Tuesday, July 6, 2021

I am stating the obvious but I thought I would write it out clearly anyway: These neo-Nazis terrorists who are always portrayed as being anti-Nazi and anti-racist and anti-sexist and they all don alternative clothing which their Neo-Nazi group has usurped from the real radicals and then kicked the originals out or had them killed--these celebrities, musicians, politicians and feminist anti-racist anti-sexist leaders of American and Europ-a society whose names I have listed to their promotion--they are never kicked out or arrested or stopped they become even more promoted after I write out their names as they attack so viciously I have to beg online for this to be stopped as they rotate the endless circle of them encircling me to gain their next promotion but they all remain in one solid level of celebrity status--another even more openly racist Neo-Nazi out of Germany just joined in the group because I watched one movie with him starring in the lead role last month--it feels like at least half a year has gone by of screaming in hate and rage to stop and then being teleported and raped by him and reacting under mind control technology that is BLASTING my body and brain in a way I can't control in this state of vulnerability--but the situation has become even more extreme and the celebrities are now more violent due to this Nazi joining in as they all strive to be as fascist and Nazi as they can for their endless more promotions---are all really trying to re-create concentration camp "Joy Division" prostitution using MK ULTRA, teleportation and microchip implants and other torture situations such as "gang stalking" and etc of course all of you reading this know all about this by now from my years of writing about it and begging for help online as the help never arrives. I want to add that I thought that my left large toe was more injured due to my body realigning after another detox but I fear that the German man teleporting me is ordering this instead of having rotting meat and fungus substances inserted into my vagina while I sleep and he's teleporting and raping and/or abusing me in some nasty way in these horrid skits they all enact and force upon my sleeping/healing state. He has to break or destroy some part of my body, that has been the contractual obligation and all of these celebrities all fully get into playing these roles of torturing and mutilating abuser and rapist, usurper stealing of my thoughts ideas and concepts while giving nothing but more violence in return and blocking all my potentials. The attack upon my brain as I fight to think and write and type is yet another attack that has rendered me incapable of producing anything and finding any means of employment or earning money is impossible due to all the terrorist covert attacks and hacks and poisoning. This post is now very rambling I cannot construct cohesive sentences and my brain is under heavy fire from pulsating attacks or however it is being done. I am being very badly injured by this German man and he's really attacking me and threatening me in serious ways physically. I have done nothing but actually give this man absolute energy which he returns with badly injuring me and demanding that I go live with him and his friends in Germany where he will beat, rape and pass me around to be gang raped, probably eventually murdered or very seriously physically injured as well as sexuually and psychologically, emotionally destroyed as well as financially dependent and or just very badly and horribly destroyed. That brings me to the subject that I have not wanted to ever investigate because I never associated myself with victimization and now I must look the beast openly and examine the hate that it is:



What I can't understand but really intrinsically know is that Hillary Clinton is mentioned in this video as a feminist proponent and her words uttered in a speech in front of a Chinese crowd resonate in the hall of this lecture and yet when it came for her to get involved and teleport me with the Brooklyn mafia the result was that this rape and anti-Semitic crime (all of the famous celebrities including famous Jews openly participate in anti-Semitic crimes, the names are extremely famous and I have written all or most of them out throughout all the years of writing my posts in desperation for someone to really and truly intervene and protect me and it still has not happened). When H. Clinton got involved she offered me a home to live in somewhere in Connecticut and I was terrorized by any involvement and assumed that her husband might get involved as well. I was not impolite but she began violently yelling at me until I told her to calm down because she sounded like she was going to have an explosion that would erupt some blood vessel she was screaming at me so violently when I declined in the fear that she would also attack me or someone near her would. This was all done in a teleported and hypnotized state as I could not really react in a purely politically-correct manner and I never can in this state (or almost in any other state at this time as a decade of torture from people while I have not harmed anyone is really an injustice that is unbelievable to me at this point that it's never stopped and these people are so disgusting I have no respect for them and can't even be polite or think of them as anything but expletives unleashed). I can't understand but I do understand what H. Clinton was doing but I can't understand why she still has done nothing to stop this or defend me despite her years of being involved in the feminist movement. It is as if this is not a crime against me, and in real terms, that means the acceptance of genocidal Holocaust sex slavery and torture of women ("Jewish" although that is a loose term and I do not belong to that diaspora and I think because I do not conform to their imagery or want to accept inferior status and I do want to compete without groveling to bigot fascists or Nazis this endless decade of attack is going on and on with the full permission of people like H. Clinton because racism unfortunately is of more serious an embedded interior motivation than the need for equality or sexist oppression to be stopped.

I have not listened to this lecture but I already probably know all about it. I am now experiencing a German trying to recreate the fantasies he's been trained to pretend to care deeply about and the great pretense that these "people" are not racist or nazi in this modern era is daily being absolutely ripped away as the falsity that is always has been since the concentration camps were invaded by troops of Russians who then gang raped the Jewish women prisoners and/or killed them before or after the Americans came with the Red Cross to finally try to put them into shelter but now America has become a Neo-nazi genocidal country emulating the conditions of death camps and rape and sex trafficking slavery using all the means and modes I have briefly described above. Like the Holocaust, there are Jewish traitors who are really Jewish Nazis fully operating with the Nazis to imprison or help to rape and destroy other Jews, with most people doing nothing as the genocidal behavior is allowed to continue--which is also a component of what happened during the Holocaust. Now I remain seeing that all the conditions of the Genocidal aka The Holocaust/Shoah are being emulated almost precisely when it comes to this teleportation rape and torture, mutilation bodily disfigurement and attempted murder and sex trafficking of me in this situation and the SILENCE AND COMPLICITY that goes along with it which goes across all boards all organizations all groups all liberal organizations all people and all places of sanctuary which do not exist.

All I want is to be left alone by this hate group and for the chance to be around people who support and care for me instead of people abusing, insulting, raping and dismembering and stealing all I have ever worked for: how hard can it be for a modern society to begin to stop this crime against me? I can't understand how this is impossible to attain? I only can strive to realize a time when I can be free of the sickness that this organization has forced upon me and for the Nazis attacking me to be destroyed and for people to stop the Holocaust once and for all instead of allowing it to continue. The mentality I see now from this German rapist abuser hater racist is that he believes he is a Nazi and I am a prisoner in some replication of a concentration camp.

With complete support from the A-list group in H-wood which includes blacks, jews, Latinos and feminists and anti-racists. I think that is what happened during the Holocaust as well there were many Jews who sold other Jews out and helped to massacre them but the situation has morphed into a horrendous situation of betrayal.

* all of this has been written under strenuous mind control interference with cognitive abilities and hacking which is making the keyboard hard to write on and get sentences out on. I can feel that my brain is like "stuck" and can't flow with words or concepts and much of this is put in very simplistic terms because my brain is under so much attack as the keyboard is as well.
(later): the computer is so blocked that opening a single page requires waiting for a minimum of one minute. Every click on any site is met with a spinning cursor symbol as the page or browser is frozen and inoperable. I know that many of the sentences above were written in something of a neural-firing block by remote tech or the microchip implants. My thoughts are jumbled and it's as if spaces or gaps were inserted between what I was thinking and could barely type out with the hacking interference. The multi-pronged system of attack is always part of the silencing and discrediting campaign against me. Meanwhile the thieves in H-wood and their partners continue to scour my writing (I believe they still are doing this) to steal concepts or ideas and permutate them into their own modified concepts which fit more neatly into their subliminal fascist/Nazi/Mafia programming while they remain appearing superficially as liberal, alternative and "hipster" but are bastions of fascist conservativism beneath the posturing costumed and coated facades and performances.

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