Tuesday, July 13, 2021

MK ULTRA in the movies: Black Widow--not quite a review. Could this be a superhero version of the Snow White and the Evil Queen formula put into CGI female Nazi form of a-kicking mythological creation? The utter glamorization of mind control and glorification and sexualization and Nazification of mind control and the blonde Nazi women "rising up" in rebellion against their "programmers". The reality is so much worse, deadly and nearly impossible and these actors playing in these roles are 100% pushing the slave mind control agenda while pushing these fantastic lies in their bombastic violent movies glamorizing the mind control victims, who in reality are oppressed by all of society and have nowhere to turn and no magical superhero powers to rescue themselves in any way.



I don't feel like fighting with hackers to get something out today. 

Rachael Weitz (sp? I don't care to look up the spelling because this actress is revolting to me becuz)...she has been  a part of my targeting and exploitation, although in a more collateral way and form.

She is connected to Danny Moynihan, and from a video that was put on YouTube when Moynihan, the English tormentor who exploited me using this technology from circa August 2006 until 2012---and is still there somewhere. Within two weeks of him latching and globbing onto attacking me, he began production of his book adapted into a film. His book, in my estimation of having read it and having seen the adapted film Boogie Woogie, is an extremely misogynist, racist and anti-American anti-Semitic film of the genocidal variety. The book is an essential blueprint for operatives taking over control over American art and it's "scene" which is almost yearly being consumed by British and foreign actors taking over "American roles".

Note that Black Widow is a film starring mostly English/British actors/actresses portraying Americans. The trend this followed last year for topping "winning" positions in Academy Awards was very highly packed with English actors playing Americans.

Rachael Weitz recommended to her good friend Danny Moynihan that he change the setting of the film from America, which is fully lambasted and denigrated continuously throughout the book, into the London setting which the film depicted. The "evil" characters were Americans living in London, as the depiction went, which is what Weitz recommended to Moynihan--that was the title of one video as I did some scant "research" to understand this dynamic after finally understanding how much Moynihan had both stolen ideas from me to sell of as his own which were then later turned into movies that white bigots from Europ-a-land turned into Nazi-themed movies purporting that they were exposing a rise in Nazism--always, of course, actually enhancing the concept of overtake and Nazism through very subtle manipulations of psychological warfare embedded into subliminal and symbolic content.


Weitz also took an idea I had written of and starred in a movie carrying this theme. I had posted on Facebook a series of posts regarding a certain woman who had been the head librarian at the great Library of antiquity in Alexandria, Greece. The men of that ancient regime, incensed that a woman was in any position of power in such a vital mind control programming field such as reading and intellectual stimulation, and that any woman held that much power, literally stormed the library and ripped this woman to shreds exactly like a stoning or a witch burning ceremony.

About a year later, this theme was used by Weitz as she portrayed herself as being this most solid philosopher and icon of woman's intellect and power. 

Now she is starring in a movie concerning mind control. All the years I have written of my experiences of having my brain seminally detached from conscious decision-making by the implants and the technologies and drugging have certainly assisted this group, whether this kind of soggy intellect of a woman assisted in providing info on my writings or from other accounts or the scriptwriters just did some research I will never know--as they all feign they have no idea who I am and would never admit to any single moment of their crimes.

As for Johanneson--(sp? don't care to look up the spelling I just don't care about these people or their movies)

I know that both Weitz and Johanneson (the stars of the movie, or playing lead roles) are both "half Jewish". As programmed slaves of the 4th Reich, turned into half victim half perpetrator, the usual trend is that the half-part always yearns to identify with the perpetrator aggressor and so they have fully adapted Nazi identification and are wholly devoted to being fully embraced as absolute devotees of the cult of Nazi genocidal and mind control politics and policy. 

My years of having celebrities post their videos on my social media as some kind of triggering device so that if I download or watch a clip or make a comment they are sure to latch onto the huge group of endlessly increasing abusers, users and attackers and these two have made no exception to that, I believe--as for Weitz, I just mentioned one of her exploits, as for Johannason, her videos had been put on my social media such as YouTube nearly continuously for a few years. I never once clicked on any single thing because I truly abhor these superNazi superhero Marvel movies that she has played a prototype Nazi experiment in for all these years--and this movie now delves a bit into the programming and the pain and the emotional crushing that goes along with the MK ULTRA and mind control "behavior modification" that turns people into whatever the abusers want to exploit out of them while being willing to kill the abused mind control subject if they transgress the boxes and limitations or want to have some kind of human expression in their lives.

I assume that this movie is a glorification of a female predator who assumes Nazi poses of masculinized aggression, Nazi poses of superiority, the Nazi element of having no mercy ("Kein Mitlied" is the term I heard while living in Germany from the Neo-Nazis who wanted to force a baby upon me, even back then, yes the situation has not changed in all these years). I heard a lot about Nazi mentality and was lied to about motivations even more than I heard and learned about Nazi methodology in my relatively brief stint in a Nazi village in the Schwabish Alps of Germany.


Having only seen a small snippet of the so-called "plot" which is just the old formula of the "underdog" victimized person wanting freedom and fighting for justice against an overwhelming adversary. I noticed in the brief clip above that the mind control victim had gotten to the point that the "masters" the Nazis masters wanted to eliminate their rogue mind controlled (microchipped?) programmed slave who maybe had disobeyed or did something "to deserve" it (sarcastically speaking but that is the Nazi catch-phrase that the slaves always use when they demean the target who claims they have been treated unjustly. "You did something to deserve it" and that is what the slaves have been trained to repeat as the kinda stupid puppets that they really are--).


In the above video, there is also the Iron Man--what's his name, I swear at this moment I do not want to look their names up so I have blocked his name because he is a perpetrator involved in this targeting and torture of me. What's his name? He played Iron Man, this white male who has a kind of cameo in this video because this same "black widow" character was his secretary in a preceding Marvel movie of that franchise where these characters supposedly "develop" as they "grow" in awareness instead of being programmed bots killing and causing CGI havoc in major cities around the world--or whatever--it's all so silly and meaningless to me, these movies.

HOWEVER the point is that MK ULTRA and mind control is being glamorized and glorified and that a woman can rise up out of being manipulated and there are no major strings pulling her down into her "place" is a complete sinister lie put out by this movie franchise. 


Just now hackers highlighted my entire post and deleted the entire writing. I retrieved it just barely--.

I could go into more detail but first I have not seen the movie just this review above, which details a bit of the timeline of this character "heroically" rising out of the formula of enslaved mind control superhero Nazi superman (woman in this case). 

The reality is millions of gang stalkes, governments fully supporting all torture and violence against the subject who is monitored under surveillance every single moment and for every thought. There is no support system and anyone being ordered to assassinate such a subject would not hesitate to go through with it, as the clip from the movie Black Widow suggests. I suggest that theme follows the Snow White fairy tale fantasy of the poor downtrodden victim having an ally with the man ordered by the evil Queen to kill the poor and innocent but more beautiful and powerful woman who then becomes and turns into the most deadly adversary due to the dwarves, the little people, helping her out. I suspect this is the kind of tract the movie will follow but I would have to see the movie to know if my guess is at least partly correct. It really doesn't matter as I saw this slight hint at that formula in this little clip and look into the character devices that permeate these Marvel movies centering around each one of these ridiculous movie monster laboratory mistakes or accidents or creations that are programmed to assassinate but have no remorse of feelings.


Robert Downey Jr., (sp? is that ending in ney or just y? Who cares!) I'm not going to look it up. After having gotten up from the laptop and walking away and running water over my hands to do something--the name popped up unexpectedly because I was not trying to retrieve that memory which was completely blocked as I sought to recall that name that comes up easily when the brain-altering technology is not blasting into my brain as it is being done while I write--every single time I write that is. The words, the ability to count small sums, everything comes back when I am not under the beam of some electronic attack into my brain.

I also noticed while driving along a desolate curve of a road alongside the Beach (in Nai Harn) at night, that in this secluded and very densely-packed tree-lined road next to that huge body of water (on the Andaman Coast) I could drink and not choke while drinking. The terrorists constrict my throat using the microchip implant so anything larger than a tiny sip means I can't drink it without some attack being used against my throat. 


These types of implants are being used as "behavior modification" and "punishment" and also as limitations to the ability to compete against the Nazi teams and millions of the teaming terrorists who want to claim birthright to "natural" supremacy just because they are "supposed" to be this and I am not (or you are not, if you are not "one of them" and regardless as to what you may believe, many of you really are designated to be eliminated even if you think you are being embraced).

The movie is such a distorted glamorized Nazi version of a Nazi actor playing a role about rising up against a seeming impossible foe. It is all lies. The problem lays with NO ONE helping the target and the targets truly have zero to no defense or protection. The little organizations I have discovered who purport to help victims of stalking and mind control are agents themselves who perpetrate terror at the slightest vulnerability they discern after analyzing the target seeking help to find the most convenient time to destroy them while going to the funeral afterwards crying about what a poor and wonderful person this was (or not, they probably do nothing after they help to murder the target seeking help). 

The movie is a complete distortion of the real situation that Downey and Weitz and Johanneson and the scriptwriters and the H-wood establishment are fully engrossed in perpetuating: MK ULTRA mind control torture, rape, victimization, attempted murder, house pets aka sex slaves, etc etc and this movie both glamorizes and distorts the extreme evil that these very actors gladly partake in so they can have a huge multi-billion or million dollar franchise to endlessly capitalize off.


Robert Downey, Jr., has been one of the expletives who has put many a video with the caption, "how to not sound like a jerk" on my You Tube recommended page. As I wrote above, he of course is a member and component of this Marvel superman Nazi formulaic theme franchise and has observed my writings for many years and has participated in his collateral way, although I do not know how much or how much of the violence he has personally overseen for his promotion. He obviously has been reading my posts, or so I believe but know intrinsically--the concept of mind control integrated into this current huge blockbuster has been centered upon the mind control experimental theme.

His movies and videos permeated my every social media search and front page for a few years, and that has dwindled but he still puts out that I should not sound like a "jerk" because they want me to be a smiling accepting sex slave and intellectual property slave for the haters to steal ideas from without me protesting or at least not sounding like a "jerk" which in their terms means not being a "bitch" who complains (the Jewish stereotype of the Jewish women "complaining" could also be invoked but when a German pig ape does it, as they do very frequently, that is supposed to imply superior strength and entitlement.)

 These endless videos put on my social media page by celebrities whose movies are always highlighted on my pages (while others are not--the repetitive patterns of their endless videos is the clue as to the hacking/trigger and mind control aspect, as "delusional" as this is supposed to make me sound and as "crazy" as they want to try to portray me as--while it's really they who are nuts and crazy as hell but that is their collective normal so they glorify in their behaviors). 

I wrote a few days ago referring to this trend of vile people participating in this MK UTRA attack upon me, who are capitalizing on the theme of MK ULTRA and mind control technologies. Their angle is of creating a Nazi superhuman man in the realm of what Friedrich Nietzsche wrote of in Thus Spake Zarathustra--one of Hitler's and the Nazi's famous references to their so-called supremacy (I just call it pig ape whoreness on steroids being fully allowed by all major nations around the world for the 4th Reich, which these powers and poseurs are now fully embracing and financing). Movies are just one of the most deliberate forms of brainwashing to create a fantasy projection of how liberating these technologies can be (but are truly NOT and are a form of murder, oppression, censorship, death hate abuse and the rising of mediocrity that abounds as a result of eliminating any outlier intellects or people who oppose this conformity system of death and hate but for those in the inner circles they believe it is "love" that binds them--love for their collective power and unity in destroying everything and everyone else as they steal and rob and rape and torture and murder).


Other aspects of this movie Black Widow that veil the horrors of the reality of microchipping and mind control experimentation is the punitive aspect of implants and what they are designed in part for. The Black Widow character played by Johannson is supposed to be an assassination experiment in mind control programming. Knowing what I do know to be true, the implants in any situation like this would include implants to quell any dissent, monitor every thought, and punish for any misbehavior. My personal experience, from implants that were incorporated into my body decades ago---meaning the technological advance must be on a much higher and more damaging aspect considering that this movie is supposed to take place in some future context of development of AI and implants and behavior modification and mind control. This female in this film could never get past a doorway or get into a fight without some kind of deterrent from the implants. I experience heart palpitations and excruciating near-death attacks from the technology. I know the sensation as compared with normal heart beat activity. The target could be killed almost instantaneously just using a heart attack microwave mode. Other attacks include any time I begin to laugh deeply the terrorists use the eye-tearing form of manipulation of my tear ducts and nasal and throat. Tears pour down if I so much as begin to laugh, and it's pouring tears if I laugh heartily. This is not my natural state this is induced by the microchips. That is just the "punishment" for being happy or feeling joyous or for laughing, as they want me miserable every moment, thinking exclusively about the abuse, with no love support fun people to talk to nowhere to go paralysis and violence and hate surrounding me at every single moment. The character in the film is programmed through this kind of torture trauma-based system (as I see from the movie review above and there are clips of this "red room" programming and torture included--I am not "making this up"). Another distortion is that there does not need to be a "red room" to program someone. It is now being done in the middle of society with the full consent of everyone involved. Teachers, police, businesses, rental agencies, companies the target can basically get near minimum wage jobs from and if an attempt it made to economically get independent or every wealthy than a series of accidents and druggings and poisonings are the deterrent this organization employs that is absolutely covered up to appear as if the target is just lazy, not competent, or created the accident. If one single alcoholic drink is imbibed, it will be drugged heavily so the person appears as a drunkard. If they are in an accident as a result, the victim will be blamed (as usual). If drugs are found in their system because the organization put the drugs there. 

For any target to go on a major rampage of destruction "fighting" against a foe like this is made impossible in the realities of the huge numbers of terrorist gang stalkers who immediately obey all commands they are given to attack or kill, rape or rob and drug and poison and use the tech to stop them via the implants so there cannot be any fight, there is no chance of protection there are no friendly mutants or rogue elements waiting to join a small cadre of modified mutants who can smash through any line of attack. The movies however subliminally project that anyone can be as strong as they want if only they have the will power to defy all odds. There is no indication of the realities of these technologies or the very mundane way that programming actually is being done--in the "comfort" of one's home, and through these movies which are certainly an aid to the distortion that you have power you can do it if you try just fight and mind control technology can actually enhance you to the state that you are a caring and controlled superhero, even if you have been programmed and modified. These actors who play these roles know expressly that any scenario like this is an absolute lie. In effect the opposite is the reality: the perpetrators the evil ones the liars the Nazis and the fascist are the ones wearing modified electronic gear they will smash through and pound down anyone they don't like and with the technologies there is no fighting back--at least not yet--because it is society that needs to be fought against it is society that is helping this system to be fully incorporated it is society which has been fully indoctrinated and programmed into superman Nazi oppression and they all want to be the oppressors. Movies such as this give them the okay to fantasize about how they can one day kick a$$ and be Nazi superheros fighting corruption but of course in reality it's millions of the viewers who support this mind control murder conglomeration. It is these viewers who buy the tickets and cheer the movies on without any critical review. There are no reviews I have seen the remotely delve into the topics I have written of because the subject is taboo and censored. If there are any after I write this and publish this post, it is a fair chance that perhaps the author of such a review is stealing my ideas or has access to them from this huge network of citizens who fully support women being raped, beaten, tortured, and murdered and programmed, microchip implanted and abused. That goes for men too but this movie is about the seeming empowerment of (Nazi, blonde) women.



Somehow this "magically" appeared on my YouTube recommended page (I have indeedy subscribed to this channel though): it has a reference to Snow White and combines that with "smart" technology designed to build up the "Iron Man" "Superhero" Nazi theme in your very ego-deprived need to appear just like those pumped up movie stars you watch in these Marvel movies! You must get through the video to hear the reference but it gets darker and darker as the 8-minute commentary progresses and becomes more insightful into society itself. It is absolutely connected to the theme I have written above regarding this movie review from the trailer. I watched this AFTER I wrote the post above.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...