Saturday, July 10, 2021

Update on the current terrorist teleporting rapist racist abuser (simulating domestic violence as they all do). Same as it ever was.

 His name doesn't matter any longer (but for reference, I've been writing about this person for the last 6 weeks. Or, since the Blood Moon in May, this has been a total terror attack against me by this man who is now fully welcomed into H-wood as one of the familiar racists who follows all protocols and then some..with an added dash of hate that some of the less brutal and sleazy men of the A-list group are probably even too above in morals or ethics to sink to. Now fully welcomed especially by the blonde Nazi women whom I have called whores in my rage as they giggle, laugh and watch on insulting and threatening me yelling in fascist fashion (so many of them have made movies "exposing" racism).

He follows the same old protocol of teleporting me to ask me why I don't like him and why I don't like this rape and violence situation. I can never know at this point if the fungus and rotting meat substance is still being inserted into my vagina while I am comatose and asleep in the "MK ULTRA" state of incomprehensibility and all the survival mechanisms that organic beings have, which is to wake up when under attack if possible--I have no chance to do this some microchip implant has literally been inserted that blocks out all awareness while I am in that state. The stink remains and it was never there all my life until this man who is predisposed towards vicious and deadly racism to begin inserting fungus and rotting meat substances into my vagina while I can't move, as he is raping me with violence and hate, then insulting me afterwards. 

He's been out partying and being celebrated by his fellow fascists in his country which he insists I must go and live in with him where I will have "no chance to get away" as he puts it. 

He continues the same out routine of this technology opening up my brain into a simulation of "truth serum" interrogation openness where I pour out every idea, answer every question, expose every bit of rage and indignation out of the rape, abuse and violence just inflicted nightly under this sleeping state which provides such a jumping board for these celebrities to get welcomed into tours, lead roles and promises of studios, production crews, and all funding provided and of course awards for their movies if they can phenagle the manipulative trick of rigging the awards system.


He's completely undergone a kind of relaxation and refreshment transformation in the last 6 weeks. The worry lines are gone, he is fresh, glowing and videos show him being highlighted in a brand new tour with screaming women and parties and all surrounding him literally almost celebrity worshipping him. He is planning on a huge Hollywood tour-de-force and expects that the current negotiations will continue, but somehow globbing onto abusing me is not only a deep satisfaction for him on a sexual and personal level but the endless parties are evident on his smug and glowing extremely happy face. All I do is scream at top level in absolutely murderous rage, repeating endlessly without stop what a disgusting, rotten pig whore he is, wishing him death endlessly, as he keeps asking me what he did that I am reacting like this, as the violence mounts in the terror operations that I very briefly described in my very last post.  He is profiting off these attacks as well, and the viciously stupid, violent and ugly Europ-a's are encircling me to fully support their Nazi "brother" in his infiltration of the United States, as the usual suspects who allow every fascist Nazi into the inner circles of that entertainment influencer circle welcome him in with cheers and applause--in particular the women who have helped and assisted in torturing me and laughing as the men beat, rape and torture me and the terrorist concentric circles of slow murder go on and on as I write and write and they read it and laugh and are told they are entitled to doing whatever they want. The longer this goes on, the more violent and "entitled" these terrorists are told that they are, the more money flows towards them, and the only thing that remains as a constant is that still no one defends me so I am living in some kind of decent place of security and no one intervenes and no one exposes this crime and no one stops them. 

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