Saturday, July 10, 2021

The pandemic lockdown has been lifted over the tourism industry in Phuket. The "Army of losers" is returning with a vengeance from the year+ of having to abuse their wives, children and anything else within grasp during the lockdown in their miserable countries taken over by terrorist organizations and politics (covertly, of course--on the surface always claiming to be "Democratic" and gasping in shock at the atrocities they actually work to create around the planet so they can go on vacation and....)

 ...attacking me viciously by teams of what I read on a stalking victim website most accurately described as "An Army of Losers" and from the appearances of the more bedreggled bedraggeled types here in Phuket with teams of minions surrounding them--and me of course pushing into me blocking my path putting their hands on me and pushing me aside as they block all entrances and exits in a pharmacy).

I was attacked in what could be described as an assault in legal terms at a pharmacy as a team of the losers stood in front of me and from behind pushing and grabbing me and pushing me past them and blocking all entrances and exists. There was a Thai woman who has been following me around in the "Supercheap" stores where there are pharmacies for at least 5 years--she was there assisting with full hate the bedraggled white Europ-a males who were of the frumpy level of the insidious hierarchy. Of the lower-to-middle tiers of the strata I mean. They are the most openly violent types as they have much to fight for in order to claim supremacy when the middle ground of the struggle to succeed in places like America is fraught with "minorities" who have gained---somehow--access to education and opportunities that are otherwise completely blocked in places like Thailand unless you are a 100% devotee of the 4th Reich and it's discriminatory practices and obsequious deferential deferment in all things to bigot white Nazis of the Euro-p-a's. 

The situation is worse than I have attempted to describe above, that is if you have any sense of the struggle against racism. For the Europ-a's and their North American counterparts this is one of the most coveted Paradises on the planet and the racist factor is so perfectly administered as to meet with no resistance on any level within the entire SE Asian region (except for a few Muslims in the South of Thailand, but that is not a fight against Imperialism from the Europ-a's or Westerners but it's an internal fight--as far as I have heard, most of the information on that subject is in the Thai language and almost never, or never, mentioned in any major US news source but I think the problem that has existed for years has not gone away it's just been silenced, like so much that is omitted from public consumption (like the terrorist operatives attacking me with sponsorship from my government and every government around the world--left silenced of course).


The training in fascism is done with or without white Euro-p-a's or Americans or whites from any country without them having to be at the location in person. The voice-to-skull technologies can convey instructions through the cochlear inner ear "platform" (if you will).

I grabbed a pen to jot something down when I was at the computer shop yesterday because my Visa Card had been blocked. This woman who has been at that shop (next to the one and only bank in Phuket which will perform a function so I can use my debit card at a bank teller instead of spending $40 to withdraw from ATM machines--it's a long story but the fees are that high when taking into account two countries and ATM fees and the limit my bank has put on my withdrawal capability, which I am trying to fix). All banks honor this system but the extent of the Thai complicity to Imperialistic control means that there are no businesses, no rental agencies, no doctors, no food supply places no restaurants and certainly no people who will not perform terrorist attacks upon me (all smiling and overjoyed to be victimizing someone else instead of being victimized--I can't explain how the "Land of Smiles" turns into the "land of sadistic smiles" within less than a fraction of a minute whenever that opportunity arises.

I grabbed a pen as this woman who has talked to me with negative hostility and laughed as I was surrounded by white Nazis who invaded that shop because my laptop had been broken--and broken, and broken so I had to go and get attacked in that shop by her for a few years. I have always been polite until yesterday because the last 6 weeks of being violently raped by someone who used excessive mind control technology force upon me in order to obtain such a reaction out of me to the point that it was absolutely inhumane (his goal, and writing about it probably gets him a promotion)

I was not in any mood to control my rage I really just lost it as she began yelling at me like a Europ-a fascist in exactly that manner. I know that she was following orders and she kept on yelling because I grabbed a pen from a pen holder behind the cashier. As I have been in that shop numerous times throughout years I didn't think she would get into a violent yelling spree when I grabbed a pen. I was listening to very loud music and in my little world of concern over my money situation and of course the mind-altering brain-altering technology is being blasted into my brain every moment I was in that shop (as it is whenever I write, as in right now--I always "remember" names and words I could not access while writing) and---I was bemused as she kept yelling and yelling in the middle of the shop. I finally, after telling her I could not hear her, I took one of the ear phones out of my ear and heard her yelling like an absolutle fascist that I must ask her for a pen and not just take a pen but she went on and on in such an ugly fascist way. My brain and nervous system where then under more attack as I began to mount in rage and in the end I was calling and yelling names at her as her moronic male Thai partner smiled and they overcharged me by about 4 times for two photocopies and two printed pages after using the computer for 15 minutes--(hacking going on continuously so I could not write without having to backspace and rewrite continuously--as I am doing now as hackers are inserting spaces in the middle of words or blocking the space bar--either or).

In a shouting state I gave her the finger and then drove off to the post office where an older Thai man who I have dealt with for years (is now a manager and previously was sitting in the front as a customer service for the mail). He would stare at me picking his nose openly like a disgusting pig ape, instructed by disgusting Europigape scum to act like this (as I have stated innumerous times, this is the filthy behavior that the mean and nasty minions perform upon orders while the fake "classy" Europigapes watch on giving these fithy and low and disgusting orders that their desperate, undereducated and really nasty minions all perform at me.

In another shop, a blonde Nazi women dressed in a modern version of a corporate sadist with European square heels--(very Nazi style from the 40's) was literally consumed with power and glee as teams of Thai people blocked my path as I was shopping, all of them swiping their hair and noses as she completely sucked up the energy from this power game which the minions hand over to them like complete slaves. 


I thought I would not write about this, but I try to give an extent of the sickening behaviors of these creeple, which most of you reading this either support and backup or rely upon for your own power structures. However, when I see the worsening crises around the world of the poorest being shot and killed in the streets for protesting corrupt governments in "developing countries" (yes, a direct reference to Haiti) with the lighter-skinned creeple in the hills breaking the spirits of the blacker-skinned people who are being deprived of all that is kind and supportive that society could bestow for the general welfare of a society

and I see in Africa that activists are being shot and killed by police without warrant, killed as they are walking around after fighting corruption

I can only think of the degradation of all forms of Democracy and any kind of humanitarian plan for humanity all being socially-engineered into absolute despotic death squads with squalor as the main "normal" living condition meted out the most of the people of the planet with those at the "top" being told they are absolutely entitled to do whatever they want

with the surveillance and stalking capabilities, with the technology such as vicious rape and the poisoning and drugging circuits that destroy people the fascist organization doesn't like, perhaps because they are considered a targeted "minority" and should not have access to an iota of a chance to compete against the otherwise mostly mediocre white Nazi bigot population (as I see them, and when I have competed I have won and thus condemned to horrible slow death, endless torture, dismemberment, disfigurement, and murder attempts now that are far too many to count).

And I think of the general future of humanity and society

and so I relate my microcosm to you to read and think "It can't happen to me" but I want to relate the general picture as people in countries that are mostly "black" or "brown" have 4th Reich installed "puppet" regimes where murdering any dissident through state-sponsored terror is now officially sanctioned.

Watch how the US sides and the UN sides with the fascist former government of Haiti and derides the coup---when the former president had overturned an election just as Trump had attempted and refused to allow the rightfully elected new president to take office in a military coup. 

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