Saturday, July 10, 2021

The "Karen" in "them" developed a complex of an inverse "Karen" in me. Sustained Karen attacks for years by Karen males. Yesterday, I must admit, the weeks of being assaulted by a most "entitled" Karen has created a monster Karen reaction in me to terrorist stalking Karens.



When you are a target of "gang stalking" terrorism, let me tell are intentionally surrounded by would-be Karens, open-faced Karens, subversive Karens, pretentiously "liberal" Karens and deadly and violent Karens who in the wilderness of the lack of law in such stalking systems become outright Karens on steroids which is equivalent to death squad operatives.


I was "treated" to a Karens in the Wild video on my You Tube recommended channel. I realized that the weeks of violence (and indeed the YEARS of it going on and on night and day with Karens infecting me with their repressed rage, hate and racist tendencies--oh it doesn't matter what race, color or gender they hail from they have all been programmed they are all fully trained Karens, indoctrinated and assured that there is no other reality other than their Karen entitlement. How the terrorist network enhances this murderous assumption in the terrorists operating these "mind control" and teleportation rape and torture technologies. The ones who have backgrounds in fascist ideology, have been indoctrinated at home by their seemingly liberal parents (but what is discussed at the dinner table or around the fire is altogether different from the appearances in public, and this is a shared phenomenon with their neighbors who also hold the same values and have learned the same posturing pretences.

However, I have not been predisposed into Karen ideology and I discovered yesterday that in RESPONSE TO KAREN ATTACKS I behaved, under extreme duress, just like a Karen but I didn't have to go call for the manager because it was the managers I was dealing with who dealt out the racism, injustice and everything else that Karens represent. I tried to calm down, and it took me a while to do so after I went to the higher class establishment where this kind of sleazy, low-brow ugly and violent stalking behavior is frowned upon as the image of being "high class" has to remain--but still open to the public and not barring people if they don't look right--but there is still a standard and in this environment I began to peel off the layers of sludge that had spiritually melded into my corporeal being from the weeks of being slimed by a Karen who performed the nastiest hate rape Karen behavior of all the haters I have ever dealt with in my entire life, using technology that literally blew me away in a miasma of sexual desire while I was being tortured and abused and insulted and threatened and etc. 

I fear that the rise of the planet of the Karens, as I wrote earlier of the death squads and tyrannical government that the Karen death squads of America and Europ-a-land are just waiting to bring out of the closet with the full regalia of ornamental Nazi iconography and fashion. 

Now watching the Karen video which is supposed to be funny, I thought of how I had begun to act like a screaming "Karen" but in reverse of the impetus for such behavior--reacting to the racist Karens who are trained from childhood that their racism makes them entitled to doing and saying whatever they want and in gang stalking terrorism they can now be allowed to DO whatever they want with evidence fully blocked so they are never implicated.

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