Wednesday, July 7, 2021

I was not raped, terrorized or extremely viciously abused last night in teleportation for the first time in probably a decade of resisting this rape/teleportation murder contract out on me. That was the "loving" manipulation from the German Nazi bigot who wants to force a "baby" out of me and force me to move to Germany. As an incentive, that is the best he can offer-not horrible abuse for one night after what feels like a year of a 6-week period of intense rape and violence inflicted upon me and his gang of thugs in Whorewood--who have been handed these technologies and poisons and terrorist groups non-stop for at least over a decade so Nazi bigot incompetents can be put into highest positions while they have people who aren't "supposed" to be successful poisoned and mutilated, their ideas stolen (specifically aimed at Jews, as another adjunct to the 70+ year-old Holocaust pogram that is being enhanced by the US GOVERNMENT and people like Pelosi and the rest probably including Biden.

 I realize, when this German rapist bigot Nazi is not forcing the technology upon me while I am in the most vulnerable state a person can be in, that my uterus or my sexual parts of my body are being technologically stimulated while this porno promiscuous player rapist Nazi abuser is forcing his penis in my mouth. I am also being bombarded with subliminal "love" messages as he is slapping my face and sticking his by now disgusting (to me) member in my mouth while I make passionate "love" that is completely due to technology, drugging, and years of torture, all loving and kind things, animals and people absolutely pushed out of my life by this ever-expanding growing plague of this Nazi organization (the more people they make disenfranchised, especially in the "developing" countries like Thailand) the more absolutely devoted slaves they acquire into the framework of a global network of murder, GmbH, Ltd, Corp consolidated and always funded and protected by the US Government and all governments around the planet).

Once this extreme and excessive use of technological force is not applied to my body and brain, and this absolutely sleazy and nasty Nazi bigot creep is trying to manipulate me into believing that one day of just almost normal sleep with only brainwashing about how wonderbar Germany is (is not), I wake up with a surge of hate for this man.

I must get into lurid detail which of course all the haters reading this will love, applaud the pigapes for their porno hate rape and torture of me--the women in particular--the blonde Nazi skanks who these men all really love and show the best of their so-called "love" to with presents and honor and respect as they treat them to the best--together they all laugh as the pigs then rape, beat, slap, stick their disgusting greasy pig ape whore penises in my mouth-- being tortured, abused, isolated, threatened, forced into extreme poverty, poisoned so badly all my life I am mostly paralyzed ALL THE TIME and fighting without health care to somehow intuitively guess as to how to get the poison out. What I need for healing (i.e. ultrasound) which I have begged the pig whores of Whorewood to help me to obtain with just a LITTLE bit of money for the ideas they have stolen has been met by stony silence as they keep plotting, torturing and raping me to get their free deals and to torture ideas out of me about how heinously racist and sexist pig whores like these pieces of shit are, which they steal and use as their own concepts. Years of pigs like Brad Pitt and his skankalina whore wife doing this and they are just repugnant and I see their stupid greasy roles, except for the ones they stole out of the concepts they tortured out of me, and I only see blank stupidity glorified and the Nazi image that has been plastic-surgery modified onto their greasy and otherwise ugly and disgusting faces being used as the catapult for them to be welcomed into the Club of Europigape fascist Nazi overtake of the United States through the extremely influential portal of mind control via mind manipulation of these rotten and mostly violent, racist and sleazy movies that keep pouring out year-after-year. Meanwhile the movies I would like to watch and people who could make them, I am certain, remain silenced, kicked out, underfunded, ignored and then their ideas are likewise stolen by these Eurocentric apes who have been dominating the media for decades due to the Europigape fascist Nazi organization that has completely overtaken the US media as "silent partners" aka "dark money". The Supreme Court just upheld a case whereby Dark Money donors can continue to remain anonymous and pour money into the greedy, sleazy and stupid coffers of the parasitic puppets like these rotten and revolting actors and their agents and production companies while the agents who control the awards system keeps handing them awards for every fascist Nazi act of violence they inflict upon me as they completely follow repetitive formulas taking turns and getting praised and promoted into higher orbits of influence. 


When the technology is not blasting into my uterus and words of "love" pumped into my subconscious while this pig ape German scumbag is slapping my face left and right as he sits on top of me, pinning me down--night-after-night and then I "make love" with every bit of the love I had kept in some place that I reserved for someone I actually at least like, who is at least a friend--as this playboy scumbag rapist whore sucks out the energy and then has rotting meat and fungus inserted into my vagina afterwards (he has had this stopped, but he smiled when I told him about it, a small little ugly Nazi smile on his milk white rotting face when I told him so he knows he thinks it's fun and he plans on doing much worse harm to me once he can get me into some place in Germany where I will have zero resources to get away or defend myself---and this group of pig ape whore actors and this organization has blocked all financial attempts as I sit alone in a torture chamber room trying to earn money online and all attempts are being blocked--as they have made me so physically ill and I had to leave my country twice in my lifetime due to poisoning and accidents where I needed surgery and was denied every bit of health care I needed even after having to wait over one year to get on Medicaid, which proved a completely dangerous abuse situation every time I needed health care).


Disgusting and rotten ugly Arnie Shit-nigger the repulsive and foul actor who had been governor, threatening to cut off my foot alongside Nancy Pelosi just as the huge 2nd stimulus Bill was about to be passed and the two former or current Kalifornians were about to graft money out of the billions of dollars being spent (while homeless are dying in the streets of Cali) . But on day #1 of him teleporting me and I shunned him in disgust saying NO while in both awake and sleeping state, he had an orgy of rotten minorities (the usual racist configuration the bigot Nazi and his endless circles of minorities doing whatever they are instructed to do as they so willingly perform every filthy act and deed of sabotage or rape or hate upon me and even upon each other). A dark-skinned woman was giving some bigot white pig fellatio and this was done in front of me. 

Months later (maybe two months later) I downloaded a movie that this current German rapist sleazy fellatio scumbag whore starred in, playing his violin and playing the sleazy "sexualized" Nazi in this movie (I mean "Italian" in this case but it's really very synonymous and Italians and Germans still retain the Axis affiliation and that includes the stupid grease mob of Brooklyn Mafia aka DeNiro and Pesce and Gotti--the stupid and rotten wife of the disgusting thug who was sent to prison by Giuliani before he himself participated with helping Gotti's thug wife to be promoted in this contract out upon me--remaining silent and of course getting all the graft and corruption possible in tandem with good ole boy Trump, who is another story but since none of them has any original concept or personality trait despite what huge sales pitches are used to sell them off for media public consumption as if each and every one of them is some glorious individual and original and pure and sexy and incredible--dreams and fantasies that people long to glob onto, knowing it can't be true, desperately needing some iconography to hang onto).

So, more mind control diversion: filthy and ugly shit-negger the rotten body builder who had been Governor of Cali put his arm around the greasy and rotten ugly scumbag violinist who has been sold off as "eye candy" classical music making his foray into cover versions of songs about racism that Michael Jackson put out (for example) and re-arranging them in the most ignorant and racist and sleaze ways, of course for Nazis and bigots this is a CELEBRATION OF RACISM  and all the money and gradizing posturing that keeps them in positions of being glorified (but shit on the real levels that count as human beings on this fragile planet that they pour poison and cement and pollution into).

Thus, the two pigs of german language had their greasy pig arms around one another--or paws, or snouts or whatever imagery you want to use--as this pig has forced his nasty and greasy penis into my mouth night after night--and abused, insulted and absolutely defended filthy whorealine and shitty brad pitt--a pair of utter scum and stupidity that have tortured and dismembered and raped and robbed me and kept me in absolute poverty--the greedy and dirty German pig ape is so thrilled and he's so busy in his sudden new tours that just poppepd up this month so the pig can go off making love to his germanic or other "minority" slaves he treats like whores and is glowing with absolute satisfaction.

The emphasis on me having a penis in my mouth ins some tortured subjugated position is one of the all-time favorites of this rotten group of shit and filth--that I have been poisoned and drugged and tortured so these empty and meaningless pig whore scumbags can force this upon me much less that I am SLEEPING and fighting to HEAL as they block all finances so I can't afford HEALTH CARE and I just sit being bombarded with mind control technology and maimed, disfigured, my body cut into and sliced off and my skin and hair being destroyed under their orders and pain and abuse are the only things that they force upon me as they suck out my love and steal my concepts--I wanted to write short stories and every single thing I write is blocked, censored and the keyboard is an absolutely nearly impossible thing to work with as malware blocks functions every time I fight to write

but I realize upon waking, this morning, how much I detest this ugly German piece of rotten sick meat, now that he has tried a new tack of manipulation which is to not torture me abysmally every night and day and then demand that I move to ROTTEN Nazi Germany so this pig and his Europigape fascist classical music friends can get more H-wood celebrity status and more gigs--I would rather see them dead then help them in any way--

but I realize how much the technology is forcing this reaction when my brain actually is not so bombarded and my body is not so completely blasted into a state where it is literally breath-taking sexual desire for someone who is a filthy bigot trying to destroy me and obtaining everything his pig dreams could ever desire out of forcing this upon me. He is so sleazy and so used to abusing women (undoubtedly "minority" women) that his behavior is like 2nd nature to him. I downloaded a video of him  holding hands with another German whore skank pig meat bitch a few days ago, he was gently touching her and lavishing compliments upon her. It is so 180-degrees the opposite of his every action towards me that by now I so truly wish him death and destruction and can never have any single thing to do with him. His next manipulative tactic of being not as violent as he's been in the last 6 weeks only means that I realize how sinister the technology is and what shit and pigs are being handed it to rape, abuse and influence people while shit like greasy Mafia Pelosi cheer it on. The greasebag crap group of Mafia who call themselves "Italian" but are out of Brooklyn, DeNiro who is a truly ugly and disgusting violent personality when he's not posturing--and Pesci who is a filthy dirty wanker but is not as disgusting as DeNiro and rotten Victoria Gotti who is just another greasy rotten mafia scum who has been handed power because the media glorified the wife of a gangster who Guiliniani put into prison and then continues to enhance the careers of these Nazi Mafia dirtbags who are so famous for their every violent mafia movie that never stops being pumped out, but in the past few years glorified and put into award status for even more violent depictions but lacking the cinematic content that should make a movie at least seminally "great". Awarded last year along with another extremely violent movie which was a push to glorify psychopathy and murder--the Joker of course it was brilliantly conceived and written and acted but nevertheless it pushes death and psychopathic murder---as most of the Pitt movies do and when I just watched Kaliforna with Pitt I realize that this is actually the real personality of Pitt which he was NOT acting out--I say this not sarcastically. I am tired this has been very hard to pound down and I am exhausted by this subject.

Since none of you will ever do anything to stop this, I just submit this. I also have to add that some of the celebrities who have been remotely involved in this, one of whom out of England tried to have me seriously injured after I said no to  his skank English female disgusting perpetually sold off as a sex thing in movies--endlessly--disgusting--laying on a bed in some sexualized position--it was sickening to me--I said no--he began viciously yelling at me, his dark skin and black hair greased down so his body movements were just gesticulating enraged yelling in defense of his Nazi bigot blonde "master"--the typical slave-whore Nazi configuration I mentioned above--I was almost destroyed in an accident while driving the very next day. The symbol this rotten piece of pig shit crap out of England (the male, the minority) his symbol used is Che Guevara--because he's always pushing the bs about how he's a peace and justice advocate--of course, the minority always has to be the one yelling in rage for the cameras about racism and injustice but behind the scenes they have to serve and be slaves to the bigot Nazis who put them in these positions--it is a symbolic consolidation of victimization upon brown-skinned people--this man is a huge favorite of the otherwise extremely bigot crowds in England where very few dark-skinned minorities go to listen to the utter and sheer bunk he spews out and now has a podcast),.

Another one is a white male--but they and many others keep putting the same video title on my You Tube page: "How to not sound like a jerk". Which can be translated to: be a good little girl, let them stick their penises into your mouth while you are sleeping and be silent and good. If you do get angry, do not curse or call them things like pig apes or whores, but be considerate, be polite, learn to express yourselves in a decent manner instead of being a "jerk" (translate to "bitch" and "whore" while it's they who are the bitches and whores).

I remain cursing and ranting because when I first began to describe the rapes in these thousands of posts on my Facebook page and now on this blog--which has been blocked, censored I can't access this blog and I am tired of continuously cleaning and fighting all the attacks upon me I can't make another website because all can be blocked anyway. I resort to writing on this blog and then copying it on Facebook where I think it is not censored by Facebook--I am uncertain I can't even phone a single person on the planet to check as my every social contact all my life has been a polluted abuse situation of the distribution of these creeps of this Nazi/Mafia hate organization so I have literally zero friends I can rely on for any accurate information and zero  help comes to me from any single person on the planet.

Yet I think people should be aware of how sinister, stupid and disgusting these whore ape pigs are, and I want you to know German pig piece of shit David Garrett that your attempt to sort of placate me only means that I see you as a manipulative and rotten shitty parasites and the weeks of you sticking your penis in my mouth using this technology to enhance my sexuality to the degree that I would use for someone I was absolutely deeply in love with, who I have waited for decades to give this energy to waiting for this poison to get out of my body so I can begin to live and find people I can associate with who do not DISGUST ME ON EVERY LEVEL as you and your group of shit from Whorewood do. They have forced so much poverty on me, with the planet of these apes attacking me in an orchestrated system of absolute disenfranchisement and racism that is of global impact and growing by the day as more and more catastrophes create more minions who desperately need to get out of deadly poverty situations.

The hacking attacks on my keyboard are so bad it is painful to continue to backspace and pound out each and every single letter with my bicepts because my hands are too exhausted from continuously pounding down on the keyboard. Spaces and letters jumbled plague every attempt to type. I can't go on.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...