Thursday, July 15, 2021

My clothing hung on the rack next to the kitchen table to stop the fungus from growing in closets that are constantly sprayed with fungus inside all closed spaces. All clothing is saturated with fungus and mold. The clothing I have handing in the studio taking up space is black with flecks of fungus that have hardened. The terrorist filth got into a plastic bag I buried under many items, underneath a huge plastic tarp, under other bags, stuffed and covered with tarp behind a recliner--the parasites opened the bag which was tied shut and all is stinking with filth. I need to go outside and must spray bleach and fabric softener on the items just to not stink from feet away with stinking foul odors that pig whores sprayed on my clothing.

 The disgusting and filthy pigs who ordered this are the celebrity pig apes I have been writing of for years. I don't know if the German rapist who is violent, abusive and manipulative and using this tech is ordering this or not. He is digging into my body and trying to suck out my life and love force and abusing me after he forces himself on me as I fight to stop this and stop him every single day. His town has flooded and he still had time to abuse me last night with the pair of black anti-Semites who represent a host of black anti-Semites in the entertainment industry who partner with most racist Mafia and Nazis but claim they are fighting against racism.

Will someone get this German man off me and stop him from raping me? 

Will anyone ever force this group of mafia nazis who have assaulted me to pay for reparations so I can live in a decent home and have clean clothing instead of EVERYTHING stinking of rotting meat and stinking fungus as I fight to protect my body from mutilation as my entire body is covered with slashes and scars and broken bodies and poison that has hardened into my spine and bones and is stuffed into my intestines and hanging off my body like sagging flesh and cottage cheese cellulute but it's black poison and it is black under the skin--hanging and stuck and corroding my body as they abuse me night after night and day after day so my immune system is continuously o9ver-exerted with fighting as they also use a 'truth serum" effect and I answer all questions get into verbal discussions while they all remain silent after abusing me to the point that I am screaming. These filthy ape whores then get promotions without end for this.


 I am literally telling this German man I don't want him as he forces this technology on me night after night and gets off on his porno pimp fantasies of abuse and violence upon me. He is out partying night after night--except for the last day when  his city has been flooded and as I said he found time to get more deals out of attacking me so the black celebrities can abuse me alongside the bigots and he's so fully agreeable and even more violent than all of them have been--or nearly--he's only been at it for 7 weeks or since end of May and he's so nasty I never want to see him again. Can someone get him off me? I have tried for 7 weeks not and endlessly screamed no and then succumbed to this awful pimp/whore technology that blasts the body with sensations and bombards the brain with subliminal messages and it is impossible to resist. He is a very nasty personality I am njot interested in him or his culture or family or friends and he's trying to force me into obtaining a deal for him that he really does not deserve and none of these creeple teleporting me does either. 

Will anjyone ever intervene in this? I do not mean another famous or infamous or non-famous person attacking me to obtain their own version of the deal but for pure justice and humanitarian reasons to actually not allow this to continue any longer? 

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Social Insecurity

""They" refers to the terror operation operatives, which range from "you" reading this to "they" who are ...