers are too corrupted and complacent to ever get involved and stop the ignorant and rotten from obtaining endless power. As I see in Thailand the rotten ugly putrid old Europigape men and their nasty and foul wives (and children also nasty, stupid and foul all with the money pilfered from decades or centuries of colonialism and the Holocaust brought a huge boon to the pig apes and banking loaning fiascos with endless $ pouring in from austerity to the fascist Nazi countries endlessly building and building their slave plantations and polluting the earth to make their endless money for whore parties and orgies and vacations and mansions with slaves such as proliferate here in Thailand.

The end result of their swinery is the impending doom that the "liberal" whites are now fighting to stop--but not enough as they can't understand or want to understand the real driving force behind it all--I have to constantly explain how this is operating to the pigs who fully participate in this contract along with the worst of the polluting fascist Nazi pig apes they adore--but then scratch their blank, stupid filthy whore heads in wonderment as to how this situation of flooding is now at a critical stage they thought they had maybe ten more years to continue kissing ass to the pigs who are destroying the planet so they can get their endless tours of
Europigapeland and movie deals in Whorewood.

Soon these places will be gone but for now they just continue doing the same things, following this system which is directly tied to polluting Nazi pig apes and the fascist Nazi Mafia goon apes who are creating all this mess on the planet. The "youth" of the now very dumbed down celebrity circles--more and more stupid as generations of meaningless movies and brainwashing and programming have pumped out a new batch of so-called "cool and hip new generation" of younger pig apes with the same rancid old mentality as their fascist pig ape parents and grandparents who have mentalities that are centuries old of conquest and endless domination of every thing they can plunder.

Soon it will be gone, according to these magickal soothsayers and the trend is now showing that this is happening at a rate much faster than expected. Not soon enough for me though. I also need money to be able to move to a more safe location but for now i must write these posts endlessly detailing the sickness that they create the stupidity upon which they operate the mental, spiritual and moral filth that they are and how ignorant it is for people to continue to allow these ape whore pigs to be put into power and promoted for displaying endlessly this kind of behavior as if that makes them powerful and smart, by their misuse of technology and organized terror gangs and operations using all technology to link together rotten filthy ugly old men and their rotting disgusting wives and their shitty stupid brainwashed and greedy ignorant children.
The victims who have been killed who warned and were trying to stop the pollution are all now dead because this group of goons and thugs has to have complete stupidity and compliance without question to their exploitation and abuse of everything they can stick their greasy pricks into and suck the life, nature and money out of and claim that makes them "superior" and here is the eventual result of such a rotten group of filth being put into power (see below):

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